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1. Read this text and answer the question!

What is the occasion for the field trip to El Dorado County Petting Zoo?
A. National “Love your Animal Month!”
B. National “Love your Zoo Week!”
C. International “Love your Pet Week!”
D. International “Love your Zoo Month!”
E. International “Love your Zoo Week”
2. Read the text and answer the question!

What should be filled in “Departure time”?

A. Time the trip ends
B. Time during the trip
C. Time of preparation
D. Time the trip starts
E. Time the trip will be finished
3. Read this text carefully!

What is the synonym of entrance fee?

A. Snacks
B. Public transport
C. Ticket price
D. Schedule
E. Entertainment
4. Read this text carefully!

“You are free to join the trip to chaperone your child.” What does the underlined word
A. Leave
B. Feed
C. Entertain
D. Accompany
E. Keep
5. Read this text carefully!

These places could be the options for meeting place, except…

A. School’s garden
B. School’s hall
C. School’s parking lot
D. Mrs. Henderson’s house
E. School’s yard
6. Read this form carefully!

Whose contact details should be written in the form?

A. Parents of child
B. Teacher of child
C. Zoo keeper
D. Catering service
E. Sibling of child
7. Read this form carefully!

What should be filled in “Arrival time” section?

A. Time of arriving in the venue
B. Time of leaving the venue
C. Time of playing in the venue
D. Time of preparation in the venue
E. Time of having fun in the venue
8. Read this form carefully!

What ages are allowed to join this activity?

A. 1-4 years old
B. 6-10 years old
C. 1-6 years old
D. 6-12 years old
E. 12-18 years old
9. Read this Form!

Who is writing the message to the parent or legal guardian?

A. Mrs. Henderson, Science Teacher
B. Mrs. Henderson, Social Teacher
C. Ms. Henderson, Science Teacher
D. Ms. Henderson, Social Teacher
E. The Head Master
10. Read this Form carefully!

What to do if you don’t allow your child to join the field trip?
A. Fill the slip and give sign in the “I do not allow my child to join the field trip on the
said date” section
B. Just give guardian signature
C. Fill the slip and give sign in the “I allow my child to join the field trip on the said date”
D. Don’t come to the school
E. Just Ignore the slip
11. Read this text!

Don’t be late for the interview. If you want this job, you should arrive early. Wear
something smart, but you shouldn’t wear a suit unless everyone else in the company
wears one. Prepare well. You should know something about the company and its
products. When you meet the interviewers, you should shake hands confidently and
smile. When you speak with them, you should look them in the eye. You should think
about what you are going to say. You should explain what you can give to the company,
not just what you want. You should answer the questions they ask and you shouldn’t talk
too much. You should ask questions, too. Remember, you are interviewing them too.

What is the topic of the text?

A. Obligation of Interview
B. Advice for Interview
C. Expectation of Interview
D. Probability of Interview
E. Getting information from interview

12. Read this text!

Don’t be late for the interview. If you want this job, you should arrive early. Wear
something smart, but you shouldn’t wear a suit unless everyone else in the company
wears one. Prepare well. You should know something about the company and its
products. When you meet the interviewers, you should shake hands confidently and
smile. When you speak with them, you should look them in the eye. You should think
about what you are going to say. You should explain what you can give to the company,
not just what you want. You should answer the questions they ask and you shouldn’t talk
too much. You should ask questions, too. Remember, you are interviewing them too.

Why you should look them in the eye when you speak with the interviewer?
A. You look like a confident person
B. You can answer all questions correctly
C. You can explain what you want
D. You can know what they want
E. You shouldn’t talk to much
13. Read this text!

Don’t be late for the interview. If you want this job, you should arrive early. Wear
something smart, but you shouldn’t wear a suit unless everyone else in the company
wears one. Prepare well. You should know something about the company and its
products. When you meet the interviewers, you should shake hands confidently and
smile. When you speak with them, you should look them in the eye. You should think
about what you are going to say. You should explain what you can give to the company,
not just what you want. You should answer the questions they ask and you shouldn’t talk
too much. You should ask questions, too. Remember, you are interviewing them too.

How to make a good preparation before having an interview?

A. We should wear the best suit
B. We should be confident
C. We should know some information about the company
D. We should keep smiling
E. We should prepare to talk too much

14. Read this Text!

Don’t be late for the interview. If you want this job, you should arrive early. Wear
something smart, but you shouldn’t wear a suit unless everyone else in the company
wears one. Prepare well. You should know something about the company and its
products. When you meet the interviewers, you should shake hands confidently and
smile. When you speak with them, you should look them in the eye. You should think
about what you are going to say. You should explain what you can give to the company,
not just what you want. You should answer the questions they ask and you shouldn’t talk
too much. You should ask questions, too. Remember, you are interviewing them too.

……. you should arrive early. The underlined word can be replaced by…
A. Depart
B. Leave
C. Go
D. Conceal
E. Reach
15. Complete this dialogue!
Girl : Dad, I have no idea what subject should I take in university?
Man : As long as I understand, you like experimenting
Girl : That’s right, so?
Man :…………….
A. I totally agree with your idea
B. Ask yourself when you will study
C. You may go to University of Indonesia
D. You’d better take chemistry of physics
E. You should have taken chemistry of physics

16. Complete this dialogue!

Boy : Please listen to me! Mum and Das are out.
Let’s make a surprise to celebrate their anniversary.
Girl : Okay. What are we going to do?
Boy : Let’s cook their favorite food
Girl : That’s great! I think………………………
Boy : You’re right. Let’s buy the cake and then cook
Girl : Ok
A. We should buy a cake too
B. We should have bought a cake too
C. We should buying a cake too
D. We should buys a cake too
E. We should bought a cake too

17. Read this dialog and then answer the question!

Boy : Please listen to me! Mum and Das are out.
Let’s make a surprise to celebrate their anniversary.
Girl : Okay. What are we going to do?
Boy : Let’s cook their favorite food
Girl : That’s great! I think………………………
Boy : You’re right. Let’s buy the cake and then cook
Girl : Ok
What is the relationship between the speakers?
A. Friends
B. Niece
C. Pen pal
D. Sibling
E. Cousin
18. Complete this dialogue!
Danang : …… answer the questions?
Hanafi : I will try
A. Can
B. Do
C. Did
D. Have
E. Will

19. Complete this dialogue!

Lian : What will you probably do at 8 o’clock tonight?
Desta :…………………………at 8 o’clock tonight
A. I will watch television
B. I will have watch television
C. I will be watching television
D. I watch television
E. I watched television

20. Complete this dialogue!

Jessy : Anyway, when is your wedding anniversary?
Bian : Omg, i almost forget about that, thank you for reminding me.
……………………………tomorrow at 8 p.m
A. I will celebrate it
B. I will have celebrated it
C. I will be celebrating it
D. I celebrate it
E. I celebrated it

21. Complete this dialogue!

Dina : Why will you not come to my celebrate my birthday party tonight?
Ifa : Because …… my math’s home work, and the deadline is tomorrow
A. I finish
B. I will finish
C. I have finished
D. I will be finishing
E. I will have finished

Read this dialogue for number

Prita : hey, Ben. What’s your plan for the coming vacation?
Benjamin : Well. I haven’t decided yet, but I think I will go camping.
Prita : That’s awesome! And have you planned when you are going?
Benjamin : I’m not sure. I will probably leave around the end of May. Where do you
recommend as the place for camping?
Prita : I guess the Yellowstone National Park would be appropriate for you.
Benjamin : That sounds like fun.
Prita : Will you rent a camper?
Benjamin : I am not sure . Actually, I probably will not- it is too expensive
Prita : Will you go with someone?
Benjamin : No, I need some time alone, so I will go there by myself

22. What can you be inferred from the text above?

A. Holiday plan
B. Holiday schedule
C. Holiday recommendation
D. Holiday camp
E. Fun camping

23. Why will Benjamin not rent a camper in Yellowstone National Park?
A. Because Benjamin will not have a camping
B. Because Benjamin will not be interested in a camping
C. Because the price of camper will not be affordable
D. Because Benjamin will not have time for camping
E. Because Benjamin will need some time alone

24. …….so I will go there by myself. The word “there” refers to….
A. Camper
B. Camp holiday
C. Yellow stone National Park
D. Camp area
E. Place for camping

25. I guess the Yellowstone National Park would be appropriate for you. What is closest
meaning of the word “ appropriate”?
A. Expropriate
B. Acquire
C. Suitable
D. Inappropriate
E. Irrelevant

26. Complete this dialogue!

Sandra : Where will Oki meet us?
Marcus : She…...for us in the exit gate.

A. Waits
B. Will wait
C. Is waiting
D. Will have waited
E. Will be waiting

27. Read this text!


Raden Adjeng Kartini was born to a noble family on April 21, 1879, in the village
of Mayong, Java, Indonesia. The condition of her family afforded Kartini the opportunity to
go to a Dtch school, at the age 6. The school opened her eyes to Western ideals. In
1903, Kartini had recently been offered a scholarship to study abroad but the marriage
dashed her hopes of accepting it. Struggling to adapt to isolation, she wrote letters to
Ovink-Soer the Dutch colonial officials and her Dutch schoolmates, protesting the gender
inequality of Javanese traditions such as forced marriages at a young age, which denied
women the freedom to pursue an education.
Intending on spreading her feminist message, with here new husband’s
approval, Kartini soon set about planning to start her own school for Javanese girls. With
help from the Dutch government, In 1903 she opened the first Indonesian primary school
for native girls that did not discriminate on the basis of their social status.
On September 17, 1904, at the age of 25, Kartini died in the regency of
Rembang, Java, of complications from giving birth to her first child. Seven years after her
death, one of her correspondents, Jacques H. Abendanon, published a collection of
Kartini’s letters, entitled “From Darkness to Light: “Thoughts About and on Behalf of the
Javanese People”. In Indonesia. Kartini Day is still celebrated annually on Kartini’s

“What does the text talk about?

A. Past events and achievement of Kartini’s life
B. Childhood and the marriage of Kartini
C. Kartini’s struggle in protesting gender inequality
D. The first Indonesian Primary school for girl
E. Feminist message of Kartini

28. Read this text!


Raden Adjeng Kartini was born to a noble family on April 21, 1879, in the village
of Mayong, Java, Indonesia. The condition of her family afforded Kartini the opportunity to
go to a Dutch school, at the age 6. The school opened her eyes to Western ideals. In
1903, Kartini had recently been offered a scholarship to study abroad but the marriage
dashed her hopes of accepting it. Struggling to adapt to isolation, she wrote letters to
Ovink-Soer the Dutch colonial officials and her Dutch schoolmates, protesting the gender
inequality of Javanese traditions such as forced marriages at a young age, which denied
women the freedom to pursue an education.
Intending on spreading her feminist message, with here new husband’s
approval, Kartini soon set about planning to start her own school for Javanese girls. With
help from the Dutch government, In 1903 she opened the first Indonesian primary school
for native girls that did not discriminate on the basis of their social status.
On September 17, 1904, at the age of 25, Kartini died in the regency of
Rembang, Java, of complications from giving birth to her first child. Seven years after her
death, one of her correspondents, Jacques H. Abendanon, published a collection of
Kartini’s letters, entitled “From Darkness to Light: “Thoughts About and on Behalf of the
Javanese People”. In Indonesia. Kartini Day is still celebrated annually on Kartini’s

Why did Kartini write letter to her Dutch school mate? Because she….
A. Asked the opportunity to study abroad
B. Asked her friends to publish her letters
C. Protested the Dutch colonization in Indonesia
D. Protested her marriage with Adipati Remabang
E. Protested the gender inequality of Javanese tradition

29. Read this text!


Raden Adjeng Kartini was born to a noble family on April 21, 1879, in the village
of Mayong, Java, Indonesia. The condition of her family afforded Kartini the opportunity to
go to a Dutch school, at the age 6. The school opened her eyes to Western ideals. In
1903, Kartini had recently been offered a scholarship to study abroad but the marriage
dashed her hopes of accepting it. Struggling to adapt to isolation, she wrote letters to
Ovink-Soer the Dutch colonial officials and her Dutch schoolmates, protesting the gender
inequality of Javanese traditions such as forced marriages at a young age, which denied
women the freedom to pursue an education.
Intending on spreading her feminist message, with here new husband’s
approval, Kartini soon set about planning to start her own school for Javanese girls. With
help from the Dutch government, in 1903 she opened the first Indonesian primary school
for native girls that did not discriminate on the basis of their social status.
On September 17, 1904, at the age of 25, Kartini died in the regency of
Rembang, Java, of complications from giving birth to her first child. Seven years after her
death, one of her correspondents, Jacques H. Abendanon, published a collection of
Kartini’s letters, entitled “From Darkness to Light: “Thoughts About and on Behalf of the
Javanese People”. In Indonesia. Kartini Day is still celebrated annually on Kartini’s

Why did Kartini open the First Indonesian Primary school?

A. To discriminate basis of women’s social status
B. To denied women’s freedom
C. To eliminate discrimination of gender inequality
D. To get eliminate gender equality
E. To start hew own school for Javanese youngster.

30. Read this text!


Raden Adjeng Kartini was born to a noble family on April 21, 1879, in the village
of Mayong, Java, Indonesia. The condition of her family afforded Kartini the opportunity to
go to a Dtch school, at the age 6. The school opened her eyes to Western ideals. In
1903, Kartini had recently been offered a scholarship to study abroad but the marriage
dashed her hopes of accepting it. Struggling to adapt to isolation, she wrote letters to
Ovink-Soer the Dutch colonial officials and her Dutch schoolmates, protesting the gender
inequality of Javanese traditions such as forced marriages at a young age, which denied
women the freedom to pursue an education.
Intending on spreading her feminist message, with here new husband’s
approval, Kartini soon set about planning to start her own school for Javanese girls. With
help from the Dutch government, In 1903 she opened the first Indonesian primary school
for native girls that did not discriminate on the basis of their social status.
On September 17, 1904, at the age of 25, Kartini died in the regency of
Rembang, Java, of complications from giving birth to her first child. Seven years after her
death, one of her correspondents, Jacques H. Abendanon, published a collection of
Kartini’s letters, entitled “From Darkness to Light: “Thoughts About and on Behalf of the
Javanese People”. In Indonesia. Kartini Day is still celebrated annually on Kartini’s

When did Kartini get married?

A. 20
B. 21
C. 23
D. 24
E. 25

31. Read this text!


Raden Adjeng Kartini was born to a noble family on April 21, 1879, in the village
of Mayong, Java, Indonesia. The condition of her family afforded Kartini the opportunity to
go to a Dutch school, at the age 6. The school opened her eyes to Western ideals. In
1903, Kartini had recently been offered a scholarship to study abroad but the marriage
dashed her hopes of accepting it. Struggling to adapt to isolation, she wrote letters to
Ovink-Soer the Dutch colonial officials and her Dutch schoolmates, protesting the gender
inequality of Javanese traditions such as forced marriages at a young age, which denied
women the freedom to pursue an education.
Intending on spreading her feminist message, with here new husband’s
approval, Kartini soon set about planning to start her own school for Javanese girls. With
help from the Dutch government, In 1903 she opened the first Indonesian primary school
for native girls that did not discriminate on the basis of their social status.
On September 17, 1904, at the age of 25, Kartini died in the regency of
Rembang, Java, of complications from giving birth to her first child. Seven years after her
death, one of her correspondents, Jacques H. Abendanon, published a collection of
Kartini’s letters, entitled “From Darkness to Light: “Thoughts About and on Behalf of the
Javanese People”. In Indonesia. Kartini Day is still celebrated annually on Kartini’s

“…..but the marriage dashed her hopes of accepting it”. The word it in the sentence
refers to…

A. The wedding
B. The scholarship
C. The Western ideals
D. The Javanese tradition
E. The opportunity

32. Read this text!


Raden Adjeng Kartini was born to a noble family on April 21, 1879, in the village
of Mayong, Java, Indonesia. The condition of her family afforded Kartini the opportunity to
go to a Dutch school, at the age 6. The school opened her eyes to Western ideals. In
1903, Kartini had recently been offered a scholarship to study abroad but the marriage
dashed her hopes of accepting it. Struggling to adapt to isolation, she wrote letters to
Ovink-Soer the Dutch colonial officials and her Dutch schoolmates, protesting the gender
inequality of Javanese traditions such as forced marriages at a young age, which denied
women the freedom to pursue an education.
Intending on spreading her feminist message, with her new husband’s approval,
Kartini soon set about planning to start her own school for Javanese girls. With help from
the Dutch government, In 1903 she opened the first Indonesian primary school for native
girls that did not discriminate on the basis of their social status.
On September 17, 1904, at the age of 25, Kartini died in the regency of
Rembang, Java, of complications from giving birth to her first child. Seven years after her
death, one of her correspondents, Jacques H. Abendanon, published a collection of
Kartini’s letters, entitled “From Darkness to Light: “Thoughts About and on Behalf of the
Javanese People”. In Indonesia. Kartini Day is still celebrated annually on Kartini’s

“Intending on spreading her feminist message, with her new husband’s approval…”. The
word “ approval” has similar meaning with…
A. Fund
B. Idea
C. Permission
D. Disagreement
E. Forbidden
33. Read this text!

Raden Adjeng Kartini was born to a noble family on April 21, 1879, in the village
of Mayong, Java, Indonesia. The condition of her family afforded Kartini the opportunity to
go to a Dutch school, at the age 6. The school opened her eyes to Western ideals. In
1903, Kartini had recently been offered a scholarship to study abroad but the marriage
dashed her hopes of accepting it. Struggling to adapt to isolation, she wrote letters to
Ovink-Soer the Dutch colonial officials and her Dutch schoolmates, protesting the gender
inequality of Javanese traditions such as forced marriages at a young age, which denied
women the freedom to pursue an education.
Intending on spreading her feminist message, with her new husband’s approval,
Kartini soon set about planning to start her own school for Javanese girls. With help from
the Dutch government, in 1903 she opened the first Indonesian primary school for native
girls that did not discriminate on the basis of their social status.
On September 17, 1904, at the age of 25, Kartini died in the regency of
Rembang, Java, of complications from giving birth to her first child. Seven years after her
death, one of her correspondents, Jacques H. Abendanon, published a collection of
Kartini’s letters, entitled “From Darkness to Light: “Thoughts About and on Behalf of the
Javanese People”. In Indonesia. Kartini Day is still celebrated annually on Kartini’s

What can be inferred from the text above….

A. Marriage motivated Kartini to get high education
B. Unequal gender was one of Dutch tradition
C. Kartini’s husband supported her in opening the Javanese girls’ school
D. Kartini never got education
E. Indonesia never commemorate Kartini’s Day

34. Complete this dialogue!

Pete : How long does it take to fly from New Delhi to Bangkok? It is 4.30 a.m. now
Rush : About four hours
Pete : OK, I… the airport to take you at 8.30 a.m today

A. Will arrive
B. Arrive
C. Will be arriving
D. Will have arrived
E. Have to arrive
35. Complete this dialogue!
Rocky : What’s on your schedule tomorrow at 2 p.m.
Sandra : I……...a meeting at Lorient Hotel

A. Will have
B. Will be having
C. Am having
D. Will have had
E. Have had

36. Complete this dialogue!

Ika : I’m sorry. I can’t do it now. I have to feed my chickens and water the plants.
But I promise I……….today
Brown : Don’t worry. I’ll wait

A. Have finished
B. Will finish
C. Have finished
D. Going to finish
E. Will have finished

37. Complete this dialogue!

Angel : My father……a new car next month
Rose : Well, that’s great

A. Would buy
B. Will buy
C. Bought
D. Had bought
E. Was buying

38. Complete this dialogue!

Raisha : The manager asked me whether you had typed the letter for our client
Rihanna : I am still typing it. It… 9 tonight

A. Will finish
B. Would finish
C. Had finished
D. Will be finishing
E. Will have finished

39. Complete this dialogue!

Rika : Could you tell your sister to meet me at the library tomorrow?
We are going to discuss about the farewell party for the third-grade students
Rina : Sure, I…. her

A. Am telling
B. Will tell
C. Be telling
D. Will be telling
E. Would have told

40. Complete this text!

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