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Daily Current Affairs

23rd MAY

Daily Current Affairs

1st December

Warmup Quiz
2. Which organisation has launched the initiative named “Meri Saheli”?
B. Indian Railways
D. NITI Aayog
E. None of these
2. Which organisation has launched the initiative named “Meri Saheli”?
B. Indian Railways
D. NITI Aayog
E. None of these
3. The Typhoon named “Goni” has recently hit which country?
A. Indonesia
B. Thailand
C. Laos
D. Vietnam
E. Phillipines
3. The Typhoon named “Goni” has recently hit which country?
A. Indonesia
B. Thailand
C. Laos
D. Vietnam
E. Phillipines
4. A special anthology on Mahatma Gandhi titled ‘Maile Bujheko
Gandhi’ has been released in which country?
A. Sri Lanka
B. Myanmar
C. Nepal
D. Bhutan
E. Russia
4. A special anthology on Mahatma Gandhi titled ‘Maile Bujheko
Gandhi’ has been released in which country?
A. Sri Lanka
B. Myanmar
C. Nepal
D. Bhutan
E. Russia
5. How many countries have signed the Regional Comprehensive
Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement recently
A. 15
B. 16
C. 17
D. 18
E. 19
5. How many countries have signed the Regional Comprehensive
Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement recently
A. 15
B. 16
C. 17
D. 18
E. 19
Five Eyes Alliance

• The Five Eyes countries recently issued a

joint statement expressing their concern
about increasing Chinese curbs on the
autonomy of Hong Kong.
• फाइव आईज दे श+ ने हाल ह/ म1 एक संय8
ु त बयान
जार/ कर हांगकांग क= >वाय?ता पर चीनी अंक
बढ़ाने के बारे म1 अपनी Eचंता Fय8त क= है ।
NEWS • Australia, Canada, NEWS
the UK, New
Five Eyes Alliance
Zealand and the US
• parties to the UKUSA Agreement
• IAF has designed, developed and• After World War II
inducted an Airborne Rescue Pod•• Atlantic charter.
outlined the aims of United Kingdom
for Isolated Transportation. and United States for the post World
war World.
• It utilised forNine
Eyes of critical Along with 5 Eyes members the 9 Eyes
includes France, Denmark, Norway and
patients with infectious diseases Netherlands.
• It has been developed at a cost of
Fourteen Eyes Along with five Eyes members and 9
Rs. 60,000 only, as compared to Eyes members the 14 eyes members
the imported systems costing up to include Germany, Belgium, Spain, Italy
and Sweden.
Rs. 60 lakh.
World AIDS Day: December 1

• Every year the World AIDS Day is celebrated

on December 1.
• The day is being celebrated since 1988.
• हर साल 1 Iदसंबर को KवLव एMस Iदवस मनाया
जाता है ।
• 1988 से यह Iदवस मनाया जा रहा है ।
Theme • Global Solidarity and Shared
NEWS Responsibility NEWS
• Every year the last week of
November is celebrated as AIDS
• IAF has designed, developed andawareness week
inducted an Airborne Rescue Pod
for Isolated Transportation.
• It utilised for evacuation of critical
patients with infectious diseases
• It has been developed at a cost of
Rs. 60,000 only, as compared to
the imported systems costing up to
Rs. 60 lakh.
Sahakar Pragya Programme

• The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers

Welfare recently launched the Sahakar
• The initiative will train the primary
cooperative societies in the country.
• कृKष और Qकसान कRयाण मंTालय ने हाल ह/ म1
सहकार UVा का शभ
ु ारं भ Qकया।
• यह पहल दे श म1 UाथYमक सहकार/ सYमZतय+ को
UYश[\त करे गी।
Sahakar Pragya • 45 training modules are to be delivered
• LINAC is Laxman rao Inamdar
National Academy for Cooperative
• IAF has designed, developed and Research and Development operating
under NCDC.
inducted an NCDC
Airborne Rescue Pod • created to plan and promote
programmes for processing, production,
for Isolated Transportation.
marketing, storage, import and export
• It utilised for evacuation of critical of agricultural produce.
• NCDC also provides financial
patients with infectious diseases assistance to Cooperative at all three
tires,, primary, district and multi-state
• It has been developed at a cost of
Rs. 60,000 only, as compared to
the imported systems costing up to
Rs. 60 lakh.
Narendra Singh Tomar launches Honey FPO Programme in 5 states

• Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers’

Welfare, Narendra Singh Tomar virtually
inaugurated Honey Farmer Producer
Organisation (FPO) Programme in five states,
for producing honey.
• क1]/य कृKष और Qकसान कRयाण मंTी नर1 ] Yसंह
तोमर ने शहद उ_पादन के Yलए पांच रा`य+ म1 हनी
फामaर UोMयस
ू र ऑगaनाइजेशन (एफपीओ) Uोeाम
का उfघाटन Qकया।
Honey FPO Programme • aims to address the issues faced by the
beekeeping industry and also promote

• IAF has designed, developed and honey production in the country.

• 5 FPOs will be set up by the National
inducted an Airborne Rescue Pod
Agricultural Cooperative Marketing
for Isolated Transportation. Federation of India Limited (NAFED)
• It utilised for evacuation of critical
• They will be set up at East
patients with infectious diseases Champaran (Bihar), Morena
• It has been developed at a cost of(Madhya Pradesh), Bharatpur
(Rajasthan), Mathura (Uttar Pradesh)
Rs. 60,000 only, as compared to
and Sunderbans (West Bengal).
the imported systems costing up to
Rs. 60 lakh.
Arab Gulf’s first coal-based power plant being developed in Dubai

• The first coal-based power plant of Arab Gulf country is being developed in Saih
Shuaib, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
• The 2,400MW Hassyan clean coal power station will be built at an estimated cost of $ 3.4
• The project will comprise four units of 600MW each, which are expected to start
operations in 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 respectively.
• The power plant is expected to produce sufficient electricity to power
approximately 250,000 households.

• The Government of India (GOI) has announced the third

stimulus package of Rs. 900 Crore for the Mission COVID
Suraksha- The Indian COVID-19 Vaccine Development
• This grant will be provided to the Department of
Biotechnology (DBT) for Research & Development of
Indian COVID-19 vaccines.
• Led by Department of Biotechnology and implemented
by a dedicated Mission Implementation Unit at
Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council

• France’s national assembly has taken the first steps towards

approving a law that would ban discrimination against people with
pronounced regional accents across the country.
• It was approved with 98 votes against three, and spurred a lively
debate in the lower house of the French parliament.
• If passed, the new law will make linguistic discrimination a
criminal offence along with sexism, racism and other forms of
outlawed bigotry.
• A person found guilty of discrimination on the basis of regional
accents could face a maximum of three years in prison and a fine
of up to €45,000 (INR 39.8 lakh).

• India’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) contracted

7.5% in the second quarter of 2020-21, following the
record 23.9% decline recorded in the first quarter, as
per estimates released by the National Statistical
• The country has now entered a technical recession
with two successive quarters of negative growth.
• Agriculture, which was the only sector to record
growth between April and June this year, grew at the
same pace of 3.4% in the second quarter.
China’s New Dam on Brahmaputra

• Recently, Chinese authorities have given the go ahead

for a Chinese hydropower company to construct the first
downstream hydropower project on the lower reaches
of the river Brahmaputra (known as Yarlung Zangbo in
• हाल ह/ म1 , चीनी अEधकाjरय+ ने एक चीनी पनkबजल/ कंपनी को
ु नद/ (जो Zतnबत म1 यारलंग
ु ज़ंगबो के pप म1 जाना जाता
है ) क= Zनचल/ पहुंच पर पहल/ डाउन>r/म जल Kवfयत

पjरयोजना का Zनमाaण करने के Yलए Iदया है ।
Brahmaputra • It originates under the name of Siang or
Dihang, from the Chemayungdung
glacier of the Kailash range near the
Mansarovar lake. I
• IAF has designed, developed and • It enters India west of Sadiya town in
Arunachal Pradesh.
inducted an Airborne Rescue Pod • Tributaries: Dibang, Lohit, Siang,
Burhi Dihing, Tista, and Dhansari.
for Isolated Transportation.
About the Project: • The state-owned hydropower
• It utilised for evacuation of critical company POWERCHINA signed a
strategic cooperation agreement with
patients with infectious diseases the Tibet Autonomous
Region (TAR) government to
• It has been developed at a cost of implement hydropower exploitation in
the downstream of the Yarlung Zangbo
Rs. 60,000 only, as compared to river as part of the new Five Year
the imported systems costing up to Plan (2021-2025).
• This will be the first time the
Rs. 60 lakh. downstream sections of the river will be
Islamic Cooperation countries (OIC):

• India has lashed out at Organisation of Islamic

Cooperation (OIC) (formerly Organization of the Islamic
Conference) and rejected unwarranted references about
Jammu & Kashmir made in resolutions adopted at the
47th Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM) session.
• भारत ने इ>लाYमक सहयोग संगठन (OIC) (पव
ू a म1 इ>लाYमक
सtमेलन का संगठन) पर हमला Qकया और 47 व1 काउं Yसल ऑफ
फॉरे न YमZन>टसa (CFM) के सT म1 अपनाए गए U>ताव+ म1
जtम-ू कLमीर के बारे म1 अनEु चत संदभv को खाjरज कर Iदया।
OIC • It is an international organization
founded in 1969, consisting of 57
• IAF has designed, developed and member states.
• It is the second largest inter-
inducted an Airborne Rescue Pod governmental organization after the
United Nations.
for Isolated Transportation. • The OIC has permanent delegations to
the United Nations and the European
• It utilised for evacuation of critical
• Permanent Secretariat is in Jeddah,
patients with infectious diseases Saudi Arabia.
• It has been developed at a cost of
Rs. 60,000 only, as compared to
the imported systems costing up to
Rs. 60 lakh.
One Health Global Leaders Group on Antimicrobial Resistance:

• Launched recently by the Food and Agriculture

Organization (FAO), World Organisation for Animal
Health (OIE) and the World Health Organization (WHO).
• हाल ह/ म1 खाfय और कृKष संगठन (एफएओ), KवLव पशु
>वा>xय संगठन (ओआईई) और KवLव >वा>xय संगठन
ू चओ) fवारा लॉyच Qकया गया।
Composition • This 20-member group comprises heads
NEWS of states, current andNEWS
former ministers
of different countries, leaders from the
private sector and civil society.
• IAF has designed, developed and • It is co-chaired by the prime ministers
of Barbados and Bangladesh, Mia
inducted an Airborne Rescue Pod Mottley and Sheikh Hasina Wazed,
for Isolated Transportation.
Functions • Monitor the global response to
• It utilised for evacuation of critical antimicrobial resistance.
• Maintain public momentum.
patients with infectious diseases • Provide regular reports on the science
and evidence related to AMR to the UN
• It has been developed at a cost of member states.
Rs. 60,000 only, as compared to
the imported systems costing up to
Rs. 60 lakh.
One Health Global Leaders Group on Antimicrobial Resistance:

• Launched recently by the Food and Agriculture

Organization (FAO), World Organisation for Animal
Health (OIE) and the World Health Organization (WHO).
• हाल ह/ म1 खाfय और कृKष संगठन (एफएओ), KवLव पशु
>वा>xय संगठन (ओआईई) और KवLव >वा>xय संगठन
ू चओ) fवारा लॉyच Qकया गया।

• IAF has designed, developed and

inducted an Airborne Rescue Pod
for Isolated Transportation.
• It utilised for evacuation of critical
patients with infectious diseases
• It has been developed at a cost of
Rs. 60,000 only, as compared to
the imported systems costing up to
Rs. 60 lakh.

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