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Jessa Laison Biong BSED Mathematics 1

1. Reflection. Why is it important to know about linguistic literacy development of children and adolescents?
It is important to know about linguistic literacy development of children and adolescents because
they learn to understand and use language to express their ideas, thoughts, and feelings, and to
communicate with others. During early speech and language development, children learn skills that are
important to the development of literacy (reading and writing). This stage, known as emergent literacy,
begins at birth and continues through the preschool years. Children see and interact with print (e.g., books,
magazines, grocery lists) in everyday situations (e.g., home, in preschool, and at daycare) well before they
start elementary school. Parents can see their child's growing appreciation and enjoyment of print as he or
she begins to recognize words that rhyme, scribble with crayons, point out logos and street signs, and name
some letters of the alphabet. Gradually, children combine what they know about speaking and listening
with what they know about print and become ready to learn to read and write.
Literacy is essential to developing a strong sense of well-being and citizenship. Children who have
developed strong reading skills perform better in school and have a healthier self-image. They become
lifelong learners and sought-after employees. Reading aloud to children at an early age is the most effective
way to help them expand their vocabulary and recognize written words. Reading also stimulates a child's
imagination and expands his or her understanding of the world. There are many ways to include reading in
all stages of childhood. When children focus on literacy activities they enjoy, reading will be seen as a treat,
not a chore.

Jessa Laison Biong BSED Mathematics 1

Reflection. Think of your favorite teacher. What does s/he do to facilitate learning better? What is
remarkable about how his/her way of teaching and what principles of learning does s/he practice?

Mrs. Melinda Navarro is my favorite teacher.

 What does s/he do to facilitate learning better?  She focused more on instructional design.
They motivate students towards involvement.
 She gives students more learning task to
They involve students in working with issues
within the discipline. They take students to a
“Learning tasks” include selecting and organizing higher level of learning than they had achieved
content, providing examples, generating before the activity. They develop content
questions, problem-solving, summarizing, making knowledge and learning skills.
graphics, etc. Teachers typically do most of these
tasks and consider themselves prepared for class.
But what if students performed more of these  She encouraged students to learn from and
tasks? For example, instead of relying on the with each other.
instructor to provide examples explicating course
content, students work in groups to find or
develop examples from their own lives that  What is remarkable about how his/her way of
further explain core content. Or instead of the teaching and what principles of learning does
instructor writing the entire exam, students submit s/he practice?
questions for upcoming tests. Instead of
summarizing a lesson, the instructor has students
select three important principles of the lesson and
explain why these are the most important to them.

 She does less telling so that students can do

more discovering.
Instead of Instructors telling students the answer
to one of their question, student groups generating
possible answers in response to the question.
Instead of instructors telling students what to
study and providing a study guide, students
develop their own test questions and create their
own study guides.

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