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COVID-19 has had a substantial influence on poverty in the Philippines, as the Philippines is one

of the many countries that is greatly affected by the virus, the country underwent lockdowns
which caused people in poverty to lose their job and have nothing to earn—they have no
money to support the financial needs of the family, face masks and face shields are too
expensive for them to buy (Bejo, 2020). In developing countries, poverty increased and the
economy plummeted.

I have seen and witnessed different kinds of struggles and hindrances that a poor family could
experience. As I watched the video given, I felt so hopeless and pain covers my heart, It clearly
shows how Filipino, specifically poor Filipino people suffered in this pandemic. I was astounded
at how they managed to make the food provided by the government last for days (Bejo, 2020).
Being frugal and appreciative is one of the Filipino characteristics that we may be proud of.

The poor families in the Philippines are one of the most affected group of people by the
pandemic. They have suffered considerably as a result of the pandemic, having lost their jobs
and relying solely on government assistance, in times when they ran out of food, they resort on
stealing vegetable (Bejo, 2020). What if the government is cannot continue on assisting the
families in poverty? How will they continue to live? The poor have been particularly hard hit by
this pandemic, which has also had a devastating influence on our economy.

Medical staff and the government have found it hard to keep up with this pandemic, they’re
mission to help the helpless have been not easy to meet because of the lack of funds and
materials needed. Medical staffs reuse the resources and PPE’s for the reason that this supplies
easily run out because of the surge of the COVID-19 cases(de Leon, 2020). The government was
not able to help or assist all the people that needed their assistance (Zafra, 2020).

All I can say is that we don't expect something like this to happen, but we must always be


Dr. Miko A.d.L (2020, Oct. 9). Assignment Asia: How Philippines' poor struggle under the
lockdown. Retrieved from

Kristy B. (2020, Oct. 9). Assignment Asia: How Philippines' poor struggle under the lockdown.
Retrieved from

Philip Z. (2020, Oct. 9). Assignment Asia: How Philippines' poor struggle under the lockdown.
Retrieved from

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