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In the World of Security, Automated security systems are
emerging technologies these days, Electronic eye is also called Virtual
eye or magic eye which is an electronic device, which observes
whoever coming and going continuously. As the automation is an
emerging technology these days, just imagine a door bell that
automatically rings when a person visits your home. This also provides
security when any person is trying to enter into your home without your
permission. Electronic eye is a simple electronic device that
continuously watches if anyone is visiting your home. This project can
be designed to secure lockers and cash boxes where security is needed
like homes, banks, etc. Electronic Eye creates a complete collection of
surveillance products and high-tech security. These Systems work on the
integration of system and project execution at the customer’s place for
numerous surveillance products. Security is of prime importance in day-
today life. Population is increasing at an alarming rate, which instigates
robber, theft and other criminal activities. This project aims to solve all
of this problems.

Bank robberies:
Bank robberies are a common reason for psychotraumatisation in
contemporary society. Little is known about the long-term traumatic
effects of this particular kind of criminal violence at the workplace on
the employees affected. In the index group there was a moderate,
subclinical increase in post-traumatic stress disorders. A subgroup of
about 20 % of the subjects were diagnosed, however, with severe
symptoms of posttraumatic stress associated with a significant co-
morbidity. Bank robberies lead to discrete long-term changes in the
ability of exposed subiects to master daily tasks. This is a result of
impaired flexibility in dealing with social situations. A subgroup of
about 20 % of persons exposed to bank robberies is likely to develop
long-term post-traumatic stress disorders which require therapy.
Bank robberies and theft cases increase 65% in last 5 years.Banks in
india have lost Rs.235.96 crores in last 5 years.

Home burglary:
Often when we think about the aftermath of a home burglary, the focus
is on the tangible effects of the crime. It’s devastating to lose property,
deal with filing a police report and pick up the pieces of a damaged
home. However, the psychological effects that come along with a
burglary are often the most severe, long-lasting results of a burglary. It’s
common for victims of a burglary to experience fatigue, loss of sleep
and a loss of appetite after a burglary. Also, the heightened level of
vulnerability that one feels after a burglary can often lead to depression
and anxiety.
Every 3 minutes, a burglary, robbery or a break-in is taking place in
India and its time we reconsidered the safety levels of our homes. As per
reports, 65 per cent cops foresee home robberies and thefts increasing
post complete lifting of lockdown.That explains the high percentage of
people (64%) that are not equipped to handle home safety threats.
Surprisingly, 70% of all thefts in India are home thefts while only 30%
are digital thefts. This emphasizes that home safety requires equal or
more attention that is enjoyed by digital safety as 61% people don’t want
to upgrade to high tech safety for homes.
This is exactly what home security companies are trying to prevent from
happening. Losing a feeling of security in your home is an unfair and
extremely harsh penalty to pay as a victim of a crime. The Electronic
Security Association (ESA) reports that 90 percent of convicted burglars
said they want to avoid homes with alarm systems. The ESA also reports
that those same burglars also said if they did encounter a home with an
alarm, they would abandon the attack on the home.

Other robberies:
Other robberies like jewellery shop robberies and in big malls
and shops are increasing day by day in our country.Due to this,heavy
loss for people sufferings and fear hitting people day by day.Eventhough
cctv camera observes each and everything of the loss atlast there will be
no evidence cctv will be damaged or footage of cctv may be observed
very late.

Safety for girls :

Besides robbery there will be lack of security for people in
night especially for girls.They may be unable to identify the unknown
person till they enter into the house.Eventhough they knew it may be too
late for seeking help from others.In this case unknown person entry
should be identified before they enter the house so that seeking help will
be easy and they will be secured.

By observing all this issues,our project provides a inexpensive
security system that indicates any threat immediately within seconds.our
project focus on the security of places and things which is very essential
nowadays. As automation is developing in these days our project will be
of great use for security purposes.
Many losses occur due to loss of security in important some
security system seems to be secure but very expensive.Considering all
the above mentioned issues our project will be a great solution. And as it
is low cost it can be used by ordinary people.Ordinary people work hard
and save money throughout the year and save little by little.They suffer
lot by these threats. So our project will be more useful to all people for
their security purposes.

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