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Joint Circular and Memorandum Circular

on Women (Philippines)
Gender and Society

Submitted by:

BAAC 1B (Group 5)

Maica A. Abunales

Jieue M. Cabriana

Xyra Joy Corpuz

Ivie B. Dongel

Althea O. Enguerra

Mary Rose D. Francisco

Serimae M. Mayores

Aubrey Jean H. Sta. Maria

Vivien D. Velez

Topic: Joint Circular and Memorandum Circular on Women (Philippines)

Circulars - Shall refer to issuances prescribing policies, rules and regulations, and procedures
promulgated pursuant to law, applicable to individuals and organizations outside the Government and
designed to supplement provisions of the law or to provide means for carrying them out, including
information relating thereto
- Orders shall refer to issuances directed to particular offices, officials, or employees, concerning
specific matters including assignments, detail and transfer of personnel, for observance or compliance by
all concerned.

Joint Circulars on Women

Joint Circular 2012-01: Guidelines for the Preparation of Annual GAD Plans and Budgets and
Accomplishment Reports to Implement the Magna Carta of Women (January 18, 2012)

● To prescribe guidelines and procedures for the formulation, development, submission,

implementation, monitoring and evaluation including accounting of results of agency annual
GAD plans and budgets (GPBs), and GAD accomplishment reports (AR); and
● To provide the mechanics for the development of programs, activities and projects (PAPs) to
respect, protect and fulfill the rights of women in the socio-cultural, economic and political

Joint Memorandum Circular 2013-01: Guidelines on the Localization of the Magna Carta of
Women (July 14, 2014)

● To prescribe policies and procedures in mainstreaming gender perspectives in local planning,

programming and budgeting; local legislation; project development, implementation, monitoring
and evaluation pursuant to RA 9710 or the Magna Carta of Women (MCW);
● To align efforts of local government units (LGUs) and the National Government on Gender and
Development (GAD) and its commitments to international declarations;
● To strengthen LGU-LGU and LGU-National Government Agency (NGA) relations on GAD
planning, programming, budgeting, project development, implementation, monitoring and
● To specify the oversight roles of the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG),
the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW), the Department of Budget and Management
(DBM), and the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) in the localization of
the MCW.

Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2014-01: Preparation of FY 2015 GAD Plans and Budgets and FY
2013 GAD Accomplishment Reports (July 17, 2013)

● All local government units (LGUs) are enjoined to prepare and submit their respective FY 2015
GAD Plan and Budget (GPB) and FY 2013 GAD Accomplishment Report (AR).
● LGUs are also enjoined to refer to Memorandum Circular 2014-02 issued by the PCW on 28
January 2014 (copy hereto attached) on the Implementation of the Women’s Empowerment,
Development, and Gender Equality (Women’s EDGE) Plan 2013-2016.

Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2014-01: Integration of Women, Peace and Security Programs,
Activities and Projects in Annual GAD Plans and Budgets and GAD Accomplishment Reports (July
15, 2015)

● It provides specific guidelines to implement the NAPWPS, and;

● Provides additional references in terms of identifying gender issues and gender- responsive PAPs
related to women, peace and security.

● This JMC is being issued to amend parts of Sections 4,1.C (Gender and Development (GAD)
Planning and Budgeting) and 5.0 (Monitoring and Evaluating the implementation of the Magna
Carta of Women) of JMC No.201301 to clarify the process of costing, allocation and attribution
of the GAD budget, as well as the duties and functions of the Department of the interior and
Local Government (DILG) as the lead agency in the review, endorsement and monitoring of
submission of GAD Plans and Budget (GPBs) and GAD Accomplishment Reports (GAD ARs) of
local government units (LGUs).
● It amends Annexes D (Guide in Completing the GAD Plan and Budget Form) ‘ and E (Guide in
Completing the GAD Accomplishment Report Form) of JMC No. 2013-01 and prescribes the use
of the revised GPB and GAD AR forms for provinces, cities, municipalities and barangays.

Memorandum circulars - According to Book III, Title I, Chapter II, Section 6 of Administrative Code
of 1987, refer to the "Acts of the President on matters relating to internal administration, which the
President desires to bring to the attention of all or some of the departments, agencies, bureaus or offices of
the Government, for information or compliance.

Memorandum Circulars on Women



● Pursuant to CSC Resolution No. 94-2854 dated May 31, 1994, the Commission has adopted a
Policy on Sexual Harassment in the Workplace, as follows:


- Whereas, the State values the dignity of every human person and guarantees full respect for
human rights.
- Sexual harassment is recognized as a violation of human rights, morale and efficiency in the
workplace, violates the merit and fitness principle in the civil service and creates a hostile
environment in the workplace which adversely affect productive performance.
- Section 4 of RA 6713, provides for norms of personal conduct which every public official and
employee must observe in the discharge and execution of official duties; that they shall act
without discrimination against anyone, and shall at all times respect the rights of others and
refrain from doing acts contrary to law, good morals, good customs, public policy, public order,
public safety and public interest.
- Section 1, Chapter I, Title (A), Book V of the Administrative Code of 1987 and Section 4(B), RA
6713, empower the Civil Service Commission to adopt positive measures, to promote morale and
efficiency, and observance of the standards of personal conduct, among others, in the civil
● NOW, THEREFORE, the Commission hereby resolves to promulgate this Policy on Sexual
Harassment in the Workplace



- Under the said guidelines, 2.1 provides that, “Any female public sector employee, regardless of age and
civil status, shall be entitled to a special leave of a maximum of two (2) months with full pay based on her
gross monthly compensation, provided she has rendered at least six (6) months aggregate service in any or
various government agencies for the last twelve (12) months prior to undergoing surgery for
gynecological disorders”.

● To provide further guidelines on the availability of special leave benefits for qualified female
public sector employees who have undergone surgery caused by gynecological disorders pursuant
to the provisions and implementing rules and regulations of the Magna Carta of Women.
● To ensure uniform interpretation and implementation of the grant of the special benefits for
women and ensure that the availment of the same ultimately upholds the objectives of theL.



● Pursuant to the authority reposed on the Commission under R.A. 7722, and to effectively
implement the objectives espoused and provisions in R.A. 7877 known as the “Anti-Sexual
Harassment Act of 1995”, all public and private higher education institutions shall be required to
submit their Summary Reports on actions taken by their institutions.

Memorandum Circular No. 2011-01: Guidelines for the creation, Strengthening, and
Institutionalization of the GAD Focal Point System

● To establish, strengthen, and institutionalize the GAD Focal Point System (GFPS) in
constitutional bodies, government departments, agencies, bureaus, SUCs, GOCCs, and all other
government instrumentalities; and To clarify the roles and responsibilities, composition, and
structure of the GFPS in order for it to function as a mechanism for catalyzing and accelerating
gender mainstreaming in the agency toward the promotion of gender equality.

Memorandum Circular No. 2016-07: Allowing Married Women to Retain and Use their Maiden
Name in lieu of their Husband’s Surname in accordance to Existing Laws and Pertinent
Jurisprudence (October 12, 2016)

● Allowing Married Women to Retain and Use their Maiden Name in lieu of their Husband’s
Surname in accordance with Existing Laws and Pertinent Jurisprudence, “a married woman has
an option, but not a duty, to use the surname of the husband.”
● Article 370 of the Civil Code provides that “A married woman may use: (1) Her maiden first
name and surname and add her husband’s surname, or (2) Her maiden first name and her
husband’s surname, or (3) Her husband’s full name, but prefixing a word indicating that she is his
wife, such as “Mrs.”” (emphasis supplied)
● As explained by the Supreme Court in the case of Remo vs Secretary of Foreign Affairs, a
woman is “allowed to use not only any of the three names provided in Article 370, but also her
maiden name upon marriage. She is not prohibited from continuously using her maiden name
once she is married because when a woman marries, she does not change her name but only her
civil status. Further, this interpretation is in consonance with the principle that surnames indicate

Memorandum Circular No. 2017-114: Guidelines in Monitoring the Functionality of VAW Desk in
Every Barangay

● The State realizes that equality of men and women entails the abolition of the unequal structures
and practices that perpetuate discrimination and inequality. To realize this, the State shall
endeavor to develop plans, policies, programs, measures and mechanisms to address
discrimination and inequality in the economic, political, social, and cultural life of women and
● This JMC provides for the guidelines and procedures in the establishment of a VAW Desk in
every barangay to ensure that all forms of violence against women cases are fully addressed in a
gender-responsive manner.

Memorandum Circular No. 2018-02: 2018 National Women’s Month Celebration (February 28,

● This Memorandum Circular is issued to provide a general guide for stakeholders on the national
observance of the 2018 National Women’s Month Celebration on March 1-31, 2018.

Memorandum Circular No. 3: 10th Anniversary Celebration of the Magna Carta of Women
(August 6, 2019)

● August 14, 2019 marks the 10th anniversary of the enactment of the Magna Carta of Women or
MCW (RA 9710). Considered as the national translation of the UN Convention on the
Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), the MCW is a product of
close to a decade advocacy of women’s rights groups amidst opposition from various parties.
● In his State of the Nation Address (SONA) in 2016 and 2017, President Rodrigo Roa Duterte
called for the implementation of the MCW down to the barangay level.

● In celebration of the 10th anniversary, the PCW is calling on stakeholders to conduct meaningful
activities under the theme “MCW@10: Empowering Women.”

Memorandum Circular 2020-03: Adjustment and/or Implementation of the FY 2020 GAD Plan and
Budget in view of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Situation (April 27, 2020)

● To provide guidance on the revision and/or implementation of the FY 2020 GPB to implement
GAD PAPs that address gender issues and concerns related to the COVID-19 situation.

MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 2021-05: Guide for the 2021 Observance of the 18-Day
Campaign to End Violence Against Women (VAW) (November 2, 2021)

● To guide the stakeholders on the national observance of the 18-Day Campaign to End Violence
Against Women (VAW) on November 25 to December 12, 2021.


● Joint Circular 2012-01: Guidelines for the Preparation of Annual GAD Plans and
Budgets and Accomplishment Reports to Implement the Magna Carta of Women
● Joint Memorandum Circular 2013-01: Guidelines on the Localization of the Magna
Carta of Women
● Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2014-01: Preparation of FY 2015 GAD Plans and
Budgets and FY 2013 GAD Accomplishment Reports
● Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2014-01: Integration of Women, Peace and
Security Programs, Activities and Projects in Annual GAD Plans and Budgets and
GAD Accomplishment Reports
● Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2016-01: Amendments to
PCW-DILG-DBM-NEDA JMC No. 2013-01: Guidelines on the Localization of the
Magna Carta of Women
● CSC Memorandum Circular No. 30, s. 1994: Policy on sexual harassment in the
● Memorandum Circular No. 25, s. 2010 entitled: Guidelines on the Availment of the
Special Leave Benefits for Women | Bureau of Quarantine
● CHED Memorandum s. 2011: Submission by all higher education institutions of
reports on the compliance to Republic Act no. 7877 otherwise known as the
“Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995”
● Memorandum Circular No. 2011-01: Guidelines for the creation, Strengthening, and
Institutionalization of the GAD Focal Point System
● Memorandum Circular No. 2016-07: Allowing Married Women to Retain and Use
their Maiden Name in lieu of their Husband's Surname in accordance to Existing
Laws and Pertinent Jurisprudence
● Memorandum Circular No. 2017-114: Guidelines in Monitoring the Functionality of
VAW Desk in Every Barangay
● Memorandum Circular No. 2018-02: 2018 National Women's Month Celebration
● Memorandum Circular No. 3: 10th Anniversary Celebration of the Magna Carta of
● Memorandum Circular 2020-03: Adjustment and/or Implementation of the FY 2020
GAD Plan and Budget in view of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Situation
● MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 2021-05: Guide for the 2021 Observance of the
18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women (VAW)

Group 5


Aubrey Jean H. Sta. Maria, Xyra Joy Corpuz


Ivie B. Dongel, Maica A. Abunales, Althea O. Enguerra

PowerPoint & Games Presentation made by:

Serimae M. Mayores, Mary Rose D. Francisco


Vivien D. Velez


Jieue M. Cabriana

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