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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division Office of Santa Rosa City
Prk 3 Brgy. Sinalhan, City of Santa Rosa, Laguna 4026


Name of Learner: _____________________________Grade Level: 12

Section: ____________________________________ Date: __________________


TITLE: Promote Food and Beverage Products

OBJECTIVE: To communicate the proper Product Knowledge to the guest through conversation, master
the food selling techniques in product knowledge, know the sauces and accompaniments, study the
description of every item in the menu and memorize different ingredients from the dishes in the menu


LESSON 1 FBS: Know the Product

A menu is a guide were the customer order in a selection for what the restaurant offered in a
establishment restaurant, cafe, bar during its operation and is arrange in a particular order.
Types of Menu
A menu is a list of all food and drinks that is offered in food establishment e.g., restaurant, café bar.
A'la Carte Menu – is a multiple-choice menu which shows portioned dishes and each dish is priced
Table d’hôtel Menu – is a French phrase, which literally means “hosts table”. It offers one or more
variants of each dish for fixed prices. Difference between A La Carte and Table D”hote

A'la Carte Table d’hôtel

Food is kept in a semi- prepared form and takes Food is kept in fully prepared form and can be
time to serve. served immediately.
Food items are individually served and guests pay The menu collectively priced the customer has to
for what they order. pay for the full menu whether he consumes a
certain dish or not.
There is a vast choice. The menu is elaborate. There is limited choice. The menu is
comparatively small.
Silver is laid according to the dishes. Silver for the hole menu is laid in advance as the
menu is known in advance

Other Types of Menu

1. Static Menu – is the most common type of menu or pre-determined menu that does not change
2. Du Jour Menu or Daily Menu – Do jour translate to of the day, as in soup du jour or soup of the
day. Cycle Menu – is a set of dishes or menu items that is different for each day during a cycle
and repeats
3. Breakfast Menu – is standardized. Most restaurants will offer a choice of juices, cereal, eggs,
breakfast meats like bacon, sausage or ham waffles or pancakes with maple syrup.
4. Dinner Menu – is more elaborate as guests have more time and leisure for eating.
5. California Menu – Features items that are traditionally available for breakfast, lunch , and dinner
offered though out the day.
6. Children’s Menu – typically has burgers, fried chicken, hotdogs, sandwiches, French fries,
noodles or ice cream. Dessert Menu – is offered by the restaurants that have good patisserie.
7. Tourist Menu- is posted on the board outside a restaurant, usually with an attractive headline
price, primarily designed to attract tourist.

The beverages may include the following:

1. Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic Beverage Alcoholic Beverage - is drink that contains ethanol, a
type of alcohol produced by fermentation of grains, fruits or other source of sugar.
Example : distilled drinks – beer. Wine and cider
2. Non- Alcoholic Beverage – An alcohol free or non- alcoholic drinks also known as temperance
Example Apple Juice , Smoothies, elder flower and mint sparkle

Food Items used as accompaniments

Accompaniment are offered to enhance the taste the flavor of the main dish or to
counteract its richness, this will be introducing during the serving of food. Example of Food Items
Used In Food Service

Item Description Use

Apple sauce Puree cooking apple, slightly Roast pork, roast chicken
sweetened with some amount of sugar
Chili vinegar Chili with white vinegar Oyster
Chili in mayonnaise All purpose mayonnaise, black pepper Roast pork and roasted beef
dash of salt with blended of vegetable
Cranberry sauce Sauce made from cranberries usually Roast Turkey
available as. Proprietary sauce. It can
be serve hot or cold
Balsamic chili Small amount of balsamic, white Dressing for all types of
vinegar vinegar and amount of chili and sugar vegetable salad
French Dressing Dressing made from oil and wine Salads
vinegar or lemon juice with seasoning
mustard and herbs may be added.
Ketchup vinegar Ketchup and vinegar For grilled fish and grilled
Lemon Citrus fruit(slice, segment or halves) Variety of grilled fish
Mayonnaise in Dash of salt, black pepper, white Steamed fish including some
vinegar vinegar sea foods
Mint Jelly Sweetish jelly made with mint, Roast Lamb, as an alternative
proprietary version to mint sauce also offered
with roast mutton
Olive oil in sesame Olive oil, salt, black pepper and dash of Green leafy vegetable salad
seed sesame seed
Vinegar in chili soy Chili powder, vinegar, and soy sauce For different variety of grilled
sauce fish and steamed meat


Promote Food and Beverage Products
LO 1. FBS: Know the Product
TLE_HEBRT9- 12OTB-Iif-h-21
Activity # 1Read the question carefully. Fill in the blanks

1. ________ Is a multiple choice menu which shows portioned dishes and each dish is priced separately.
2. __________Is the most common type of menu or pre-determined menu that does not change
3.____________ Typically has burgers, fried chicken, hotdogs, sandwiches, French fries, noodles or ice
4.____________ Is a French phrase, which literally means “ hosts table”. It offers one or more variants of
each dish for fixed prices.
5.____________ Is a set of dishes or menu items that is different for each day during a cycle and repeat.

Activity #2 MENTORING

The newly hired may ask to memorize the said menu and ask to the kitchen department what and how it
does prepare from the following sequence. Make a compilation of 10 menus of the dishes offered in the

1. pronunciation
2. ingredients of each menu
3. sauces and accompaniments appropriate for certain dish
4. description of each dish
5. food allergens

Rubric for the performance:

Criteria 5 4 3 2 1

Names and pronunciation of dishes in the menu are


Ingredients of dishes are given

Sauces and accompaniments are known and given

Descriptions of every item in the menu given

Activity #3 Read the following test items carefully and understand the question before you answer and
choose the correct answer from the given choices.

1. Which of the menu will serve after appetizer?

a. Dishes
b. Soup
c. main course
d. Salad
2. The first sequence in menu book would be__.
a. Soup
b. Appetizer
c. dessert
d. beverage
3. One of the beverage that we consider is water, what is the other example of beverage that serve
in a restaurant?
a. wine
b. soft drinks
c. spirits
d. beer
4. What do the food server or waiter gives to the guest to what they want to order?
a. flash cards
b. tarpaulin .
c. menu book
d. advertisement
5. What do we consider when we say dessert?
a. something sweet
b. very sweet
c. not sweet
d. dark sweets
6. Which of the following will be explain to the customer in upselling an appetizer?
a. its ingredients and preparation
b. the method of cooking
c. its taste
d. its color
7. This preparation refer in meat products dishes and it serve after soup.
a. main course
b. side dish
c. appetizer
d. none of the above
8. This type of menu will be the best from some other set-up on the plate.
a. Ala Carte
b. French set-up
c. American set-up
d. Buffet set-up
9. This type of sauce consist of red color and mix with sour flavor.
a. ketchup in vinegar
b. lemon
c. lime
d. balsamic vinegar
10. What will be the server do if the food is unfamiliar to the customer.
a. ignore the customer since you don’t like to talk
b. introduce to the customer from the preparation and the price
c. smile to the customer and leave
d. menu is the best guide

TITLE: Promote Food and Beverage Products

OBJECTIVE: To communicate the proper Product Knowledge to the guest through conversation, master
the food selling techniques in product knowledge, know the sauces and accompaniments, study the
description of every item in the menu and memorize different ingredients from the dishes in the menu


Suggestive Selling Technique Procedure

It is act of giving suggestion and ideas to the guest or customer to add original orders, which on turn
leads to increase sales and have higher satisfaction. The server should be careful not be become too
aggressive but rather, he should be able more helpful by giving ample time to the guest in deciding what
to order. You might sale due to your reluctance. You can make suggestion from each section on the

Suggestive Selling Tips

 Get to the table before guest look at the menu Be ready for some questions asked from the gust
or customer, make it sure you know the standard price
 Do not interrupt the dining guest while they are selecting food from the menu or ordering
something. Food or beverage when the guest is done with their order. Such an interruption might
create an element of doubt in the guest mind that you merely suggesting items only to increase
the sales and that you really have no concern for her/ his needs.
 Know when to make suggestions to the guest If the guest is in undecided the food that they order
 Read the customers /guest at the dining table Learn to read customers body language and adapt
our suggestions accordingly. If one of your customers seems indecisive or hesitant when
ordering, jump in describe your favorite menu items. Take some action to suggest signature food
or beverage.
 Understand the guest needs. Respect needs of the guest base on her/his beliefs, suggest some
type of food.
 Avoid using words describing negatively Try to find words that could not describe “no” or “do not”
how through the thought that the customer or guest may appreciate the food that present in the
 Always ware your smile In suggesting food or beverage to your guest it’s one way to order for
what food suggested from the server.
 Be price -sensitive Base on their budget, Like, if the guest wants to have food with beverage the
order range of Php 300-Php 400 do not suggest over the amount.
 Suggest according to the season and ambiance or location of the restaurant
 Suggestive selling price moreover, suggestions contribute to the guests, satisfaction, particularly
when their sincere desires to really help the guest in the first place.

Basic to wine and food pairing

It is very impressive to offer the pairing of food and beverage, like sandwich and potato chips, fried
chicken and fries with white pasta. Sweets with dark coffee.

Activity 2.1 True or False : Write T if the statement is correct and F if the statement is in correct. Write
your answer on your test notebook.

1. Suggest food or beverage when the guest finishes eating the main course
2. You can make suggestions from each section on the menu.
3. Use appropriate words to describe the food such as, freshly prepared, delicately seasoned , soft
and juicy, mouthwatering. Favorable, and / or spicy
4. Avoid using negative words such as do not and cannot
5. Be price-sensitive

Activity 2.2

Suggestive Selling
Role play the correct ways of undertaking suggestive selling

You are very efficient receptionist of NR restaurant. Your friend Maria who selling of food to the
customers. is assigned as the waitress in the restaurant asked you to replace her in doing task the
next morning because she has to attend to her mother who is sick. You know that one of the tasks of
a waitress is to make suggestive selling of food to the customer. How are you going to do it

Performance of the learner will be rated using the rubric

Criteria Very Good 1% Good 2% Poor 3%

Information about the food item provided

Items on special or promos are offered to assist guest

with food and beverage selection

Name specific menu items suggested to guest

Description words are used while explaining the dishes
to make it more tempting and appetizing

TITLE: Promote Food and Beverage Products

OBJECTIVE: Be able to use upselling techniques, Promote your products in a positive manner and Offer
second serving of ordered items


Reasons for not upselling

Don’t know the product

 Product knowledge is part of your duty and responsibility as food attendant
 You need to familiar or know your menu well
 Discuss with the chef at the start of the shift for daily specials or menu items which are available
or not available at the restaurant
 Ask for the assistant from the chef or supervisor to give you more information and overview if you
are unsure
 As food attendant present your self to attend seminars and trainings on menu item training.

The guest is having a business lunch

 As we understand guest may eat even they so busy!
 Wait for a pause in conversation
 Be fast and efficient with smile
 Focus on what the guest suggested

The guest is a regular customer

 Establish good relationship to your guest
 Always suggest in different or something that complement regular product
 Treat you guest as your regular visitor

Out of stock
 Inform the guest before they order in making food selection Food and beverage
 Introduce another similar food and beverage
 Offer alternative product from the menu

Having tired
 Minimize moody to the guest
 You are actor and need to play
 Too busy not organize

Up-Selling Strategies

It is a marketing strategy in a restaurant to convince the guest to spend more income. Restaurants will
more study and strategies on how they gain from what the customers need while guest or customer may
continue to find ways what type of restaurant and the availability of their budget as everyday needs. To
become effective establishment, the right satisfaction of the guest or customer is the first goal that
convey some strategies use. Every establishment may establish the sales Techniques and selling

Ways on how to train staff about upselling

1. Provide opportunities for servers to taste menu items.
2. Make menu knowledge a priority so that the server will speak intelligently about the preparation.
3. Practice with yourself on how to up-sell or at your other server in discussing the price
4. Offer the most popular food and beverage to your customer. These are the items that would be
basically followed:
Title Description
Offer More -ExpensiveServers often use this technique without the customer knowing by offering
Items two choices of choices of liquor without nothing that one is more expensive.
Offering Extra Items Many restaurants rely on a simple Strategy to sell more: offering extra items.
A restaurant server will ask a diner if they would like to start with appetizer or
try special entrée.
Offer Specific Items Restaurants often employ the strategy of avoiding generalities that are easy
for the diners dismiss. Instead of asking of a customer wants dessert.
Make Suggestions or When a customer is deliberating on what to order or ask for
Recommendation recommendations, a restaurant server can upsell without seeming pushy or
irritating. By making helpful suggestion, the customer feels taken care of
rather than like a sales target.
Demonstrate When they can give details about the food and a description of their personal
Enthusiasm experience and preference, It can be more convincing than simply
suggesting an expensive item

Additional of activity

Example: 1 A guest asks the bartender for a Wine. Rather than simply taking or asking the order, the
bartender asks, Which type of wine would you prefer sir..? We offer some special wine mixed with
special ingredients like White on the Go” The bartender brings up to the most expensive varieties.

Example: 2

At a particular restaurant, food server would use to ask the customer to have Red Pasta on Italian sauce
their order. This means getting have free drinks they will offer big size of red pasta on Italian sauce that a
high price, but they can avail extra pasta dish.

Activity 3.1 Give five ways on how to upsell a product. Write your answer in your answer sheets

Activity 3.2

Role play the following samples on how to upsell

Waiter : “Aside form sweet and sour lobster, we offer some delicious appetizer.

Our restaurant offer most popular appetizer for what other guest order Regularly,

Guest : “ That sounds good, What is in it?

Waiter : it’s a crabs combine with sweet sour sauce and a combination of Shrimp and fresh green
vegetable salad.
Guest : “Wow, maybe it’s taste good. We like it..

Rubric for the performance:

Criteria 5 4 3 2 1

Slow moving but profitable items are suggested to increase check

Second servings of items are ordered

New items from the menu are recommended



Arcos, Cristeta M., Flores, Jelly M., and Yu, Evangeline V. Food and Beverage Services Manual:
Technical-Vocational-Livelihood- Home Economics First Edition – Department of Education – Bureau of
Learning Resources. Pasig City, Philippines: Sunshine Interlinks Publishing House, Inc 2017.

Roa, Cherrly, Printed in the Philippines by: Department of Education – Regional Office 10 Office
Address: Zone 1, Upper Balulang Cagayan de Oro City 9000 Telefax: (088) 880-7071, (088) 880-7072
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Prepared by:

TVL/TLE Teacher

Checked and Verified by:

Master Teacher II

Approved by:


Principal II

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