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TOPIC- Buying Process, TNA calendar from

order confirmation to delivery

Submitted TO – MR. PariJayaraman

Submitted by- Abhishek Kumar

Maruti Nandan Pandey
Vikky Kumar

Time and Action (TNA) calendar is one of the most important tools for managing a project. In garment
manufacturing each order is not less than a project to a merchant because from order receiving to
completion of an order it involves a number of tasks of various timelines and utilization of various
resources. Like number of processes, lot of people are also involved to accomplish an order. Similarly each
order is unique in terms of process and time demand. So, a detailed plan with well-defined responsibility is
must in order to complete each order to get completed on time.A time and action calendar defines the
ideal date/time period within which the major activities of an order should occur against a scheduled
delivery window.

What is a Time and Action Calendar?

Normally merchants prepare a plan in a spreadsheet listing down key processes in one column and planned
date of action for each processes is noted in another. This planning sheet is called time and action calendar.
Once TNA calendar is made, merchant can easily list down her daily 'to do list' for the day and start doing
work one by one. According to TNA schedule processes are executed on daily basis to track whether an
order is on track or getting delayed.

Structure of TNA

Normally merchandisers prepare a plan of the order in a spreadsheet by listing down the key processes in
first column and planned date of action for each process in the next column. This planning sheet is
popularly known as time and action calendar (TNA). Once TNA calendar is made, then it can be easy for
merchandiser list down their daily 'to do list' and taking it one by one. As per TNA schedule processes can
be executed on timely basis to track whether an order is on track or it will get delay

In order to make TNA below mentioned information must be available

 Process flow of an order with the list of task which need to be performed
 Production capacity of cutting, sewing, washing and finishing
 For sewing - batch wise and product wise capacity (production per day per batch)
 Lead time of activities, e.g. raw material lead time, sampling lead time, etc.
 Shipment date or planned ex-factory date

Normally TNA does not depend on fabric used in merchandise like woven or knits. TNA is largely depends
on the particular process flow of an order, machine requirement and available production capacity. In TNA
planned cutting date (PCD) and ex-factory date these are the two most critical dates.

Importance of TNA

The importance of TNA can be summarized.

 It helps to streamline the pre-production activities.

 Easy understanding of order processing.
 Clear understanding of timelines given by buyer.
 It gives the clear idea about the minor or sub activities that need to perform during order processing at
different level.
 TNA gives the idea about the status of running order andtalks about delay or deviation, if any
 TNA gives the dates at which raw material need to be sourced, in a way it helps to optimise the inventory.
 TNA also reduces the risk of delivery delay.
Time and action calendar from Industry
Sample TNA for Ladies Top manufacturing order

The TNA derived by assuming the order of 10000 pieces of ladies top, made out of 100% cotton, plain woven solid
dyed fabric, with embroidery logo on it. The order is for SS 2018, delivery date 1stMarch 2018, shipment at New

Time And Action Calendar

Order P.O. No-
Style No-SP13009 Quantity- Season :SS17
No-1223 4565
Fabric details-
100% Delivery date-
cotton,Plain Manufacturing Country- 1 march 18
Product Detail- Ladies Top
woven, solid Bangalore,India
dyed fabric,145
Destination Shipment Port-
Buyer country- USA Merchant- Virat
Port- New York Chennai,India
Planned Deviation(No Department
No Activity Actual date Remarks
Date of days) Responsibility
Buyers enquiry and
1 specification (proto Kit) 1-6-17 Production
Pattern is made according to
2 4-6-17 Sampling
3 Proto sample submission 9-6-17 Sampling
4 Proto sample approval 29-6-17 Sampling
5 Order conformation 29-6-17 Production
Trims and art work sent for
6 14-7-17 Sourcing
7 Lab dip send for approval 14-7-17 Quality & Testing

Request for sample of trims

8 30-6-17 Sourcing
and fabric send
Sample lot of trims and fabric
9 20-7-17 Sampling
Sample lot of trims entered in
10 22-7-17
to store
Meeting with sampling and all Production
11 20-7-17
other department Manager
12 Fit samples sent to buyer 27-7-17 Sampling
13 Approval of fit sample 22-7-17 Merchandising
Sales man samples sent to
14 27-7-17 Sampling
Approval of sales man
15 22-7-17 Merchandising
17 P.O. raised by buyer 23-7-17
17 Trims and art work approved 15-8-17 Production
18 Approval of lab dip 20-8-17 Testing
P.O raised for fabric and
19 trims by 26-8-17
merchandiser/sourcing team
20 FPT send to buyeer 31-8-17 Production
21 Approval of FPT 15-9-17 Merchandising
Ad/photo shoot samples sent
22 29-8-17 Production
to buyer
23 Approval of ad/photoshoot 22-8-17 Merchandising
24 All fabrics inhouse 3-10-17 Storage
25 All trims inhouse 1-10-17 Storage
Fabric and trim quality and
26 5-10-17 QUality & Testing
quantity measured
Size set samples sent to
27 8-10-17 Sampling
28 Approval of size set samples 25-10-17 Merchandising
29 GPT submitted to buyer 8-10-17 Quality & testing
30 GPT approved buyer 30-10-17 Merchandising
31 Planned cut date 31-10-17 Cutting & PPC
Cut panels send to
32 01-11-17
33 Embroidery completed 07-11-17
34 Pilot run 03-11-17 Production
35 Pre-production meeting 06-11-17 Management
36 PP samples sent to buyer 03-11-17 Production
37 Approval of PP sample 12-11-17 Merchandising
38 Production start date 15-11-17 Production
39 Top sample sent to Buyer 17-11-17 Production
40 Top sample approved 21-11-17 Merchandising
41 Production and date 15-12-17 Production
Finishing and
42 Finishing and packaging start 17-12-17
Finishing and packing Finishing and
43 18-12-17
completed packaging
44 Buyer quality audit 19-12-17 Quality
Shipment sample sent to
45 19-12-17 Merchandising
46 ExFactory 20-12-17 Merchandising
47 Ex Country 26-12-17 Merchandising
1 2 4 5 6 7


15 14 13 12 11 10 9


Network Diagram Of all the processes

Importance of key activities in TNA

1. Sampling:
Sampling is the most crucial task and hence need to plan in TNA very carefully, some sampling stages are
very important so any deviation or delay in that will affect the whole TNA.

Proto sample: The submission of proto sample totally depends upon buyers enquiry date.Any delay in
proto submission or approval will affect order conformation date, which will subsequently affect the
submission of fabric development and fit sample, as without proto approval it’s impossible to proceed
further. In sample TNA it is shown that the planned proto submission date is 09-06-17 and planned
approval date is 27-06-17, i.e. 15 working days are kept for proto sample approval.

Fit sample: After approval of proto sample manufacturer starts working on fit sample, that needs to submit
exactly at planned date. Any delay in fit sample submission will cause the delay in P.O., size set sample
submission. Fit sample must submit within 45 days of proto approval as to get the sample of bulk fabric it
takes 20-25 working days to get in-house; hence after approval of proto sample i.e. on 27-06-17, the
planned fit sample submission date is 27-07-17. Sometimes fabric suppliers are nominated by buyer or
buyer will supply the fabric in either case it may not take more time. Hence, in time and action calendar
approximate 1 month gap is shown between proto sample approval and fit sample submission. Buyer must
give the comments on fit sample within 7 days. Any delay from buyer side will directly affect the further
process. To make fit sample process to complete within time period, the planned approval date for fit is
22-08-17 i.e. 21 days or 3 weeks is kept deliberately between first fit submission and approval, in order to
accommodate failures and re submissions of fit sample.

AD/Photo shoot/Salesman sample: These samples are generally submitted parallel with fit sample. The
same period is allotted to salesman sample i.e. 21 working days in TNA. These samples mainly used for
advertising or for visual merchandising or by sales man to collect the order from retailers; hence from
buyer’s perspective, timely submission of these samples is very important. Order size mainly depends on
this sample and any delay or quality issue in sample can reduce the order size. Sometimes buyer may ask
more number of samples e.g. 100 pieces, in that case merchandiser must keep in mind the capacity of
sampling room, time required to complete the demand of buyer, style complexity and buyers submission
date while making the TNA.

Size-set sample: This stage of sampling is most important, without size set approval bulk fabric for
production should not be cut in order to accommodate any changes by the buyer in the bulk production.
So, any delay in size set sample will directly affect PCD and subsequently affect the shipment date. Size set
sample need to submit with actual bulk fabric, hence for timely submission of size set sample merchandiser
should make sure that all bulk fabric should be in-house well in advance of size set submission date. To
avoid the delay, as soon as bulk trims and fabrics are get in-house within 3 days size-set sample can be
produced and submitted to buyer for approval. As per TNA, in table no. 2, planned submission date of the
size-set sample is on 08-10-2012 and expected approval is on 25-10-2012 i.e.15 working days are kept for
completion of size set sample approval process.

GPT sample: Before submission of PP sample it is very necessary that Garment Performance Test should be
cleared from buyer. This sample sent to either third party inspection or in-house testing lab. While
preparing the TNA merchandiser must keep in mind that test results should get approved from buyer well
in advance of PP meeting. For approval of GPT 20 days are kept in TNA to deal with any delay in the
process. Further, to avoid the delay in submission of PP sample and PCD, GPT is happening along with Size-
set sample i.e. from 08-10-17 to 30-10-17.

Pilot-run: Before going for actual production pilot run is carried out, in order to see the complications in
actual production and to give the sufficient time for learning curve of operator on sewing floor. In TNA
preparation one day is kept for pilot run for smoother and uninterrupted production. As soon as first few
lots are cut, make sure that they will immediately send for embroidery. Hence cut panels are available on
time for pilot run. In sample TNA PCD is on 31-10-2012 while pilot run is planned on 03-11-2012, i.e. one
day gap is kept for embroidery of cut panels for pilot run. Pilot run can be conducted before or after PP

Pre-production (PP) meeting and sample: Preproduction meeting is very necessary part of any export
order processing; hence merchandiser keeps one day only conducting PP meeting, in order to discuss the
expected difficulties during production. Any delay in this meeting or if more obstacles are there to solve in
production will directly affect the PCD and ultimately results in shipment delay.

PP sample need to submit within 10 days after approval of size-set and GPT samples. As without approval of
PP sample production should not start.To maintain the PCD merchandiser should be very careful while
preparation of TNA for PP sample. PP sample is normally pooled out from pilot-run, hence submission date
for PP sample is 03-11-17 and approval date is 12-11-17 i.e. 6 working days gap is kept for PP sample.

Top of production sample: As soon as production starts and first few pieces are come out of line TOP
sample need to submit to buyer. It’s very crucial stage where merchandiser must keep in mind that by any
reason TOP sample get rejected then production end date is going to be delayed. This can straight way
affects the shipment date. In sample TNA, it is shown that sample is submitted on 17-11-17 and planned
approval date is 21-11-2-17.

2. Fabric and trim sourcing:

Fabric and trim sourcing is very time consuming process which includes desk loom and lab-dip approvals,
trim and art work approval, FPT approval. The fabric sourcing itself will take lead time of 30-60 days
depending upon type of fabric. For yarn dyed fabric it takes approx. 45 day, for piece dyed fabric it take
approx. 30 days and for fibre dyed fabric it takes approx. 55-60 days. In sample TNA, it is assumed that
fabric used is solid dyed hence 30 days lead time is considered while preparing the TNA, trims also takes the
approximate 30-45 days depending upon from where trims are getting sourced. Hence while designing the
TNA for sourcing the following activities need to keep in mind.

Fabric approvals: With approval of proto sample, merchandiser needs to submit lab-dip for colour
conformation. Lab-dip approval itself is a long process, as development of shade and submission itself will
take 10-15 working days for one attempt, hence for after 15 days of proto approval Lab dip is submitted.
Hence while preparing the TNA merchandiser must keep in mind that, complexity of shade, buyer’s
specification etc. any delay in lab-dip submission will end up with fabric production delay, which will results
in delay in; Size-set sample submission. Hence to avoid the delay in TNA 30 working days buffer is kept from
submission date i.e. 14-07-2012 to planned approval date i.e.20-08-2012.

Trims and art work: Trims and their art work are other important factors of sourcing department after
fabric. Timely approval of trims is very necessary. Trim production and shipment is also time consuming
process, especially if it is imported, hence while preparing the TNA 25 working days buffer is kept between
submission date i.e.14-07-2012and approval date13-08-2012.

Fabric Performance Test (FPT): Before fit sample submission date FPT report must be approved by buyer, as
fit sample submitted in similar fabric. As without approval of FPT fabric supplier can’t ship the fabric to
garment manufacturer. Any delay in FPT submission in will cause in fit sample submission and may show
impact on fabric in-house date which will subsequently affect the size-set submission date.

3. Production

The most crucial part of any TNA is actual production. While preparing the TNA for production following
activities need to consider.

Planned Cut Date: The most important date for both sourcing and merchandising department. Most of the
time, TNA is prepared by keeping PCD in mind. To achieve the PCD on time sourcing department plays
important role, as lead time of trims and fabric production and availability for garment production is
controlled by this department. While preparing the TNA expected lead time and sufficient buffer should
keep for sourcing.

As there is embroidery included on cut panels, hence after cutting the cut panels need to send for
embroidery. Considering that embroidery is in-house then 6 working days after PCD to complete the
embroidery need to be consider in TNA. If embroidery is outsourced then accordingly more number of days
can be included in TNA.
In some merchandise, washing, printing is required hence merchandiser need to take care of the lead time
requirement for the same including necessary buffer.

Productions start and end date: These two dates are purely depends upon shipment date and production
capacity. As soon as PCD is achieved the production should start immediately after pilot run and approval of
PP Sample. Any deviation in this date will subsequently affect the TOP sample submission date and
shipment date. Number of days required for production is decided by capacity allocated to that particular
merchandise or number of days of available for actual shipment. For mentioned sample TNA, following
assumptions were made while calculating the number of days required completing the production.

Finishing and packing: As finishing and packing is equally important, hence as soon as first lot comes out of
production, finishing and packing get started. This can be started parallel along with production. In sample
TNA, 17-11-17 is a starting date of finishing and packing, while 18-12-17 is end date. 3 days buffer is kept
deliberately between production date and finishing packing completion date to avoid any consequences.

Apart from these main activities, following constraints merchandiser should keep in mind while preparing
the TNA for production.

1. Actual shipment date

2. Efficiency of production line
3. Style complications
4. Operators skills
5. Start-up loss
6. Learning curve of line
7. Finishing and packing capacity
8. Availability of alternate operators for absenteeism
Any delay in production will directly leads to shipment delay hence for actual production proper buffer
should be allocated in TNA.


Garments manufacturing is not a business of 'One Man Show' rather it is a Team-Work where lot of people,
organizations, suppliers, buyer, sub-contractors and manufacturers are involved. Moreover, all tasks have
to be accomplished with in a given time frame to ship out the garments on time. Buyer will not accept any
delay in the garments delivery and if the garments cannot be shipped out on time then there will be good
possibility thatbuyer may cancel the order or may ask for air shipment or Buyer may ask for discount. To
avoid all such adverse situation merchandiser need to do proper planning to execute any order.

TNA is most important activity for timely shipment. If any merchandiser is able to follow the TNA properly
then it will be not a big challenge to ship the garments on schedule.TNA for any production unit is summery
of sampling, sourcing and production activities and their sub activities. Merchandiser generally makes the
TNA on the basis of lead time mentioned by buyer, shipment date negotiation, order quantity, production
capacity. The milestones and key/critical activities dates are mentioned by buyer while other in-house
activities need to manage by merchandiser by keeping many things in mind. With the help of TNA
merchandisers can ensures satisfaction of each and every step with constant follow ups and in shortest
cycle time possible. Rapidly changing trends of the fashion industry is making merchandising activities more
complicated and so TNA. Merchandiser has to prepare good and flexible TNA by keeping all facts and facets
in mind. If used effectively, a good TNA can help factory to meet production and shipment deadlines,
increase inventory turns, improve customer service, and enhance profits.



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