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The puzzle case of Islam



Dss 3rd semister





Getting religion

Introduction of auther

Monica duffy toft: is associate professor of public policy at the John .F.kendey school of

government at harvarduniversity.

According to this article monica duffy toft define a religious civil war as war in which

religious belif or practice is either a centeralor peripheral isue in te conflict in 24 religius civil

wars from 1949 to 2000 in cumbent gobernment and ribles who identified with islan where

involved in 34(81%) and or more then those identifying with other religions, Such as christinity

(21% to /50%) or hinduism (7% or 16%) in civil wars.inwhich key actor is identifying with

other Religions,that is islam. According to author Religion in civil wars play major role.recent

years orgnised religion has experienced a world wide resurgence andwith it an increase in

religeosly insppired violence, and war examples included Al_qaidaattacks on U.S on 11

september 2001, as all civil wars raging between hindu and muslim in india hindu and bhuddist

in srilanka, policy maker has greater focus on subject of religion and orgnised violence.

Religion is a complex concept in which many elements and bliefs in a supera naturalbeing (or

beings); prayer and communication with thart being; it transcendent realities that might include

some form of heaven, paradise or hell, a distinction between the sacred and the profane and

ritual acts sacred objects.

In the west religion and violence are generally associated with the abrahamic religions or; people

of the book eg:judaisim/ old testament,chirstanity/ new testament and islam quran and to a lesser

extent hinduism and bhuddism.each faith has its own bliefs and prescibeed and proscribed


The thirty year war and the emergence of state system. The notion that political communication

are best orgnised into state is not universal across time or space it is niether natural nor invitable

that people should choose to live in the states system has birt to europe

In this the writer says that religion play an imp role in our lifes. in Islam the civil wars are

more likely to be fought more than other religions. In Islam church and state are much

likely to be fused.In Islam the civil wars are more destructive because they are fought in the

name of GOD. The writer tell us that the war which is fighted on the name of religion are

motivated and headed toward authoritarian………….politicians and journalists have paid

greater attention to religion, social scientists have too. Much attention has focused on

religion in relation to various indices of social and civic well-being. There are now four

different schools of thought, two academic and two popular, regarding the relationship

between religion and crime. While much worthwhile scientific research has been done,

religion remains a neglected variable in criminology and in criminal justice studies. The

popular view that “religion reduces crime” is neither without empirical foundation nor

without need for far more refined and intensive testing. This article offers a simple

algorithm for future social science research on crime and religion in relation to three
different faith factors, three different species of religious nonprofit organizations, three

different categories of crime, and three different types of empirical research.

In places with pre-existing religious cleavages people identify with some particular religion more

expected from local and foreigners fellow Adherents. When resources are not available to locally

Muslim work to establish their credibility as Muslims and then use this legitimacy for external

help from Muslim belong to different races and nationalities.The Islam has played a

contemporary role than Christianity or Judaism.There are three main factors

Conclusion: in this article the religios civil war are mentioned in all the religions the whole

study surounds around the islam. In 42 civil wars 34 are fighted by muslims.

The question raises that why muslim fight religeos civil wars it may be due to faith and co

location of holly islsamic sites and petroleum reservers. An other factor is islam and jihad. Many

religious civil wars took place ibn muslim like in sudan, afghanistan. Ethopia moroco palestine.

The name of Islamn is used more than other religions.

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