Las Q2-Week 3-Tvl-Cookery NC II - Grade 11

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division Office of Santa Rosa City
Prk 3 Brgy. Sinalhan, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna 4026


Name of Learner: _____________________________ Grade Level: 11

Section: ____________________________________ Date: __________________


TITLE: PREPARE SALAD DRESSING “Store Salad and Dressing”
OBJECTIVE: To prepare Store Salad and Dressing


Proper storage of salad is very crucial in keeping food safe because the manner and temperature of
storage will affect the foods susceptibility to bacterial growth, other contaminants and infection. Storing
food will not improve its quality. It will only delay the rate of deterioration and thus proper period of
storage should be observed. Look at the following ingredients for preparing salad; is FIFO in storing

these items very important?

FIFO (First In, First Out) in storing food is very important. Though it is long time method in store keeping
where the first food stored should be the first to be out from the storage. Write the expiry date, date
received and date of storage.

Safety and hygienic practices in storing salad and dressing

 Green Salads are plated in a cold plate. Avoid plating salads more than an hour or two before
service. Garnish that is tossed should be added at serving time.
 Refrigerate salads before serving time.
 Dressing is added immediately before serving, or serves it on the side.
 Refrigerate salads until serving. Do not hold more than a few hours, or the salads will sag.
Holding boxes should have high humidity.
 Do not add dressing to green salads until serving, or they will sag.
Principles and Practices of Hygiene in Preparing Salads and Salad Dressing How to Wash Fruits
and Vegetables
 Start by choosing produce that's free of bruises, mold, or other signs of damage. If you are
purchasing precut items, make sure they have been refrigerated or displayed on ice at the
 Once home, store perishable fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator (at 40 degrees F or below)
until you're ready to use them. Always store precut fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator, too.
 Wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap and warm water before and after handling fresh
 Use a sharp paring knife to cut away any damaged or bruised areas of the fruit or vegetable.
 Wash the produce before you peel it. That way, contaminants will not be transferred from your
knife to the fruit or vegetable.
 Hold the fruit or vegetable under cool running tap water, gently rubbing it as you rinse it.
 For firm produce, such as melons and winter squash, use a clean vegetable brush to scrub the
surface as you rinse it.
 Produce with bumpy, uneven surfaces, such as cauliflower and broccoli, should be soaked for 1
to 2 minutes in cold water to remove contaminants from the nooks and crannies.
 Use a clean cloth or paper towel to dry the produce before using it.

How to Wash Salad Greens: Salad greens require special attention.

First, discard the wilted outer leaves; then prepare and wash greens as directed for each type.

 For leafy lettuces, such as green or red-tip leaf, butter head, and romaine as well as endive,
remove and discard the root end. Separate leaves and hold them under cold running water to
remove any dirt.
 For smaller greens, such as spinach and arugula, swirl them in a bowl or a clean sink filled with
cold water about 30 seconds. Remove the leaves and shake gently to let dirt and other debris fall
into the water. Repeat the process if necessary. Drain in a colander.
 For iceberg lettuce, remove the core by hitting the stem end on the countertop; twist and lift out
the core. (Do not use a knife to cut out the core, as this can cause the lettuce to brown). Hold the
head, core side up under cold running water, pulling leaves apart slightly. Invert the head and
drain thoroughly. Repeat if necessary.
 For mesclun (a mixture of young, small salad greens often available in bulk at farmers markets),
rinse in a colander or the basket of a salad spinner.

Other Tips for Washing Fruits and Vegetables

 Do not use soap or detergents when washing produce.
 Wash fruits and vegetables. Cool, clean, running tap water is fine.
 Wash all produce before using, even if you are going to peel it. Any dirt and bacteria on the
outside of unwashed produce can be transferred from the knife into the fruit or vegetable. Tip:
Even organic fruits and vegetables, as well as produce from your own garden or local farmer's
markets, should be washed well.


LO 1. Store Salad and Dressing
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Activity 1. Talk to Me! Create a slogan showing the importance of proper storing of salad. Your output
will be rated using the scoring rubric below:


20 Done creatively and neatly showing much relevance to the topic

17 Done creatively and neat enough with relevance to the topic

14 Done creatively and neat enough but no relevance to the topic

11 Done simply and neat enough but not so relevance to the topic

9 Done poorly with errors and irrelevant to the topic

Activity #2 My Journey! Make a journal about your experiences in this lesson, what you learned and
what are the things you need to improve.

I have learned that


Activity #3 Show that you learned something by doing this activity

a. Fix and Parade. Your school will be celebrating its 60th Founding Anniversary. There is a
problem on who will be in-charge of preparing and storing the salad and dressing souvenir for
the event. Believing that you have acquired the knowledge and skills in the preparation and
storing of salad and dressing, you confidently accepted the task. Your performance will be rated
using the following rubric:

b. Sending it online is not possible; just bring your output to your teacher for checking together with
your module.
I can do it I can do it with I can do it with I can do it with
independently minimal moderate considerable
and confidently assistance and assistance and assistance and
at all times (4) confidently confidently less confidently
most of the sometimes (2) most of the time
time (3) (1)
Preparation of
Preparation of Salad
Preparation of
Score: 20 maximum

Activity #4 A. Identify the appropriate storage equipment for the following ingredients needed in storing
salad. ( chiller, refrigerator, freezer)
1. Cucumber
2. Lettuce
3. Meat
4. Apple
5. Cooked pasta

B. Direction: Answer briefly. (5 points)


Activity #5 Walk with Me!

 Visit in your backyard, neighbor’s backyard or in your barangay if it safe to go out, list down
ingredients like leafy vegetables and any other ingredients.
 Try to prepare your own salad, presentable for your visitors at home.

References for Learners

Technical- Vocational- Livelihood: Home Economics, Cookery Manual, Module 2, pp.104-105 Learners
Module-Cookery Grade 9, pp. 113 and 134 Online Sources:
q=firm+meaning&oq=firm&aqs=chrome.0.0j69i57j 0l6.9683j1j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
qs=chrome.3.69i57j0l7.7229j1j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 file:///C:/Users/Suzanne%20Ann%20R.

Prepared by:

TVL/TLE Teacher

Checked and Verified by:

Master Teacher II

Approved by:


Principal II

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