Security Valuations - Stocks EZ

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Features of Common Stock

Valuation of Securities: Stocks

• Voting rights (Cumulative vs. Straight)
• Proxy voting
Econ 422: Investment, Capital & Finance
• Classes of stock
University of Washington
• Other rights
Eric Zivot – Share proportionally in declared dividends
Fall 2007 – Share proportionally in remaining assets during
January 31, 2007 liquidation
– Preemptive right – first shot at new stock issue
E. Zivot 2006
R.W. Parks/L.F. Davis 2004
to maintain proportional ownership if desired
E. Zivot 2006
R.W. Parks/L.F. Davis 2004

Features of Preferred Stock The Stock Markets

• Dealers vs. Brokers
• Dividends
• New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
– Stated dividend must be paid before dividends
can be paid to common stockholders. – Largest stock market in the world
– Dividends are not a liability of the firm, and – Members
preferred dividends can be deferred • Own seats on the exchange
indefinitely. • Commission brokers
• Specialists
– Most preferred dividends are cumulative – any
• Floor brokers
missed preferred dividends have to be paid
before common dividends can be paid. • Floor traders
– Operations
• Preferred stock generally does not carry
voting rights. E. Zivot 2006
R.W. Parks/L.F. Davis 2004
– Floor activity E. Zivot 2006
R.W. Parks/L.F. Davis 2004

NASDAQ Stock Market Reporting
• Not a physical exchange – computer-based HI LO STOCK SYM DIV % PE 100s CLOSE CHG
quotation system 25.72 18.12 Gap Inc GPS 0.18 0.8 18 39961 21.35 …
Gap pays a
• Multiple market makers dividend of 18
Gap has cents/share. Gap ended trading at
• Electronic Communications Networks been as high $21.35, which is
as $25.72 in unchanged from yesterday.
• Three levels of information the last year. Given the current
price, the dividend
– Level 1 – median quotes, registered yield is .8%.
representatives 3,996,100 shares traded
– Level 2 – view quotes, brokers & dealers Gap has been as Given the current hands in the last day’s
low as $18.12 in price, the PE ratio is trading.
– Level 3 – view and update quotes, dealers only the last year. 18 times earnings.
E. Zivot 2006 E. Zivot 2006

• Large portion of technology stocks

R.W. Parks/L.F. Davis 2004 R.W. Parks/L.F. Davis 2004

Valuing Stock Cash Flow

• Valuing a firm’s equity involves the same ideas
introduced for valuing a firm’s debt instruments A stock’s cash flow consists of:
• Stream of dividend payments received during
ownership of stock
• To value a firm’s stock
• The sale price for the stock upon deciding to sell
1. Determine the expected cash flows
2. Calculate the present value of the cash Note:
flows • The dividend stream may continue indefinitely
• The dividend stream may be finite
• Valuing stock, however, is more complicated • The dividend stream may change over time
than valuing bonds because the cash flows are • There may be no dividend stream
not contractually specified or fixed.
E. Zivot 2006 E. Zivot 2006
R.W. Parks/L.F. Davis 2004 R.W. Parks/L.F. Davis 2004

Valuation of Stocks Valuation of Stocks
Let’s calculate the rate of return for holding a stock r = [P1- P0]/P0 + D1/P0
for one
Rewrite in terms of P0:
period (holding period return). Define:

P0 = today’s price of the stock P0 = D1/(1+r) + P1/(1+r)

P1 = next year’s price
D1 = next year’s dividend Today’s price equals the present value of next
year’s dividend plus the present value of next
HPR = r = [P1 + D1 - P0]/P0 = [P1- P0]/P0 + year’s price.
D1/P0 E. Zivot 2006
R.W. Parks/L.F. Davis 2004
E. Zivot 2006
R.W. Parks/L.F. Davis 2004

Example Valuation of Stocks continued

P0 = D1/(1+r) + P1/(1+r)
• P0 = 100, P1 = 110, D1 = 5. Solve for r:
Similarly, we can write next year’s price as a
110 − 100 5
r = + function of the dividend in year 2 and the year 2
100 100 price of the stock:
= 0 .1 0 + 0 .0 5 = 0 .1 5 P1 = D2/(1+r) + P2/(1+r)

Given r, P1, and D1 = 5 now solve for P0 Substituting for P1:

5 110
P0 = + = 100 P0 = D1/(1+r) + [D2/(1+r) + P2/(1+r)]/(1+r)
1.15 1.15 P0 = D1/(1+r) + D2/(1+r)2 + P2/(1+r)2
E. Zivot 2006 E. Zivot 2006
R.W. Parks/L.F. Davis 2004 R.W. Parks/L.F. Davis 2004

Valuation of Stocks, continued
Example P0 = D1/(1+r) + D2/(1+r)2 + P2/(1+r)2

This equation is recursive, upon further substitution

• r = 0.15, P0 = 100, P2 = 121, D1 = 5,
D2 = 5.5 we can eventually arrive at the following expression:

5 5.5 121
P0 = + + = 100 P0 = D1/(1+r) + D2/(1+r)2 + … + DT/(1+r)T + …
1.15 (1.15) (1.15)2

P0 = Σ Dt/(1+r)t for t = 1 to ∞

E. Zivot 2006 E. Zivot 2006

R.W. Parks/L.F. Davis 2004 R.W. Parks/L.F. Davis 2004

Dividend Growth Models Dividend Growth Models

• No growth in dividends: D1 = D2 = …=D
P0 = Σ D/(1+r)t for t = 1 to ∞
• For a given discount rate r, stock prices will Note the right hand side is a perpetuity, such that:
differ based on the firm dividends. P0 = D/r
• The stock price is determined by how the firm
dividends evolve. • Constant dividend growth: D1 = D; D2 = D(1+g);
• Typical assumptions are D3 = D(1+g)2; …
– No growth in dividends P0 = Σ D(1+g)t-1/(1+r)t for t = 1 to ∞
– Constant dividend growth Note the right hand side is a growing perpetuity, such that:
P0 = D/(r-g) (for r > g)

E. Zivot 2006 E. Zivot 2006

R.W. Parks/L.F. Davis 2004 R.W. Parks/L.F. Davis 2004

Comparative Statics
Numerical Examples • What happens to the stock price when the
dividend growth rate changes?
• D1 = 5, g = 0.10, r = 0.15
D1 5
No growth: P0 = = = 33.33 dP
r 0.15 = −( r − g ) −2 D1 ⋅ ( −1)
D1 5
Constant growth: P0 = = = 100 = ( r − g ) −1 P
(r − g) 0.05
⇒ ≈ ( r − g ) −1 dg
E. Zivot 2006 E. Zivot 2006
R.W. Parks/L.F. Davis 2004 R.W. Parks/L.F. Davis 2004

Determining the Dividend Growth Rate

Numerical Example Q: What determines whether a firm will grow or
issue increased dividends?
• D1 = 5, r = 0.15, g0 = 0.10, g1 = 0.11
• A firm can either retain or payout earnings.
≈ ( r − g ) −1 dg • Dividends represent earnings that are paid out.
P • Retained earnings are those earnings not paid out
0.01 0.01 as dividends that the firm plows back into the
= = = 0.2
(0.15 − 0.10) 0.05 business.
• Investing retained earnings may provide growth
= 20% opportunities for the firm.
E. Zivot 2006 E. Zivot 2006
R.W. Parks/L.F. Davis 2004 R.W. Parks/L.F. Davis 2004

Determining the Dividend Growth Rate Determining the Dividend Growth Rate
• Investing retained earnings will improve If a firm elects to pay a lower dividend, and
firm value (stock price) only if they are reinvest the funds, the stock price may increase
invested in projects with positive Net because future dividends may be higher.
Present Value; i.e., the return to the
retained earnings (return on equity) must Payout Ratio - Fraction of earnings paid out as
exceed the market discount rate. dividends
• Investing retained earnings in positive NPV
projects, all else constant, will allow Plowback Ratio - Fraction of earnings retained
dividends to grow and the stock price to by the firm. Also called the retention ratio (RR)
Note: Payout Ratio + Plowback Ratio = 1
=> Payout Ratio = 1 - RR
E. Zivot 2006 E. Zivot 2006
R.W. Parks/L.F. Davis 2004 R.W. Parks/L.F. Davis 2004

Determining the Dividend Growth Rate Example

Growth in dividends can be derived from applying A company forecasts to pay a $8.33
the return on equity to the percentage of earnings dividend next year, which represents 100% of its
plowed back into operations: earnings. This will provide investors with a
15% expected return. Suppose, instead, the
Dividend growth = g company decides to plow back 40% of the
earnings at the firm’s current return on equity of
= return on equity * plowback ratio 25%. What is the value of the stock before and
after the plowback decision?
= ROE * RR

E. Zivot 2006 E. Zivot 2006

R.W. Parks/L.F. Davis 2004 R.W. Parks/L.F. Davis 2004

Stock price with no reinvestment of Stock price with no reinvestment of
earnings: earnings:
D = EPS = $8.33 •With a fixed dividend forever, the stock price stays
D EPS $8.33 fixed at 55.56 (no capital gains)
P0 = = = = $55.56
r r 0.15 •The market rate of return on the stock is the dividend
Where EPS = earnings per share
D $8.33
r= = = 0.15
P0 = $55.56 = no dividend growth stock price P0 $55.56

E. Zivot 2006 E. Zivot 2006

R.W. Parks/L.F. Davis 2004 R.W. Parks/L.F. Davis 2004

Stock price after investment of retained If the company did not plowback some earnings, the
stock price would remain at $55.56. With the
earnings: plowback, the price rose to $100.00.
g = ROE × RR = 0.25 × 0.40 = 0.10
The difference between these two numbers is called
D = (1 − RR) × EPS = 0.60 × $8.33 = $5.00 the Present Value of Growth Opportunities (PVGO)
D $5.00 $5.00 PVGO = $100 − $55.56 = $44.44
P0 = = = = $100
r − g 0.15 − 0.10 0.05 EPS
P0 = $100 = stock price with growing dividends EPS
⇒ P= + PVGO

E. Zivot 2006 E. Zivot 2006

R.W. Parks/L.F. Davis 2004 R.W. Parks/L.F. Davis 2004

Result: PVGO = 0 if ROE = r = market Valuing Firms with No Dividends or Earnings
capitalization rate of stock • How do you value firms that do not issue
• EPS = $8.33, r = 0.15, ROE = 0.15
• How do you value firms with negative or
zero earnings (e.g., start-up companies,
g = ROE × RR = 0.15 × 0.40 = 0.06 internet firms during recent market boom)?
D = (1 − RR ) × EPS = 0.60 × $8.33 = $5.00 • A general formulation is:
D $5.00 $5.00 P0 = EPS1/r + PVGO
P0 = = = = $55.56
r − g 0.15 − 0.06 0.09 • If EPS1 = 0 then P0 = PVGO
PVGO = $55.56 − $55.56 = 0 • Arguably, PVGOs were severely overstated
during tech boom years
E. Zivot 2006 E. Zivot 2006
R.W. Parks/L.F. Davis 2004 R.W. Parks/L.F. Davis 2004

Comparing Different Stocks

NPVGO for Growth and Income Stocks • One way that investors and analysts compare
different stocks is to look at Price/Earnings ratios
Stock P0 EPS r PVGO= PVGO/P or P/EPS:
P0 - Recall: P0 = EPS1/r + PVGO
EPS1/r Dividing through by EPS1 gives
Income Stock (Dividend paying) P0/ EPS1 = 1/r + PVGO/ EPS1
Exxon 42.29 2.13 .072 12.71 .30 • The Price/Earnings ratio for different companies
Kellogg 29 1.42 .056 3.64 .13 will differ based on their the ratio of growth
Growth Stock (Small or no dividend) opportunities to their ability to take advantage of
the opportunities
Amazon 8.88 -.30 .24 10.13 1.14
Dell 23.66 .76 .22
E. Zivot 2006
20.20 .85 E. Zivot 2006
R.W. Parks/L.F. Davis 2004 R.W. Parks/L.F. Davis 2004

Why Do Stock Prices Change? Why Do Stock Prices Change?
• From market equilibrium, demand for stock
From our valuation models:
= supply of stock:
• Changes in dividends
• Increases or decreases in demand (investor
• Changes in dividend growth rates sentiment; expectations)
• Changes in PVGOs • Increases or decreases in supply (corporate
• Changes in relevant discount rate finance: share buybacks, secondary
offerings, stock splits, etc.)

E. Zivot 2006 E. Zivot 2006

R.W. Parks/L.F. Davis 2004 R.W. Parks/L.F. Davis 2004

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