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Optimization of Times and Costs of the Project of Horizontal

Laminator Production Using PERT/CPM Technical: Article Review

The Horizontal Laminator is a machine that cuts polyurethane foam blocks in the mattress industry.
The article journal is about minimizing time and costs associated in production by using the PERT/CPM
approach in the manufacturing project of the Horizontal Laminator.

The purpose of this study is to use the PERT/CPM approach to a Horizontal Laminator
manufacturing project in the equipment sector for foam cutting production in order to optimize time
and cost while taking into account deterministic estimations for the length of the activities. The study
also aims to assist industry management in defining a planning and control structure for the activities
involved in the production of the Horizontal Laminator by providing knowledge of interdependencies
between activities, activities with slacks, time that each activity can be delayed, and other data.

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