I R O T M S: Nitial Eport N

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Author: Md. Nahid Ahmed

ID No: 000650686
Supervisor : Emtiaz Raihanul Hqu

Table Of Contents

1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................ 3

1.2 Academic Challenges of the project .............................................................................................. 4

2 INITIAL STUDY ................................................................................................................................. 7

2.1 Project Vision ................................................................................................................................ 7

2.2 Executive Sponsorship .................................................................................................................. 7

2.3 Project Scope Targets .................................................................................................................... 7

2.3.1 Mandatory Targets .................................................................................................................. 8

2.3.2 Desirable Targets .................................................................................................................... 8

2.4 Risk Management ......................................................................................................................... 9

2.4.1 Risk Identification ................................................................................................................... 9

2.5 Software Development Plan ......................................................................................................... 9

2.5.1 Information Gathering Strategies ........................................................................................... 10

2.5.2 Strategy in Software design and development ........................................................................ 11

Reference .......................................................................................................................................... 12


In Bangladesh, most of the Training Institutes, Schools, Colleges, Universities and several vocational
institutes don’t maintain any computerized system for their official work. They generate their class
schedule, publishing results, notice, gathering student information, lecturers information and others
essential works manually. And their Students do not get their required information in one place, so in
this cases student need to meet different person to get their essential information, these are the main
problems of the manual system. But in proposed system the authority of the institutes can works
dynamically that’s mean using computerized system. And student will also get their essential materials
in a centralized system and they do not need to meet several people to get their information (Class
schedule, Exam schedule, Important Notice, etc.).

1.1 Problem Identified

It was very difficult in existing manual system to prepare instantly admission, calculating

payment sheet, updating randomly & printing money receipt. Counselor has to keep track in a

work book each day. When a student pays their admission fees or installment fees, it is

calculated manually that is very time consuming and error prone.

Though institute is providing best to the student data redundancy, huge amount of paper consumption,
communication problem, and great amount of time is being wasted in performing all the processes and
for searching information and also huge effort is given in performing the departmental operations are
seen to be very common problems in the current system. The reason for this situation is current system
operation processes are not strong enough to handle the huge amount of demands. Over the last
several years South Asia ICT Software (BD) Ltd. has perform manual management of its staff but is
becoming more difficult as its management sometimes need previous report that is in need for
evaluation/student function. At present the organization is facing various types of staff/student related
problem that is difficult to maintain with existing manual system. Some problems of the existing system
are given below.

1. It is very difficult to maintain huge amount of data
2. Management do not get proper report as required
3. It takes time to keep paper based work
4. Managing paper based leave management is very difficult.
5. For Human resources function proper report is difficult to get from the current manual system.
6. It is very difficult and time consuming to calculate dues.
7. It is very difficult to show the exact position of student.

Solution to Problems and Benefits

To achieve institute goals management has decided to computerize the system which is done
manually. So that the proposed system will help them to manage student query, customer
registration, student dues, teachers information, result and for other administrative activities of the
institute. Moreover the automated system will enhance the institute current processing and will
give many advantages like cost saving, time saving & student satisfaction.

1.2 Academic Challenges of the project

Everything moves towards the same point that is Information Technology (IT). Most of The foreign
institute has already established this type of System. But this service is not available in Bangladesh. This
project will help the management of the student admission and payment status in decision making
process, getting different types of reports, teacher recruitment etc.


 When the institute was running on a manual system they always fall in system losses

which caused extra labor and stationary cost. If it launches a computerized system

than it will help them to reduce the unnecessary expenditure to the minimum.

 The institute will be looking for modern technology to give their student and teacher a

better service such as accurate payment, computerized reports etc.


 Institute software will be helpful for the organization administration to get the student

accurate information at any given time.

 Computerized system will help the management to reduce the human resource by avoiding

duplicate work.

 Also the system will be helpful for do staff to view student payment and other information.


 Stores complete student data
 Information at the press of a mouse-click
 Information availability across batches.
 Safe storage of data
 Portable database
 Easy retrieval of history information

Chapter : 2


2.1 Project Vision

South Asian ICT (BD) Ltd. is an educational institute and Training Management System (TMS) is for this
institute which will serve its students. The mission of TMS is to improve the efficiency of the institute to
serve the students. TMS will help South Asian ICT (BD) Ltd. in creating enlightened individuals who can
compete confidently in all sectors. South Asian ICT (BD) Ltd. is continually developing and offering new
and improved services to serve students better.

2.2 Executive Sponsorship

Training Management System (TMS) is a project sponsored by South Asian ICT (BD) Ltd. to improve
student services as well as community as desired.

2.3 Project Scope Targets

This project will be mainly concerns with the computerization of manual training management system
mostly found in Bangladesh in a vast number of institutes. The major priority of the system would be to
serve the student the accurate and essential information in a quick and distinct way.

Another important priority of the system will be to ease the communication and interaction between
the institute and the students, faculty members, management bodies, guardians, prospective students.
The project will also give attention to minimize the mistake of manual system. And will try to ease the
work of records maintenances, which is related to the education management.

2.3.1 Mandatory Targets

 Student will get their essential materials in a centralized system and they do not need to
meet several people to get their information (Important Notice).
 Students will gather information in a centralized way (don’t need physical presence in
several departments of their institute), which will save time.
 Students will get their information in due time overcoming the complexity of the manual
system (e.g. Management will be able to serve the required information to every student
individually to a vast number of students within a short declaration).
 Important notices will be provided with no delay (which may become very important for a
student) for the students.
 TMS will provide security for its database to prevent unauthorized access of introducers
through access privilege.
 Guardian of a student will be in touch with the institute to know the schedule or progress of
a student.
 It will be easier for a prospective student to get a clear picture about the institute, offered
courses, admission requirements etc.
 TMS will provide ease of works for Lecturers to get course related information in which their
schedule is related.
 The system will provide the Lecturers get to get detailed progress of their students.
 There will be no need for Management to keep several manual registers to keep all the
records of their students and relevant progress of the records.
 Management will get a clear picture of the progress of education in their institute.

2.3.2 Desirable Targets

 It is desired that the system may give message automatically to accountant if any kind
of payment due is there for a student.
 It is also desirable that a student or a guardian may see the student’s status
(educational progress) in online from outside of the institute.

2.4 Risk Management
2.4.1 Risk Identification

Based on my research, observing and interviewing of many Training Management System, following
risks is identified in a TMS: Risk of Waste of Storage

Data redundancy may cause by appearing same data fields in many different files and many format as
well, which waste storage space and maintenance cost may increase. Data Integrity Risk

Information is the vital part of any system. Any loss of information may have serious implication. It is
essential that information stored in the system is accurate, reliable and timely. Security Risk

Security breach may occur when unauthorized person tap into the system and use the system as a
registered member. Also, server needs to be secure from virus and system crash down. Physical Risk

Some naughty personalities can destroy the information from a notice board. Financial Risk

If the system is not properly designed, it may not work efficiently. Also, there is a risk of bugs, which may
cause financial burden in maintenance.

2.5 Software Development Plan

During the project there are various methodologies and information gathering plan need to be
developed. Those are stated below:

2.5.1 Information Gathering Strategies Internet

I am developing a Training Management System. Internet is a rich source to acquire information about
it. The main objective of my search to find out about TMS and try to find out about various types TMS
and how they work Observation

I have used observation as a tool in acquiring information. I have visited several educational
institutes to see how they work. Also, observe current system and outlined probable problems
and disadvantages. Questionnaire

The Questionnaire I developed aimed upon current and prospective user so that we can get a clear
picture from our user and understand the areas needed to be fixed. Interview

Users may also be interviewed as part of the information gathering and system development approach.
It is rather difficult and time consuming to take Interviewee away from their work. However, data
gathered in this way often provide system developers with a fuller picture of the problems and

See Appendix C for details of Interview sheet.

2.5.2 Strategy in Software design and development Development Approach

In developing, the library system, I have decided to use UML as development Approach. The reason
behind using this approach is because best features are taken from Object Oriented Application Design
(OOAD) and are the most recent way in developing software. Also, UML tell you how to create and read
well-formed models, but don’t tell what models to create or when to create. Client Server Architecture based system

In a client server architecture system there is a central serer and this server may have different client Pc
who want to communicate with the server. Client generates a request and server responses according
to client requests. All the information is saved in to a central sever and the client can view the
information from the server according to his/her access level. To more details about client server
architecture or tiering system see Appendix A.


1] david avison, guy Fitzgerald, Information System Development, 4th edition, the
McGraw-Hill Companies
[2] Kathy Schwalbe, Information Technology Project management, 6th edition, Course
[3] Paul Bocij, Andrew Greaslye, Simon Hickie, Business Information System, 4th
edition, Prentice Hall.
[4] Thomas Connolly, Carolyn Begg, Database System, 4th edition, Pearson Education


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