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Cleopatra was born around

69 BC. Her father Ptolemy

XII died (in 51 BC) when she
was 18 years old, he had left
Cleopatra and her brother.
Ptolemy XIII as co-regents.
As was the custom of the
time, Cleopatra married her
brother and together they
ruled Egypt. However,
Ptolemy soon exiled
Cleopatra, leaving him in
sole charge of her.
Cleopatra was replaced on the
throne by Julius Caesar, who
had become her lover (46 BC);
she and she remarried her
other brother, Ptolemy XIV,
whom she used to handle at
Then the Ptolemaic War broke her whim. Cleopatra attempted
out (32-30 BC), prompting to use her influence over Caesar
Augustus to take his fight to reestablish Egyptian
against Antony to Egypt. The hegemony in the eastern
final confrontation took place Mediterranean as an ally of
in the naval battle of Actium Rome; the birth of a son of both
(31), in which Antony's fleet (Ptolemy XV or Caesarion)
was easily defeated by the seemed to reinforce that
Egyptians who abandoned it. possibility.
Marco Antonio managed to
flee and take refuge with
Cleopatra in Alexandria; when
the troops of Octavio Augusto
took the city, Antonio
committed suicide.
Then the Ptolemaic War
broke out (32-30 BC),
prompting Augustus to
take his fight against
Antony to Egypt. The
final confrontation took
place in the naval battle
of Actium (31), in which
Antony's fleet was easily
defeated by the
Egyptians who
abandoned it. Marco
Antonio managed to flee
and take refuge with
Cleopatra in Alexandria;
when the troops of
Octavio Augusto took
the city, Antonio
committed suicide.
Cleopatra would continue trying,
for the third time, to seduce the
Roman warrior - this time,
Octavian Augustus - to save his
life and the throne; but
Augustus, insensitive to her
charms, decided to take her to
Rome as spoils of war. Faced
with such a prospect, she
Cleopatra committed suicide of
her own free will with the
Egyptian ritual procedure of
being bitten by an asp. Augustus
took advantage of the
circumstance to also assassinate
his son Caesarion, thus
extinguishing the Ptolemaic
dynasty and annexing Egypt to
the Roman Empire.

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