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Chapter 15 – Reconstruction

15.1 – Federal Reconstruction

 Most Republicans were still moderates
o War would save Union
 Radical Republican: Favored abolishing slavery and advocated full rights for
former slaves
 Also pslit between whether the South had actually left the Union or not
 Lincoln implemented Freedmen’s Bureau: Provided social, educational, and
economic services
 Post-Civil War Era
o Presidential Reconstruction: Johson took the lead to return full
rights to the former Confederate states
o Congressional Reconstruction: Republican dominated Congress
controlled Reconstruction era policy
o Redemption: Federal government ended its involvement in Southern
affairs, Southern whites took control and ended black political rights
The Presidential Reconstruction of Andrew Johnson, 1865 – 1866
 Johnson stayed loyal to the senate when Confederacy split
 Refused to do more than pass 13th amendment
o Didn’t care for political rights of blacks
 Southern states began passing Black Codes: Laws passed by states and
municipalities denying many rights of citizenship to free blacks and to control
black labor, mobility, and employment
Congressional Radical Reconstruction, 1867 – 1869
 Overwhelming Republican majority in Congress
o Majority still had reservations about black voting rights
 Lyman Trumbull helped Blacks
o 14th amendment and 15th amendment
 Union Leagues: In the South, Republican Party organization led by African-
americans, which became an important organizing device after 1865
The Final Break – Johnson’s Impeachment
 Johnson became irrelevant to Reconstruction
o He was cold, and out of touch
o Survived impeachment by one vote

The Right to Vote – Grant’s Election and the 15 th Amendment

 Republicans nominated Grant
 Democrats nominated Seymour
 Grant won
o Passed 15th amendment
 Southern governments limited black vote
o Literacy tests, proptery requirements, education laws

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 Women were ignored

15.2 – The Impact of Reconstruction

Voting in the South
 1870 – Revels elected 1st black senator

Schools for Freedom

 Blacks wanted schooling
o “Proof of their independence”
 Reconstruction Act of 1867
o Required education in the South

The Reality of Sharecropping

 “Sherman Land”
 Slaves had few resources to buy land
o Labor became uncertain and unreliable
 Sharecropping: Slaves worked as entrepreneurs guaranteed a share of the
crop in return for their labor
o Plantation owners manipulated slaves easily

15.3 – Terror, Apathy, and the Creation of the Segregated South

 Hopes of reconstruction ended everywhere

Opposition to Black Rights and the Roots of “Redemption”

 Scalawags: Southern whites who supported the Republicna Party during
 Democrats worked to assure that blacks would have few rights and would be
Rise of Violence and the KKK
 One of the vigilante groups that terrorized blacks
o Similar groups grew across the Sotuh
 Violence, lots of shooting black people

Efforts to Defend Reconstruction

 Enforcement Act: Made denying the right to vote because of race a fderal
 Grant re-elected

A Changing National Mood and End of Reconstruction

 Reconstruction government was corrupt
o Grant’s Cabinet
 Supreme Court not sympathetic to Reconstruction
 Hayes got rid of Reconstruction after being elected

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The Birth of the Segregated South
 Temporary farewell of blacks from Congress
 Jim Crow Segregation: Segregation laws during 1890s

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