LECTURES Engineering Intro AlBaha 1st Students

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Al-Baha University

Faculty of Engineering

An Introduction to Engineering: Engineering Your Future

(3200 – 0200)
Lecture No. 1 : The History of Engineering
r. Mohamed Elshemy
Rearranged by: Assoc. Prof. Dr.


p off Civil Engineering
g g
Faculty of Engineering, Al
Al-Baha University, KSA

Course Information

Definition of Engineering

Historical Engineering Projects

Engineering Inventions through the Ages

History of Engineering Disciplines

ŽƵƌƐĞ/ŶĨŽ͘ඥEngineering Def.
f. ඥHistorical Eng. Projectss ඥTravelling through the Agess ඥEngineering Discipliness ඥQuestions

Course Instructor

• Assoc. Professor Dr. Mohamed Elshemy

• Email: melshemy@bu.edu.sa

• Office Hours: (Office No. 2721)

Sunday: 11:00 – 13:00

Monday: 10:00 – 12:00

Wednesday: 13:00 – 14:00

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 1 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 3

ŽƵƌƐĞ/ŶĨŽ͘ඥEngineering Def.
f. ඥHistorical Eng. Projectss ඥTravelling through the Agess ඥEngineering Discipliness ඥQuestions

Course Objectives

To introduce students to engineering study

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 1 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 4
ŽƵƌƐĞ/ŶĨŽ͘ඥEngineering Def.
f ඥHistorical Eng. Projectss ඥTravelling through the Agess ඥEngineering Discipliness ඥQuestions
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO)
Code NQF Learning Domains and Course Learning Course Teaching Course Assessment
# Outcomes Strategies Methods

1.0 Knowledge and Understanding

- Periodic exams (Quizzes)
Ability to explain engineering majors, future Lectures Notes, and
1.1 - Mid-term exam
challenges and success in the classroom. Discussion
- Final Exam
2.0 Skills
- Periodic exams (Quizzes)
-Lectures - Mid-term exam
Preparing presentations and communicate
2.1 -Cooperative learning - Final Exam
effectively with a range of audiences.
-Case Study - A rubric to evaluate reports and
3.0 Values
-Teamwork discussion
Work in a team, establish goals and meet
3.1 -Projects - A rubric to evaluate reports
objectives. -Case studies
Demonstrate and disseminate ethical and -Encouraging ethical behavior
- Observation of student’s behavior
3.2 professional responsibilities in engineering -Explaining the standards and codes
-Case studies - Evaluation of participation

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 1 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 5

ŽƵƌƐĞ/ŶĨŽ͘ඥEngineering Def.
f. ඥHistorical Eng. Projectss ඥTravelling through the Agess ඥEngineering Discipliness ඥQuestions
Program LLearning Outcomes
P t (PLO)
Code # Description
1.0 Knowledge and Understanding
Demonstrate the basics of mathematics, science, and engineering relevant to civil engineering discipline, with awareness of other related
disciplines and professional fields.
K2 Explain the recent developments in civil engineering fields.

K3 Describe the research methodology, data collection methods, and statistical analysis procedures.

2.0 Skills
S1 Identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.

S2 Develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
Apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs in the civil engineering field with consideration of public health,
safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.
Apply proper analytical and numerical techniques, modern technology tools, software packages, and information technology to solve civil
engineering problems, do applied research and write technical reports.
S5 Communicate effectively with a range of audiences.

3.0 Values
V1 Evaluate self-performance and progress through acquiring and applying new knowledge using appropriate learning strategies.
Function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals,
plan tasks, and meet objectives.
Demonstrate and disseminate ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must
consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 1 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 6
ŽƵƌƐĞ/ŶĨŽ͘ඥEngineering Def.
f. ඥHistorical Eng. Projectss ඥTravelling through the Agess ඥEngineering Discipliness ඥQuestions

Course Textbook

ƒ William C. Oakes, and Les L. Leone. Engineering

Your Future: A Comprehensive Introduction to

Engineering. Oxford University Press.

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 1 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 7

ŽƵƌƐĞ/ŶĨŽ͘ඥEngineering Def.
f. ඥHistorical Eng. Projectss ඥTravelling through the Agess ඥEngineering Discipliness ඥQuestions
Course Contents and Schedule

No TOPIC No. of Weeks

1 The History of Engineering 1
2 Engineeringg Functions 2
3 Engineeringg Majors
rs - Profiless o
off Engineers
rs - A Statistical
al Profilee o
off thee Engineeringg Profession 2
4 Global
all and
d International
all Engineeringg - Futuree Challengess Quiz#
z##1 1
5 Succeedingg in
n thee Classroom 1
6 Problem
m Solvingg - Visualization
n and
d Graphics 1
7 Computerr Toolss - Teamworkk Skills 1
Mid-Term Exam
8 Project
ct Management
nt - Engineeringg Design 1
9 Communication n Skillss – Ethics 1
10 Unitss - Mathematics Review 1
11 Engineering Fundamentalss Quiz#
z##2 Reports Discussion 1
Final Exam

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 1 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 8
ŽƵƌƐĞ/ŶĨŽ͘ඥEngineering Def.
f. ඥHistorical Eng. Projectss ඥTravelling through the Agess ඥEngineering Discipliness ඥQuestions

Course Assessment
- The Total Mark is 100.

- Final Exam (40)

- Mid –Term Exam (20)

- Quizzes [2] (20)

- Class Participation (10)

- REPORTS (10)
An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 1 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 9

Course Info. ඥEngineering Def.

f ඥHistorical Eng. Projectss ඥTravelling through the Agess ඥEngineering Discipliness ඥQuestions

Definition of Engineering

The profession in which knowledge of the mathematical and

natural sciences, gained by study, experience, and practice, is

applied with judgment to develop ways to use, economically,

the materials and forces of nature for the benefit of mankind.

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 1 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 10
Course Info. ඥEngineering Def.
f ඥHistorical Eng. Projectss ඥTravelling through the Agess ඥEngineering Discipliness ඥQuestions

The Beginnings of Engineering

‰ The Earliest Days

‰ Egypt and Mesopotamia

Egyptian Pyramids

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 1 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 11

Course Info. ඥEngineering Def.

f. ඥHistorical Eng. Projectss ඥTravelling through the Agess ඥEngineering Discipliness ඥQuestions

Examples of Historical Engineering Projects

‰ Engineering the Temples of Greece

‰ The Roman Roads and Aqueducts

‰ The Great Wall of China

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 1 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 12
Course Info. ඥEngineering Def.
f. ඥHistorical Eng. Projectss ඥTravelling through the Agess ඥEngineering Discipliness ඥQuestions

Temples of Greece

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 1 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 13

Course Info. ඥEngineering Def.

f. ඥHistorical Eng. Projectss ඥTravelling through the Agess ඥEngineering Discipliness ඥQuestions

Roman Roads and Aqueducts

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 1 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 14
Course Info. ඥEngineering Def.
f. ඥHistorical Eng. Projectss ඥTravelling through the Agess ඥEngineering Discipliness ඥQuestions

Great Wall of China

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 1 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 15

Course Info. ඥEngineering Def.

f ඥHistorical Eng. Projectss ඥTravelling through the Agess ඥEngineering Discipliness ඥQuestions

Traveling Through the Ages 1200 B.C. – A.D. 1

‰ Quality of wrought iron is improved

‰ Swords are mass produced

‰ Siege towers are perfected

‰ Greeks develop manufacturing

‰ Archimedes introduces mathematics in Greece

‰ Concrete is used for arched bridges, roads and aqueducts in Rome.

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No
No. 1 Assoc.
Assoc Prof
Prof. M.
M Elshemy - AlBaha University,
University KSA 16
Course Info. ඥEngineering Def.
f. ඥHistorical Eng. Projectss ඥTravelling through the Agess ඥEngineering Discipliness ඥQuestions

A.D. 1 – 1000

‰ Chinese further develop the study of mathematics

‰ Gunpowder is perfected
‰ Cotton and silk manufactured
1000 – 1400

‰ Silk and glass industries continue to grow

‰ Leonardo Fibinacci, a medieval mathematician, writes the first
Western text on algebra

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 1 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 17

Course Info. ඥEngineering Def.

f. ඥHistorical Eng. Projectss ඥTravelling through the Agess ඥEngineering Discipliness ඥQuestions

1400 – 1700

‰ First toilet is invented in England

‰ Galileo constructs a series of telescopes, with which he observes
the rotation about the sun
‰ Otto von Guerick first demonstrates the existence of a vacuum
‰ Issac Newton constructs first reflecting telescopes
‰ Boyle’s Gas Law, stating pressure varies inversely with volume, is
first introduced.
An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 1 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 18
Course Info. ඥEngineering Def.
f. ඥHistorical Eng. Projectss ඥTravelling through the Agess ඥEngineering Discipliness ඥQuestions

1700 – 1800

‰ Industrial Revolution begins in Europe

‰ James Watt patents his first steam engine

‰ Society of Engineers, a professional engineering society, is formed

in London

‰ First building made completely of cast-iron in England

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 1 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 19

Course Info. ඥEngineering Def.

f. ඥHistorical Eng. Projectss ඥTravelling through the Agess ඥEngineering Discipliness ඥQuestions

1800 – 1825

‰ Machine automation is first introduced in France

‰ First railroad locomotive is designed and manufactured

‰ Chemical symbols are developed, the same symbols used today (Au,


‰ Single wire telegraph line is developed

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 1 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 20
Course Info. ඥEngineering Def.
f. ඥHistorical Eng. Projectss ඥTravelling through the Agess ඥEngineering Discipliness ඥQuestions

1825 – 1875
‰ Reinforced concrete is first used

‰ First synthetic plastic material is created

‰ Bessemer develops his process to create stronger steel in mass


‰ First oil well drilled in Pennsylvania

‰ Typewriter is perfected
A Introduction
I d i to Engineering
E i i (3200 – 0200) – LLecture N
No. 1 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 21

Course Info. ඥEngineering Def.

f. ඥHistorical Eng. Projectss ඥTravelling through the Agess ඥEngineering Discipliness ඥQuestions

1875 – 1900

‰ Telephone is patented in the US by Alexander Graham Bell

‰ Thomas Edison invents the light bulb and the phonograph

‰ Gasoline engine developed by Gottlieb Daimler

‰ Automobile introduced by Karl Benz

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 1 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 22
Course Info. ඥEngineering Def.
f. ඥHistorical Eng. Projectss ඥTravelling through the Agess ඥEngineering Discipliness ඥQuestions

1900 – 1925

‰ Wright brothers complete first sustained flight

‰ Ford develops first diesel engines in tractors

‰ First commercial flight between Paris and London begins

‰ Detroit becomes center of auto production industry

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 1 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 23

Course Info. ඥEngineering Def.

f. ඥHistorical Eng. Projectss ඥTravelling through the Agess ඥEngineering Discipliness ඥQuestions

1925 – 1950

‰ John Logie Baird invents a primitive form of television

‰ The VW Beetle goes into production

‰ First atomic bomb is used

‰ The transistor is invented

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 1 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 24
Course Info. ඥEngineering Def.
f. ඥHistorical Eng. Projectss ඥTravelling through the Agess ඥEngineering Discipliness ඥQuestions

1950 – 1975

‰ Computers first introduced into the market, and are common by


‰ Sputnik I, the first artificial satellite, put into space by USSR

‰ First communication satellite—Telstar—is put into space

‰ The U.S. completes the first ever moon landing

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 1 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 25

Course Info. ඥEngineering Def.

f. ඥHistorical Eng. Projectss ඥTravelling through the Agess ඥEngineering Discipliness ඥQuestions

1975 – 1990

‰ The Concord is first used for supersonic flight between Europe and

the U.S.

‰ Columbia space shuttle is reused for space travel

‰ First artificial heart is successfully implanted

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 1 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 26
Course Info. ඥEngineering Def.
f. ඥHistorical Eng. Projectss ඥTravelling through the Agess ඥEngineering Discipliness ඥQuestions

1990 – Present

‰ Robots travel on Mars

‰ The “Chunnel” between England and France is finished

‰ GPS is used to predict and report weather conditions, as well as

many other consumer applications

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 1 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 27

Course Info.
f ඥඥEngineering
g g Def.
ff. ඥඥHistorical Eng.
g Projects
j s ඥඥTravelling through the Agess ඥEngineering Discipliness ඥQuestions

The History of the Eng. Disciplines

Aerospace Engineering
Aerospace engineering is concerned with engineering applications in
the areas of aeronautics (the science of air flight) and astronautics
(the science of space flight).
Agricultural Engineering
Agricultural engineering focuses on: Soil and water, Structures and
environment, Electrical power and processing, Food engineering and
Power and machinery
An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 1 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 28
Course Info. ඥ
ngineering Def.
f. ඥ
Hiisto Eng. Projectss ඥTravelling through the Agess ඥEngineering Discipliness ඥQuestions

Chemical Engineering
Chemical engineering applies chemistry to industrial processes, such
as the manufacture of drugs, cements, paints, lubricants, and the like.
Civil Engineering
Civil engineering focuses on structural issues, such as:
ƒ Bridges and Highways
ƒ Skyscrapers
ƒ Industrial Plants and Power Plants
ƒ Shipping Facilities and Railroad Lines
ƒ Pipelines, Gas Facilities, Canals
A Introduction to Engineering
neeringg (320
00 – 020
00) – Lecture No. 1 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 29

Course Info. ඥ

ngineering Def.
f. ඥ
Hiistorical Eng. Projectss ඥ
Trra through the Agess ඥEngineering Discipliness ඥQuestions

Computer and Electrical Engineering

The world’s business is centered around computers, and their uses are
only increasing.
Electrical is the largest branch of engineering, which is involved in:
• Communication Systems
• Computers and Automatic Controls
• Power Generation and Transmission
• Industrial Applications

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 1 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 30
Course Info. ඥ
ngineering Def.
f. ඥ
Hiisto Eng. Projectss ඥTravelling through the Agess ඥEngineering Discipliness ඥQuestions

Industrial Engineering
Industrial engineers design, install, and improve systems that

integrate people, materials, and machines to improve efficiency.

Mechanical Engineering

Deals with power, the generation of power, and the application of

power to a variety of machines, ranging from HVAC to space vehicles.

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 1 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 31

Course Info. ඥEngineering Def.

f. ඥHistorical Eng. Projectss ඥTravelling through the Agess ඥEngineering Discipliness ඥQuestions

1. Define Engineering.
2. List three examples represent historical engineering projects.
3. Traveling through the ages, list six engineering inventions.
4. Complete the following sentences:
- ………….. design, install, and improve systems that integrate
people, materials, and machines to improve efficiency.
- ………….. deals with power, the generation of power, and the
application of power to a variety of machines.
An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 1 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 32
Al-Baha University

Faculty of Engineering

An Introduction to Engineering: Engineering Your Future

(3200 – 0200)
Lecture No. 2 : Engineering Functions
r. Mohamed Elshemy
Rearranged by: Assoc. Prof. Dr.


p off Civil Engineering
g g
Faculty of Engineering, Al
Al-Baha University, KSA


Course Information


Engineering Functions

ŽƵƌƐĞ/ŶĨŽ͘ඥIntroduction ඥEngineering Functions ඥQuestions

Course Textbook

ƒ William C. Oakes, and Les L. Leone. Engineering

Your Future: A Comprehensive Introduction to

Engineering. Oxford University Press.

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 1 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 3

ŽƵƌƐĞ/ŶĨŽ͘ඥIntroduction ඥEngineering Functions ඥQuestions

Course Contents and Schedule

No TOPIC No. of Weeks
1 The History of Engineering 1
2 Engineeringg Functions 2
3 Engineeringg Majors
rs - Profiless o
off Engineers
rs - A Statistical
al Profilee o
off thee Engineeringg Profession 2
4 Global
all and
d International
all Engineeringg - Futuree Challengess Quiz#
z##1 1
5 Succeedingg in
n thee Classroom 1
6 Problem
m Solvingg - Visualization
n and
d Graphics 1
7 Computerr Toolss - Teamworkk Skills 1
Mid-Term Exam
8 Project
ct Management
nt - Engineeringg Design 1
9 Communication n Skillss – Ethics 1
10 Unitss - Mathematics Review 1
11 Engineering Fundamentalss Quiz#
z##2 Reports Discussion 1
Final Exam

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 2 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 4
ŽƵƌƐĞ/ŶĨŽ͘ඥIntroduction ඥEngineering Functions ඥQuestions

Course Assessment
- The Total Mark is 100.

- Final Exam (40)

- Mid –Term Exam (20)

- Quizzes [2] (20)

- Class Participation (10)

- REPORTS (10)
An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 2 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 5

Course Info. ඥIntroduction ඥEngineering Functions ඥQuestions

Several characteristics of students that might have an interest in
engineering are:
‰ Proficient skills in math and physical science
‰ An urging from a high school counselor
‰ Knows someone who is an engineer
‰ Knows that engineering offers literally dozens, if not hundreds of job
‰ Is aware that a degree in engineering is quite lucrative

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 2 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 6
Course Info. ඥIntroduction ඥEngineering Functions ඥQuestions

Engineering Career Information

Ways to get information about careers:

‰ Visit job fairs

‰ Attend seminars on campus by various employers

‰ Contact faculty with knowledge of engineering fields

‰ Get an intern (training) or co-opposition

‰ Enroll in an engineering elective course

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 2 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 7

Course Info. ඥIntroduction ඥEngineering Functions ඥQuestions

Engineers and Scientists

‰ Scientists seek technical answers to understand natural phenomenon

‰ Engineers study technical problems with a practical application always in mind

- For example:

‰ Scientists study atomic structure to understand the nature of matter

‰ Engineers study atomic structure to make smaller and faster microchips”

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 2 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 8
Course Info. ඥIntroduction ඥEngineering Functions ඥQuestions

Engineers and Engineering Technologists

Main difference between the two is:

‰ Engineers design and manufacture machines and systems, while

‰ Engineering technologists have the technical know-how to use and install

the machines properly

- For example:

‰ The technologist identifies the equipment necessary to assemble a new

CD player; the engineer designs CD player

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 2 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 9

Course Info. ඥIntroduction ඥEngineering Functions ඥQuestions

Engineering Functions

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 2 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 10
Course Info. ඥIntroduction ඥEngineering Functions ඥQuestions

Engineering Functions
Consulting Design

Customerr Develop-
Support ment

Engineering Testing
ions & Manufac-
M Systems
Mainten- turing
t &
ance Construc-
An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 2 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 11

Course Info. ඥIntroduction ඥEngineering Functions ඥQuestions


‰ Research engineers are knowledgeable in principles of chemistry,

biology, physics, and mathematics

‰ Computer know-how is also recommended

‰ A Masters Degree is almost always required, and a Ph.D. is often

strongly recommended

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 2 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 12
Course Info. ඥIntroduction ඥEngineering Functions ඥQuestions


‰ Development engineers bridge the gap between the laboratory and

the production facility

‰ They also identify problems in a potential product

‰ An example is the development of concept cars for companies like

Ford and GM

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 2 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 13

Course Info. ඥIntroduction ඥEngineering Functions ඥQuestions


‰ Testing engineers (T. E.) are responsible for testing the durability

and reliability of a product, making sure that it performs how it is

supposed to, every time. T.E.s simulate instances and environments

in which a product would be used

‰ Crash testing of a vehicle to observe effects of an air bag and

crumple zone are examples of a testing engineer’s duties

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 2 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 14
Course Info. ඥIntroduction ඥEngineering Functions ඥQuestions

‰ Design aspect is where largest number of engineers are employed
‰ Design engineers often work on components of a product, providing all the
necessary specifics needed to successfully manufacture the product
‰ Design engineers regularly use computer design software as well as computer
aided drafting software in their jobs
‰ Design engineers must also verify that the part meets reliability and safety
standards required for the product
‰ A concern always on the mind of design engineers is how to keep the
development of a part cost effective
An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No
No. 2 Assoc.
Assoc Prof
Prof. M.
M Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 15

Course Info. ඥIntroduction ඥEngineering Functions ඥQuestions


‰ Analysis engineers use computational tools and mathematic models

to enrich the work of design and research engineers

‰ Analysis engineers typically have a mastery of heat transfer, fluid

flow, vibrations, dynamics, acoustics, and many other system


An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 2 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 16
Course Info. ඥIntroduction ඥEngineering Functions ඥQuestions


‰ Responsible on a larger scale for bringing together components of

parts from design engineers to make a complete product

‰ Responsible for making sure all components of a product work

together as was intended by design engineers

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 2 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 17

Course Info. ඥIntroduction ඥEngineering Functions ඥQuestions


‰ Work individually or in teams

‰ Responsible for “molding” raw materials into finished product

‰ Maintain and keep records on equipment in plant

‰ Help with design process to keep costs low

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 2 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 18
Course Info. ඥIntroduction ඥEngineering Functions ඥQuestions

O P E R AT I O N S & M A I N T E N A N C E

‰ Responsible for maintaining production line

‰ Must have technical know-how to deal with problems

‰ Responsible for inspecting facility and equipment, must be certified in

various inspection methods

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 2 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 19

Course Info. ඥIntroduction ඥEngineering Functions ඥQuestions


‰ Works between consumers and producers

‰ Not necessarily have in depth knowledge of technical aspects of


‰ Must have good interpersonal skills

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 2 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 20
Course Info. ඥIntroduction ඥEngineering Functions ඥQuestions


‰ Often have more of a technical knowledge than Tech. Support,

because they must be able to work with basic customers

‰ Evaluate whether or not a current practice is cost effective via

feedback from customers

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 2 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 21

Course Info. ඥIntroduction ඥEngineering Functions ඥQuestions


‰ Sales engineers have technical background, but are also able to

communicate effectively with customers

‰ Job market for sales engineers is growing, due to the fact that

products are becoming more and more technically complex

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 2 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 22
Course Info. ඥIntroduction ඥEngineering Functions ඥQuestions


‰ Are either self-employed, or work for a firm that does not directly

manufacture products

‰ Consulting engineers might be involved in design, installation, and

upkeep of a product

‰ Sometimes required to be a registered professional engineer in the

state where he/she works

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 2 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 23

Course Info. ඥIntroduction ඥEngineering Functions ඥQuestions

1. Differentiate between the following:

- Engineers and Scientists

- Engineers and Engineering Technologists

- Research Engineers and Design Engineers

- Sales Engineers and Customer Support Engineers

- Development Engineers and Analysis Engineers

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 2 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 24
Course Info. ඥIntroduction ඥEngineering Functions ඥQuestions
2. Choose the correct answer:
Design Engineer
rrss – A
Analysis Engineer
rs – SSales
alees Engineers
Engineerrrss –
Research Engineers
rss – Developing Engineersrs - Testing Engineers
1. ………. have technical
t h i lb background
k d but
b t are also
l able
bl tto communicate
i t effectively
ff ti l with
2. ………. are knowledgeable in principles of chemistry, biology, physics, and mathematics
3. ………. use computational tools and mathematic models to enrich the work of design and
research engineers
4. ………. bridge the gap between the laboratory and the production facility
5. ………. are responsible for testing the durability and reliability of a product
6. ………. often work on components of a product, providing all the necessary specifics needed
to successfully manufacture the product
An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 2 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 25

Al-Baha University

Faculty of Engineering

An Introduction to Engineering: Engineering Your Future

(3200 – 0200)
Lecture No. 3 : Engineering Majors & Engineers Profiles
r. Mohamed Elshemy
Rearranged by: Assoc. Prof. Dr.


p off Civil Engineering
g g
Faculty of Engineering, Al
Al-Baha University, KSA



Engineering Majors

Engineers Profiles

Statistical Profile of Engineering

/ŶƚƌŽĚƵĐƚŝŽŶඥEngineering Majors ඥEngineers ProfilesඥStatistical Profile of Engineering ඥQuestions

Course Contents and Schedule

No TOPIC No. of Weeks
1 The History of Engineering 1
2 Engineeringg Functions 2
3 Engineeringg Majorss - Profiless of
o Engineerss - A Statistical
al Profile
e of
o the
e Engineeringg Profession 2
4 Global
all and
d International
all Engineeringg - Futuree Challengess Quiz#
z##1 1
5 Succeedingg in
n thee Classroom 1
6 Problem
m Solvingg - Visualization
n and
d Graphics 1
7 Computerr Toolss - Teamworkk Skills 1
Mid-Term Exam
8 Project
ct Management
nt - Engineeringg Design 1
9 Communication n Skillss – Ethics 1
10 Unitss - Mathematics Review 1
11 Engineering Fundamentalss Quiz#
z##2 Reports Discussion 1
Final Exam

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 3 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 3

/ŶƚƌŽĚƵĐƚŝŽŶඥEngineering Majors ඥEngineers ProfilesඥStatistical Profile of Engineering ඥQuestions


Words of Advice from Employers, Looking for graduates who possess:

‰ Excellent communication skills

‰ Teamwork

‰ Leadership

‰ Computer/Technical proficiency

‰ Hard working attitude

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 3 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 4
IntroductionඥEngineering Majors ඥEngineers ProfilesඥStatistical Profile of Engineering ඥQuestions

Engineering Majors

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 3 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 5

IntroductionඥEngineering Majors ඥEngineers ProfilesඥStatistical Profile of Engineering ඥQuestions

Engineering Majors
A e
Petroleum Agricultural

Nuclear Architectural

Mining Biomedical

Engineering Chemical
Materials Civil

and Computer
Industrial EEnvironm Electrical

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 3 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 6
IntroductionඥEngineering Majors ඥEngineers ProfilesඥStatistical Profile of Engineering ඥQuestions

Aerospace Engineering
- Previouslyy known
n ass aeronautical
al and
d astronautical
al engineering
- First
st spacee flight
ht Oct
t. 4, 1957
7 (Sputnikk I)
cs:: Thee studyy off thee flow
w of air
ir over
er a streamlined
d surfacee o
orr body
n engineers
rs:: develop
p quieter,
r, moree efficient,
t, and
d cleaner
er burning
g engines
al engineers
rs:: usee of new
w alloys,
s, composites,
s, and
d other
er new
w materials
ls to
o meet
n requirements
ts off new
w spacecraft
ol systems
ms:: systemss used
d to
o operatee crafts
al mechanics
cs:: calculation
n of wheree to
o placee satellitess using
An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 3 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 7

IntroductionඥEngineering Majors ඥEngineers ProfilesඥStatistical Profile of Engineering ඥQuestions

Agricultural Engineering

- Concerned
d with
h finding
g ways
ys to
o producee food
d moree efficiently


g Equip
ip.:: removess cropss from
m field
d and
d beginss processing
g off food

es: used
d to
o hold
d crops,, feed,
d, and
d livestock
ckk; Agriculturall engineerss develop

d design
n thee structuress that
at hold
d crops

d processs engineers
rs:: concerned
d with
h making
g healthier
er processed
d food
d products

er Resources
es:: working
g to
o develop
p efficient
nt ways
ys to
o usee limited
d resources
An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 3 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 8
IntroductionඥEngineering Majors ඥEngineers ProfilesඥStatistical Profile of Engineering ඥQuestions

Architectural Engineering


Structural: primarily concerned with the integrity of the building structure.

Evaluates loads placed on buildings and makes sure the building is structurally


Mechanical systems: control climate of building, as well as humidity and air

quality (HVAC).

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 3 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 9

IntroductionඥEngineering Majors ඥEngineers ProfilesඥStatistical Profile of Engineering ඥQuestions

Biomedical Engineering

- First recognized in 1940’s

- Three basic categories: Bioengineering, Medical, and Clinical

Bioengineering is application of engineering principles to biological systems

Medical engineers develop instrumentation for medical uses

Clinical engineers develop systems that help serve the needs of hospitals

and clinics

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 3 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 10
IntroductionඥEngineering Majors ඥEngineers ProfilesඥStatistical Profile of Engineering ඥQuestions

Chemical Engineering

- Emphasizes the use of chemistry and chemical processes in engineering

Chemical engineers develop processes to extract and refine crude oil and

gas resources

Chemical engineers also develop circuit boards, and work in the

pharmaceutical industry, where processes are designed to create new,

affordable drugs
An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 3 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 11

IntroductionඥEngineering Majors ඥEngineers ProfilesඥStatistical Profile of Engineering ඥQuestions

Civil Engineering

- First seen in pyramids of Egypt

- Structural engineers most common type of civil engineer

- Transportation engineers concerned w/ design and construction of

highways, railroads, and mass transit systems

- Surveyors start construction process by locating property lines and

property areas
An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 3 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 12
IntroductionඥEngineering Majors ඥEngineers ProfilesඥStatistical Profile of Engineering ඥQuestions

Computer Engineering

- Focuses primarily on computer hardware, not software

- Work w/ electrical engineers to develop faster ways to transfer

information, and to run the computer

- Responsible for the “architecture” of the computer system

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 3 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 13

IntroductionඥEngineering Majors ඥEngineers ProfilesඥStatistical Profile of Engineering ඥQuestions

Electrical Engineering

- More engineers are electrical than any other discipline

- With an ever-growing technological society, electrical engineers

will ALWAYS have a job

- Work in communications, microelectronics, signal processing,

bioengineering, etc.

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 3 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 14
IntroductionඥEngineering Majors ඥEngineers ProfilesඥStatistical Profile of Engineering ඥQuestions

Environmental Engineering
- Often coupled with Civil Engineering

- 3 aspects of environmental engineering:

1. Disposal: disposing of industrial/residential waste products

2. Remediation: clean up of a contaminated site

3. Prevention: working with corporations to reduce and/or prevent emissions

and work to find ways to “recycle” products to be used again to reduce

An Introduction to Engineering
En (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 3 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 15

IntroductionඥEngineering Majors ඥEngineers ProfilesඥStatistical Profile of Engineering ඥQuestions

Industrial Engineering
- “Design, improvement, and installation of integrated systems of people,

material, and energy”

- Emphasis placed on: Production, Manufacturing, Human Factors Area, and

Operations Research

- Production focuses on plant layout, scheduling, and quality control

- Human Factors focuses on the efficient placement of human resources

within a plant/facility
An Introduction
ntroduction to Engineering
E neeeringg (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 3
Engin Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 16
IntroductionඥEngineering Majors ඥEngineers ProfilesඥStatistical Profile of Engineering ඥQuestions

Marine and Ocean Engineering

- Concerned with the design, development, and operation of ships and boats

- Marine engineer designs and maintains the systems that operate ships, i.e.

propulsion, communication, steering and navigation

- Ocean engineer design and operates marine equipment other than ships,

such as submersibles. Might also work on submarine pipelines and/or cables

and drilling platforms

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 3 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 17

IntroductionඥEngineering Majors ඥEngineers ProfilesඥStatistical Profile of Engineering ඥQuestions

Materials Engineering
- Study the structure, as well as other important properties of

materials, i.e. strength, hardness, and durability

- Run tests to ensure the quality of the performance of the material

- Material Engineers also study metallurgy, and the development of

composites and alloys

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 3 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 18
IntroductionඥEngineering Majors ඥEngineers ProfilesඥStatistical Profile of Engineering ඥQuestions

Mechanical Engineering

- Concerned with machines and mechanical devices

- Work in design, development, production, control, and operation

of machines/devices

- Requires a strong math and physics background.

- Often 4 or more math classes required for graduation

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 3 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 19

IntroductionඥEngineering Majors ඥEngineers ProfilesඥStatistical Profile of Engineering ඥQuestions

Mining Engineering

- Work to maintain constant levels of raw minerals used every day in

industrial and commercial settings

- Must discover, remove, process, and refine such minerals

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 3 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 20
IntroductionඥEngineering Majors ඥEngineers ProfilesඥStatistical Profile of Engineering ඥQuestions

Nuclear Engineering
- Most concerned with producing and harnessing energy from

nuclear sources

- Propulsion and electricity are the main uses of nuclear power

- Engineers also responsible for disposal of the nuclear waste

byproduct, and how to keep people safe from harmful nuclear

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 3 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 21

IntroductionඥEngineering Majors ඥEngineers ProfilesඥStatistical Profile of Engineering ඥQuestions

Petroleum Engineering

- Discover, remove, refine, and transport crude and refined oil

around the world

- PE’s design and operate the machinery used to refine crude oil into

its many forms

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 3 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 22
IntroductionඥEngineering Majors ඥEngineers ProfilesඥStatistical Profile of Engineering ඥQuestions

Engineers Profiles An example of a Civil Engineer

Profile of Civil Engineer:

Ryan Ali Alghamdi


Site Engineer at Albaha Province


B.Sc. In Civil Engineering, Albaha University (2013)

An Introduction
d ti to t Engineering
E i i (3200 – 0200) – LLecture
t N
No. 3 Assoc.
Prof.f M.
M Elshemy
El h - AlBaha
AlB h University,
U i it KSA 23

IntroductionඥEngineering Majors ඥEngineers ProfilesඥStatistical Profile of Engineering ඥQuestions

Studying Engineering
I think I have construction in my blood. My family has been involved in construction
for three generations. I always surrounded by it while I was growing up. I can
remember walking along beams with dad at a very young age. Therefore, when it
came time to choose a career, construction seemed to be the obvious answer
knowing what I wanted to study before I entered college.
During my college days, two extra-curricular activities were particularly rewarding
to me. The first was my involvement in student organizations, which helped me to
develop my leadership skills. The second was taking advantage of summer job
internships, which provided practical experience by bringing to life the theoretical
classroom education.
An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 3 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 24
IntroductionඥEngineering Majors ඥEngineers ProfilesඥStatistical Profile of Engineering ඥQuestions

er Life
After graduation, I went to work for Future Company, a national design and construction
services firm, and was made a field engineer on a basketball construction project.
Presently, I am a project engineer working on a hospital expansion project. In my
position, I have a great deal of flexibility in terms of how I use my time throughout the
day. I have worked on design development, purchasing contracts, scheduling, and
subcontractor supervision.
Construction has been just as exciting as I had hoped. Every day when I leave my project,
I can see what new accomplishments have been made.
fe Outsidee off Work
The spirit of camaraderie common to a construction site fosters friendships with co-
workers that often continues outside of the work place. I have participated in a variety of
community activities with my co-workers, ranging from speaking to school groups to
renewing old homes for the elderly.
An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 3 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 25

IntroductionඥEngineering Majors ඥEngineers ProfilesඥStatistical Profile of Engineering ඥQuestions

C.V. Writing

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 3 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 26
IntroductionඥEngineering Majors ඥEngineers ProfilesඥStatistical Profile of Engineering ඥQuestions

Engineering Statistical Profiles

• How many people study engineering?
• What are the most common majors?
• What kind of job market is there for engineers?
• How much do engineers earn?
• How many women and minorities study engineering?
• Degrees in Engineering
• Salaries of Engineers
• Distribution of Engineers by Field of Study
• Diversity in the Profession [Gender]
An Introduction
I to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No
No. 3 Assoc.
Assoc Prof
Prof. M.
M Elshemy
Elsh - AlBaha University, KSA 27

IntroductionඥEngineering Majors ඥEngineers ProfilesඥStatistical Profile of Engineering ඥQuestions


1. List four skills for graduates should have.

2. What is your engineering major?

3. What are the responsibilities of your major?

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 3 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 28
IntroductionඥEngineering Majors ඥEngineers ProfilesඥStatistical Profile of Engineering ඥQuestions
4. Fill the gaps by the corresponding word:
a. ………….........… engineers discover, remove, refine, and transport crude and
refined oil around the world
(Design, Maintenance, Petroleum, Systems)
b. ............................. engineers study the structure, as well as other important
properties of materials, i.e. strength, hardness, and durability
(Development, Materials, Testing, Computer)
c. .................................. engineer emphasizes the use of chemistry and chemical
processes in engineering
(Civil, Chemical, Biomedical, Aerospace)
An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 3 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 29

Al-Baha University

Faculty of Engineering

An Introduction to Engineering: Engineering Your Future

(3200 – 0200)
Lecture No. 4 : Global and International Engineering - Future Challenges

r. Mohamed Elshemy
Rearranged by: Assoc. Prof. Dr.


p off Civil Engineering
g g
Faculty of Engineering, Al
Al-Baha University, KSA


Global and International Engineering

Future Challenges

'ůŽďĂůĂŶĚ/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂůŶŐŝŶĞĞƌŝŶŐඥFuture Challenges ඥQuestions

Course Contents and Schedule

No TOPIC No. of Weeks
1 The History of Engineering 1
2 Engineeringg Functions 2
3 Engineeringg Majors
rs - Profiless o
off Engineers
rs - A Statistical
al Profilee o
off thee Engineeringg Profession 2
4 Global
all and
d International
all Engineeringg - Future
e Challengess Quiz#
z##1 1
5 Succeedingg in
n thee Classroom 1
6 Problem
m Solvingg - Visualization
n and
d Graphics 1
7 Computerr Toolss - Teamworkk Skills 1
Mid-Term Exam
8 Project
ct Management
nt - Engineeringg Design 1
9 Communication n Skillss – Ethics 1
10 Unitss - Mathematics Review 1
11 Engineering Fundamentalss Quiz#
z##2 Reports Discussion 1
Final Exam

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 4 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 3

'ůŽďĂůĂŶĚ/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂůŶŐŝŶĞĞƌŝŶŐඥFuture Challenges ඥQuestions

Global and International Engineering

New laws, regulations, policies have affected the spread of international

engineering. Engineers are employed internationally in:

‰ Automobile Industry ‰ Food Industry

‰ Manufacturing ‰ Petroleum and Chemical Industry

‰ Construction ‰ Computer and Electronics Industry

‰ Pharmaceuticals ‰ Telecommunications

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 4 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 4
'ůŽďĂůĂŶĚ/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂůŶŐŝŶĞĞƌŝŶŐඥFuture Challenges ඥQuestions

Students who look to work internationally should:

‰ Be language and culturally proficient

‰ Should participate in study abroad programs

‰ Look into work international work experience

and Co-opportunities

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 4 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 5

Global and International Engineering ඥFuture Challenges ඥQuestions

Future Challenges

Future Challenges are:

‰ Expanding World Population

‰ Pollution

‰ Energy

‰ Infrastructure

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 4 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 6
Global and International Engineering ඥFuture Challenges ඥQuestions

Expanding World Population

‰ 1900-2000, world population climbs from 1.6 billion to 6 billion


‰ Places new stress on conservation of resources, and gives

engineers new challenges to compensate for high population

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 4 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 7

Global and International Engineering ඥFuture Challenges ඥQuestions


Engineers concerned with management and the control of pollution,


‰ Air pollution

‰ Water pollution and the depletion of freshwater resources

‰ Management of solid waste

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 4 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 8
Global and International Engineering ඥFuture Challenges ඥQuestions


‰ It is predicted that energy usage in the Developing Countries will

more than double in the next 30 years

‰ Engineers must find new ways to generate power in an effort to

conserve natural resources (fossil fuels)

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 4 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 9

Global and International Engineering ඥFuture Challenges ඥQuestions


With mass transportation an ever-present problem, engineers will be

responsible in the future for designing and maintaining a system by

which the transportation of raw materials, as well as the human

capital that process them, can easily and efficiently move from place

to place

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 4 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 10
Global and International Engineering ඥFuture Challenges ඥQuestions


Put a circle around the letter of the correct answer.

a. Future Challenges of Engineers comprise:

i. Control pollution

ii. Find new ways to generate power

iii. Improve infrastructure

iv. All answers are correct

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 4 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 11

Global and International Engineering ඥFuture Challenges ඥQuestions

Put the number of the phrase from list (A) with the most suitable one from list (B).


1. Control pollution Engineering responsibilities ( )

2. Further challenges Transportation ( )

3. Infrastructure Management of solid waste ( )

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 4 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 12
Al-Baha University

Faculty of Engineering

An Introduction to Engineering: Engineering Your Future

(3200 – 0200)
Lecture No. 5 : Succeeding in the Classroom

r. Mohamed Elshemy
Rearranged by: Assoc. Prof. Dr.


p off Civil Engineering
g g
Faculty of Engineering, Al
Al-Baha University, KSA



Keys to effectiveness

Test Taking

Making the Most of Your Professor

Well Rounded Equals Effective

Your Effective Use of Time

Learning Styles

Course Contents and Schedule
No TOPIC No. of Weeks
1 The History of Engineering 1
2 Engineeringg Functions 2
3 Engineeringg Majors
rs - Profiless o
off Engineers
rs - A Statistical
al Profilee o
off thee Engineeringg Profession 2
4 Global
all and
d International
all Engineeringg - Futuree Challengess Quiz#
z##1 1
5 Succeedingg in
n the
e Classroom 1
6 Problem
m Solvingg - Visualization
n and
d Graphics 1
7 Computerr Toolss - Teamworkk Skills 1
Mid-Term Exam
8 Project
ct Management
nt - Engineeringg Design 1
9 Communication n Skillss – Ethics 1
10 Unitss - Mathematics Review 1
11 Engineering Fundamentalss Quiz#
z##2 Reports Discussion 1
Final Exam

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 5 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 3

Succeeding in the Classroom

‰ Attitude ‰ Making the Most of Your Professor

‰ Goals ‰ Well Rounded Equals Effective

‰ Keys to effectiveness ‰ Your Effective Use of Time

‰ Test Taking ‰ Learning Styles

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 5 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 4
lsඥKeys to effect.
ls t. ඥTest Taking
g ඥMost of Your Prof.
f. ඥWell Rounded
edඥEffective Use of Timee ඥLearning Styles


‰ Success in an engineering curriculum depends largely on a

student’s attitude and work ethic

‰ If the student’s attitude is one of failure, the student will most

likely fail

‰ Keep an open mind, and be willing to “work” with the professor in

order to best understand the material

An Introducti
on to Engineering
ngineering (3
3200 – 0
0200) – Lecture No. 5 Assoc.
Asssoc. Prof.
Pro M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 5

de ඥGoals
lsඥKeys to effect.
ls t. ඥTest Taking
g ඥMost of Your Prof.
f. ඥWell Rounded
edඥEffective Use of Timee ඥLearning Styles


‰ Set goals that will be difficult to attain, but not impossible

‰ This will motivate the student to work hard, not just hard enough

to do the minimum, but to reach their higher standard/goal

‰ Set short, intermediate, and long-term goals

‰ GPA for a semester, grade on an upcoming exam, GPA for a

year/college career
An Introduction to Engineering (3200
( – 0200) – Lecture N
No. 5 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 6
de lsඥ
ls ඥKeys to effect.
t. ඥTest Taking
g ඥMost of Your Prof.
f. ඥWell Rounded
edඥEffective Use of Timee ඥLearning Styles

Keys to effectiveness
‰ Allow 2 hrs. of study time outside of class for every hour in class
‰ Re-read sections of book covered in class
‰ Keep up with class and reading
‰ Take good notes
‰ Work lots of problems, not just the minimum amount for
‰ Study in groups
An IIntroduction
on to Engineering
n ring (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 5 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 7

de lsඥKeys to effect.
ls t. ඥTest
ඥ Taking
g ඥMost of Your Prof.
f. ඥWell Rounded
edඥEffective Use of Timee ඥLearning Styles

Test Taking

‰ Obtain past exams

‰ Ask professor for practice exams

‰ Work problems in book

‰ Start with problems you know how to do, then work on the harder


‰ Skim test first, to see what will basically be covered

An Introduction
IIntroducction to Engineering
Engiineering (3200
0 – 0200
0) – Lec
0 Lecture
cturre No. 5 Assoc.
Asso Prof. M.
M Elshemy - AlBaha
ha University,
Univeersity, KSA
Univ KS 8
de lsඥKeys to effect.
ls t. ඥTest Taking
g ඥ
ඥMost of Your Prof.
f. ඥWell Rounded
edඥEffective Use of Timee ඥLearning Styles

Making the Most of Your Professor

‰ Don’t wait until the end of the semester to go for help

‰ If you make yourself visible in class and during office hours, the

professor may remember you while grading

‰ Teaching is not professors only responsibility, often the are

researchers and advisors as well, so give them the benefit of the

An Introduction to Engineering
Eng (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 5 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 9

de lsඥKeys to effect.
ls t. ඥTest Taking
g ඥMost of Your Prof.
f. ඥWell
ඥ Rounded
edඥEffective Use of Timee ඥLearning Styles

Well Rounded Equals Effective

‰ Make sure to balance social, intellectual, and physical activities in

your schedule

‰ Well rounded students are generally more effective than students

with a “one-track” mind

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 5 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 10
de lsඥKeys to effect.
ls t. ඥTest Taking
g ඥMost of Your Prof.
f. ඥWell Rounded
ඥEffective Use of Timee ඥLearning Styles

Your Effective Use of Time

‰ Decide in advance what to study and when
‰ Make schedules
‰ Use calendars effectively
‰ Organize tasks by priority level
‰ Stay focused on task
‰ **Remember, everyone will “fail” at some point, it’s how you
respond to a failure that determines your future success or failure

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 5 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 11

de lsඥKeys to effect.
ls t ඥTest Taking
t. g ඥMost of Your Prof.
f. ඥWell Rounded
edඥEffective Use of Timee ඥ
ඥLearning Styles

Learning Styles
‰ Each person’s brain is unique to him
‰ Proper nutrition, stress, drugs and alcohol are some of the
factors that can affect a developing brain
‰ Each person is born with all the brain cells, or neurons, they will
ever have (estimated at 180 billion neurons)
‰ None of us is ever too old or too dumb to learn something new!
‰ People think and memorize in several different ways

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 5 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 12
lsඥKeys to effect.
t. ඥTest Taking
g ඥMost of Your Prof.
f. ඥWell Rounded
edඥEffective Use of Timee ඥ
ඥLearning Styles


Memorizing Thinking
ƒ Thinking
g Skillss referss to
o how
w wee see
thee world,
d, approach
h problemss and
Auditory Visual Kinestheti
usee thee different
nt parts
ts off our
ur brain
ƒ Memorizing
g referss to
o how
w peoplee assimilatee new
ƒ Different
nt peoplee thinkk differently
al to
o existing
g knowledgee and
d experience
ƒ Two
o hemispheress in
n ourr brain,, and
ƒ How
w wee accommodate,
e, orr changee ourr previouss way
fourr quadrantss generallyy categorize
of organizing
g material
w wee think
An In
Introduction to Engineering
gineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 5 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University,
niversity, KSA
K 13

lsඥKeys to effect.
t. ඥTest Taking
g ඥMost of Your Prof.
f. ඥWell Rounded
edඥEffective Use of Timee ඥ
ඥLearning Styles

Memorizing Learning Styles: 1. Auditory Learner

‰ Buy a small tape recorder and record lectures
‰ Sit where you can hear the professor well
‰ Focus on what is said in class, take notes from the tape recorder
‰ Ask the professor questions
‰ Read out loud to yourself
‰ Keep visual distractions to a minimum
An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 5 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 14
lsඥKeys to effect.
t. ඥTest Taking
g ඥMost of Your Prof.
f. ඥWell Rounded
edඥEffective Use of Timee ඥ
ඥLearning Styles

Memorizing Learning Styles: 2. Visual Learner

‰ Sit where you can see the professor and board or screen clearly
‰ Write notes during lecture with lots of pictures and meaningful
‰ Rewrite notes later in a more organized fashion and highlight main
‰ Write out questions to ask the professor
‰ Highlight and take notes in your book
An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 5 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 15

lsඥKeys to effect.
t. ඥTest Taking
g ඥMost of Your Prof.
f. ඥWell Rounded
edඥEffective Use of Timee ඥ
ඥLearning Styles

Memorizing Learning Styles: 3. Kinesthetic Learners

‰ TAKE Labs!
‰ Make connections between what is being said and what you’ve done
in the past
‰ Talk to professor about ways to gain more hands-on experience,
such as volunteering in his/her lab
‰ Use models or experiments at home

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 5 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 16
lsඥKeys to effect.
t. ඥTest Taking
g ඥMost of Your Prof.
f ඥWell Rounded
f. edඥEffective Use of Timee ඥLearning Styles


Write five parameters that lead students to succeed in the classroom.

a. ..........................................................................................................................

b. ..........................................................................................................................

c. ..........................................................................................................................

d. ..........................................................................................................................

e. ..........................................................................................................................

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 5 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 17

lsඥKeys to effect.
t. ඥTest Taking
g ඥMost of Your Prof.
f. ඥWell Rounded
edඥEffective Use of Timee ඥLearning Styles

Put (T) for the true sentence and (F) for the false one.
Statement True or False

A Keys to effectiveness include setting only short goals

B Students may have memorizing learning style or thinking

C Making schedules leads to effective use of time

D Well rounded students are generally more effective

E Wait until the end of the semester to go for help

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 5 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 18
Al-Baha University

Faculty of Engineering

An Introduction to Engineering: Engineering Your Future

(3200 – 0200)
Lecture No. 6 : Problem Solving - Visualization and Graphics

r. Mohamed Elshemy
Rearranged by: Assoc. Prof. Dr.


p off Civil Engineering
g g
Faculty of Engineering, Al
Al-Baha University, KSA


Problem Solving

Visualization and Graphics Skills

Course Contents and Schedule
No TOPIC No. of Weeks
1 The History of Engineering 1
2 Engineeringg Functions 2
3 Engineeringg Majors
rs - Profiless o
off Engineers
rs - A Statistical
al Profilee o
off thee Engineeringg Profession 2
4 Global
all and
d International
all Engineeringg - Futuree Challengess Quiz#
z##1 1
5 Succeedingg in
n thee Classroom 1
6 Problem
m Solvingg - Visualization
n and
d Graphics 1
7 Computerr Toolss - Teamworkk Skills 1
Mid-Term Exam
8 Project
ct Management
nt - Engineeringg Design 1
9 Communication n Skillss – Ethics 1
10 Unitss - Mathematics Review 1
11 Engineering Fundamentalss Quiz#
z##2 Reports Discussion 1
Final Exam

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 6 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 3

WƌŽďůĞŵ^ŽůǀŝŶŐඥVisualization and Graphics SkillsඥQuestions

Problem Solving
‰ Problem solving requires many “tools” and skills. Make sure that
you have them, or at least know where to find them and how to
use them.
‰ Two basic types of problem solving involved in design process:
creative and analytic.
‰ More students familiar with analytic, where there is one right
‰ Creative problem solving has no right answers.
An IIntroduction to Engineering
ngineering (3200 – 0200
0200)) – Lect
ture No. 6 Assoc.
Asssoc. Pro
of.. M. Els
hemy - AlBaha
AlBaha University, KSA
WƌŽďůĞŵ^ŽůǀŝŶŐඥVisualization and Graphics SkillsඥQuestions
Analytic and Creative Problem Solving
Steps that typically help w/ problem solving:

‰ Make a model/figure

‰ Identify necessary, desired and given info

‰ Work backwards from answers

‰ Restate problem in one’s own words

‰ Check the solution and validate it

An Introduction
d ti to t Engineering
E i i (3(3200
0 – 0200
0200) – LLecture
t N
No. 6 Assoc.
Prof.f M.
M Elshemy
El h - AlBaha
AlB h University, KSA
A 5

WƌŽďůĞŵ^ŽůǀŝŶŐඥVisualization and Graphics SkillsඥQuestions

Analytic Problem Solving
Six steps to analytic problem solving:
‰ Define the problem and create a problem statement
‰ Diagram and describe the problem
‰ Apply theory and any known equations
‰ Simplify assumptions
‰ Solve necessary problems
‰ Verify accuracy of answer to desired level

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 6 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 6
WƌŽďůĞŵ^ŽůǀŝŶŐඥVisualization and Graphics SkillsඥQuestions
Creative Problem Solving
Use divergence and convergence to gather and analyze ideas.
‰ Divergence is brainstorming.
‰ Convergence is analyzing and evaluating the ideas, seeking out the best
possible solutions
1. What is wrong?
2. What do we know?
3. What is the real problem?
4. What is the best solution?
5. How do we implement the solution?
A Introduction
Introduction to
t Engineering
Engineeering (3200 – 0200) – Lect
ture N
o. 6 Assoc.. Prof. M.
M EElshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 7

Problem SolvingඥVisualization and Graphics SkillsඥQuestions

Visualization and Graphics Skills Visualization

‰ Visualization is often used as a mode of communication between


‰ Sketches, tables, graphs, computer generated drawings, blueprints

are various ways in which engineers communicate via visual

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 6 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 8
Problem SolvingඥVisualization and Graphics SkillsඥQuestions
‰ Although most final drawings are computer generated, initial and
freehand sketches are vital to the design process
‰ Freehand does not mean messy. Sketches should display an
adequate amount of detail, and any pertinent notes/comments
pertaining to the drawing
- For instance, if a line is supposed to be straight, make it as
straight as possible. A square will not pass for a circle.

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 6 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 9

Problem SolvingඥVisualization and Graphics SkillsඥQuestions

Graphical Communication

‰ Oblique and isometric drawings are 3D and general

‰ Orthographic drawings are 2D, more detailed, and often have

dimensions for the part

‰ Object, Hidden, Centerline, and Construction are 4 common types

of lines used in engineering graphics

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 6 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 10
Problem SolvingඥVisualization and Graphics SkillsඥQuestions

1. Put a circle around the letter of the correct answer:

The two types of problem solving involved in design process are:
i. Divergence and convergence
ii. Thinking and memorizing
iii. Creative and analytic
iv. Effective and communicative

2. Write down the six steps of analytic problem solving

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 6 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 11

Problem SolvingඥVisualization and Graphics SkillsඥQuestions

3. Put the number of the phrase from list (A) with the most suitable one from list (B).

Use divergence and convergence to
1. Problem solving
gather and analyze ideas ( )
2. Creative problem solving 2-D Drawing ( )

3. Oblique and isometric A mode of Communication ( )

4. Orthographic 3-D Drawings ( )

5. Visualization Requires tools and skills ( )

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 6 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 12
Al-Baha University

Faculty of Engineering

An Introduction to Engineering: Engineering Your Future

(3200 – 0200)
Lecture No. 7 : Computer Tools - Teamwork Skills

r. Mohamed Elshemy
Rearranged by: Assoc. Prof. Dr.


p off Civil Engineering
g g
Faculty of Engineering, Al
Al-Baha University, KSA


Computer Tools

Teamwork Skills

Course Contents and Schedule
No TOPIC No. of Weeks
1 The History of Engineering 1
2 Engineeringg Functions 2
3 Engineeringg Majors
rs - Profiless o
off Engineers
rs - A Statistical
al Profilee o
off thee Engineeringg Profession 2
4 Global
all and
d International
all Engineeringg - Futuree Challengess Quiz#
z##1 1
5 Succeedingg in
n thee Classroom 1
6 Problem
m Solvingg - Visualization
n and
d Graphics 1
7 Computerr Toolss - Teamworkk Skills 1
Mid-Term Exam
8 Project
ct Management
nt - Engineeringg Design 1
9 Communication n Skillss – Ethics 1
10 Unitss - Mathematics Review 1
11 Engineering Fundamentalss Quiz#
z##2 Reports Discussion 1
Final Exam

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 7 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 3

 Ž ŵ Ɖ Ƶ ƚ Ğ ƌ  d Ž Ž ů Ɛ ඥ  T e a m w o r k S k i l l s ඥ  Q u e s t i o n s
Computer Tools

‰ There are many aspects to the design process of a product

‰ Engineers must be competent in basic computer tools such as the
internet, word processing, and basic spreadsheets (EXCEL)
‰ Engineers will most likely be required to have some knowledge of
mathematical software, such as MatLab
‰ Engineers also make computer presentations using most
commonly, Microsoft PowerPoint

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 7 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 4
 Ž ŵ Ɖ Ƶ ƚ Ğ ƌ  d Ž Ž ů Ɛ ඥ  T e a m w o r k S k i l l s ඥ  Q u e s t i o n s
Operating Systems and Programming Language

‰ Engineers may be required to have experience or be expected to be

able to work in UNIX, MS-DOS, or a Microsoft Windows System

‰ Computers work on series of 1’s and 0’s, called binary code

‰ FORTRAN, BASIC, C, and C+++ are all programming languages used

by engineers to communicate with the computer

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 7 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 5

C o m p u t e r T o o l s ඥ  T e a m w o r k S k i l l s ඥ  Q u e s t i o n s
Teamwork Skills
Corporations develop teams for many reasons:

‰ Projects are becoming increasingly complex

‰ Projects often span international borders, and require workers

all over

‰ Projects are requiring more speed, which require more

An Introduction
duction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 7 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 6
C o m p u t e r T o o l s ඥ  T e a m w o r k S k i l l s ඥ  Q u e s t i o n s
What Makes a Successful Team?

‰ A common goal

‰ Leadership

‰ Each member makes unique contributions

‰ Effective communication

‰ Creativity

‰ Good planning and use of resources

An Introduction
IIntroductiion to Engineering
E (3200 – 0200)) – Le
ecture N
No. 7 Assoc.
A Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha
Al University, KSA 7

C o m p u t e r T o o l s ඥ  T e a m w o r k S k i l l s ඥ  Q u e s t i o n s
Team Leadership Structures

‰ Traditional: One leader, who directs subordinates. Leader typically

is the only one who “speaks”.

‰ Participative: Leader is closer to individual workers.

‰ Flat: There is no “leader”. All members are equal. The leadership

“moves” with the situation to the worker with the most expertise

in a given subject
An Introduction
duction to Engineering
Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lectu
Lecture No. 7 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 8
C o m p u t e r T o o l s ඥ  T e a m w o r k S k i l l s ඥ  Q u e s t i o n s
Decisions within a Team

‰ Consensus: All team members agree on a decision

‰ Majority Rule

‰ Minority/Committee decision

‰ Expert input

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 7 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 9

C o m p u t e r T o o l s ඥ  T e a m w o r k S k i l l s ඥ  Q u e s t i o n s
Grading a Team Effort

‰ Did the team accomplish its goal?

‰ Were results of a high quality? If not, why?

‰ Did the team grow throughout the process?

‰ Evaluate the team leader

‰ Evaluate the other members of the team

‰ Evaluate your own contribution to the project

An Introduction
I to Engineering
gineering (320
00 – 020
00) – Lecture
L No. 7 Assoc. Prof.
of. M. Elshemy
Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 10
C o m p u t e r T o o l s ඥ  T e a m w o r k S k i l l s ඥ  Q u e s t i o n s

1. Put a circle around the letter of the correct answer:

a. What makes a successful team is:
i. Leadership ii. Effective communication
iii. Good planning and use of resources iv. All answers are correct
b. The decision that make all the team members agree is :
i. Minority ii. Majority
iii. Consensus iv. Expert input Decision
2. “Corporations develop teams for many reasons”. List three reasons of them:
An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 7 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 11

Al-Baha University

Faculty of Engineering

An Introduction to Engineering: Engineering Your Future

(3200 – 0200)
Lecture No. 8 : Project Management - Engineering Design

r. Mohamed Elshemy
Rearranged by: Assoc. Prof. Dr.


p off Civil Engineering
g g
Faculty of Engineering, Al
Al-Baha University, KSA


Project Management

Engineering Design

Course Contents and Schedule
No TOPIC No. of Weeks
1 The History of Engineering 1
2 Engineeringg Functions 2
3 Engineeringg Majors
rs - Profiless o
off Engineers
rs - A Statistical
al Profilee o
off thee Engineeringg Profession 2
4 Global
all and
d International
all Engineeringg - Futuree Challengess Quiz#
z##1 1
5 Succeedingg in
n thee Classroom 1
6 Problem
m Solvingg - Visualization
n and
d Graphics 1
7 Computerr Toolss - Teamworkk Skills 1
Mid-Term Exam
8 Project
ct Managementt - Engineeringg Design 1
9 Communication n Skillss – Ethics 1
10 Unitss - Mathematics Review 1
11 Engineering Fundamentalss Quiz#
z##2 Reports Discussion 1
Final Exam

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 8 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 3

W ƌ Ž ũ Ğ Đ ƚ D Ă Ŷ ĂŐĞŵ ĞŶƚ ඥ En gin eerin g D e s ignඥQ u e st i o ns

Project Management
‰ “Failure to plan is planning to fail”
‰ A good plan is one of the most important attributes of successful teams and
‰ Projects should be organized systematically.
‰ Eight Questions that can be Addressed with a Plan:
1. What to do first? 5. How long?
2. Next? 6. Timetable?
3. How many people? 7. Deadlines?
4. What resources? 8. Objectives?
An Introduction to Engineering
ringg (3200 – 02
200) – Lecture No
No. 8 Assoc.
A Prof. M. Elshemy
shemy - AlBaha
Baha University,
University KSA 4
W ƌ Ž ũ Ğ Đ ƚ D Ă Ŷ ĂŐĞŵ ĞŶƚ ඥ En gin eerin g D e s ignඥQ u e st i o ns
Creating a Project Charter

‰ A project summary
‰ Defining what your project is and when you will know when it is
‰ Elements include:
1. Deliverables 3. Stakeholders
2. Duration 4. Team members

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 8 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 5

W ƌ Ž ũ Ğ Đ ƚ D Ă Ŷ ĂŐĞŵ ĞŶƚ ඥ En gin eerin g D e s ignඥQ u e st i o ns

Plans should include:

‰ Who to hold accountable for progress

‰ Needed materials, resources, etc.

‰ How to determine if the project is on schedule

‰ Manage people and resources

‰ Determine the end!

An Introduction
d i n to Engineering
E (3200 – 0200)) – Lectu
Lecture No
No. 8 Assoc.
Ass Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 6
W ƌ Ž ũ Ğ Đ ƚ D Ă Ŷ ĂŐĞŵ ĞŶƚ ඥ En gin eerin g D e s ignඥQ u e st i o ns
Defining Times

‰ Include the full time needed for tasks

‰ As a student, you don’t have a full eight-hour workday every day
• Break tasks into week segments
• Weekday and/or weekend
• Class periods
‰ Break tasks into short time periods
‰ No more than a week or two

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 8 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 7

W ƌ Ž ũ Ğ Đ ƚ D Ă Ŷ ĂŐĞŵ ĞŶƚ ඥ En gin eerin g D e s ignඥQ u e st i o ns

Details, Details
‰ Remember Murphy’s Law - “Anything that can go wrong, will”
‰ Leave time to fix debug or fix errors
‰ Don’t assume things will fit together the first time
‰ Order parts well in advance to leave time for shipping, errors, or
‰ Leave time for parts malfunction
‰ Push delivery times back to a week before they’re actually due –
this will help to avoid panic if things go badly
An Introduction
duction to Engineering
ering (3
3200 – 0
0200) – Lecture No. 8 Assoc.
oc.. Prof
Prof.f. M. Elshemy
my - AlBaha
Baha University,
University, KSA 8
W ƌ Ž ũ Ğ Đ ƚ D Ă Ŷ ĂŐĞŵ ĞŶƚ ඥ En gin eerin g D e s ignඥQ u e st i o ns
Personnel Distribution

‰ Get the right people on the right tasks

‰ Assign people after developing a draft of the plan

‰ Balance the work between everyone

‰ Weekly updates – does everyone understand what they’re doing

and is everyone still on task?

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 8 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 9

P r o j e c t M a n agem ent ඥEn gin eerin g D e s ignඥQ u e st i o ns

Engineering Design
‰ Engineering design is the process of devising a system, component,
or process to meet desired needs.
‰ It is a decision-making process in which the basic sciences and
mathematics and engineering sciences are applied to convert
resources optimally to meet a stated objective.
‰ Among the fundamental elements of the design process are the
establishment of objectives and criteria, synthesis, analysis,
construction, and testing.
An Introduction to Engineeringg (32
200 – 02
200) – Lectu
ure No. 8 Assoc.
A Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 10
P r o j e c t M a n agem ent ඥEn gin eerin g D e s ignඥQ u e st i o ns
The Design Process

1. Identify the problem 7. Make decision

2. Define the working criteria/goals 8. Communicate decision

3. Research and gather data 9. Implement and commercialize

4. Brainstorm ideas decision

5. Analyze potential solutions 10. Perform post-implementation review

6. Develop and test models

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 8 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 11

P r o j e c t M a n agem ent ඥEn gin eerin g D e s ignඥQ u e st i o ns


1. Generally, any project should have the following four main elements:

…..…..…..….., …..…..…..….., …..…..…..….. and …..…..…..…..

2. List four detailed recommendations to manage project time.

3. List three recommendations to manage personnel distribution of a project.

4. List the fundamental elements of the design process.

5. List the main design process steps.

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 8 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 12
Al-Baha University

Faculty of Engineering

An Introduction to Engineering: Engineering Your Future

(3200 – 0200)
Lecture No. 9 : Communication Skills – Ethics

r. Mohamed Elshemy
Rearranged by: Assoc. Prof. Dr.


p off Civil Engineering
g g
Faculty of Engineering, Al
Al-Baha University, KSA


Communication Skills


Course Contents and Schedule
No TOPIC No. of Weeks
1 The History of Engineering 1
2 Engineeringg Functions 2
3 Engineeringg Majors
rs - Profiless o
off Engineers
rs - A Statistical
al Profilee o
off thee Engineeringg Profession 2
4 Global
all and
d International
all Engineeringg - Futuree Challengess Quiz#
z##1 1
5 Succeedingg in
n thee Classroom 1
6 Problem
m Solvingg - Visualization
n and
d Graphics 1
7 Computerr Toolss - Teamworkk Skills 1
Mid-Term Exam
8 Project
ct Management
nt - Engineeringg Design 1
9 Communication n Skillss – Ethics 1
10 Unitss - Mathematics Review 1
11 Engineering Fundamentalss Quiz#
z##2 Reports Discussion 1
Final Exam

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 9 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 3

 Ž ŵ ŵ Ƶ Ŷ ŝ Đ Ă ƚ ŝ Ž Ŷ  ^ Ŭ ŝ ů ů Ɛ  ඥ  E t h i c s ඥ  Q u e s t i o n s
Communication Skills

Why do we Communicate?

‰ Transfers important information

‰ Provides basis for judging one’s knowledge

‰ Conveys interest and competence

‰ Identifies gaps in your own knowledge

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 9 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 4
 Ž ŵ ŵ Ƶ Ŷ ŝ Đ Ă ƚ ŝ Ž Ŷ  ^ Ŭ ŝ ů ů Ɛ  ඥ  E t h i c s ඥ  Q u e s t i o n s
Oral and Written Communication Skills

‰ Present communication on a level that you believe

will be easily understood by whomever is to be

receiving your communication

‰ Don’t use big words if a smaller, easier-to-

understand word will suffice.

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 9 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 5

 Ž ŵ ŵ Ƶ Ŷ ŝ Đ Ă ƚ ŝ Ž Ŷ  ^ Ŭ ŝ ů ů Ɛ  ඥ  E t h i c s ඥ  Q u e s t i o n s
Power of Language

1. Be as clear as possible
2. Avoid clichés
3. Avoid redundancy
4. Avoid using jargon specific to a certain group of
5. Don’t make sexual generalizations, I.e. his, hers, he,

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 9 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 6
 Ž ŵ ŵ Ƶ Ŷ ŝ Đ Ă ƚ ŝ Ž Ŷ  ^ Ŭ ŝ ů ů Ɛ  ඥ  E t h i c s ඥ  Q u e s t i o n s
Technical Writing

1. Identify thesis early

2. Follows a specific format
3. Follows a problem-solving approach
4. Uses specialized vocabulary
5. Often incorporates visual aids
6. Complete set of references
7. Be objective, not biased either way

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 9 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 7

 Ž ŵ ŵ Ƶ Ŷ ŝ Đ Ă ƚ ŝ Ž Ŷ  ^ Ŭ ŝ ů ů Ɛ  ඥ  E t h i c s ඥ  Q u e s t i o n s
Formal Reports

Should include the following: 5. Analysis

1. Title; short and concise 6. Procedure and Results

2. Summary of what will be discussed 7. Discussion of results

3. Table of Contents (not including 8. Conclusions

abstract) 9. References

4. Introduction 10. Appendices

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 9 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 8
 Ž ŵ ŵ Ƶ Ŷ ŝ Đ Ă ƚ ŝ Ž Ŷ  ^ Ŭ ŝ ů ů Ɛ  ඥ  E t h i c s ඥ  Q u e s t i o n s
Other forms of Communication

1. E-mail

2. Progress reports

3. Problem statements

4. Cover letters

5. Resumes

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 9 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 9

C o m m u n i c a t i o n S k i l l s ඥ  E t h i c s ඥ  Q u e s t i o n s
The Nature of Ethics:

‰ Ethics is generally concerned with rules or guidelines for morals

and/or socially approved conduct

‰ Ethical standards generally apply to conduct that can or does have

a substantial effect on people’s lives

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 9 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 10
C o m m u n i c a t i o n S k i l l s ඥ  E t h i c s ඥ  Q u e s t i o n s
1. Put a circle around the letter of the correct answer:
Formal Reports should not include:
i. Long and detailed title ii. Analysis
iii. Discussion of results iv. All answers are correct
2. Conditions of technical writing include:
a. ……………………………………………………………………………….
b. ……………………………………………………………………………….
c. ……………………………………………………………………………….
d. ……………………………………………………………………………….
e. ……………………………………………………………………………….
3. Complete:
………………. is generally concerned with rules or guidelines for morals
and/or socially approved conduct.
An Introduction
ntroduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No
No. 9 Assoc.
Assoc Prof
Prof. M.
M Elshemy
Elsh - AlBaha University, KSA 11

Al-Baha University

Faculty of Engineering

An Introduction to Engineering: Engineering Your Future

(3200 – 0200)
Lecture No. 10 : Units - Mathematics Review

r. Mohamed Elshemy
Rearranged by: Assoc. Prof. Dr.


p off Civil Engineering
g g
Faculty of Engineering, Al
Al-Baha University, KSA



Mathematics Review

Course Contents and Schedule
No TOPIC No. of Weeks
1 The History of Engineering 1
2 Engineeringg Functions 2
3 Engineeringg Majors
rs - Profiless o
off Engineers
rs - A Statistical
al Profilee o
off thee Engineeringg Profession 2
4 Global
all and
d International
all Engineeringg - Futuree Challengess Quiz#
z##1 1
5 Succeedingg in
n thee Classroom 1
6 Problem
m Solvingg - Visualization
n and
d Graphics 1
7 Computerr Toolss - Teamworkk Skills 1
Mid-Term Exam
8 Project
ct Management
nt - Engineeringg Design 1
9 Communication n Skillss – Ethics 1
10 Unitss - Mathematicss Review 1
11 Engineering Fundamentalss Quiz#
z##2 Reports Discussion 1
Final Exam

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 10 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 3

h Ŷ ŝ ƚ Ɛ ඥ  M a t h e m a t i c s R e v i e w ඥ  Q u e s t i o n s
‰ A common denomination of units is essential for the development of trade and
economics around the world
‰ National Bureau of Standards, established by Congress, adopted the English
system of measurement (12 inches, etc)
‰ Majority of nations in the world today operate on the metric system because
of its simplicity (multiples of 10)
‰ Le Systeme International d’Unites, French for the International System of Units
‰ Improvements in the definitions of the base units continue to be made by the
General Conference of Weights and Measures as science dictates
An Introduction to
t Engineering
Engi (3200 – 0200
0) – Lec
ccture N
No. 10 Assoc.
Asso P Prof.
rof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha
ha University,
Univversity, KSA 4
h Ŷ ŝ ƚ Ɛ ඥ  M a t h e m a t i c s R e v i e w ඥ  Q u e s t i o n s
The SI System of Units
‰ Modernized metric system adopted by the General Conference, a
multi-national organization which includes the United States
‰ Built on a foundation of seven base units, plus two supplementary
‰ All other SI units are derived from these nine units
‰ Multiples and sub-multiples are expressed using a decimal system
‰ Generally, the first letter of a symbol is capitalized if the name of the
symbol is derived from a person’s name, otherwise it is lowercase
An Introduction
n to Engineering
nggineeriing (3200 – 020
00) – Le
ecture No.
N 100 Assoc. Prof. M.
M Elshemy
Elshemy - AlBaha
AlBaaha University,
University, KSA 5

h Ŷ ŝ ƚ Ɛ ඥ  M a t h e m a t i c s R e v i e w ඥ  Q u e s t i o n s

Base Units in the SI system

1. Meter = m (length)
2. Kilogram = kg (mass & weight)
3. Seconds = s (time)
4. Ampere = A (electric current)
5. Kelvin = K (temperature)
6. Mole = mol (atoms number)
7. Candela = cd (luminous intensity)
An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 10 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 6
h Ŷ ŝ ƚ Ɛ ඥ  M a t h e m a t i c s R e v i e w ඥ  Q u e s t i o n s
Derived Units
‰ Expressed algebraically in terms of base and supplementary units
‰ Several derived units have been given special names and symbols,
such as the Newton (N). [Newton=kg m/s2]
‰ Quantities whose units are expressed in terms of base and
supplementary units:
Quantity SI Unit SI Symbol
Area Square meter m2
Speed, velocity Meter per second m/s
Density Kilogram per cubic meter Kg/m3

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 10 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 7

h Ŷ ŝ ƚ Ɛ ඥ  M a t h e m a t i c s R e v i e w ඥ  Q u e s t i o n s

‰ Quantities whose units have special names:

Quantity SI Name SI Symbol Other SI Units
Frequency hertz Hz cycle/s
Force newton N kg*m/s2
Electrical Resistance ohm W V/A

‰ Units used with the SI System:

Name Symbol Value in SI Units
Minute min 1 min = 60 s
Hour h 1 h = 3600 s
Degree ° 1° = ʋ/180 rad

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 10 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 8
h Ŷ ŝ ƚ Ɛ ඥ  M a t h e m a t i c s R e v i e w ඥ  Q u e s t i o n s
‰ Defined for the SI system
‰ Used instead of writing extremely large or very small numbers
‰ All items in a given context should use the same prefix, for example in a table
‰ Notation in powers of 10 is often used in place of a prefix

Multiplication Factor Prefix Symbol Term (USA)

1000000 = 106 mega M One million
1000 = 103 kilo k One thousand
.001 = 10-3 milli m One thousandth
.000001 = 10-6 micro P One millionth

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 10 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 9

h Ŷ ŝ ƚ Ɛ ඥ  M a t h e m a t i c s R e v i e w ඥ  Q u e s t i o n s
‰ A sp
pacee iss alwayss left
ft between
n thee numeral
al and
d thee unit
it namee orr symbol
ol,l,l exceptt when
n we
writee a degreee symbol
• 3 m = 3 meters
s 8 mss = 8 milliseconds
‰ SI units
ts a spacee iss used
d to
o separatee groupss off threee in
n a long
g number
• 3,000
3, 00,
0 000
0, 0 = 3 000
0 000
• .000005
5 = .000
. 0 005
• This
is iss optional
al when
n theree aree four
ur digits
ts in
n a number
err (3456
6 = 3 456
6; .3867
6; . 7 = .386
. 6 7)
‰ A zero
o iss used
d forr numberss between
n -1 and
d 1 to
o preventt a faintt decimal
al pointt from
m being
d (.05
missed (. 5 to
o bee 0.05
‰ Rounding
‰ Significant
nt Digits
An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 10 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 10
h Ŷ ŝ ƚ Ɛ ඥ  M a t h e m a t i c s R e v i e w ඥ  Q u e s t i o n s

To convert from: To: Multiply by:

Degrees Radians 0.017 453
Inches Centimeters 2.54
Newtons Pounds 0.224 81

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 10 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 11

U n i t s ඥ  M a t h e m a t i c s R e v i e w ඥ  Q u e s t i o n s
Mathematics Review Algebra

Three basic laws:

1. Commutative: a+b=b+a
2. Distributive: a(b+c)=ab+ac
3. Associative: a+(b+c)=(a+b)+c
‰ Exponents: Used for many manipulations
- Examples: xa xb=xa+b & xab=(xa)b
‰ Logarithms
- Related to exponents: bx = y then x = logby

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 10 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 12
U n i t s ඥ  M a t h e m a t i c s R e v i e w ඥ  Q u e s t i o n s

‰ Involves the ratios between sides of a right triangle

‰ sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, secant, and cosecant are the

primary functions

‰ For all triangle we can also use the laws of sines and cosines

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 10 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 13

U n i t s ඥ  M a t h e m a t i c s R e v i e w ඥ  Q u e s t i o n s

‰ Used to analyze a variety of shapes and lines

‰ The equation for a straight line is: Ax + By + C = 0

(This equation can also be written in Pint-slope, Slope-intercept, and Two-

intercept forms)

‰ The general equation of the second degree is:

Ax 2  2 Bxy  Cy 2  2 Dx  2 Ey  F 0
An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 10 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 14
U n i t s ඥ  M a t h e m a t i c s R e v i e w ඥ  Q u e s t i o n s
Complex Numbers

‰ Complex numbers consist of a real (x) and imaginary (y) part:

x + iy where i=

(In electrical engineering j is used instead of i because i is used for current)

‰ Useful to express in polar form x  iy re iT

‰ Euler’s equation is also commonly used e iT cos T  i sin T

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 10 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 15

U n i t s ඥ  M a t h e m a t i c s R e v i e w ඥ  Q u e s t i o n s


‰ Used for finding the area under a curve

‰ Can be used to find the length of a curve

‰ Used to find volumes

‰ Definite when there are limits

‰ When indefinite a constant is added to the solution

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 10 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 16
U n i t s ඥ  M a t h e m a t i c s R e v i e w ඥ  Q u e s t i o n s
Probability and Statistics

‰ The probability of one events’ occurrence effects the probability of another

n! (n  1)! n!
‰ Probabilities P(n, r )
(n  r )!
P ( n, r )
(n  r )!
C (n, r )
r!(n  r )!

‰ Many combinations can occur:

- P(A or B) = P(A)+P(B) - P(A and B)=P(A)P(B)

- P(not A) = 1-P(A) - P(either A or B)=P(A)+P(B)-P(A)P(B)

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 10 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 17

U n i t s ඥ  M a t h e m a t i c s R e v i e w ඥ  Q u e s t i o n s
Put the number of the phrase from list (A) with the most suitable one from list (B).
1. Candela Length ( )
2. Kelvin Mass & Weight ( )
3. Seconds Frequency ( )
4. Meter Electric current ( )
5. Mole Force ( )
6. Ampere Electrical Resistance ( )
7. Kilogram Luminous Intensity ( )
8. Hertz Time ( )
9. Newton Temperature ( )
10. Ohm Atoms Number ( )
An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 10 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 18
Al-Baha University

Faculty of Engineering

An Introduction to Engineering: Engineering Your Future

(3200 – 0200)
Lecture No. 11 : Engineering Fundamentals

r. Mohamed Elshemy
Rearranged by: Assoc. Prof. Dr.


p off Civil Engineering
g g
Faculty of Engineering, Al
Al-Baha University, KSA




Electrical Circuits


Course Contents and Schedule
No TOPIC No. of Weeks
1 The History of Engineering 1
2 Engineeringg Functions 2
3 Engineeringg Majors
rs - Profiless o
off Engineers
rs - A Statistical
al Profilee o
off thee Engineeringg Profession 2
4 Global
all and
d International
all Engineeringg - Futuree Challengess Quiz#
z##1 1
5 Succeedingg in
n thee Classroom 1
6 Problem
m Solvingg - Visualization
n and
d Graphics 1
7 Computerr Toolss - Teamworkk Skills 1
Mid-Term Exam
8 Project
ct Management
nt - Engineeringg Design 1
9 Communication n Skillss – Ethics 1
10 Unitss - Mathematicss Review 1
11 Engineering Fundamentalss Quiz#
z##2 Reports Discussion 1
Final Exam

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 11 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 3

^ƚĂƚŝĐƐඥDynamicsඥThermodynamics ඥElectrical Circuits ඥEconomics ඥQuestions

‰ Concerned with equilibrium of bodies subjected to force systems

‰ The two entities that are of the most interest in statics are forces and moments

‰ Force:

ƒ The manifestation of the action of one body upon another.

ƒ Arise from the direct action of two bodies in contact with one another, or

from the “action at a distance” of one body upon another.

ƒ Represented by vectors
An Introduction
uction to Engineering (3200 – 0200)
ucti 0 – Lectur
re No. 11 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 4
^ƚĂƚŝĐƐඥDynamicsඥThermodynamics ඥElectrical Circuits ඥEconomics ඥQuestions

‰ Moment:

ƒ Can be thought of as a tendency to rotate the body upon which it acts

about a certain axis.

‰ Equilibrium:

ƒ The system of forces acting on a body is one whose resultant is absolutely


An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 11 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 5

StaticsඥDynamicsඥThermodynamics ඥElectrical Circuits ඥEconomics ඥQuestions

‰ Separated into two sections:
ƒ Kinematics: Study of motion without reference to the forces causing the
ƒ Kinetics: Relates the forces on bodies to their resulting motions
‰ Newton’s laws of motion:
ƒ 1st Law – The Law of Inertia
ƒ 2nd Law – F=ma
ƒ 3rd Law – Fab=-Fba
ƒ Law of Gravitation
An Introduction
uctiion to Engineering
ngineerrring (3
200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 11
1 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 6
StaticsඥDynamicsඥThermodynamics ඥElectrical Circuits ඥEconomics ඥQuestions
‰ Involves the storage, transformation and transfer of energy:
ƒ Stored as internal energy, kinetic energy, and potential energy
ƒ Transformed between these various forms
ƒ Transferred as work or heat transfer
‰ There are many definitions, laws, and other terms that are useful to know
when studying thermodynamics.
ƒ System: A fixedd quantityy off matter
ƒ Control Volume (open system): A volumee intoo whichh and/orr from
m which
h a
substancee flows
ƒ Universe: A system
m and
d its
ts surrounding
An Introduction
on to Engineering (320
00 – 0
0) – Lectur
re No. 11 Assoc.
A Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 7

StaticsඥDynamicsඥThermodynamics ඥElectrical Circuits ඥEconomics ඥQuestions

‰ Some Laws of ideal gases:

ƒ Boyle’s Law: Volume varies inversely with pressure

ƒ Charles’ Law: Volume varies directly with temperature

ƒ Avagadro’s Law: Equal volumes of different ideal gasses with the same

temperature and pressure contain an equal number of molecules

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 11 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 8
StaticsඥDynamicsඥThermodynamics ඥElectrical Circuits ඥEconomics ඥQuestions
Electrical Circuits
‰ Interconnection of electrical components for the purpose of:
ƒ Generating and distributing electrical power
ƒ Converting electrical power to some other useful form
ƒ Processing information contained in an electrical form
‰ Circuit Components:
ƒ Resistors
ƒ Inductors
ƒ Capacitors

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 11 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 9

StaticsඥDynamicsඥThermodynamics ඥElectrical Circuits ඥEconomics ඥQuestions

‰ Sources of Electrical Energy:

ƒ Voltage
ƒ Current
‰ Kirchhoff’s Laws:
ƒ Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL)
ƒ Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL)
‰ Ohm’s Law:
ƒ V=IR

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 11 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 10
StaticsඥDynamicsඥThermodynamics ඥElectrical Circuits ඥEconomics ඥQuestions

Quantity Sym bol Unit

Charge Q coulomb
Current I ampere
Voltage V volt
Energy W joule
Power P watt

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 11 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 11

StaticsඥDynamicsඥThermodynamics ඥElectrical Circuits ඥEconomics ඥQuestions


‰ Value and Interest:

ƒ The value of a dollar given to you today is of greater value than that of a

dollar given to you one year from today

‰ Cash Flow Diagrams

‰ Cash Flow Patterns

‰ Equivalence of Cash Flow Patterns

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 11 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 12
StaticsඥDynamicsඥThermodynamics ඥElectrical Circuits ඥEconomics ඥQuestions
1. Complete the following sentences using a suitable word from the box:

Economics – Statics – Electrical circuits – Thermodynamics – Kinematics

A. ………………
… studyy off motion
n without
ut referencee to
o thee forcess causing
g thee motion

B. ………………
…. concerned
…. d with
h equilibrium
m off bodiess subjected
d to
o forcee systems

C. ………………
…. concerned
…. d with
h cash
h flow
w patterns

D. ………………
… involvee Interconnection
n of electrical
al componentss forr thee purposee of generating

d distributing
g electrical
al power

E. ………………
…. involvee thee storage,
e, transformation
n and
d transfer
er off energy
A Introduction to
o Engineering
ngineering (320
nginee (3200
00 – 02
0) – LLecture No
No. 11
1 Assoc.
Assoc Prof
Prof. M.
M Elshemy
Elsheemy - AlBaha
AlBaha University,
University KSA 13

StaticsඥDynamicsඥThermodynamics ඥElectrical Circuits ඥEconomics ඥQuestions

2. Underline the correct answer:

A. Dynamics
cs include (Charle’s
’s Law
w - Newton’s
’s laws
ws off motion
n - Ohm’s
’s Law)

B. Thermodynamics
cs include (Boyle’s
’s Law
w - Cash
h Flow
w Patternss - Kirchhoff’s
’s Laws)

C. Electrical
al Circuits
ts include (Avagadro’s
’s Law
w - Ohm’s
’s Law
w - Charle’s
’s Law)

D. Economics
cs include (Valuee and
d Interest
st - Kirchhoff’s
’s Laws
ws - Avagadro’s
’s Law)

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 11 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 14
StaticsඥDynamicsඥThermodynamics ඥElectrical Circuits ඥEconomics ඥQuestions

3. Match the phrase from list (A) with the most suitable one from list (B):
1. Electrical circuits ( ) A. include Avogadro's Law
2. Thermodynamics ( ) B. include Newton’s laws of motion
3. Dynamics ( ) C. include cash flow diagrams
4. Economics ( ) D. include Kirchhoff’s Laws
1. Charge ( ) A. Coulomb
2. Current ( ) B. Watt
3. Voltage ( ) C. Joule
4. Energy ( ) D. Ampere
5. Power ( ) E. Volt
An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – Lecture No. 11 Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 15

Al-Baha University

Faculty of Engineering

An Introduction to Engineering: Engineering Your Future

(3200 – 0200)

r. Mohamed Elshemy
Rearranged by: Assoc. Prof. Dr.


p off Civil Engineering
g g
Faculty of Engineering, Al
Al-Baha University, KSA

Course Contents
No TOPIC No. of Weeks
1 The History of Engineering 1
2 Engineeringg Functions 2
3 Engineeringg Majors
rs - Profiless o
off Engineers
rs - A Statistical
al Profilee o
off thee Engineeringg Profession 2
4 Global
all and
d International
all Engineeringg - Futuree Challengess Quiz#
z##1 1
5 Succeedingg in
n thee Classroom 1
6 Problem
m Solvingg - Visualization
n and
d Graphics 1
7 Computerr Toolss - Teamworkk Skills 1
Mid-Term Exam
8 Project
ct Management
nt - Engineeringg Design 1
9 Communication n Skillss – Ethics 1
10 Unitss - Mathematicss Review 1
11 Engineering Fundamentalss Quiz#
z##2 Reports Discussion 1
Final Exam

An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – R E P O R T S Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 2
Course Assessment
- The Total Mark is 100.

- Final Exam (40)

- Mid –Term Exam (20)

- Quizzes [2] (20)

- Class Participation (10)

- REPORTS (10)
An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – R E P O R T S Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 3

Startingg from
m 9th October
19 er 1 to
2021 o 1st
31 er 2021
October 21.
(3 – 6) Studentss >>>> Onee Group
p Leader
Assessment ntt:
0 Marks)
Reportrtt Format at:
D File
e (Digital)
e (Digital)
l) – MSS EXCELL File
e (Digital)

e filess should
d include
e the
e students’
s’ namess and
d theirr Academicc Numbers
An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – R E P O R T S Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 4
D: Reports Topics
Prepare one Word text page for your
Engineering major:

• Using different fonts, MSS EXCEL

• Using different text colors, Solve the following equation using Excel
• Including one Table workbook sheet:

About your Engineering major, prepare five
PowerPoint presentation slides including:

• Different designs

• Different transactions

• Different animations
An Introduction to Engineering (3200 – 0200) – R E P O R T S Assoc. Prof. M. Elshemy - AlBaha University, KSA 5


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