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“Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.

-Albert Einstein

Education Cannot Wait

-Sec. Briones

Education is a critical factor that plays a major role in today's developed world.

People need good education to succeed because this may lead to competent jobs, higher

income, modernized society, and the development of problem-solving skills among other

things. “Education Cannot Wait’’, Department of Education (DepEd) Secretary

Leonor Magtulis- Briones once reiterated in an interview during the Senate Basic

Education Committee hearing on August of 2020, this is despite the rising number of

deaths and cases of Coronavirus Diseased 2019 (COVID- 19) around the world, especially

in the Philippines, learning and education continue to exist. According to Department of

Health (DOH) (2019), there are 812,760 cases of Covid as of this writing, and these

numbers are increasing every day. (

The DepED Order No. 007 Series 2020 entitled "School Calendar and Events for

the School Year 2020-2021," introduced the New Normal System of Education which

resulted to today’s distance learning approach of education in the Philippines. The said

agency and its workforce are required to be more creative and resourceful in providing

quality, affordable, relevant, and liberating education in response to this State of

Emergency, as stated in DepED order No. 018 s. 2020 also called the "Policy Guideline for

the Provision of Learning Resources in the Implementation of the Basic Education

Learning Continuity Plan" released last July 20, 2020. Thus, Online Learning,

Educational TV or DepED TV, Radio Based Instruction and Modular Learning, are the

teaching approach being used today in the absence of face to face learning due to COVID-

This pandemic on other hand is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered

coronavirus. Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to

moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. Older

people, and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes,

chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness. (World

Health Organization)

Strict implementation of social distancing and wearing of facemask are required by

the COVID-19 Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF). There are numerous memoranda crafted

by the AITF including social movement of children, adults and the older ones. Amongst

the vulnerable are the students who are not allowed to go to school or to have face- to-

face learnings with their teachers. There are subjects that requires face- to- face

interaction especially on the Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) Track for Senior High

School students.

This track in the senior high school level is a part of the K- 12 Curriculum

introduced in 2016 which covers skill- based learning such as, Welding, Baking,

Electrical Installation and Maintenance (EIM), Computer Systems Servicing (CSS) and

others. However, because of this pandemic, the Modular- Based Distance Learning

Approach was used.

In a study conducted by Dangle et al (2020) DepEd reiterated that parents and

guardians perform the various roles in Modular Learning such as Module-ator, Bundy-

clock, and as Home Innovator. As a Module-ator, they are the ones to get and submit the

printed Self-Learning Modules (SLMs) from and to schools or barangay halls at the

beginning and end of the week, depending on the agreement between the parents and the

school. As a Bundy-clock, they must check their child's schedule or workweek plan.

Because of the number of subjects or activities to be done, they must see that it is being

followed accordingly to avoid cramming or delays in submission, which may affect the

child's performance.
Dangle eve mentioned that as a Home Innovator, they must provide their child

with a productive learning environment to help them focus more on Learning. It must be

a well-lighted and well-ventilated space in the house, with little or no distraction. The use

of modules encourages independent study. One of the benefits of using modules for

instruction is the acquisition of better self-study or learning skills among students.

Students engage themselves in learning the concepts presented in the module. They

develop a sense of responsibility in accomplishing the tasks provided in the module. With

little or no assistance from others, the learners progress on their own. They are learning

how to learn; they are empowered (Nardo, M.T.B, 2017). Other advantages of modular

instruction include more choice and self-pacing for students; more variety and flexibility

for teachers and staff; and increased adaptability of instructional materials.

In an article published by the Manila Times (2020) entitled “Problems with

Distance Learning System Must be Thoroughly Investigated”, there have been several

concerns about errors in the learning module materials provided to students by the Deped

since the start of the new academic year last October 5, 2020 after being postponed due to

the coronavirus pandemic. The bulk of them tend to be minor, the product of DepEd's

desire to build a brand new curriculum in a limited period of time. However, as stated in

this paper a near-rebellion against the DepEd by thousands of public school teachers and

administrators in Pangasinan indicates that the distance learning system's vulnerabilities

are much more severe than mild material errors and should be extensively investigated.

According to the Pangasinan educators, there are two serious problems with the

educational modules. First, some of them are said to be so riddled with errors — mistakes

that are much more serious than mere typographical or editing errors — that they are

unusable; a number of teachers reportedly were told by supervisors not to use the faulty

modules. Second, the expense of reproducing and distributing the printed modules has

already exhausted the funds available to schools and teachers for the purpose, forcing

teachers to dip into their own pockets to provide the materials for their students. (Manila

Times, 2020)
Narra Del sur District, as one of the competent cluster of learning institutions

implemented the modular distance learning to cater the learning needs of the students

amidst the pandemic. This is to address the needs of education amongst the school in

Narra del sur after being halted for about four months. The DepEd still pursue to give the

best education to the students, however the doubts towards the implementation of the

new learning facets. Narra del Sur district in behalf of the DepEd ensures that the

competency of the students is intact and in accordance with the existing curriculum

guides despite the new normal way of education.

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