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Published since 1993

ISSUE N O 3243 tuesday, may 17 2011

Local News Santo News Letters Regional /Inter News Classified/Real Estate ADS Sports

O-League altered,
Nations Cup
Page 15

Violence erupts on
Israel's borders
Page 8

Treating human
waste as a business...
Page 2

"Wait for Friday," UMP President Vohor and former Deputy PM Kalsakau

Politics surpass Vohor welcomes

Appeal Court decision
WTO workshop
Page 3

Regional News By Ricky Binihi Turkey. man because of the failure day we will abide by the Isom confirmed that Efate
Prime Minister Serge When he was away the of the Opposition to oust Kil- Court’s definition of absolute MP has moved to join Kil-
Page 3 Vohor who the Court of Appeal Court of Appealed ruled that man with 27 members of Par- majority,” Vohor told mem- man’s coalition government
declared his election in Parlia- in a 52-member Parliament 27 liament. bers of Opposition including “but I still have the numbers
ment “invalid” said the leaders Members of Parliament consti- But the Union of Moderate former deputy prime minister at Tara.”
of Vanuatu must be apprecia- tute the Constitutional require- Parties President Vohor said it Joshua Kalsakau. Former PM Vohor thanked
tive that our judiciary system ment for an “absolute majority was only appropriate for the Efate UMP MP and newly MPs from Vanua’aku Pati, the
is alive and well. of members of Parliament” to judiciary to direct the leaders sworn in Minister of Lands Ste- Labour Part, National Com-
Mr Vohor made the state- remove Prime Minister Sato of this country about the rules ven Kalsakau did not attend munity Association, Vanuatu
ment when he touched down Kilman on April 24. and procedures of Parliament the ceremony at the airport to Republican Party and UMP
at the Port Vila International At that time only 26 “mem- that are consistent with the welcome the UMP President. MPs for their solidarity and
Airport yesterday after attend- bers of Parliament” toppled laws of the land. The manager of the Oppo- urged them to accept the
ing a Least Developed Coun- PM Kilman and the Court of “We did not follow the pro- sition camp at Tara Beach Court decision “and wait for
Page 5 tries meeting in Istanbul, Appeal re-instated PM Kil- cedures last time but this Fri- Resort, TORBA MP Thomas Friday.”
[ 2 ] vanuatu Daily Post | Tuesday May 17, 2011
Local News

Treating human
waste as a business in
Mele and Melemaat
By Bob Makin them,” says Paul. to be hired. Paul maintains the Wan Smol Bag site built
The unveiling of two new “Do-It-Yourself is not eve- his supervisory role in the years ago by Smolbag and Chief hands over donation from Shefa Province to Chairlady of Emua Village Women’s Committee

Emua chief
toilet models in the villages of ryone’s immediate choice. other Melanesian countries. always still functioning well
Mele and Mele Maat recently But a sanitary toilet is some- Urban communities are not because it is well managed.
launched sanitation market- thing people choose to have. being targeted. The project is There are a number around

eyes mats from

ing in village Vanuatu. Toilet Like a mobile telephone. We aimed at villages, and logical- Tagabe area and some other
making is about to become don’t all need them, but we’d ly has started in the biggest. areas in Efate. “We’re not tell-
a profitable business in the sure like to have them,” he Mele has too many bush toi- ing people they need toilets,”

Nguna, Pele
rural areas. adds. lets, far too few properly san- says Paul Lenthwaite. “It’s a
Paul Lenthwaite of the Mele and Melemaat do not itary facilities. The project safety issue. The best possible
environmental NGO Live have enough completed san- has worked with two groups hygiene is important. In most
and Learn says people will- itary toilets and many toilets which have decided to work countries people hire experts By Len Garae need to arrange to promote
ing to take care in the con- are in the wrong place. But as one to build their toilets. It can be Emua Village Chief Albert stronger cooperation with the
struction of good toilets can Paul Lenthwaite is convinced The small sanitation busi- the same here.” Malnaesinu has praised the chiefs and people of Nguna
make a business out of it. It the models created there will nesses in Mele and Mele- Live and Learn can help cooperation between Vanuatu and Pele and other islands to
is also the sort of enterprise convince families it need not maat will discuss what they people become aware of their and America for the comple- earn money from their mats
which good management can be expensive to obtain a pro- can offer, together with the own water and sanitation tion of the Efate Ring Road because I can sell their mats
quickly build up. Toilet con- fessionally constructed, sani- price, with house owners. issues in communities. They saying it has increased busi- for them”, he said.
struction is profitable. tary and odour-free toilet. Compost toilets are avail- can also present the “sanita- ness activity for his people in The young chief who has
“People generally choose Paul Lenthwaite has super- able. There are both venti- tion ladder” as an option to a big way and he is looking succeeded elderly Chief Ray-
to go to a kava bar for their vised the regional Live and lated and improved toilets people with their own needs at the possibility of opening mond Marongoe spoke high-
kava, rather than make it Learn project in Fiji, the Solo- which can be constructed. and wants in their individu- a partnership with the near- ly of the newly launched road
themselves, or buy their mons and PNG. It was due to Toilet slabs and seat rises al homes. Live and Learn has by offshore chiefs and peo- project saying it is a definite
bread from someone who finish in all countries in June, will be available at a certain Kami Robert as Wash Project ple of Nguna and Pele Islands dream comes true for the
bakes it as a business. They but Vanuatu was a little late modest cost, as will be edu- Officer and Daniel Pakoa as to encourage the women to people of his village. Now
are also prepared to pay for getting into the act and it has cational services. the Wash Constructor. Live weave more mats because women can make their money
the expertise in having some- been extended until the end Paul drew our attention and Learn office is located the women in his own village every day without having to
one else build their toilet for of this year A small staff had to a good compost toilet at opposite Freshwota School. are busy in their gardens and leave their homes. In the past
at the Road Market and have they had to travel to Port Vila
no time to weave their mats to sell their produce.
anymore. Admittedly he said their
RBV pays In Efate custom mats con- Road Market has brought
tinue to play a significant part about new challenges as it
Vt50 million in custom ceremonies includ- means the men folk have to
ing reconciliation ceremonies, work extra hard to support
dividend marriages and funerals. “But the women in the gardens.
Then Minister of Finance the ways things go, I may
Bakoa Kaltongga receives

Vanuatu Alliance
the dividend from RBV
Governor Odo Tevi in the

Exercise underway
Bank’s Conference Room
before a lavish lunch last
The Vanuatu Mobile Force tion and communications.
in Port Vila is on its fourth These trainings are con-
day exercise with the 51 Far ducted at the Vanuatu Mobile
North Queensland Regiment Force Camp, Mala Base, Bel-
(51FNQR). leview and Switi area Port
Called the Vanuatu Alliance Vila.
Exercise, the first phase of the There will be another level
exercise begun on May 11-14 of the exercise which will
2011.This is just revision on: focus on command and lead-
Basic First Aid for patrolmen, ership, scheduled for May
small craft handler, naviga- 15-26.

REGIONAL CHART TODAYS General situation:

A low pressure over southern
Forecast for today: Mariners:

Cloudy with light showers about the group eas- N/NE winds 12/17 knots. Light
New Caledonia extends trough ing later during the day. Light to moderate east to moderate seas to 1.0 metre
over Vanuatu group. and southeast winds persist throughout. over northern and central

Courtesy Vanuatu
waters, while S/SW winds
12/17 knots. Light to moderate

Meteo Office Call 22932

seas to 1.0 metre over channel
and southern waters.

Yesterday’s record-
Saratamata Pekoa Lamap Bauerfield Whitegrass
ed weather variables Sola Aneityum
(8am-8am) (Ambae) (Santo) (Malekula) (Vila) Tanna

Rainfall (mm) 3.8 NIL NIL NIL 6.5 25.3 22.0

Max. Temp (•c) 32.3 31.5 31.5 /// /// 30.5 29.0
Min. Temp (•c) 23.5 24.5 22.5 25.6 21.4 16.0 20.5
00:57 0.69 13:46 0.26 10AM AND 3PM FROM THE VANUATU
TEL: 22932
Today: 06-01 Today: 17-26
Tomorrow: 06-02 Tomorrow:17-25
vanuatu Daily Post | Tuesday May 17, 2011 [ 3 ]

Local News

Politics surpass Bin Laden’s death means

Island nations need to be
vigilant: US Ambassador

WTO workshop
By Len Garae
The timing of the
By Colson Wari
D aily P ost in S anto

United States Ambassador to

Vanuatu, Solomons and Papua
New Guinea, Mr Teddy Taylor
who spent two weeks in Santo
able to get an interview with the
er Pacific Islands you still have
to be vigilant about your immi-
gration control, your port secu-
rity because there are people
out there who do not like coun-
tries to believe in represent-
ative governments, freedom
workshop on the World Trade for the Pacific Partnership pro- of speech and the kind of val-
Organisation (WTO) to be gram. ues that Ni-Vanuatu and the
held in Parliament Chambers The questions asked were in American people hold near to
for all Members of Parliament relation to the killing of Osama their hearts.”
yesterday was reportedly Bin Laden and his opinion Moreover, Mr Taylor stated
postponed by the Prime Min- for the Pacific Island nations, the United States of America
ister on the grounds that he the human rights violation in doesn’t condone human rights
would like to meet with the West Papua and the chances of violation anywhere in the world
members of the WTO first. Vanuatu getting a second mil- and said the West Papua is an
Both politicians, interest- lennium challenge compact. internal Indonesian Government
ed members of the public and Mr Taylor stated that small matter.
students who turned up at Pacific Island nation need to “The West Papuans and the
Parliament House were told be vigilant about their immi- Indonesian Government need to
that the workshop was post- gration controls, port security work out their dispute as it is an
poned to another date to be after killing of the world’s most internal Indonesian matter but
announced later. It remains wanted man Osama Bin Laden human rights violation cannot
to be seen if both sides of the by American special forces on be condoned.”
House would be prepared May 2. In regards to millennium
to sit together for a learn-  “I think that Osama Bin challenge compact, Ambassador
ing experience on the World Right to left: Solomons ready to accede (delegation second, third and fourth) to WTO Laden’s death means there is one Taylor said Vanuatu does not
Trade Organisation. last person who thinks about kill- meet the criteria of getting the
Meanwhile critics are ada- “Over 70% of the popu- the rural areas must first be politicians in Port Vila who ing thousands of people in this second millennium challenge.
mant Vanuatu is not ready to lation of Samoa are literate educated enough in order to insist that Vanuatu is ready to world. “We don’t know whether we
join the WTO. An independ- and they are a member of the understand what WTO is all join the WTO while the 70% “I’m not one who believes cel- will be able to get another mil-
ent administrator who asked WTO whereas in Vanuatu the about before we can decide majority of the rural popula- ebrating anyone’s death but cer- lennium challenge compact or
not to be named said, “I have percentage of literacy among whether or not we are ready tion are still in the dark,” he tainly as President Barak Obama not. At this time Vanuatu doesn’t
a lot of respect for the Brus- the population is about 34% to sign up.” said. has said Bin Laden didn’t real- meet the criteria, the govern-
sels-based Ambassador Mr so Vanuatu has a long way He said at this stage, the Meanwhile the Depart- ly care about slaughtering 3000 ment is aware of what it is.”
Roy Micky Joy for champion- yet to go to qualify to join the majority of people in the ment of Trade and Industries people on 9/11 and his friends Mr Teddy said the United
ing the positive side of WTO WTO,” he said. rural areas do not have any is organising a further meet- have no care for slaughtering States will continue to work
but it is clear that Vanuatu is “If we have to follow the idea about the WTO. ing on the WTO beginning at people elsewhere in the world. with the Vanuatu Government
not ready to join the global bottoms up approach, it “What we have is a small 8.30 this morning and wel- “As it relates to the Pacific to try to get Vanuatu a second
trade organization. means that the grassroots in group of public servants and comes the media to attend. region, I think that for the small- compact.

Young People Spearhead a

Movement for Peace in the Pacific
Young people from pioneer peace building initi- Pacific region as case studies
Australia, the Cook Islands, atives in their communities, •Engage, educate and
Kiribati, Fiji, the Federat- countries and beyond. embed key themes and the-
ed States of Micronesia, the Pacific Nkabom Youth ories which will give young
Marshall Islands, New Zea- Steering Committee mem- people the confidence to
land, Niue, Papua New Guin- ber Ms Katrina Ma’u of take action and enable them
ea, Samoa, the Solomon Tonga says “this conference to assist their governments
Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and will provide training for and stakeholders to devise
Vanuatu will congregate next young people so that they best practices, processes and
month in New Zealand to are equipped with the tools mechanisms for peace in the
build skills to create a more to formulate action plans Pacific region.
peaceful region. around issues of conflict •Enable cultural exchange
The interactive ‘Wansol- most relevant to their coun- between participants and
wara Youth Peace-building tries.” engage young people in key
Conference’ (W.Y.P.C) will “This conference is impor- topics affecting their coun-
empower young people with tant because young peo- tries.
peace-building and advocacy ple are not given sufficient • Foster the creative gener-
skills to take leadership and opportunities to build peace ation of thematically targeted
action on issues that cause and harmony in their societies projects aimed at increasing
conflict in their communities. both for their own generation youth involvement and partic-
Wansolwara is a pidgin word and the wider society due to ipation in the wider commu-
meaning ‘one ocean-one peo- a lack of capacity, political nity, based on the experience
ple’. voice, and access to resourc- of a broad cross-section of
The peace-building initi- es. This conference helps to Pacific young people.
ative has been developed by address that,” says Ms Ma’u. •Train young people in
young people who represent- Commonwealth Youth Pro- youth leadership, negotiation
ed the region at the Nkabom gramme (CYP) Pacific Centre and advocacy skills, within a
C o m m o n w e a l t h Yo u t h Programme Manager Paul Pacific context.
Leadership Programme Peteru says “CYP believes in Conference details:
in 2010 in Rwanda, Afri- supporting young people to Wansolwara Youth Peace-Build-
ca. The Nkabom Common- develop their potential, skills ing Conference: One ocean – One
wealth Youth Leadership and abilities, including taking people
Programme is one of the leadership in conflict preven- When: 20th – 23rd of June, 2011
Royal Commonwealth Soci- tion, conflict resolution and Where: Auckland, New Zealand
ety’s flagship youth projects. peace-building efforts.” The conference is supported by
Nkabom (pronounced ink-a- The conference specially the Commonwealth Youth Programme
bom) means ‘coming togeth- aims to: (CYP), United Nations Development
er’ in parts of Ghana, and  • Address the themes of Programme (UNDP) and the United
develops a youth-led net- leadership and conflict reso- Nations Educational Scientific and
work of young leaders who lution using examples in the Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
[ 4 ] vanuatu Daily Post | Tuesday May 17, 2011
Local/Feature News

Public opinion favours

parliament dissolution
Following the instability in Vanuatu’s political affairs, Godwin Ligo compiled this from independent information
that he received as well phone calls made by members of the public to Daily Post over the past few days.
The public opinion on the let the Head of State dissolve arations and funding for a ment changes again this Fri- much to do for your people week you go through the
present political situation in Parliament and call for early snap general election, Daily day when Parliament meets as an MP,” a young politician same thing all over again with
Vanuatu is that Head of State elections,” he said. Post could not get comments and then changes again?” he told Daily Post. another minister in the same
should dissolve Parliament “Why can’t the Head of from the Electoral Office as questioned. A school teacher in Port ministry?” he questioned.
and call for early elections. State do something like dis- the Principal Electoral Officer “To go to poll again is good Vila who did not want to be Prime Minister Meltek Sato
The most shared public solve the Parliament and let is currently away overseas. as long as we don’t end up named said: “Such chang- Kilman said in his speech last
views and concerns are that the people decide rather than One caller told Daily Post again with the same politi- es of governments affects Friday after he was re-instat-
public funds are running out political parties deciding who that the Head of State should cal parties make up -so many us and the students because ed by the Court that he does
fast on pay out of politicians to marry and divorce every act to dissolve Parliament and parties and groupings oth- we tell them who the gov- not rule out an option of a
every time there is change in now and then,” one frustrat- call for the people to decide erwise it would be back to ernment ministers were dissolution of parliament
government. And not only ed woman commented to once again on the political square one at great cost for last month only to tell them but at the same time said the
that but the continued polit- Daily Post by phone. fate of the nation. nothing ,” one former politi- again that the government Head of State is aware of the
ical changes and instability A university student who Generally, members of the cian told Daily Post. has changed again and these overall political situation that
hinders economic and social also asked not to be name public shared the view that “My honest opinion is that are the new ministers and the country is faced with, but
developments. said in a telephone call to if parliament is dissolved there has to be a change of lucky annual exams are still did not elaborate whether the
“It is quite obvious that the Daily Post: “It seems that all and the country goes to poll, political mentality in that pol- away yet or many students cabinet will resolve to request
52 members of parliament 52 Members of Parliament many of the current MPs will iticians must not think that could fail some of their sub- the Head of State to dissolve
(MPs) all want to become a want to become a good gov- never make it back to parlia- because they are elected into jects,” he said. parliament if political insta-
State minister and if this is ernment rather than accept to ment. Parliament, they are auto- A ni-Vanuatu businessman bility continues.
their hearts’ desire then let be a good and effective oppo- “I think the people of matically entitled to become had this to say to Daily Post: “We will prove this Fri-
them use their legislative sition ,” the university student Vanuatu are mature enough a state minister whether they “The private sector is doing its day when Parliament meets
power to make rules that told DailyPost. now to choose MPs that can have the necessary qualifica- best. Are MPs serious about that the government does
would allow for 52 Ministe- Opinion voiced public- put the real interest of the tions or not. They should be economic and social devel- have numbers,” the re-instat-
rial portfolios in the Execu- ly and relayed to Daily Post nation first before their own content of being an MP and opment of the nation? How ed Prime Minister Kilman
tive,” one frustrated member indicated that the public at interest,” one such person help their constituents or can you deal with one min- told Daily Post last Saturday
of the public told Daily Post large have had enough of the that contacted Daily Post electors because there’s so ister this week and the next evening.
yesterday over the phone. past and present changes in commented.
Another caller comment- government and are calling One politician who did
ed that: “Surely we cannot on the Head of State to dis- not want to be named said:
change government every solve Parliament and call for “I honestly think that the
month or two months for the an early parliamentary elec- Head of State should dis-
sake of ministerial positions. tion. solve Parliament, because
But if this is the case, then On the question of prep- what happens if the govern-
When safety matters....... rest assured it’s Corolla

The Corolla approach to safety reveals the benefits of integrating advanced active and
Course participants at course with Madame Pouliquen. passive safety technologies. Because you value peace of mind... you and your family
can relax knowing you have the protection of class leading levels of Corolla safety.
French Speaking civil
servants get refresher course
By Harrison Selmen sy. Luganville and Saint Michelle
The Alliance Francais in Reports from the Alliance were there every afternoon
Luganville conducted a four office showed that the course after school to borrow books
day French course last week at was well attended within the and magazines. High tensile sheeting
the Alliance office. four days and there were elev- One of the students says she High hip point of seat which Sensors that detect strong impact to contributes to the strength of
contributes to ease of access assist occupant restraint
The “Writing of administra- en members altogether who has the privilege to reinforce for alll occupants the Corolla body
tive documents and Grammar” attended the course from and improve her language in
course came in as a refresh- 8.00am to 12.00pm each day. French by reading some of
er for French-speaking civil So far participants were satis- their books every afternoon
servants in Luganville aimed fied with what they gain and after class.
at enhancing their skills to be anticipated more in the future. French courses for English-
productive in French so they Daily Post understands that speakers civil servants will Come in and speak to our friendly sales team at Asco.
can use this language better at apart from this course Alliance start by next week. Two levels Why not book in a test drive of the Toyota Corolla today
work. Francais has helped a lot in are offered, Beginners 1 and
This training is part of the promoting French Language in Beginners 2.
program “Francohponie and Luganville and offer books and This training was conducted
civil servant,” launched by the magazines at Alliance office for by Marlene Pouliquen, Port Vila
Government of Vanuatu, and Francophonies. Thus French based French teacher based at Port Vila Ph:22341 * Santo 36244 * *
financed by the French Embas- students especially college de Alliance Francais.
VANUATU DAILY POST Tuesday May 17 2011 [ 5 ]


Voice of the People

PO Box 1292, Port Vila fax: +678 24111 email:

Letters must be less than 300 words. Everyone has the right to express an opinion without fear of persecution. All letters must give your full name, address (not a PO Box)
and a daytime phone number for verification. Letters emailed must be from a confirmed address. Your name will be kept confidential if requested. Letters may be edited for
space and legal issue. The opinions expressed here are not those of Vanuatu Daily Post.. The editor reserves the right to decide whether to print or not.

WTO and General Election 2012 Re: Kalsakau Welcomes Sope to Vanuatu Labor Party

Dear Editor, times. WHO, World Bank, WTO, America, Dear Editor, lessly in the “Bermuda Triangle”
“The world is not flat, it is round” You see foreign companies will China etc. Even Vatican that we I refer to letter to the Editor issue hoping to strike another fake ruby, it
said the man. Because he was then continue to invest in Vanuatu, like it have better models. No 3235 of Saturday 7th May 2011 could be colored green this time.
the only person with that view, he or not, without WTO. Tourists will Because 95% of our MPs and from a MPP big coward supporter, if
was killed. Is the world flat? No! It continue to come without WTO. 99.9% of our population know noth- he is serious about his opinion why Hon. Joshua T. Kalsakau Maau
was then proved to be round. Nivans will continue to reach high- ing about WTO, why must Trade and use a pen name, obviously the usual Fatu (MP)
Because all advanced countries er in education and secure jobs Customs departments decide for MPP trait. President of the Vanuatu Labor
believe WTO provides a better vehi- worldwide without WTO. An Italian them? This is madness at its best. Any how the MPP boat is but an Party
cle for trades, must Vanuatu go company will continue to sell canned The supporters of WTO have had abandoned ghost ship floating aim-
along with them? sardines to a Vanuatu company. Van- their say in the media and have not
These “advanced countries “have uatu Abbatoir will continue to export convinced the citizens.
destroyed the world with pollution
and have caused global warming.
its quality beef to Japanese Compa-
ny etc…etc…without WTO.
Let the whole population vote to
remain outside WTO in the upcom- BIBLE QUOTE
They have failed terribly, so why Let's be our own boss and contin- ing general election.
should we believe them. Their GDP ue to strive for excellence at all May our new term government
index as a measure for wealth has times. Why should WTO force a abide by peoples' wish and lay this
now proved unhealthy. What do company to sell or not to sell its WTO business in to a deep rest until THE VINES, THOUGH THE OLIVE CROP FAILS AND THE FIELDS PRO-
they have for the world after WTO? products? The market mechanism election results show otherwise. DUCE NO FOOD, THOUGH THERE ARE NO SHEEP IN THE PEN AND NO


If they are moving to one world gov- of demand and supply must be And make no mistake; the power
ernment i.e. modern Dark ages, then allowed to operate. will always be with the people. Let
using our God given intelligences, How many countries that have no man attempt to control their free JOYFUL IN GOD MY SAVIOR.
like Martin Luther, tell them that it join WTO are now indicating conscious.
is wrong. Let us reform the modern unpleasantness? Shouldn't we learn Emory David
“Roman controlled World”. Liberty, from them? (Sorovanga Community) HABAKKUK 3:17-18 (NIV)
we must protect and promote at all We must continue to show UN,

Media F reedom is your freedom

Your new daily Sudoku puzzle

There is only one rule: Every row, column and box of 3x3 cells
must contain the numbers 1 to 9 exactly once.

m ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20) p CANCER (June 22-July 22) s LIBRA(Sept. 24 -Oct. 23) J CAPRICORN(Dec 22.- Jan. 20)
Your lover will be extremely sensitive You are best not to discuss your Your sensitive, affectionate nature Don't make those you live with feel
and now will not be a good time to personal life with others. Be creative will capture the heart of anyone you unloved or unworthy. Upgrading at
make changes that they won't like. in your efforts. are attracted to. this point is not a bad plan.

n TAURUS (Apr. 21- may 21) q LEO(July 23-Aug 22) t SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) K AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19)
Pursue outdoor activities or any Plan to get out and do a bit of Your lover probably won't put up Romance can surface if you get into
physical exertion. You will impress travel. Do not sign contracts or get with your behavior. Curl up with a some of those fitness programs
new friends and acquaintances with involved in any uncertain financial good book or go for a drive in the you've been putting off.
your intellectual wit. deals. country.
x PISCES (Feb. 20-Mar. 20)
o GEMINI (May 22-June 21) r VIRGO (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23) u SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21) You could be emotional if you
Risky ventures may turn in your This is a great day for a trip. Don't You can evade the issue as usual didn't take care of problems with
favor. You can raise your standard of let jealous friends put you down, by being affectionate, fun loving, and loved ones.
living if you pick up some freelance making you insecure about your far too active for your lover to catch
work on the side. capabilities. on.
[6] vanuatu Daily Post | Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Regional News

Samoa Tonga
Bribery convictions spawn Tonga PM’s statement says Kingdom
doesn’t want to interfere in Fiji’s affairs
Samoa law change calls A statement from Tonga
’ s P r i m e M i n i s t e r, L o r d
Tui’vakano, says Tonga has
“Lord Tu’ivakano’s state-
ment says Fiji’s domestic
affairs are its own and Tonga’s
Tongan legal system isn’t sub-
ject to political influence by
either the King or Cabinet
E lection candidates in an election petition brought “So they want to review no interest in interfering in government has no interest Ministers and judges aren’t
Samoa who have been found against him by an independ- the law and consider our cul- Fiji’s domestic affairs. in bringing undue influence. encouraged to make decisions
guilty of bribery and treat- ent unsuccessful candidate, ture, giving money and food The statement comes as It says there’s a process to based on political beliefs. The
ing are calling for a review Fuataga KasimaniLautusi, and drinks, is part of our cul- Fiji’s interim Prime Minister, be followed with extradition statement ends by saying that
of the electoral law, saying who is the paramount chief ture. But if you look at the Commodore Frank Bainima- orders and no obstacle will it’s an offensive breach of pro-
it goes against tradition and of Lalomanu village. law, if you give someone at rama, says a police investi- be placed before representa- tocol to infer for political gain
culture. The petitioner was also the time of the election, if you gation is underway into the tives of the Fiji government that the King’s offer of hospi-
The latest to lose a petition found guilty of six counts give money or food or drinks escape to Tonga of Colonel in court, nor will the accused tality to Colonel Mara equates
and his seat is the Associate of bribery and treating in or whatever, to a voter or an Tevita Uluilakeba Mara. be denied counsel or the right to an offer of immunity.”
Minister of natural resources a counter petition by the elector, that’s bribery.” Annell Husband reports. to reply. It points out that the —RNZI
and environment, and HRPP respondent. Autagavaia Tipi Autaga-
party MP, Seuala Taua Kitio- Our correspondent in Apia, vaia says the Aleipata Itupa i Samoa
na Tavaga. Autagavaia Tipi Autagavaia, Luga constituency now has to
Seuala was found guilty of
eight counts of bribery and
four counts of treating in
says candidates that have
been found guilty want the
electoral law reviewed.
elect an MP in an upcoming
Samoa complaint against
Solomons TV3 in NZ rejected
MASI awards journalists Samoa’s government has
failed in its complaint to New
Zealand’s Broadcasting Stand-
tions by Campbell Live that
a balance of about 45 million
US dollars is unaccounted for
stepped as he was leaving a
function at 11pm. However,
the BSA says the programme
ards Authority over a story on was grossly misleading. But made considerable efforts
TV3’s Campbell Live. the BSA says the government to obtain comment from the
The programme’s host, was given fair and reasonable Prime Minister, and it is not
John Campbell, alleged dona- opportunity to respond to the required to provide written
tions for the 2009 tsunami matters raised, and as senior questions in advance as had
were unaccounted for and politicians they should have been requested. The Author-
implied Samoans were being been familiar with dealing ity declined to determine if
short-changed by their gov- with media, so the story was the reporting of the Samoa
ernment. not unfair. Samoa’s complaint government’s action follow-
Megan Whelan reports maintained that the Camp- ing the tsunami was accu-
“Samoa’s Prime Minister, bell live item did not deal rate.”
Tuila’epa Sa’ilele Malielegaoi, fairly with the Prime Min- —RNZI
said at the time the allega- ister, because he was door-

PNG dispels PM death rumours
Papua New Guinea’s
Government has again been
forced to dispel rumours that
Island Sun’s Mike Puia, Sunday Isles’ Cathy Konainao and Solomon Star’s Eddie Osifelo with their awards. Prime Minister Sir Michael
Somare has died.
One News Television felo and Island Sun’s Mike Malaita that was not buried. Seventy-five-year-old Sir
journalist Koroi Hawkins was Puia were awarded the most His story on the dead lead- Michael remains in intensive
awarded the Media Associa- improved journalists of the er was the first of its kinds care in a Singapore hospital
tion of Solomon Islands sen- year awards. the country has experienced after undergoing heart sur-
ior journalist of the year. Mr Puia was awarded which receive condemna- gery last month.
Mr Hawkins who worked the most improved journal- tions from the churches and Over the weekend, a
for One News for five years ist for striving hard despite the police. rumour of his death had
won the award for his only attending three months For the female journalist of quickly spread across the
numerous contributions in basic journalism training in the year category, the award country.
the media despite challenges the country. was given to Sunday Isles The rumours have led the Seventy-five-year-old Sir Michael remains in intensive care in a Singapore hospital after
during the national general With the level of training reporter Cathy Konainao. acting Prime Minister, Sam undergoing heart surgery last month. [Unspecified]
elections and the political he got from Solmas he has Her contributions to Abal, to call a press confer- we expect him to move out of Government’s proposal to
instability. eager to learn, improve and women issues, tourism, ence to dispel it as malicious the ICU area,” he said. establish a regional process-
Mr Hawkins aggressive has long future in journal- human rights, health and the gossip. Mr Abal also says there ing centre for asylum seekers
approach to get information ism. general news in the paper “He’s still in the ICU and should be a decision in com- in PNG.
has helped him grow from Mr Osifelo was awarded won her the award. at any time, in a day or so, ing days on the Australian —Radio Australia
strength to strength. the most improved journal- Solomon Star
In the other Categories ist for his story on the dead Australia
Solomon Star’s Eddie Osi- body of a spiritual leader in

Fiji Christmas Island gets first refugees

Fiji restricts baby formula marketing under new Australian policy
Limits to the advertising of is aimed at limiting advertis- Health and we’re looking at A boat carrying 55 asylum with Malaysia and Papua found off Scott Reef on the
baby milk formula in Fiji ing and promotion of breast- this as something that will seekers has been intercepted New Guinea, the asylum north-west coast on Satur-
are due to be enforced next milk substitutes and retailers benefit not only the govern- near Christmas Island and is seekers arriving in Aus- day.
month as the government have had a year’s warning ment of Fiji but also the gen- being escorted there on Mon- tralia will undergo health They have been trans-
promotes breastfeeding. before penalties are enforced eration of the Fijian children day. checks before being flown ferred to a customs ves-
A Health Ministry spokes- next month. of tomorrow.” The passengers will be the to a foreign country where sel and is expected to also
person, Peni Namotu, says it He says there has been Peni Namotu says retailers first to be subject to the Aus- their claims for refugee sta- arrive at Christmas Island,
wants babies from birth to six mixed reaction to the move. have two weeks left to get tralian Government’s new off- tus can be assessed. but it is not clear to which
months of age to be exclu- “Some of the retailers their acts together and com- shore immigration processing Before the latest group country the asylum seekers
sively breast fed. are giving their support, their ply with the regulations. policy which came into effect was intercepted, a boat will be taken, or when.
He says the Food Safety Act full support to the Ministry of —RNZI on May 7. carrying 32 asylum seekers —RADIO Australia
Under deals being sought and one crew member was
VANUATU DAILY POST |Tuesday May 17 , 2011 [ 7 ]

Regional News
Post Comics
PNG seeks to expand
tuna processing capacity
Papua New Guinea is help of other Pacific nations. forever,” Mr Pokajam said.
engaged in moves to become Growth in the fish-process- “We are looking at direct
one of the world’s leading fish ing sector in recent years has employment of 30,000.”
processing nations by process- been driven by the duty-free The development of Papua
ing a larger catch and encour- and quota-free access PNG New Guinea’s fish processing
aging other Pacific nations to gets to the European market sector has not been without
send fish to its canneries. as a result of its interim Eco- criticism.
Sixty percent of the world’s nomic Partnership Agreement In cities such as Madang
tuna caught is in the Pacific, with the European Union. and Wewak there have been
GARFIELD and over the past decade, The industry now employs complaints about low pay,
fish processing has become a more than 9000 people in poor conditions and pollution
major employer in PNG. Pap ua New Guin ea an d by fish processing plants.
But the eight tuna-rich expansion plans at the IFC Nonetheless, PNG’s Nation-
Pacific Island nations, known cannery in Lae will add al Fisheries Authority says
as the PNA group, have strug- another 1,200 jobs. there are clear economic ben-
gled to bring jobs onshore, Another 12,000 jobs could efits in having tuna caught
according to Papua New be created by three other in the Pacific processed by
Guinea’s National Fisheries well-progressed new invest- Pacific, rather than Asian,
Authority managing director ments, our reporter says. nations.
Sylvester Pokajam. Managing Director of Mr Pokajam admits that
He wants to improve the PNG’s National Fisheries some Asian canneries may be
situation. Authority, Sylvester Pokajam, driven out of business if the
“We are looking at the fish- says most of the new invest- industry is directed back to
HAGAR THE HORRIBLE ery within the PNA of about ment is in Morobe Province. the Pacific.
1.2 million metric tonnes “The Governor of Morobe “When you put more
sustainably harvested every Province is very supportive processing plants in PNG
year,” he told Radio Austral- and his support is that he that fish will then come to
ia. wants jobs,” Mr Pokajam PNG and someone is going to
“We want to also extend said. suffer. Its going to be the can-
our call to the Pacific, espe- “He does not want any- neries in Asia, mainly Bang-
cially the PNA countries, thing else just jobs, jobs, jobs kok and Thailand.”
to earn more from their and I think that is a very good But he says other canneries
resources rather than just approach to it. People are in the Pacific would benefit
relying on the access fees so available to be employed so from PNG’s plan to build up
we try to develop in that are this is more or less the centre its domestic industry.
to see how we can all work for PNG.” “We will work together as
together as one group to ben- Mr Pokojam says that job a party - we will work with

Today in Solution to your Sudoku puzzle efit together.”

Radio Australia’s Pacific
growth is forecast to contin-
ue, and rejected suggestions
Solomon Islands,” Mr Poka-
jam said.
history May 16 Economic and Business that tuna fishing over the “I don’t want to make it
reporter, Jemima Garrett says long term may be unsustain- in such a way that my other
Papua New Guinea could still able. co-members think that I am
become a rising power in fish- “This is a sustainable indus- greedy.”
processing even without the try and the jobs will remain —Radio Australia
The New York Stock Fiji
Exchange was
established when a Fiji court seeks Tonga extradition
group of 24 brokers and
merchants met by a tree
on what is now Wall
of escaped sedition suspect Mara
Street and signed the The magistrates court in Suva secure the return of Ratu corrupted and not followed
Buttonwood Agreement. in Fiji has this morning issued Te v i t a , t h e p o l i c e h a v e through with the original
1875 a warrant for the arrest of launched an investiga- plan to run the country for a
The first Kentucky Derby Ratu Tevita Uluilakeba Mara tion into who helped the short time before returning
was held at Churchill who has fled to Tonga breach- former Commander of the to barracks. Despite being
Downs, in Louisville, New Zealand ing his bail terms after being Third Infantry Regiment to available on the internet,
Kentucky. charged with making sedi- escape. The Commodore none of Ratu Tevita’s com-
1938 Painful details revealed in New tious comments. has described Ratu Tevita ments are being reported
NBC aired the Fiji’s interim Prime Minis- as fugitive and said fleeing here as newsrooms are still
Information Please quiz Zealand earthquake inquest ter has said he plans to start the country was an act of a overseen by censors. Speak-
show on the radio for the extradition proceedings to despicable nature for some- ing to rural people earlier
first time. Painful details of the last lish-language school in the get Ratu Tevita back to face one who had been charged today, most were unaware
1954 moments of those killed in CTV building, many foreign- charges with an offence against Fiji of what was going on and
The Supreme Court ruled the Christchurch earthquake ers were among the dead. Philippa Tolley is in Fiji law. Ratu Tevita has sent a had no idea of Ratu Tevita’s
unanimously against have been described at the On the coroner’s list are and sent this report: message from Tonga saying criticisms.”
segregation in schools first mass inquest into the four Chinese, a Filipino, and “Along with efforts to those in power have been RNZI
in Brown v. Board of tragedy. four New Zealanders - two of
Education. The inquest is trying to whom came from Peru and Kiribati
Unsuccessful Kiribati search baffles
1973 determine the identities of Russia.
Televised Watergate nine quake victims whose The country’s chief coroner,
hearings opened, headed remains have not been Neil MacLean says confirma-
by North Carolina senator found. tion of their deaths will allow Kiribati Search and Rescue lect palm leaves. there’s no sign of the alu-
Sam Ervin. Circumstantial evidence, families some closure. says it’s strange an extensive While their canoe was minium boat, it’s not even
1987 including recovered house- “It’s difficult to reach any search for six missing young spotted, the Kiribati Search detected by the aircraft, the
An Iraqi warplane keys, was given - placing clear conclusion as to any people failed to find them or and Rescue coordinator Cap- radars, and the missing peo-
attacked the U.S.S. Stark the victims at the CTV build- more details about the cause their aluminium dinghy. tain Omirete Tadureka says ple. So we suspect that they
in the Persian Gulf, killing ing around the time of the of death,” he said. On Friday the US Coast- searches of 24,400 square might have been rescued by
37 American sailors and quake. “But to state the obvious, guard called off its search nautical miles by a US Coast- some fishing boats or cargo
wounding 62. The CTV building was it must have been the result for the youngsters, who were guard Hercules and a New boats because we should
where the majority of the of multiple traumatic injuries believed to have drifted out Zealand Airforce Orion failed have made some sighting of
earthquake’s 181 victims sustained when the earth- to sea a week earlier after to find any further trace of this aluminium boat.”
died. quake struck.” setting out on a canoe tow- them. —RNZI
Because there was an Eng- —Radio Australia ing a smaller dinghy to col- “It’s very strange, why
[ 10 ] vanuatu Daily Post | Tuesday May 17, 2011
World News

Painful details revealed in New
Zealand earthquake inquest
Painful details of the last moments of those killed in
the Christchurch earthquake have been described at
the first mass inquest into the tragedy. The inquest is
trying to determine the identities of nine quake victims
whose remains have not been found. Circumstantial
evidence, including recovered house-keys, was given -
placing the victims at the CTV building around the time
of the quake. The CTV building was where the majority
of the earthquake’s 181 victims died. Because there
was an English-language school in the CTV building,
many foreigners were among the dead. On the
coroner’s list are four Chinese, a Filipino, and four New
Zealanders - two of whom came from Peru and Russia.
The country’s chief coroner, Neil MacLean says
confirmation of their deaths will allow families some
closure. “It’s difficult to reach any clear conclusion as
to any more details about the cause of death,” he said.
A Palestinian youth flees teargas during a confrontation at nakba demonstrations in Hebron on the West Bank yesterday. Source: AFP “But to state the obvious, it must have been the result

Violence erupts
of multiple traumatic injuries sustained when the
earthquake struck.”
Radio Australia

US Senator Kerry in Pakistan for high-

on Israel’s borders
level talks
United States Senator John Kerry has arrived for
top-level talks in Pakistan, the first senior US visitor to
Islamabad since the killing of Osama bin Laden earlier
this month. Mr Kerry’s visit comes two days after
Israeli soldiers have shot in traffic. ple after dozens of Palestinian Palestinians.” Pakistan’s parliament called for an end to US drone
dead at least 12 people as The worst violence was on refugees infiltrated the Golan Pa l e s t i n i a n p r e s i d e n t strikes on its territory. Pakistani MPs also demanded
Palestinians massed on the the borders with Lebanon and Heights from Syria along a Mahmoud Abbas said in a that operations similar to that which discovered and
borders of Lebanon, Syria, with Syria, where Palestinian frontline that has been large- televised address to mark killed the al-Qaeda leader never be repeated. John
the Gaza Strip and the West refugees tried to breach the ly tranquil for decades. the anniversary that those Kerry, who is the chair of the US Foreign Relations
Bank to mark the 63rd anni- fence into Israel. The Syrian foreign minis- killed were martyrs to the Committee, will meet Pakistan’s president and the
versary of the creation of The Lebanese army on try condemned what it called Palestinian cause. prime minister. Arriving in Islamabad, he warned that
Israel. the Lebanese frontier said Israel’s “criminal activities”. “Their precious blood will Pakistan-US relations are at a critical point, and
Palestinians call it the 10 Palestinians died when In a separate incident not be wasted. It was spilt for warned of serious consequences unless Pakistan
“Nakba”, or catastrophe - the Israeli forces shot at rock- on the border with Jordan, the sake of our nation’s free- backs Washington’s continued war on terror.
anniversary of the day Israel throwing protesters to pre- Jordanian police fired tear- dom,” he said. “It is fair to say that some of my colleagues in the
became a state and hundreds vent them from entering the gas to disperse hundreds of A spokesman for Islamist House, in Senate, have deep reservations about
of thousands of Arabs fled or Jewish state. pro-Palestinian activists who Hamas movement in the whether or not Pakistan is committed to the same
were forced out. Lebanese security sourc- gathered at a village near Gaza Strip, Sami Abu Zuhri, goals or prepared to be a full partner in pursuing those
In Israel and the occupied es said more than 100 peo- Israeli territory. called it “a turning point in goals,” he told reporters. “There are calls in some
territories, thousands of peo- ple had been wounded in the “The police pushed us out the Israeli-Arab conflict” that quarters in Congress for a shift in the aid program
ple joined protests which shooting in the Lebanese bor- of the protest area and after proved the Palestinian people unless there is an improvement in the current situation.”
turned into clashes with der village of Maroun al-Ras. using teargas started to chase and Arabs were committed to Separately, six people in the United States and
police. The Israel army said the us with batons,” one said ending Israeli occupation. Pakistan have been charged with providing financial
On Israel’s tense southern Lebanese army had also from Karama village. Hezbollah condemned and material support to the Pakistani Taliban. All six
border with the Gaza Strip, used live ammunition in an ‘Arab revolt’ inspiration the “Israeli aggression on people are of Pakistani origin. They face a range of
Israeli gunfire wounded 82 attempt to hold back the Israeli prime minister unarmed civilians in Maroun charges and if convicted each offence could carry a
demonstrators approaching crowds rushing the border Benjamin Netanyahu said al-Ras and in the Golan, potential 15 year prison sentence. Among the six is
the fence with the Hamas fence. he hoped the confrontations which constitutes a dan- the 76 year-old Imam of the Miami mosque, his son and
Islamist-run enclave, medical Thousands also entered would not escalate. gerous violation of human a daughter who lives in Pakistan. Last week the
workers said. the Golan Heights, which “I’ve instructed the army rights”. Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility for twin suicide
In a separate incident, Israel annexed from Syria in to behave with maximum “The resistance movement bomb attacks on a group of military cadets near the
Israeli forces said they shot a 1967, but most were arrested restraint,” he said. in Lebanon will continue to city of Peshawar in which at least 80 people were
man who was trying to plant or turned back. “We hope the calm and be an advocate of Palestinian killed.
a bomb near the border. A Israeli military spokeswom- quiet will quickly return. But national rights and calls on Radio Australia
body was later found. an Lieutenant Colonel Avital let nobody be misled, we are everyone to stand united in
In Tel Aviv, Israel’s com- Leibovich has accused Syria determined to defend our confronting Israeli occupa-
Gays and lesbians clash with
mercial hub, a truck driven of orchestrating the incursion borders and sovereignty.” tion,” said Hezbollah spokes-
preachers in South Australia
by an Arab Israeli slammed in the Golan Heights. One man, Ahmad Abu man Hassan Fadlallah at a
into vehicles and pedestrians, “The Syrian regime is Arab, says protesters have pro-Palestinian protest in Police have been forced to intervene during a clash
killing one man and injuring intentionally attempting to taken courage from the Maroun al-Ras. between the gay and lesbian community and a group
17 people. divert the world’s attention recent uprisings across the “What happened today in of street preachers in the South Australian capital,
Police were trying to deter- away from their brutal crack- Middle East. Maroun al-Ras and in the Adelaide. The violence broke out during a rally to mark
mine whether the incident down on their own civilians “For 63 years we’ve been Golan is an embodiment of International Day Against Homophobia and
was an accident or an attack. to the incitement on Israel’s under occupation,” he said. the will of the Palestinian Transphobia. The protest began peacefully with 150
Witnesses said the driver, northern border. “Everywhere else in the people, who are committed members of the gay and lesbian community gathering
who was arrested, deliber- Syrian media reports said world people are finding to the right of return. to stage a mass wedding, calling for equal rights for
ately ran amok with his truck Israeli gunfire killed two peo- their freedom, but not the —Radio Australia gay marriage. But when members of the Christian
Street Church crashed the rally, tension escalated.
Pakistan The Church’s Damien Gloury says he was mobbed and

I knew bin Laden was in Pakistan: spy chief

hit. We’re just preaching the bible, we’re quoting the
bible and it says that homosexuality is a sin,” he said.
In the heat of the violence, a wheelchair-bound activist
Afghanistan’s former Minutes, Amrullah Saleh SEALs. United States as “a hostile was thrown on the ground. Protestor James Vigos
intelligence chief says he says Afghan intelligence Saleh has become a country”. says the gay and lesbian community won’t be
knew Osama bin Laden was thought bin Laden was in the prominent critic of Afghan “They take your money. disheartened by the violence. “A very vocal minority
hiding in Pakistan four years Pakistani city of Mansehra President Hamid Karzai’s They do not co-operate. They can’t stop progress,” he said. Police were called in and
ago, but Pakistan’s leaders - about 20km away from efforts to start peace talks created the Taliban. They are several street preachers were forcibly removed, but no
rejected his claims. Abbottabad, where the ter- with the Taliban. number one in nuclear prolif- one was arrested.
In an interview broad- rorist leader was eventually He says Pakistan should eration,” he told CBS. Radio Australia
cast on Sunday on CBS’ 60 found and killed by US Navy be recognised by the —AP
vanuatu Daily Post | Monday May 16, 2011 [ 9 ]
World News

France Cambodia
Cambodian residents report
IMF chief taken from court in threats over railway development
handcuffs on sex assault charges Impoverished Cambodians
say they are being forcibly
primary beneficiaries thus far
have been major Australian
IMF chief Dominique moved out of their houses to and Cambodian corporations,”
Strauss-Kahn has vowed to make way for the country’s he said.
fight charges of assaulting redeveloped railway system. Failed resettlement
a hotel chambermaid, amid The ABC’s Southeast Asia Last year, our correspond-
an explosive sex scandal correspondent, Zoe Daniel, ent says more than 50 families
that could bury his dreams says more than 160 families were relocated to Battambang,
of becoming the next French from a community in the cap- a town north-west of Phnom
president. ital, Phnom Penh, have been Penh, and that many report-
The veteran French pol- offered a few hundred dollars’ ed having no power or clean
itician, who was arrested compensation for their houses water when they arrived.
at the weekend after a New by local authorities. Sok Cheun says two of his
York chambermaid accused The residents say the com- children drowned when they
him of sexual assault, would pensation they’ve been offered went to get water from a deep
defend himself against the isn’t enough. Some say they pond nearby.
allegations, lawyer Benjamin will lose buildings they live “If we had enough food,
Brafman told reporters. and work in, while others are enough water, my children
“He intends to vigorous- angry that they’ve been told to would not have died,” he
ly defend these charges and move about 20km out of the said.
denies any wrongdoing,” city. Following the deaths,
Mr Brafman said outside the Residents who don’t want to AusAID and the Asian
courthouse where the IMF IMF head Dominique Strauss-Kahn is taken out of a police station in New Yor. Photo: AFP leave say they’ve been threat- Development Bank say they
chief will appear on Monday. ened by local officials. increased their monitoring of
Mr Strauss-Kahn left a minister, he had been expect- her a second time, the daily to the Air France flight when One resident says she was the government resettlement
police station in Harlem ed to throw his hat into the said. he contacted the Sofitel to asked to accept the deal by program.
late on  Sunday (early ring for the 2012 French elec- MSNBC television said that, ask staff to return his mobile giving a thumb print. Power has also reported-
Monday afternoon AEST) in tion, challenging President in the bathroom, Mr Strauss- phone, which he had left “If I don’t, they will bulldoze ly been connected to houses
handcuffs. Nicolas Sarkozy. Kahn forced the maid to per- behind in his room. my house, they will hire [a] but at the resident’s cost, and
The bombshell news Mr Strauss-Kahn has been form oral sex on him and tried The arrest comes as the drug user to burn my house,” many of those resettled are
of his arrest has left the charged with a “criminal sex- to remove her underwear. 187-member IMF is seeking she said. understood to have left.
International Monetary Fund ual act, unlawful imprison- Mr Strauss-Kahn’s wife, to aid debt-ridden countries The railway project being The Asian Development
reeling, coming ahead of crit- ment and attempted rape” of high-profile French televi- in the euro zone. is built with funding from the Bank’s criteria for resettlement
ical talks on repairing the a 32-year-old woman. sion journalist Anne Sinclair, The IMF’s executive board Australian aid agency AusAID outlines the need for people
painful fallout of the debt cri- The woman, employed said she did not believe the said it had postponed its exec- and the Asian Development to be in the same or better
sis sweeping the euro zone. for the past three years at allegations against her hus- utive board meeting until Bank, and that marked build- circumstances after they are
Mr Strauss-Kahn, 62, has the luxury Sofitel hotel near band, telling AFP: “I have no Monday in the wake of Mr ings within 3.5 metres of the moved.
hired a barrage of top law- Times Square, picked Mr doubt his innocence will be Strauss-Kahn’s arrest. line are scheduled to be par- Mr Pred says BABC believes
yers, as questions also swirled Strauss-Kahn out of a line-up established.” Mr Strauss-Kahn, whose tially or fully demolished. the large number of families
over whether he had the right on Sunday, as police said they Mr Strauss-Kahn, who has stint at the IMF does not offi- ADB spokesman Peter Bloch that have left Battambang is
to diplomatic immunity. had won a warrant to seek been widely praised for his cially end until September has rejected reports of intimi- an indication that the resettle-
Another lawyer William DNA evidence on his clothes. stewardship of the IMF, is so 2012, had been due to meet dation and threats. ment process has failed.
Taylor told journalists out- The woman alleged he had well known in France he is German Chancellor Angela “Resettlement is always a “Obviously, if people are
side the Manhattan court assaulted her in his hotel suite often referred to simply by Merkel in Berlin on Sunday horribly difficult thing to do not happy to stay here, where
house that “we’ve agreed to when he got out of his show- his initials DSK. to discuss an aid package for in this part of the world,” he they’ve been moved, then that
postpone the arraignment er naked. Even though he has not yet debt-laden Greece. said. shows that they weren’t reset-
until tomorrow [Monday] “She was in the room. She officially declared his candida- He was then to attend a “We have what’s known as tled adequately,” he said.
morning.” thought it was empty. That’s cy in next year’s French pres- meeting of EU finance minis- a safeguards policy, which sets AusAID declined to com-
Mr Taylor said the delay when he approached her ident elections, he had been ters on Monday and Tuesday certain minimum standards ment but has said that relo-
was linked to Mr Strauss- from behind and touched her topping the opinion polls. in Brussels. that must be upheld when cating people affected by the
Kahn undergoing further test- inappropriately. He forced News of his arrest threw The IMF said his number resettling people.” new rail line is the respon-
ing by police searching for her to perform a sexual act the Socialist party into disar- two John Lipsky would stand But residents, together sibility of the Cambodian
evidence. on him,” a police spokesman ray, and could prove a boost in as acting IMF chief for with NGOs, are preparing a Government.
“Our client willingly con- told Agence France-Presse. for Mr Sarkozy and his right- now. complaint to the ADB’s high- The new railway is expect-
sented to a scientific and He described the victim as wing UMP which is also fac- It is not the first time that est level, while Bridges Across ed to be operational by the
forensic examination,” Mr “female, black, 32 years old”, ing a challenge from the Mr Strauss-Kahn has been Borders Cambodia (BABC), a end of next year, and is to be
Taylor said, adding the IMF but could not confirm details far-right National Front and tainted by scandal. prominent NGO, is also advo- run by an Australian firm, Toll
chief was “tired but he’s given in The New York Times its leader Marine Le Pen. In 2008, he was found to cating on residents’ behalf. Holdings.
fine”. that the IMF chief pulled her Conspiracy theories imme- have been having an affair The organisation’s founder, Our correspondent says
Mr Strauss-Kahn was taken into the bedroom and on to diately began circulating in with a Hungarian IMF econ- David Pred, says the project Toll Holdings, which has a
off an Air France flight on the bed and then locked the France speculating that the omist, but the IMF concluded bears the characteristics of cor- 30-year concession to operate
Saturday just minutes before door. events were just an elaborate he had not exerted pressure porate welfare. Cambodia’s train system, has
takeoff in a humiliating She managed to fight him set-up to discredit Mr Strauss- on the woman, although “You have Australian tax indicated that it is not respon-
turn of events for one of the off, but he dragged her down Kahn. it noted his inappropriate dollars and Cambodian debt to sible for either fixing the tracks
world’s most powerful men. the hallway to the bathroom, Police confirmed the IMF behaviour. the Asian Development Bank or moving the people.
A former French finance where he sexually assaulted boss had been tracked down —AFP bankrolling a project, whose —Radio Australia


Japan has
Japan begins first evacuations outside exclusion zone
begun moved on Sunday to pub- areas being evacuated that our village residents, we have ing that fuel inside the reactor a state of “cold shutdown” on
evacuating people from out- lic housing, hotels and other they must leave, observers no choice but to go ahead. had apparently melted down. Sunday.
side the official 20-kilometre facilities in nearby cities. say officials are unlikely to “I will do whatever I can so T h e p l a n t ’ s o p e r a t o r, Hamaoka was shut down
exclusion zone surrounding The two towns are 30 kil- punish anyone who chooses that you will be able to return TEPCO, says about 3,000 tons amid warnings from seismol-
the crippled Fukushima ometres from the plant, but to stay. home as soon as possible.” of highly radioactive con- ogists that a major earthquake
nuclear plant in the country’s are receiving high amounts of “I am sure all of you have Correspondents say the first taminated waste water was is overdue in the Tokai region
northeast. radioactive contamination due lived in Iidate-mura all your group of evacuees were most- found underneath the reac- southwest of Tokyo where the
Radiation is continu- to wind patterns. life and never moved,” the ly parents of small children tor, forcing officials to begin plant is located.
ing to leak from the ageing The government says town’s mayor Norio Kanno and pregnant women, who are looking at pumping it out for Prime Minister Naoto Kan
Fukushima plant, which was they’re the first of a series of told one group of residents as considered more vulnerable. processing. hs said the plant will stay shut
badly damaged in the March new phased relocations that they prepared to leave their Signs of meltdown In a related development, until a higher sea wall is built
11 earthquake and tsunami. will take place in the coming homes. At the plant itself, emergen- the Chubu Electric Power and other measures are taken
More than 5,000 peo- days. “Considering the future of cy crews are reassessing the Company says all reactors at to protect it against earth-
ple from the towns of Iidate- Although the government our children and young peo- status of reactor one at the six- its ageing Hamaoka nucle- quakes and tsunamis.
mura and Kawamata-cho were has told residents in new ple, as well as the health of reactor facility, after discover- ar power plant entered into —Radio Australia

VANUATU DAILY POST Tuesday 17 May, 2011 [11]

This residential property is on 5,431 m2 of well maintained and mani- Don’t miss out as this property is well worth a viewing.
cured gardens in the tightly held area of Numbatri. The land is north
facing and is well elevated providing both cooling breezes and Tenders should be in writing in a sealed envelope and are to be
uninhibited views over Port Vila Harbour and Iririki Island. Part of received by the undersigned at or before 4pm, 9th of June, 2011, at
which time tenders will close. The highest or any tender may not
this large area of land may be further developed or subdivided subject
necessarily be accepted and will be subject to contract.
to the necessary approvals being obtained. The main house features
3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms plus a self contained apartment downstairs. Tender Title 11/OX12/001
This property has good investment potential. Total house size under LJ Hooker
Tender Information available from
the main roof is 366m2. PO Box 1199
JUDE LESKE Port Vila 11/06/11

Nobody does it better LJ Hooker - PO Box 1199, Lini Highway, PortVila - Ph. (678) 7754543 — Email:

HARBOR VIEWS, AND GOOD SECURITY WITH ELECTRIC alongside the USP soccer field. 28,000 vt / month only. CONTACT - 7742800 (23/05/11)

25460 / 7744180. (14/06/11) A selection of our Houses AvAilAble for rent
Town: 2 bedrooms, fully furnished in secure compound 100.000vt pm
BARGAIN – BARGAIN - BARGAIN Land for sale at Teou- Second Lagoon: Studio, furnished right on the water 110.000vt pm
ma River – 21,556 square meters, or 2,15 hectares. Land Pango Road: 3 bedroom, part furnished w/ guest house 120.000vt pm
has more than 50 meters of Teouma River waterfront Executive House for Rent
Malapoa: 3 bedroom, fully furnished w/ pool for the sunsets 135.000vt pm
. It is currently agricultural title but can be changed to
commercial or residential. There are Natapoa Nut trees, Elluk Plateau: 2 bedroom, unfurnished, 2 lockable garages 150.000vt pm
Cacao trees, Mango trees etc. Suitable for hobby farm-
Tassiriki: 4 bedroom, unfurnished, including a pool 160.000vt pm
ing, commercial farming, agriculture and aquaculture,
or just to live and enjoy rural life close to town – only 7 Tassiriki: 3 bedrooms, part furnished French style house 210.000vt pm
kilometres away from Port Vila. Subject to approval by NEW! ABSOLUTE BEACH FRONT STUDIO APART-
the Lands Department this land can also be subdivid- MENTS 2nd Lagoon near Vila Chaumieres for short & Please call us for more details on 29014 Office hours 8 til 5 – Monday to Friday
ed into agricultural or residential plots. Land is for sale long term rental. Self-contained, kitchen, furnished, Email: Web:
at only VATU 5,5 million. For further information, or to ceilingfan / air-conditioning, Sat TV/DVD, high-speed-
arrange an inspection please call 77 77787. (19/05/11) internet, deluxe bathroom, large balconies, swim-
ming pool, beachbar, in-room safe, on site parking,
LAND FOR SALE Surface – 3714m2. Price: 2,2 Mil- 24 hrs security. OPENING SPECIAL 140,000vt / month, 21/11/11
lion vt, Phone: 7741214 or 7772150. (21/05/11) 60,000/ week, 12,000vt /day. Call TROPICANA LAGOON
Beach Apartments 5617443, 5646203, 22202 or email Executive 4 bedrooms House for Rent
Land for sale at Nambatri, Pango Road. Currently res- Great Safe Lifestyle
Fully-furnished with
idential property block on main road with 70 meters 1 bedroom/kitchen for rent at Freshwo- This home has all the mod cons to make living luxurious fittings
road front which can be turned into commercial title. ta 4. Vt 20,000p/month includes water/light for single in Port Vila feel like a luxury holiday. The large True open plan indoor/
Total land size is 2277 square meters. Ideal for resi- or couples only. Call E-Joseph mob-.5513579. Deposit open-plan living flows gloriously onto an outdoor living
Fabulous day & night
dential Rent Houses, or Commercial Shops, Warehous- Vt.10,000.(24/05/11) infinity pool . It’s a perfect entertaining house. harbour views
es, Office Building or for absolutely the best location Large infinity pool
for an exclusive Kava Bar in Vila as it has high exposure For Rent - Serviced one bedroom apart- Positioned on Malapoa’s finest street with Huge bath room with
of 70 meters main road frontage. The property is locat- ments, suitable for singles or couples. Fully Furnished, security and one of the best views in town, it 2-person spa bath
Large modern kitchen
ed at 100 meters away from the Le Lagon Resort. This Clean, Very Secure, Quite Area, Air conditioned, Inter- has a great master bedroom suite and a
Spacious office suitable
property is for sale at a bargain price of VATU 8.5 mil- net, Washing Machines, 400m Walk to Town, Car Park- separate wing for the family or visitors. There’s for working from home
lion. For further information and to arrange an inspec- ing. Rent is 85,000 per month includes inputs of gas, a spacious separate study providing the space Cellar (cyclone shelter)
tion of the property please phone 77 77787. (19/05/11) water, electricity, cleaning, gardener, TV (12 chan- to work from home or indulge your hobbies. Flat screen TV
Secure fencing/electric
nels), DVD Player, Microwave, etc… Phone: 7745702 gates
For sale Available NOW are two ABSO- (19/05/11) Rental fromVt225,000 p/month Ideal for Family & Visitors
LUTE Waterfront blocks of vacant land with sizes over 4 bedrooms
2,700m2 each at Second Lagoon. Titles: 12/0912/358 & Room for rent at Ohlen Fresh Wind, Flexible leasing options To View please contact: En-suite plus 3rd toilet
Available long or short term Maurice Masuino Great private guest
12/0912/359. Location: Teouma road 300meters from close to SDA Church fresh wind. 1 Bedroom, 1 sitting from June 2011 Ph (678) 7742444 bedrooms with separate
Starfish. Extending from the main road to the water. room, toilet, bathroom, kitchen + verandah. Separate E-mail: bathroom.
Each blocks have approximately 50 meter waster front- water & electricity meter. Price: 23,000vt per month.
age. Suitable for commercial purpose or Bungalows Contact: 7769739. (18/05/11)
project. Do not miss this golden opportunity. Contact:
5926410. (18/05/11) Apartment opposite Palms Resort and
Casino 50% larger than studio, Air-Cond separate bed-
FOR Sale Vacant land with size over room queen bed. Fully furnished with kitchen, large 2 GRABE YOURSELF THE CHANCE TO CHARE A HOUSE
2,400m2. Location: Nambatu – opposite Kaiviti Motel. door fridge stove/oven all cooking utensils, bathroom
Very suitable for commercial purpose. Do not miss Lounge Sat TV, DVD, fast fast WIFI, Cleaned 2 x week- WITH SOME FRIENDS AT A VERY AFFORDSABLE
this opportunity. For sale vacant land with size over ly. Your own private grassed courtyard garden. Secure
2,909m2. Class: Urban commercial lease. Very suitable gated complex with Guard. Very quiet area studio PRICE. AVAILABLE IS A LARGE 6 BEDROOM HOUSE
for commercial purpose. Contact: 5926410. (18/05/11) 60,000vt – Larger one bedroom 80,000vt. Ph: 7723088.
PROPERTY FOR RENT 2 bedroom unit, partly furnished, fenced
with security gate @ Beverly Hills Estate. Vt38,000 / UNFURNISHED. 40,000VT P/M. NAMBATRI.
SOCAPOR – LUXURY APARTMENT TO month. Call 5426979 for inspection. (21/05/11)
ROOM APARTMENT + 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT, AIR CON- Flat to rent - One vacant “2 bed room
DITIONED, SWIMMING POOL, CAR PARK, MAGNIFICENT flat”.At Beverly Hill - along main Beverly Hill street

[ 12] VANUATU DAILY POST Tuesday 17 May, 2011



Fabric Painting Bai i gat wan painting workshop
Sapos yu interest contactem 5902650.
Fee: 3,000VT nomo. (19/05/11)

GENERAL GOODS is moving out of Lolam

For sale, Salon + 2 chatrs, tables + chairs,
desks, beds + bedsides. Phone: 7743560 / 26023. House Happy Birthday to this
to avoid being squished in
special people

Aquarium 1200 x 450 x 470 with stand

next major earthquake.
for private use. H.D glass. Also usable as display case.
25,000vt ONO. Singer overlocker sewing machine, 7 May this year be
bobbin. 40,000Vt ONO. Tel: 23802 or 25155. (19/05/11) SAIL/ SNORKEL/ DIVE
your best ever.
operations are continuing
STARTING 16th MAY @ 1 pm. Household items– on “GOLDEN WING”
birthday dreams
plumbing – timber, electrical– industrial mig welder from Havannah Harbour
Steel – air compressor - tools. Clay oven bricks - plus and wishes come
many other building, and household items. to
true. Not just a
a year better.
Here's to another year of experience. A simple
celebration, a gathering of friends; we wish you
puppies for sale5 seven week old pure rottweiler Local rates apply for expat
puppies for sale 2 male and 3 male at 60,000 vt each all great happiness, a joy that never ends. Happy
Also 6 Rottweiller Ridgeback Cross Seven week old All residents.
birthday, may this day always be a special one
black 3/4 Rottweiller 1/4 Ridgeback At 15,000 each Con- For bookings call as usual:
tact Max 7742888 Santo. (19/05/11) to remember. Hope your birthday blossoms into
25155 or 23802 (messages)
Huge clearance sale lots of dreams come true! May today be filled
Building & household items - with sunshine and smiles, laughter and love. We
Everything must go Selling off quality masks,
pray that the almighty will bless and guide you
fins 4 SPEEDO Shorty
all in everyday step of life, we love you all.
MELE ROAD JUST PAST wetsuits, which are surplus Wishes and love from families at Manples,
VILA MARINE to needs, Next 2 weeks only Stade, Seven Star & Nguna and all who care
Monday & Wednesday - 1pm to 7pm (from 12/05/2011) for you.
Tuesday, Thursday & Friday - 1pm to 5pm
Saturday 21st - 10am to 2pm



Aut trAders
The Cheapest Way to Let Us Know What You Have For Sale.
Email: or Call: 23111

5654439 (28/05/11) lights. Well maintained & serviced by Asco condition (include business licenses, road
MOTOR VEHICLE Motors. Price Negotiable for Urgent Sale. tax, and insurance Contact 7742178/5362774,
Contact: 25979, 5604165, 5918118. (20/05/11) Luganville santo. (20/05/11)
F or sale T oyota RAV 4 2009
3.4Mvt. Phone: 7743560 – 26023. (24/05/11) “J eep G rand C herokee , 2006,
Automatic, Benzene, Leather Seats, DVD
MITSUBISHI L200 2WD dual & Stereo Asking 3.4 M VT please contact
cab ute 2008 60,000km. Excellent condi- 7744765” (27/05/11) NISSAN NAVARA TRUCK, Reg-
tion 1.5million vatu phone Dave 5634547. istration No. T. 10144. Bought in December
(21/05/11) M ercedes E430 L uxury sedan 2008 with one owner 2011 road worthy cer-
TOYOTA YARIS SEDAN 54,000kms good condition. Vt2.2 Million tificate. Well maintained & serviced by Car-
Toyota Hiace Registration No. 10042 2008 Model – Approx Ph: 29740 Mobile: 544202.(18/05/11) penters Motor. Price Negotiable for Urgent
Model LH114, Service bus in good condi- - 35,000km. Bought in October 2008. Nice T o y o t a Hiace B u s Sale. Contact: 25979, 5604165, 5918118.
tion. Price: Vt750,000. Contact: 7743864 / sound system with blue car decoration neon for sale Very good (20/05/11)

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[14 ] VANUATU DAILY POST | Tuesday, May 17 2011
Sports News
Yacht Rally

Three coming rallies: To and from

Vanuatu, and the Louisiades Rally
a l l i e s b e t w e e n The Louisiades Archipelago Yacht Club is offering a lure
Australia and Pacific Islands is 100 nautical miles east of to yachts heading for Aus-
are becoming more and ‘mainland’ Papua New Guin- tralia later this year in the
more popular, and here are ea, 520 nautical miles north- form of an attractive subsidy.
three you can join this year. east of Cairns. They are truly If you make Bundaberg your
Time is fast approaching for paradise found, 100 beautiful entry port into Australia dur-
the fifth Annual Brisbane to islands with a friendly people ing October and November
Vanuatu Yacht Rally, there’s living a very simple life who 2011 as part of the Port2Port
the Louisiades Rally in Sep- welcome cruising yachts. Yacht Rally from Vanuatu
tember and the annual Port- The Louisiades comprise to Bundaberg, the club will
2Port (Port Vila in Vanuatu to sand cays, lagoon reefs, lime- refund your Australian Quar-
Port Bundaberg in Australia) is stone outcrops (up lifted coral antine fees, currently at $330
promoting well in advance of reefs) and continental islands (conditions apply).
their October departure: with many safe anchorages. The move is designed
Brisbane to Vanuatu: With abundant coral reefs to bolster support for the
Supporting Health and Educa- there is snorkelling, diving already popular Port2Port
tion in Vanuatu, the Brisbane and fishing galore. The local Yacht Rally, which will also
to Vanuatu Rally is departing ‘Louisiades Rally 2010 (c) Peter Taylor 2010’ people are exceptionally wel- be spread over two months
on Saturday May 14th, with coming to yachts and will allowng boats to clear in,
an expected arrival before 28th 28th May will be a fun filled exotic experience in the more untouched islands, lagoons paddle out to welcome yachts stay or sail south for the
May at Luganville , Espiritu day of amazing experiences, remote and beautiful islands of and coral cays and the com- and, of course, trade. 2011/2012 cyclone season.
Santo Northern Vanuatu. with Banks Islands and Pen- Vanuatu. munities who live on them. The Rally leaves Cairns 17 The rally consists of cruis-
Thirteen yachts are cur- tecoste Island dancers, String Louisiades Rally: Ideal both for local Aus- September 2010, yachts mus- ers from many nations, many
rently registered to depart, Band and local Island food. The fourth Louisiades Rally tralian yachts and for long ter a week prior at Yorkeys of them circumnavigators
ranging in length from 28 ft to The organising body is the from Cairns to the Louisiades range cruising yachts, it is an Knob Boating Club for brief- who use the rally as a fun
50 ft. A stopover at beautiful Aore Island Yacht Club. Archipelago will operate again opportunity to be introduced ings and preparation. Sail, way to finish their Pacific
Huon and Chesterfield Reef en The Rally will then depart in September this year. This to the remote archipelago in power, mono and multihull crossing, with many children
route to Luganville, Vanuatu is for the remote Banks and is an opportunity for yachts company with an experienced are all welcome. taking part as part of a family
planned. Torres Islands early June for to experience some of the hand - Guy Chester, who has Port2Port Rally: adventure.
The celebration of arrival on two to three weeks, a really South Pacific’s most natural run the first three rallies. The Bundaberg Cruising Sailworld

Football Tennis
Chechnya All Stars help launch stadium Novak Djokovic
A team of former He has largely succeeded, beats Rafael Nadal
international footballers has
played a controversial match
in Grozny, the capital of the
but campaigners say that while
the reduction in violence is to
be welcomed, the unsolved
to win Rome Masters
Russian republic of Chech- disappearances and deaths N o v a k D j o k o v i c king of the surface.
nya. of human rights activists and continued his remarkable Djokovic showed few
The event was staged for journalists should not be the unbeaten run with victory effects from Saturday’s
the opening of the city’s new price for peace. over Rafael Nadal in the final marathon three-set win
30,000-seater stadium. Chechnya is certainly a of the Rome Masters. over Murray and both play-
But campaigners say the unique part of the Russian Fed- The Serb, who was pushed ers thrilled the crowd from
footballers were being used eration, with the air of a dicta- all the way by Andy Mur- the start with the accuracy
for propaganda by Chechn- torship, rather than a republic ray in Saturday’s semi-final, of their hitting.
ya’s President Ramzan Kady- in a new democracy. played some superb ten- “I’m amazed with they
rov. pool players Steve McManaman This sentiment was shared Hundreds of posters of Ram- nis to triumph 6-4 6-4 and way I’m playing, especially
The roads leading to the and Robbie Fowler. by his good friend and former zan Kadyrov adorn the capital. make it 37 wins this year - today given the circum-
new stadium were all blocked The home team - under the Liverpool team-mate Steve One reads: “Sport is our Power, 39 in total. stances and the conditon I
with huge, armoured trucks. name Kavkaz - included the McManaman who said that Victory is our aim.” He looked comfortable was in,” Djokovic said after-
Troops manned checkpoints president himself playing as the game was “not a piece of His father Akhmad Kadyrov and never allowed Nadal, wards.
and those people allowed striker, and the Russian presi- propanda for us”. switched sides between the a five-time title winner in “I played three hours
through on foot walked dent’s envoy to the Caucasus, He added: “There’s many, two Chechen wars, helping Rome, to take the initiative. yesterday against a player
past more soldiers every 50 Alexander Khloponin, was in many, many countries, isn’t Russia to win the second con- Nadal was forced into [Andy Murray] who was
metres. goal. there, with various political flict. In revenge he was killed doing most of the chasing playing great, I was on the
All day we watched heavily- Perhaps unsurprisingly, problems? We are not here by a massive bomb at Grozny’s and looked second-best. verge of losing that match
armed convoys driving through the All Stars defence allowed politically. We are just here to old stadium in 2004. The new The Serb is now closing in and I came back.
the city. President Kadyrov to score a play football.” stadium has been named after on Guillermo Vilas’s record “Whatever the conditions
The entertainment started hat-trick, and his side emerged For Portuguese player Luis him. of 46 consecutive wins, set I needed to step into the
with singers and local dance victorious, winning 5-2. Figo it was about championing Such violence is very rare in 1977. court and take chances and
troupes. A fireworks display The build-up to the match football internationally. now in Chechnya, and the city Djokovic, who won the be aggressive. That’s really
followed, accompanied by the included propaganda films being He said: “It’s good because - once infamous for being Australian Open in Janu- the only way against Nadal
anthem used by the European shown to the crowd which filled we promote football in dif- little more than rubble and ary, can add Rome to a list on clay.
Champions League. the stadium. Human rights ferent places, and that’s the shell-holes - has been almost of titles won in 2011 that “I was able to perform
The choice of music was a groups who are critical of the important thing. I think this entirely rebuilt. also includes titles in Dubai, maybe my best play on clay
sign that the local club Terek president say the footballers a beautiful stadium and it is a It is an extraordinary Indian Wells, Miami, Bel- and I beat the number one
Grozny, currently playing in were being used by him. pleasure to inaugurate it.” achievement, though it is grade and Madrid. in the world on clay. It’s
Russia’s Premier League, has But Robbie Fowler told the Mr Figo had met President unclear where all the money He had beaten Nadal in amazing, I’m going to enjoy
European ambitions. BBC that they were there for Kadyrov earlier in the day. came from for such an three finals already this this victory but then I need
Then came the match. one reason only, that of the Uniqueness impressively quick recovery, year - in Madrid, Miami and to get ready for Roland Gar-
Presidential hat-trick glorious game. Ramzan Kadyrov, who or for the new stadium, or for Indian Wells - but there was ros.”
Diego Maradona led out the He said: “Politics aside, we famously own lions and tigers, the unknown fees paid to the still room for some breath- Nadal said he simply had
All Stars team, which included are not here for that. We are has been tasked by Russian team of fading football super- taking tennis at times as he to pay tribute to the win-
Luis Figo, Fabien Barthez and here to play football, solely Prime Minister Vladimir Putin stars who opened it. recorded a second straight ner.
two former England and Liver- football.” with keeping Chechnya quiet. BBC win on clay over Nadal, the BBC
VANUATU DAILY POST |Tuesday, May 17 2011 [ 15]

Sports News
O-League altered, FOOTBALL
OFC renews support for President

Nations Cup revived

As the 61st FIFA Congress draws closer, OFC has
confirmed its support for the re-election of FIFA President
Joseph Blatter citing a range of initiatives that have positively
impacted the region under his leadership.
The OFC Executive Committee met in Auckland today to
discuss key issues including the upcoming FIFA election
that will be held in Zurich on the 1st of June.
Oceania Football United and Auckland City next No preliminary tournament off with the three top-placed OFC President David Chung says all members agreed that
Confederation (OFC) has season, as the two qualifiers for the 2011-12 O-League will teams from this year’s Pacific the current FIFA administration has had a significant impact
rubber-stamped changes to from this year’s national league be played. Instead, the cham- Games to find Oceania’s rep- on the development and popularity of football across the
the O-League which will see - will not be forced to play in pion teams from American resentative. The playoff series Pacific.
the two New Zealand clubs the same O-League group, Samoa, Samoa, Cook Islands will start in June next year. While all Member Associations have an independent right
placed in separate qualify- which means there is now the and Tonga will take part in a A proposal to next year to decide on which candidate to vote for, President Chung
ing groups, starting from the real possibility they will meet pilot stand-alone tournament. revive the OFC Nations Cup, says today’s decision highlights the unity and transparency
2011-12 season. in the two-legged final for a In future seasons, it will likely which involved the All Whites within the Confederation.
The OFC also announced spot in the Club World Cup. become a preliminary tourna- and five of the Pacific Island OFC
an operating surplus of almost One club one will be drawn ment, with the winner qualify- nations, was deferred to 2015. FOOTBALL
$1 million for 2010 and reaf- with the club champions of ing to play off for a place in the Instead, a Pacific Cup, involv-
‘Bullet’ package found at Celtic
firmed its support for the re- Fiji, New Caledonia and Tahiti O-League. ing the top five teams from the
election of Fifa president Sepp while the other will compete It was also agreed at the 2011 Pacific Games and possi- Strathclyde Police are investigating a suspicious package
Blatter at its executive meeting in the second group with the meeting that there would be bly the New Zealand Olympic which has been found at Celtic Park. BBC Scotland
in Auckland. champions of Vanuatu, Solo- no change to the World Cup team, will be held in February understands the parcel, discovered at the club’s stadium
For the first time the top two mon Islands and Papua New qualification process, mean- next year. on Thursday morning, contained a bullet. It was addressed
New Zealand clubs - Waitakere Guinea. ing the All Whites will play NZH to Celtic manager Neil Lennon but was not opened and
police were informed. The incident is not being linked to
Football the arrest of two men by police probing parcel bombs sent
to Lennon, two high-profile fans and a republican group. The
Celtic manager was also the target of an alleged assault

Tahiti 6 - 0 Tuvalu during his side’s 3-0 win over Hearts and Tynecastle on
Tahiti have made their scoresheet. TENNIS
intentions at the OFC Fut- Maperi’s goal was a fine
Roger Federer loses to Richard Gasquet
sal Championship clear with individual effort, the big strik-
in Rome Masters
an impressive 6-0 win over er cutting in from the left and
Tuvalu in the opening match rifling an unstoppable shot into Roger Federer has crashed out of the Rome Masters
of the tournament. the top corner, while Maihuri in round three, losing 6-4 6-7 (2-7) 6-7 (4-7) to Richard
The well-drilled Tahitians’ had the simple task of sliding Gasquet. The world number three, 29, made several
speed and movement was too the ball home from close range uncharacteristic errors against his French opponent, who he
much for a determined Tuva- after a fine passing move. had beaten in their previous eight meetings. “I should never
lu outfit to contain, although, Tutavae then grabbed his have lost,” said Federer. “He knows how close he came to
based on this effort, the second and Tahiti’s sixth in losing. I had multiple chances.” Novak Djokovic recorded
underdogs have improved the 29th minute when he got his 36th successive victory while world number one Rafael
since last year’s competition his foot to a low cross and Nadal also progressed. Serbian Djokovic made light work
and appear to have the ability They wasted little time in and 12th minutes respec- diverted the ball past Tuvalu of Stanislas Wawrinka, despatching the Swiss player 6-4
to cause their Group B rivals getting their noses in front, tively, had them 3-0 up at goalkeeper Siopepa Tailolo. 6-1 in a little over 90 minutes to wrap up his 34th win since
plenty of problems. Manu Faarahia pouncing in the break. Tuvalu enjoyed more of the the start of the year. World number one Nadal shrugged
Those rivals will be more just the fourth minute to give Any hopes Tuvalu might ball in the latter stages and off a fever to produce an improved display to defeat fellow
worried about the poten- his side the upperhand. have had of getting back into caused the Tahiti defence Spaniard Feliciano Lopez 6-4 6-2. Nadal had struggled in
tial of Tahiti though, having It was an advantage they the contest were quickly extin- several scares but there was round two against Paolo Lorenzi, a player ranked 148 in the
watched the Eric Michalak- looked unlikely to relinquish guished within minutes of no further scoring as the vic- world, and after beating Lopez, he explained why. “I had a
coached side control the when further strikes from the second spell as Chocalat tors closed the game out to fever [on Wednesday evening] and [on Thursday morning] I
match and score a raft of Tahiarii Tutavae and Capo Maperi and Michel Maihuri post a comprehensive win. didn’t feel better,” he said. “I didn’t know if I was going to go
well-worked goals. Turinoho, in the seventh both got themselves on the OFC on the court for the match. I decided at the last moment.”

French League suspends Taye Taiwo
7s team depart with high hopes The French league suspended Marseille defender Taye
Taiwo on Thursday for one match after he joined Marseille
T he D igicel F iji 7 s team as he attended the dinner fans in singing an expletive-laced song about rival Paris
departed the country today with the boys, also the Saint-Germain following last month’s League Cup final win.
with high hopes of doing well board members, the Suva After Marseille beat Montpellier 1-0 to retain the League Cup
in the final leg of the 2010/11 Christian School for invit- trophy at Stade de France, Taiwo grabbed a microphone
HSBC World 7s Series which ing us for a morning tea, and sang with Marseille fans in a mocking and insulting
begins this week in London. Saint Christopher’s Home, song about PSG -- Marseille’s archrival. The French league
Coach Josateki Savou says Latter Day Saints, the Cor- gave Taiwo another two games in a suspended sentence
all players are injury free rectional Services and the -- it would be invoked for a repeat offense.
and looking forward for the C o m m i s s i o n e r o f Po l i c e AP
tournament this weekend. for supporting us all this FOOTBALL
Savou admits he is not while.
UEFA charges Sergio Busquets for slur
under any pressure despite "Like every other team
Fiji's winless campaign in that have been to the UEFA has charged Barcelona midfielder Sergio Busquets
the Series so far. world stage in the past, we with racially insulting Real Madrid defender Marcelo during
"The past is behind us. Its will do our utmost best and the Champions League semifinals. UEFA says its disciplinary
history, we now have two fight on through our final panel will hear the case on Sunday. Busquets is alleged
more tournaments and we debutants in the team say- The team he adds has matches," Savou said. to have violated UEFA’s discrimination rules “by directing
want to move on. ing they should do well. been overwhelmed by the The London 7s starts racist abuse towards” Marcelo, who is black. Marcelo says
"We will analyze each “Aca, Nakarawa, Ikan- support and blessings from Saturday night with Fiji that Busquets called him a “monkey” during a rough first-leg
game as it comes since we ikoda and Talebula are very various communities and playing Portugal in their match April 27 in Madrid. UEFA said it took statements from
know that we have two excited and are ready to the Prime Minister Com- opening match at 10.36. Marcelo and Madrid and used video evidence of a moment
tough teams in South Africa make their appearances felt modore Voreqe Bainima- Fiji is also grouped with when the two players clashed.
and Portugal in our pool," in the World Series stage rama. South Africa and Russia in Barcelona won that game 2-0 and then tied 1-1 to advance
says Savou. and we are also expecting “I thank the Prime Min- Pool D. to the final against Manchester United.
He high hopes of the four a lot from them.” ister for being supportive Fijilive AP

Seule Soromon
i no sua long
Pasifik Gems
Raymond Nasse i ripot i stap skul long primary skul hemi finis. Evri tim i strong
Soromon i talem long finis mo tufala i save gud ol insaed long lik be from long
Daily Spot se hemi stap plei blong tufala. yia ia mifala gat wan gud
tingting blong kambak nekis Daily Spot i bin askem tim hopefully bambae mifa-
yia long kaontri afta we tu abaot Pasifik Gems mo la i save winim jampion-
hemi bin spendem kolosap Soromon i talem se hemi ship,” Soromon i talem.
6 yia long Niu Zealand mo no sua long hemwan weta Soromon we long
hemi talem se i gat bigfala hemi save kam blong joen- 2009/2010 sisen hemi
janis se sapos hemi kambak em skwad i go daon long karem golden boot long ASB
bambae hemi kam blong Pasifik Gems o nogat mo premia lik long Niu Zealand
joenem Amicale FC. hemi talem se Vanuatu i taem hemi stap plei wetem
Be Soromon i talem se gat fulap gudfala pleia we Youngheart Manawatu hemi
hemia i dipen bigwan sapos oli talented mo witaot hem talem se hemi bin kasem ol
Wairarapa i mekem wan long skwad bambae ino save ofa i kam long Auckland
gudfala ofa long hem bam- mekem eni difrens. City las yia mo long yia ia
bae stori i save jenis. Soromon i talem se hemi be hemi no givim wan stret
Daily Spot i askem long glad long klab we hemi stap ansa long olgeta from hemi
hem se sapos hemi kam long hem naoia insaed long bilif se Auckland City hemi
joenem Amicale bambae i Central League long Niu no wan stret klab blong
luk hemi fomem wan dedli Zealand we naoia oli serem hem mekem se taem kon-
attacking fos wetem Fenedy top blong tebol wetem trak blong hem wetem
mo Soromon i talem se i tru Miramar Rangers. Manawatu i finis hemi kam-
from tufala i stap plei tugeta “Mifala i gat 2 moa las bak blong joenem Wairarapa Foma Tupuji Imere straeka Seule Soromon we naoia hemi stap plei long Wairarapa United long Niu Zealand Soromon i talem se i gat big-
long ol unda 10 taem tufala gem blong plei bifo fes raon United. fala janis blong hemi kambak plei long kaontri nekis yia.


Vatu i kwalifae blong tekem wan NSL maj?

Raymond Nasse i ripot daon mo assistim NSL from
Nasonal Supa Lik tunamen ia ino wan tunamen
tunamen we i tekem tuge- olbaot from tunamen ia nao
ta ol top 5 klab insaed long bambae hemi disaedem whu
Port Vila Futbol Assosiesen nao i representem Vanuatu
(PVFA) hemi tunamen we long O-Lik mo semtaem soem
hemi givim janis blong ol long rijen wanem standad
top klab blong PVFA blong blong futbol nao Vanuatu i
oli faet from wan ples blong stap long hem.
representem Vanuatu long Wan fan we Daily Spot i
O-Lik. toktok wetem long las wiken
Be las Sarere sam pua hemi talem se blong wan tim
desisen we rafri Emmanuel i tren had mo kompit truaot
Vatu hemi tekem long maj long sisen blong kam kasem
bitwin Amicale mo Tupuji NSL hemi wan hadwok finis
i lukim fulap fan we oli bin mo everi hadwok ia i save
stap long taem ia oli kwest- minim nating sapos we rafri
enem level blong eksperiens ino pleiem gud role blong
blong Vatu weta hemi kwali- hem insaed long fil.
fae blong save tekem wan hae Emmanuel Vatu hemi wan
standad blong futbol olsem ia prodak blong Luganville
o nogat. Futbol Assosiesen mo hemi
Long maj ia i lukim Vatu kam spendem 2 full yia finis
hemi distebem bigwan gem mo long Vila mo longtaem ia i
sam long ol foul we hemi shud lukim hemi stap rafri long ol
singaotem hemi no mekem, Emmanuel Vatu afta long Tupuji-Amicale maj las wiken maj blong ol fes divisen mo
sam foul we hemi shud leko long yia ia i lukim hemi stap
advantej hemi no mekem mo stap komplen abaot ol desisen tri sapos yumi stap karem ol hem tu ino glad long wei we araon long hem. tekem Fourth Ofisol long sam
sam foul we hemi no shud kol- blong Vatu insaed long fil. rafri we oli no mitim standad Vatu hemi handelem maj bit- Bong i gohed blong talem long ol premia divisen maj
lem be hemi kollem i mekem Bigfala kwesten i stap se hao blong futbol long NSL. wim Amicale mo Tupuji las s e i g u d b l o n g Va n u a t u mo ripot we i kasem Daily
se benj blong Tupuji Imere nao bambae yumi save mekem Daily Spot i toktok wetem wiken. F u t b o l Fe d e r e s e n i t i n g Spot i lukim hemia hemi
ino setel daon mo i lukim oli wan fea seleksen mo semtaem Sekretri blong Port Vila Bong i talem se hemi stap hevi long hemia mo i traem sekon taem we Vatu hemi
mas sendem aot sam wan koj jusum top klab we hemi i dis- Futbol Assosiesen Bong priperem finis isiu blong Vatu karem ol top rafri insaed long karem wan maj long premia
Lulu long benj afta we hemi evem blong representem kaon- Shem mo hemi talem se blong Lik miting tede oli tok PVFA mo rijen blong oli kam divisen.

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