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Sreehari Gangadharan
Senior Naval Architect
Gulf Cra� inc,UAE

The motor yachts represent one of the largest Comfort on board means low levels of vibra�on
categories in the yacht manufactory; this type and noise, these two are closely related to hull
of cra� can be designed and built in different structures. Since mechanical vibra�on can be
ways regarding the requirements of clients and defined generally as the oscillatory mo�on of
the needs of builders. The principal differences rigid as well as elas�c bodies. The subject of
among yachts are due to internal and external vessel vibra�on is very broad in scope. In fact,
layout spaces, building methods, performance, all the ship dynamics problems involve some
materials, propulsion systems, etc. form of vibra�on and noise. Vibra�ons and
noise are crucial topics for superyacht design
One of the problems in the all Luxury yachts is and construc�on. They require detailed
the avoidance of objec�onable elas�c vibra�on calcula�ons from the earliest of design stages
and noise of the hull structure in response to to verify the dynamic behavior of hull
external/internal forces /by the rota�onal structures and their response to exci�ng loads
mo�on of machineries. Such vibra�on can from propellers, engines and wave encounters.
cause discomfort to passengers and interfere
with performance of crew du�es, damage or 2. VIBRATION
adversely affect the opera�on of mechanical 2.1 UNITS
and electrical equipment on board. This kind of
analysis is a challenging task for designers and a Vibra�on velocity amplitude (± mm/s) is
relevant subject for shipyards that are seriously adopted in these guidance notes as the
engaged to find solu�ons aimed at improving principal parameter for evalua�ng shipboard
the quality of their products. As the topic vibra�on. Unless specified otherwise vibra�on
is a vast will brief about common methods amplitude, ± a, is half the peak to peak value of
of measuring vibra�ons and noise and the vibra�on, Figure 1 [1].
how to avoid the causes during design and
construc�on stage. Vibra�on can also be measured in

Fig 1: Vibra�on rela�onships for sinusoids [1]

displacement or accelera�on. Displacement the three parameters represen�ng mo�on
tends to emphasize the lower frequencies, in vibra�ons are: displacement, velocity
whilst accelera�on emphasizes the higher and accelera�on these parameters can be
frequencies. The rela�onship between the measured by different types of mo�on
three parameters for a sinusoidal waveform is sensors and are mathema�cally connected
given in Figure 1 [1]. (displacement first deriva�ve is velocity and
velocity first deriva�ve is accelera�on). The
The preferred units of measurements are:
choice is based on the frequencies of interest
• Displacement, ± mm involved in each case.
• Velocity, ± mm/s Displacement Sensors: Eddy current probes
• Accelera�on, ± m/s2. are non-contact sensors primarily used to
measure sha� vibra�on, sha�/rotor posi�on
Accelera�on is also commonly expressed as a and clearance. Also referred to as displacement
ra�o of the accelera�on due to gravity, “g”, probes, eddy current probes are typically
where 1 g = 9.81 m/s2. The abbrevia�on “Gal”, applied on machines u�lizing sleeve/journal
for Galileo, is some�mes encountered, where 1 bearings. They have excellent frequency
Gal = 1 cm/s2 = 10-2 m/s2. response with no lower frequency limit and can
also be used to provide a trigger input for
2.2 MEASUREMENTS PROTOCOL phase-related measurements.
Usually the measurements are performed when Velocity Sensors: Velocity sensors are used for
the vessel is already launched and in low to medium frequency measurements. They
sailing condi�ons, in this way the real are useful for vibra�on monitoring and
vibra�onal response of the yacht is registered balancing opera�ons on rota�ng machinery. As
and analyzed all the structural and non- compared to accelerometers, velocity sensors
structural masses are involved and the have lower sensi�vity to high frequency
damping condi�ons are taken from the real vibra�ons.
situa�on. These are parameters that usually are
es�mated when the FEM model is performed. Accelerometers: Piezoelectric accelerometers
having a constant signal over a wide frequency
2.3 SENSORS range, up to 20 kHz, for a given mechanical
accelera�on level, are very useful for all
In vibra�on monitoring the selec�on of sensors types of vibra�on measurements. Accelera�on
to use is a cri�cal factor on determining the integrated to velocity can be used for low
success of the measurements. Not only the frequency measurements. Accelera�on signals
quality of the sensor is cri�cal, but also the type in the high frequency range added with various
of data that this could catch. As known signal processing techniques are very useful for

Fig 2: Graph shows rela�on between frequency and Amplitude [2]

bearing and gear measurements.

They are useful for measuring low to very high

frequencies and are available in a wide variety
of general purpose and applica�on specific
designs. The piezoelectric sensor is versa�le,
reliable piezoelectric sensors accelerometers
operate on the piezoelectric principal: a crystal
generates a low voltage or charge when
stressed as for example during compression.
Fig 3: PCB356A02 triaxial at right and
Mo�on in the axial direc�on stresses the
PCB3530B unidirec�onal at le� [3]
crystal due to the iner�al force of the mass and
produces a signal propor�onal to accelera�on 2.4 CALIBRATION
of the mass. This small accelera�on signal can
be amplified for accelera�on measurements or The calibra�on is done through an automa�c
converted (electronically integrated) within system which generates a defined frequency
the sensor into a velocity or displacement and the sensors are calibrated.
signal. This is commonly referred as the ICP
(Integrated Circuit Piezoelectric) type sensor.
The piezoelectric velocity sensor is more rugged
than a coil and magnet sensor, has a
wider frequency range and can perform
accurate phase measurements.

For structures typical in shipbuilding only the

frequency ranges up to about 100 Hz is of
interest from a vibra�onal point of view. The
maximum accelera�on values are generally less
than 1g, and in most cases, they are dis�nctly
lower. The signal analyzer includes
a calibra�on se�ng that allows the Fig 4: Calibra�on device[2]
voltage signal to be converted back into a
measurement of accelera�on. Sensi�vity 2.5 SIGNAL ANALYZER
of sensors are calibrated by manufacturers;
accurate measurements depends on using the The analyzer measures electronic signals with
correct sensi�vity value for each applica�on. an analog front end that may include special
High sensi�vity is not appropriate for high signal condi�oning such as sensor power
accelera�on level; too high voltage could supply, TEDS (transducer electronic data sheets
saturate the input on the signal analyzer. On that read the calibra�on and other informa�on
the other hand, a small sensi�vity may from a chip embedded in the sensor),
produce a signal too weak. All sensors and adjustable voltage gains se�ngs and analog
measurement hardware is subject to electronic filters. Next, the system converts the analog
noise. This is due to the sensor cables picking signal to a digital format via an analog to digital
electronic noise from stray signals in the air, converter (ADC). A�er the signal is digi�zed,
noise in the power supply, etc. the system processes it with it a digital
signal processor (DSP), which is a minicomputer
Moun�ng: For low frequency response the op�mized to do rapid mathema�cal
moun�ng technique doesn’t affect the results. calcula�ons. The DSP performs all required
In this case the sensor was simply placed in the calcula�ons, including addi�onal filtering,
posi�on to measure. In other cases, adhesive computa�on of �me and frequency
moun�ngs, stud mounts or magne�c mounts measurements, and management of mul�ple
might be considered. channel signal measurements.

Fig 5: [2]
The used analyzer is a four-channel
SOUNDBOOK™ system and the acquisi�ons
have been run by the so�ware Sinus SAMURAI
™.SOUNDBOOK™, is a universal portable
measuring system and works based on Apollo™
pla�orm. The 24-bit A/D converters in
combina�on with the Apollo filter processors
provide many channels with high precision
and bandwidth. The basic principle of
the so�ware is that virtual measurement
instruments provide data for ac�vated
measurement channels. Simultaneously with
the measurement and analysis, the data
provided is stored in synchronous data streams.
Table 1: Rela�onship between dB and the
pressure ra�o [1]

Sound pressure level, Lp The noise should be measure as per IMO Code
on Noise Levels on Board Ships, resolu�on
Sound pressure levels (SPL) are measured in A.468(XII)(3)
decibels (dB) using a logarithmic scale where
the sound level Lp is given by: •During noise level measurement, only
seafarers necessary for the opera�on of the
ship and persons taking the measurements
should be present in the space concerned.

•Sound pressure level readings should be taken

Where p is the measured root mean square in decibels using an A-weigh�ng filter (dB(A))
sound pressure level in Pascals and po is the and if necessary, also in octave bands between
reference sound pressure level, 20 x 10-6 Pa. 31.5 and 8,000 Hz, to determine the ISO noise
Note: 1 Pascal = 1 N/m2. The rela�onship ra�ng (NR) number
between dB and the pressure ra�o p/po is given
in Table 1 [1]. A subjec�ve assessment of •The meter should be set to "slow" response
changes in sound pressure levels is given in and the readings made only to the nearest
Table 1. [1] decibel. A measuring �me of at least 5 seconds

should be allowed. If a meter fluctuates in level Accommoda�on spaces
within a range of no more than 5 dB(A)
One measurement should be made in the
maximum to minimum, an es�mate of the level
middle of the space. The microphone should be
should be made by averaging the excursions of
moved slowly horizontally and/or ver�cally over
the needle by eye.
1 m and the mean reading recorded. Addi�onal
measurements should be performed at
•If the range fluctua�ons are more than 5
other points if appreciable differences, i.e.
dB(A), or the sound is cyclic, irregular or
greater than 10 dB(A), in the level of sound
intermi�ent in opera�on an integra�ng meter
inside the room occur, especially near the head
should be used set to A-weigh�ng. Integra�on
posi�ons of a si�ng or lying person.
should be made over a period of at least 30
seconds. Machinery spaces
Measurements should be made at the principal
•In addi�on to the steady state and fluctua�ng working and control sta�ons of the seafarers in
noise level measurements, the noise exposure the machinery spaces and in the adjacent
of seafarers may be measured as allowed. control rooms, if any, special a�en�on being
paid to telephone loca�ons and to posi�ons
where voice communica�on and audible
A sound level meter is used for acous�c (sound signals are important. Readings should
that travels through air) measurements. It is not normally be taken closer than 1 m
commonly a hand-held instrument with a from opera�ng machinery, or from decks,
microphone. The best type of microphone for bulkheads or other large surfaces, or
sound level meters is the condenser from air inlets. Where this is not possible,
microphone Fig 6 :[3], which combines measurement should be taken at a posi�on
precision with stability and reliability. midway between the machinery and adjacent
reflec�ng surface. Measurements from
machinery which cons�tutes a sound source
should be taken at 1 m from the
machinery. Measurement should be made at a
height of 1.2 m to 1.6 m above the deck,
pla�orm or walkway as follows: distance of 1 m
from, and at intervals not greater than 3 m
around, all sources such as: main turbines or
engines at each level.
Fig 6 : A sound level meter [3] • Main gearing
Points of measurement • Purifiers
If not otherwise stated, measurements should • Generators
be performed with the microphone at a height • Pumps
of between 1.2 m and 1.6 m from the deck. The
distance between two measurement points Open deck
should be at least 2 m, and in large spaces not Measurements should be taken in any areas
containing machinery, measurements should provided for the purpose of recrea�on and
be taken at intervals not greater than 7 m addi�onally where a preliminary survey
throughout the space including posi�ons of indicates that the limits specified above may be
maximum noise level. In large cargo holds no exceeded.
more than three measurements need be taken.
Intake and exhaust openings
In no case should measurements be taken
closer than 0.5 m from the boundaries of a When measuring noise levels at the intake and
space. exhaust of engines and near ven�la�on,
air-condi�oning and cooler systems, the mo�on sickness. ABS Yacht Comfort guide [4],
microphone should, where possible, be placed however, have been recently revised in some
outside the gas stream at 1 m from the edge of respects. In Table 2, a synthesis of the new
the intake or exhaust opening and at a 30° angle version is reported for yacht below and over 45
away from the direc�on of the gas stream and m in length. Comfort regula�ons for yachts are
as far as possible from reflec�ng surfaces. also contained in other CS rules such as:
•Bureau Veritas (2011) Part E, Sec�on,
Even if vibra�ons and noise are more cri�cal
‘Addi�onal Requirements for Yachts’; [5]
for metallic yachts, FRP units are not
immune from these phenomena. The •Det Norske Veritas (2011), Part 6, Chapter 12,
problem is increased by higher comfort ‘Noise and Vibra�on’; [6]
requirements and constraints imposed by the •Germanischer Lloyd (2003b), Part 1, Chapter
ISO 6954 (2000) with respect to the previous 16, ‘Harmony Class’; [7]
ISO 6954 (1984) standard, together with CS
nota�ons which ask for even lower levels of •Lloyd’s Register (2011), Chapter 6, ‘Passenger
vibra�on and noise. All main CS (Classifica�on and Crew Accommoda�on Com-fort’; [8]
society) recently introduced comfort •RINA (2011a), Part E, Chapter 5, ‘Comfort on
requirements addressing highest admissible board’. [9]
vibra�on and noise levels. Two nota�onal
op�ons are considered: COMF(Y), which Some examples of maximum vibra�on levels
establishes a level of comfort based on ambient are reported in Table 2 for BV, LR and RINA.
noise and vibra�on alone and COMF+(Y) From the structural point of view vibra�ons take
which adds slightly more demanding criteria place both at global or local level being the first
for noise and vibra�on which provides ones more incisive and difficult to put right a�er
addi�onal criteria for the assessment of the yacht is built.

Table 2: Maximum allowable whole-body vibra�on according to ABS (COMF(Y)) for yachts below
and over 45 m in length. [4]
Aw - mul� axis accelera�on value calculated from the root-sums-of-squares of the weighted root mean
square (RMS) accelera�on values in each axis (Axw , Ayw ,Azw) at the measurement point.
V = spectral peak of structural velocity in mm/s

Table 3: Maximum allowable whole-body vibra�on according to Bureau Veritas, [5]

Lloyd’s Register [8] and RINA Comfort Rules [9] for yachts.

The noise abatement for motor yachts is with relevant measures of noise abatement to
another strategic issue related to onboard be adopted in accommoda�on and working
comfort and most difficult to achieve because spaces. There are not big differences between
of powerful and high-speed propulsion engines, steel, aluminum and FRP yachts in the noise
related gear boxes and highly loaded propellers dominant frequency range (up to 125 Hz) while
with reduced clearances. The acous�cal be�er behavior is shown by wooden vessels.
implica�ons of motor yachts should be Finally, some considera�ons on the exis�ng
considered from the earliest of design phases noise levels criteria are carried out, underlining
because any subsequent interven�ons on an that they have been established for large ships
already built unit in most cases doesn’t give any and that, for smaller vessels, the noise level on
improvement. For propeller (or waterjets), board is generally higher. In Table 3 maximum
noise solu�ons are a higher number of blades, noise levels are compared among Lalangas
skewed blades and appropriate propeller-hull (1983) ABS, BV, GL, LR and RINA comfort Rules.
clearance; for engines and gearboxes usual Finally, the values resul�ng from real scale
acous�cal enclosures are the most used measurements on a 90 m superyacht built in
tools. Then the noise propaga�on 2011 are reported as well. To be noted is a
paths (air-borne, structure-borne and much smaller difference between under-way
hydrodynamic noise) are analyzed together and at-anchor condi�ons.

Table 4: Maximum noise levels for superyachts.

Values in dB A are provided for ‘in harbour’ and ‘sailing’ condi�ons. [4], [5], [7], [8], [9]


There are lots of vibra�on and noise sources in One of the major causes for noise and vibra�on
a vessel. But we will only discuss some is cavita�on due to inadequate blade area,
common cause for the vibra�on and noise as • Propeller �p noise and vibra�on.
• Sha� noise and vibra�on from poor
•Propeller-induced vibra�ons. alignment.
•Vibra�on and noise due to machineries.
•Intakes and exhausts.
Propeller �p noise comes principally from
•Poor Structural integrity. inadequate �p clearance. Figure 7 shows the
Waves, vortex induced vibra�on, ice, minimum recommended dimensions for
internal flow, machinery, propellers, and blast adequate �p clearances and proper water flow.
are some of the exci�ng Mechanisms or Propeller don’t really screw their way through
sources. These mechanisms must be in the water as some useful but simplified and
depth evaluated to provide lower specs. propeller calcula�ons indicate. Instead, the

propeller blades are hydrofoils that generate li�
like airplane wings, keels or sails. This means
that the blades generate vor�ces at each blade
�p just as any hydrofoil or airfoil does. These
vor�ces are termed induced drag, which is
wasted energy, but they are
unavoidable. The key here is that they are
energy. If there’s enough distance between the
prop’s blade �ps and the hull the energy in
these vor�ces largely dissipates and is swept a�
in the wake before it can impinge on the hull
hard enough to make noise. If you have too
li�le clearance though these vor�ces can create
a surprising amount of noise or vibra�on.
Fig 8: Excep�onally deep tunnels have more
possibility for generate noise and vibra�on.
The vessel will be suffered from severe
vibra�on and noise because the pockets had
been designed too short and with too li�le
propeller �p clearance. Installing smaller-
diameter propellers with higher DARs (Disk
Area Ra�o) couldn’t fully correct this built-
in defect, but it did make a no�ceable

Fig 7: Drawing represents the clearance

between propeller and rudder [11]


Another cause of propeller vibra�on and noise

is improper design of propeller pockets and
tunnels in hull bo�oms. Will leads to noise and
vibra�ons, Incorrect pockets can generate
considerable noise. The most common Fig 9: Tunnel length and propeller diameter
problem is that the pockets are too short fore rela�on which need to follow to avoid noise
and a� with an abrupt entry where they start and vibra�on. [11]
forward. The result is interrupted water flow
into the upper por�on of the propeller disk. In Problem caused by too short a pocket, one
other words, the upper por�ons of the blades possible solu�on again is to go to a smaller-
when they reach the top of their rota�on diameter prop with more blade area and wider
momentarily see somewhat restricted water blades. The addi�onal blades will raise the
inflow compared with the rest of the blades. frequency and smooth out the vibra�on and
This causes uneven loading leads vibra�on and the smaller diameter should reduce the por�on
noise. of blades in interrupted water flow.

in steps, whilst deflec�ons are recorded on a
dial gauge and plo�ed against the applied load.
This method uses simple equipment and is
employed when the sha� line is coupled up,
ready for opera�on. However, it is not suitable
for the control of horizontal alignment and the
yard may need to arrange for special supports
for the jacks. Finally, as the jacks must be
posi�oned beside the bearings, adjustments
must be made to the relevant calcula�ons to
evaluate the true bearing load.

Fig 11: Op�cal method [12]

Fig 10: Tunnel and propeller diameter
rela�on which need to follow to avoid noise
and vibra�on. [11]

The three most popular methods of controlling

sha� alignment are:
• The gap and sag method.
• Op�cal or laser sigh�ng.
• Jacking.
These methods can be used either singly or in
The Op�cal Sigh�ng or Laser Sigh�ng Method:
Is more accurate than the gap and sag method. Fig 12: Jacking method [12]
It uses high-quality sigh�ng equipment and is
generally used before the sha�s are installed 4.2 VIBRATION AND NOISE DUE TO
and coupled up. Op�cal sigh�ng is o�en used to MACHINERIES
establish the reference line and the posi�on of Machinery such as marine generators
the engine supports and for determining generates vibra�ons as known. These
how to bore the stern tube. Alignment and vibra�ons are being damped by using different
verifica�on follow by means of the gap and moun�ng materials such as rubber core mounts
sag method and final alignment control by the or else. It is vital that the engine mounts can
jacking and/or strain gauge method. transmit thrust load when using a system with a
The Jacking Method: Li�s the sha� line clear of separate thrust bearing. It’s thus equally vital
each bearing in turn by means of a hydraulic that the sha� coupling match the engine
and jack calibrated load cell. The sha� is li�ed mounts. So� mounts should have very

flexible couplings, slightly flexible mounts engine of an aluminum ferry that had a fully
should have slightly flexible couplings and rigid rigid installa�on. The adop�on of damper
mounts should have rigid couplings. The flip system could be a suitable solu�on both at the
side of CV joints or double universals is the rigid design stage, when for the sake of weight
mount. There’s no give anywhere. If all is containment heavy structure reinforcements
aligned properly, this works just fine. But it is should not be advisable and a�er construc�on
noisier, as all engine vibra�on is transmi�ed when any other interven�on is not possible.
directly into the structure. Figure 13 shows the

Fig 13: Engine mounts [2] Fig 14: Engine mounts [2]
It is essen�al to select the correct rubber grade Use of aqua drive an�-vibra�on system is
and mount for the engine or generator. For another solu�on to avoid vibra�on by Isola�on
reference, the chart below in table 5 shows the of the engine from the hull structure. Cabin &
level of deflec�on (or squash) that will occur on cockpit noise and vibra�on are greatly reduced
each model of mount for a given loading. by 50% or more.
In general, you should aim for 3mm on the
50210, 4mm on the 50220, 5mm on the 50230
and 6mm on the50240.The numbering system
is simple: A 50223 mount is the 50220 model
with number three rubber hardness and so on.
Some engines, par�cularly those with less than
four cylinders, require par�cular care and
distributor will help with these.
Fig 15: aqua drive an�-vibra�on system [11]

Table 5: Selec�on of engine mounts [14]

Insula�on of engine room is different and much
more detailed than living spaces such as cabins
due to intensive vibra�on occurs from
machinery installa�on and fire insula�on.
Installa�on of rough wall panels to the yacht
hull can be done in different ways, but as seen
in Figure 16 low, Z rots are the one of the easiest
ways to do this. Z rots screwed to stud bolts
that are welded to yacht hull and then balsa
wooden frames screwed to damping rots. As
seen, honeycomb core rough wall panels
screwed to this substructure to minimize the
vibra�on and noise. These panels are hollowed Fig 16: Insula�on between engine room and
due to not weight of yacht overall. guest cabin [14]

Fig 17: Discre�on on Noise insula�on materials [14]

Also, decora�ve wall panels will provide noise 4.3 INTAKES AND EXHAUSTS
damping addi�on to installed rock-wool. As
seen in Figure 16, the green one is an elas�c Engines are not designed to support the weight
material that commonly used for isolate noise of the exhaust system and this will also short
and vibra�ons occur from engines, pumps and circuit the engine vibra�ons through the piping
drive systems of yachts. These materials into the structure. To prevent vibra�on, the
decouple the main Inner structures such as piping must be properly isolated. Isolator pipe
cabin or floor wall from hull or main structure. supports should be used to minimize vibra�on.
Thus, all interior members such as screwed or Never a�ach structures suppor�ng the weight
bonded parts can be protected while airborne of the exhaust piping directly to the engine
noise minimized and comfort level increased. block or components. Exhaust systems get rid
of combus�on by-product gases and a
substan�al amount of waste heat. Not
only does the exhaust piping have to be
properly designed and installed, but it also must
be properly maintained. A poor exhaust system
will rob a boat’s engine of power and lead to
excess noise and vibra�on. Use rubber
clamshell in correct places during the
installa�on of exhaust to absorb engine noise.
The process of forcing the air/water mixture
through the dual chambers further reduces
noise. By installing the silencer on the exhaust
system, we can reduce the noise as per the
reference Figure 19.

Fig 18: Getzner Sylomer® and Sylodyn®

materials to isolate mechanical sources of
noise, such as engines, pumps and drive
systems. [14]

Fig 19: Wet exhaust system with silencer [14]

Exhaust which is penetra�ng through 4.4 POOR STRUCTURAL INTERGRITY
Bulkheads will needed to fit with flexible joints
to avoid the vibra�on from exhaust to transfer Vibra�on can cause due to poor structural
to hull. Bulkheads frequently need to be integrity. Where local vibra�ons are concerned,
penetrated by the exhaust line. This can be decks and superstructures are the most cri�cal
useful, and the bulkhead makes a fine support. areas; most inconveniences come from high
Careful that there’s no chafe and that there’s frequency excita�ons, primarily caused by
room for expansion. For wet exhaust systems in main and auxiliary engines, and by structural
wood and FRP (Fiber Reinforced Plas�c) discon�nui�es and irregulari�es. Also, in this
bulkheads, the minimum clearance around the case a detailed FEM analysis is the only way to
bulkhead is 2 inches (50 mm). On several boats, evaluate and correct problems. As a rule, the
supported the exhaust pipe by cu�ng the hole only way to avoid vibra�ons is to keep natural
in the bulkhead 2 inches (50 mm) oversize and frequency very high and this can be achieved
then wrapping 2 inches (50 mm) of fiberglass only by increasing hull s�ffness. In this regard
sound insula�on around the exhaust pipe the longitudinal framing system shows
where it went through. Stuffing this in and higher natural frequencies with respect to the
closing it off with an aluminum finish ring sealed transverse one; this may be ameliorated by
the bulkhead for sound, eliminated transfer of reducing the transverse frame distance and the
vibra�on, and held the exhaust in place while longitudinal s�ffener spacing. As a ma�er of
allowing enough movement for expansion and fact, any ac�on towards vibra�on reduc�on
contrac�on. Dry exhaust pipes need much implies an increase in structural weight: as an
more clearance. Ten inches (250 mm) is the example, it has been es�mated that for a 95 m
bare minimum. There should be insula�on mega yacht the weight increase to avoid
around the pipe (lagging) and around the maddening vibra�ons amounts to more than
bulkhead. 100 tones. First the hull natural frequencies
have to measured. In a second phase the
excita�on sources have been iden�fied by a
CFD analysis of the water flow around
appendages and applied to a FEM model of the
ship to individuate cri�cal areas.

By a series of modifica�on of underwater

a�er body performed by CFD simula�ons and
correspondent FEM control of vibra�on levels
of cri�cal areas, the problem can be solved.

Fig 20: Exhaust penetra�ng through Bulkheads


Fig 21: Under water scopes[11] Fig 22: Upper deck first natural frequency [2]
5. CONCLUSIONS the key to provide a silent environment. Using
materials or tools is effec�ve way to achieve this
Privacy is an important indicator of yacht goal up to some extent. But it may be said
quality due to confined living areas especially that it’s not possible to zeroize these
when yacht is underway and, either guest or nega�vizes by using exis�ng materials or tools.
owners do not want someone hear their Yacht type and length, owner demands, class
conversa�ons or other noises or vibra�ons requirements and design parameters must be
inside the cabins. That’s why noise and taken into considera�on while evalua�ng or
vibra�on damping and monitoring is an calcula�ng noise and vibra�on features at the
important issue. In short, you must interrupt beginning project.
the transmission of sound and vibra�on this is
[1] Lloyds register (LR)- Ship Vibra�on and [9] RINA -(2011a), Part E, Chapter 5, ‘Comfort
Noise Guidance Notes (LR). on board’.
[2] Maria Sol Massera -Vibra�on analysis of a [10] Frans Hendrik Lafeber - Noise & vibra�ons.
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