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Gio Angelo P.







1 d 11 upward 21 b 31 film

2 d 12 outward 22 a 32 an organization as an author

3 c 13 upward 23 a 33 a journal article

4 c 14 upward 24 c 34 a book with multiple authors

5 d 15 horizontal 25 d 35 a chapter in an edited book

6 d 16 a 26 webpage

7 b 17 d 27 exhibition brochure

8 outward 18 b 28 book by a single author

9 downward 19 b 29 book that has more than 1 edition

10 horizontal 20 e 30 poem


41-42 health- discriminations on health professionals during pandemic

43-44 small business – pros and cons of small business in Virac, Catanduanes a case study

45-46 election system – the effect of electoral systems on voting behavior and party development tin
the Philippines

47-48 online shopping – effectiveness of online shopping in times of pandemic

49-50 mental health issues – the impact of mental health issues in academic performance of college
students amidst the pandemic
III Essay


Politics is described as the theory and practice of governance, the interplay between those who
exercise and resist power, and the application of tactics and strategy to obtain influence over a group of
people. However, the term "politics" has been linked to a variety of deeper definitions, both positive
and bad. Politics, it is now stated, is a risk, filthy and decisive, and that it has lost its noble meaning.
Politics, it was once stated, could be considered the noblest profession if it were exclusively founded to
serve the people.

This is how the Philippine political system works. Political system and economic status are two
inseparable components in a country's progress, and we can conclude that we do not have a stable
economic status because we do not have a stable government. The economic situation is displayed
because the government is responsible for managing and regulating the economy's functions. As a
result, the government plays a significant role. The government's purpose must be to maintain the
standard of living that each individual truly deserves. However, many Filipinos live in the high class,
more in the middle class, and the vast majority in the lowest class, just above or below the poverty line.

The government is supposed to be composed of the government officials only, since it is called
the government. But the fact that a lot of Filipinos do not see is that aside from the gluttonous
government officials who fights for power, there is also some of the elite class, the greedy businessmen
who have hidden agendas as they make deeper coordination with the government transactions and
processes. They both hypocritically reach their left hands to the ordinary citizens" while their right hands
are mischievously getting money from the funds of the people.

Because it's called the government, it's meant to be made up entirely of government officials.
However, many Filipinos are unaware that, in addition to the gluttonous government officials who vie
for power, there are other members of the elite class, such as greedy businessmen, who have hidden
agendas as they work more closely with government transactions and processes. They both stretch out
hypocritically with their left hands to ordinary citizens, while their right hands are swindling money from
the people's funds. A very good example of "multi-tasking" isn't it? But while they are too busy tricking
the people, there is the police, the armed forces, and the courts that had grown inefficient to restore
peace and order in the country. There are the once blue seas now black. There are the little children
who go to school barefoot with rotten books in their broken bags. There is the usual Filipino family with
a dozen children eating once a day under a leaking roof. You see? As the fortunate ruling class is
pacifying themselves with power and luxury, the poor ones are suffering.

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