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Bank Asia is a third generation public limited commercial bank. It received the Certificate
of Incorporation on September 28, 1999 and came to operation on November 27, 1999.
Now after 12 faithful years of dedicated and reliable services, Bank Asia has created an
envious position for itself among the leading banks of the country with an Asset base of
TK. 289 billion, Deposit of TK 207 Billion and 126+ outlets all over the country. But most
importantly, the Bank has an unsurpassed legacy attached with its image.

Bank Asia Limited started its service with a vision to serve people with modern and
innovative banking products and services at an affordable charge. The bank's commitment
is to provide a modern and value added banking services to all segment of the society by
maintaining the very best standard in a globalized world, with the help of technological

Bank Asia Limited has been a major facilitator of Financial Inclusion in Bangladesh by
providing banking services to the most remotest corners of the country through pioneering
“Agent Banking” services in Bangladesh during 2014. Since then, it’s been a
remarkable story of financial inclusion with more than 3500+ outlets and 3 million+
customers across the rural areas of Bangladesh.

With a vision to build a poverty free Bangladesh, in future, Bank Asia wishes to open
bank account for every able person of the country despite of their socio-economic class
by expanding the Agent Banking Network to a financial kiosk in every village of the
country. We are also aiming towards launching the first ever Digital Bank in Bangladesh
for the future generation by transforming traditional banking with the help of modern


Bank Asia's vision is to have a poverty free Bangladesh in course of a generation in
the new millennium, reflecting the national dream. Our vision is to build a society where
human dignity and human rights receive the highest consideration along with
reduction of poverty.
• To assist in bringing high quality service to our customers and to participate
in the growth and expansion of our national economy
• To set high standards of integrity and bring total satisfaction to our
clients, shareholders and employees
• To become the most sought after bank in the country, rendering
technology driven innovative services by our dedicated team of professionals

• Place customer interest and satisfaction as first priority and provide
customized banking products and services
• Value addition to the stakeholders through attaining excellence in banking
• Maintain high ethical standard and transparency in dealings
• Be a compliant institution through adhering to all regulatory requirements
• Contribute significantly for the betterment of the society
• Ensure higher degree of motivation and dignified working environment for
our human capital and respect optimal work-life balance
• Committed to protect the environment and go green


• Only Bangladeshi Bank to acquire (Purchase) operations of 02 (two) foreign
banks namely:
o Bank of Nova Scotia of Canada
o Muslim Commercial Bank of Pakistan
• Majority stakeholder of ERA INFOTECH (A joint Venture IT Company)
• Centralized Trade Services Operation (Facilitates Export/ Import and Inward
and Outward Remittance foreign-AD Branches)
• Central Clearing Fully Automated
• Credit Rating (valid up to June 2019)
o Long Term: AA2
o Short Term: ST2
• No. of Shareholders (up to December 2017): 10,681

Bank Asia Islamic Banking

Alhamdulillah, All the praises and thanks be to Allah (SWT), who blesses us with the
opportunity to launch Islamic Banking Operation in Bank Asia Limited. As a commercial
Bank working in a largest Muslim community, it is our humble & corporate social
responsibility to honour the spirit & thrust of religiously guided people who prefer Shariah
based banking and we have, therefore, started our Islamic banking Operation.

Historical Background
Bank Asia started its Islamic Banking operations in December 2008 and now operating
five Islamic Banking Windows – 3 in Dhaka, 1 in Chittagong and 1 in Sylhet.

The preparation to start Islamic Banking operations in the Bank was as if it were the
preparation to start a new bank. The maiden business operation of Islamic Banking unit in
Bank Asia could be compared with the new bank operation unlike a new department.

The Board of Directors of Bank Asia Limited decided to enter into the realm of Islamic
Banking in the year 2004. In 2008, Bank Asia had the fortune to obtain NOC of Bangladesh
Bank to go for Islamic Banking under the Islamic Window concept within conventional

Being guided by prominent Islamic Banking Consultant, Mr. M. Azizul Huq, we developed
fresh modus operandi for operations of Islamic Banking Windows in conventional bank. Thus
we started a new era of Islamic Banking through inauguration of its first Islamic Banking
Window at the Bank’s Uttara Branch in Dhaka on the 24th December, 2008.

The Bank provides this services by separate Islamic Banking software i-Hikmah and real time
online Islamic Banking services from the entire network under the exclusive brand
‘SALAMAH’ (means purity).

For distributing profit among the Mudaraba Depositors, Bank Asia Islamic Banking has
developed a module based on Income Sharing Ratio [ISR], the first of its kind in Bangladesh.
In this module Bank offers an ISR to the every individual Mudaraba depositors and actual
profit is calculated every month on the basis of that ratio. ISR based unique profit distribution
system on Mudaraba deposit has given our Islamic banking services much acclaim and wide

In 2016, Bank Asia obtained formal permission from Bangladesh Bank to provide Online
based financial transaction facilities through all outlets of the Bank to the clients of our Islamic
Banking Windows. Under the permission of Bangladesh Bank, we are now offering more
diversified deposit and investment products to meet the growing needs to the online customers
through all outlets of the bank. To make the venture successful, our Islamic Banking conducted
several training programs, both on-the-job & off-the-job, to all the concerned officials of the
bank. We hope that through the expanded network, our Islamic Banking would flourish
Later 2017, we have started our Islamic Banking activities under Agent Banking framework
through 25 piloting outlets using separate software for conducting its business activities. We
hope that this would create stronger brand image of Islamic Banking and would contribute
more in the overall profitability of the Bank.

Islamic Banking of Bank Asia has been passing the 11th year of its operations starting from
the Islamic Window concept. Now, Islamic banking is following virtual Window model. For
Islamic deposit and investment business, the Bank is simultaneously using all of its
distribution Channels, i.e. Conventional Branches, SME Centers, and Agent Banking Outlets
through online services beside the dedicated Islamic Banking Windows.

Our Mission
Achievement of sustainable economic growth with justice & equity with the divine framework
and excellence in practicing Corporate Social Responsibility inherent in the Islamic Banking

Our Objectives
• Provide interest-free banking service to the clients.
• Develop a group of entrepreneurs with Islamic values.
• Strengthening the Qualitative Foundation of Islamic Banking System.
• Upgrading Technology and Human Resource for Islamic Banking.
• Contributing substantially in the global profit of Bank Asia.

Uniqueness of Our Islamic Banking

• Rich Shariah Supervisory Committee consisting of qualified Faqih (expert on Islamic
Jurisprudence), Islamic scholars & professionals.
• Income Sharing Ratio—ISR based unique profit distribution system on Mudaraba
deposit, 1st time in Bangladesh.
• Distinguished and Shariah complied Deposit & Investment products for Islamic
• Distinct Finance & Accounts and separate Financial Statement for Islamic Banking
• Separate team of human resources in Islamic Banking Windows and Corporate Office
including Shariah Compliance, Investment/ Credit Risk Management, Investment
Administration, Accounting & Fund Management.
• Separate Islamic Banking Software – HIKMAH to provide Real-Time Online
Banking service from all of our branches.
• Pioneer in Musharaka investment among the Islamic Banking Window/Branch
operators in the country.
• Window operations at branch level with separate Entrance, Cash Counter and Human
• Precursor in Window based Islamic Banking Module in Bangladesh.
• One of the best Shariah compliant among Islamic Banking operators.
• Availability of Islamic Banking service from every branch and every Agent outlets
through online system.

Partnership with CYFI

Bank Asia is offering a school banking product named Smart Junior Saver from its Islamic
Banking unit. The product is designed for the children / students who are under 18 years of
age with a bundle of benefits including higher Income Sharing Ratio (ISR), Gift & Financial
Aid for Bright students. The product was launched in November 2011.
Partnership with CYFI
With a view to expanding the arena of banking service and contributing to the next generation,
the management of the Bank decided to establish partnership with Child and Youth Finance
International (CYFI) in October 2012.
About CYFI

Child and Youth Finance International (CYFI) is a global multi-stakeholder network

established in July 2011

CYFI has been established as a not-for-profit Dutch foundation with a two-tier board
governance structure and a Partners Assembly.

CYFI is working for increasing financial protection and empowerment of children and youth
around the world.

CYFI supports high quality financial education and safe & reliable financial inclusion for
children & youth.

Secretariat of CYFI is situated at Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Objectives of the Partnership with CYFI
Short Term:
Familiarize young generation and their families with financial knowledge & services

Educate the children how to spend and save thus create financial awareness

Expand social awareness of savings habit & Islamic values in the children.

Encourage the kids to score bright result through rewarding brilliant students
Long Term

Bring the children and students under the umbrella of our banking service

Ensure financial inclusion of future clients from fresh generation with superior mentality.
Target of Bank Asia through Partnership
To reach 1,00,000 children & students through financials inclusion and Knowledge Sharing
on financial system by 2015

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