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Tomas Claudio Colleges

Morong, Rizal

Graduate Studies Program

A. Subject: EDUC 201

B. Topic: The Filipino Families
C. Reporter: Mayrie SA. Julian
D. Student Name: Mary Ann D. Bernales
E. Professorial Lecturer: Catherine Dungca
F. Date: 11/20/21

I. Introduction

Filipinos are known for having strong and close family ties. They place high
regard and put importance on their family before anything else. They work all day
and do all they can to feed and provide for their family.

The Filipino family is a family of Philippine origin. Philippine families exhibit

Filipino cultures, custom, traits and values of which the most important value is
family closeness. The typical Filipino family consist of a husband, wife and children
extending to include grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. This circle is often
enlarged with the selection of a child’s godparents.

II. Outcome

The Topic discussed is about the Filipino Family. The structure of a family can
either be nuclear, joint or extended. A nuclear family comprises father, mother and
the children, while an extended family comprises nuclear family (ies), grandparents,
uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces and others.

Filipino form of courtship is also being discussed. Traditional courtship in the

Philippines is described as a "far more subdued and indirect" approach compared to
Western or Westernized cultures. ... Evident in courtship in the Philippines is the
practice of singing romantic love songs, reciting poems, writing letters, and gift-
giving. It only proves that Filipino has amazing culture in which we should be proud
III. Growth

Today’s topic is really interesting, and I know most of us can relate because it
deals with our own culture as Filipino families. With this, I came up with the
realization that, I am blessed enough to have the freedom to choose my partner
because there are some cases that children were match and betrothed by their
parents even before birth. For me it’s a bit challenging that they were put up to
live together and build a family on their own. We are still lucky that we exist in
this generations where this kind of tradition is not being practice anymore.

IV. Conclusion

“A nations culture resides in the heart and in the soul of the people.” This
quotation implies that, as a Filipino citizen, we should value and give importance
to our culture being this is a mark that symbolizes our blood as a Filipino. We
may not be able to practice some of our culture anymore but we must always be
proud because beyond resilience, adaptability and having courage to face very
difficult times, us Filipinos have shown that we are also most compassionate.

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