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KDSSG Center for Excellence

Module 2: Installations
(Zero To Hero SQL Server Database
1) Installation Basics
2) Prerequisites of SQL Server Installation
3) SQL Server 2005
§ Hardware and Software requirements
§ SQL Server 2005 Media Explained
§ Step by Step Installation
§ Unattended Installation
§ Troubleshooting Failed Installation
4) SQL Server 2008/2008R2 Installation
§ Hardware and Software requirements
§ SQL Server 2008/2008R2 Media Explained
§ Step by Step Installation
5) SQL Server 2012/2014 Installation
§ Hardware and Software requirements
§ SQL Server 2012/2014 Media Explained
§ Step by Step Installation
§ Troubleshooting Failed Installation (2008R2/2012/2014)
§ Unattended Installation (2008R2/2012/2014)
6) SQL Server 2016 Installation Enhancements
7) Service Packs, Cumulative Updates and Hotfixes
8) Slipstream (Simple and Advanced)
9) SYSPREP (Process and Explanation)
10) SQL Server 2012/2014 Installation through PowerShell
01. Installation Basics
Hardware/Software Platforms
Hardware and Software work collaboratively to ensure that overall system functions with
optimal performance. Any system operates in three layers

Processor (CPU) – Hardware Lowest Layer

Operating System – OS Intermediate Layer
Application – Application Highest Layer.
01. Installation Basics
32-Bit / 64-Bit and Itanium Platforms
Hardware and Software are generally available in 32-bit, 64-bit and Itanium platforms.
32-bit – Holds 32-bit registers while processing instructions
64-bit – Holds 64-bit registers
Itanium – Holds 64-bit registers, platform created by Intel and HP exclusively for Servers.
(Itanium technology is no more available now, it is retired)
01. Installation Basics

32-bit Platform 64-bit Platform

Lesser Data Transfer Speeds Faster (double) performance transfer speeds
Maximum RAM supported is 4GB Maximum RAM Supported is 7-8TB (In reality ~16EB)
Less memory registers allocated Has more memory registers allocated
Reserves less space for OS reserved portions Reserves more space for OS reserved portions
Memory mapped files are more difficult to implement Its easy to map memory mapped files
32 bit hardware less expensive 64 bit hardware is more expensive
Security enhancements like Kernel Patch Protection
01. Installation Basics
32-Bit / 64-Bit and Itanium Platforms
The register is small amount of storage used by CPU where the CPU keeps the data it needs
to access the quickest for optimum computer performance. The bit designation refers to the
width of the register, thus a 64-bit register can hold more data than a 32-bit register which in
turn holds more than 16-bit and 8-bit registers.

A CPU with a 32-bit register, for example, has a ceiling of 232 addresses within the register and
is thus limited to accessing 4GB of RAM.
(232 bytes= 4294967296 bytes = 4194304KB = 4096MB = 4GB)

A CPU with a 64-bit register, for example, has a ceiling of 264 addresses within the register and
is huge address space of upto 16EiB Exbibyte i.e. ~16EB.
(264 bytes= 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 bytes = 16 Exbibyte = ~16 ExaByte)
Practically 64-bit processor can support upto 7-8TB of RAM.
01. Installation Basics
Compatibility chart for all layers
Compatibility chart below explains 32-bit and 64-bit CPU/OS and Application levels.
01. Installation Basics
Storage Essentials (Bytes to Bronto Byte)

Bit Nibble Byte Kilo Byte Mega Byte Giga Byte

1 or 0 4 bits 8 bits 1024 1024 KB 1024 MB


Tera Byte Peta Byte Exa Byte Zetta Byte Yotta Byte Bronto Byte

1024 GB 1024 TB 1024 PB 1024 EB 1024 ZB 1024 YB

01. Installation Basics
Storage Essentials (Bits to Bronto Byte)
Storage Unit Storage Next Metric
1 bit 1 or 0
4 bits 1 Nibble
8 bits 1 byte
1024 bytes 1 Kilo byte (KB)
1024 KB 1 Mega byte (MB)
1024 MB 1 Giga byte (GB)
1024 GB 1 Tera byte (TB)
1024 TB 1 Peta byte (PB)
1024 PB 1 Exa byte (EB)
1024 EB 1 Zetta byte (ZB)
1024 ZB 1 Yotta byte (YB)
1024 YB 1 Bronto byte(BB)
1024 BB 1 GeoPByte (GPB)
01. Installation Basics
Storage Reality Unveiled
02. Prerequisites of SQL Server Installation
Before installing SQL Server, few critical things which needs to be validated are.
Operating System – OS minimum level compatibility with SQL Server version
(Minimum Level)

Operating System – OS minimum patch level (i.e. SP1, SP2, SP3 or SP4)

Dotnet Framework – Validating dotnet framework version for SQL Server version.

Windows Installer – Windows Installer version requirement for SQL Server version.

Windows PowerShell – Windows Installer version requirement for SQL Server version.

Internet Information Server – IIS requirement if SQL Server Reporting Services is installed.
02. Prerequisites of SQL Server Installation
Desktop/Server Operating Systems
SQL Server will be installed on operating systems that are compatible with the respective
version of SQL Server. Listed are different versions of Windows Operating Systems both
Server and Desktop Operating Systems.

If SQL Server is installed on Windows 2000 minimum SP4 patching is needed, if installed on
Windows 2003 minimum SP1 patching is needed.
02. Prerequisites of SQL Server Installation
Desktop/Server Operating Systems
To find OS information use the command (msinfo32), which will fetch entire system
Start -> Run -> msinfo32
02. Prerequisites of SQL Server Installation

.NET Framework
A programming infrastructure created by Microsoft for building, deploying, and running
applications and services that use .NET technologies, such as desktop applications and Web

The .NET Framework contains three major parts:

1) Common Language Runtime
2) Framework Class Library
02. Prerequisites of SQL Server Installation

.NET Framework
Windows uses MMC (Microsoft Management Console) for all the appearance of windows
commands and before SQL Server 2005 it was all MMC. With SQL 2005 enhancements
related to visual interface was provided by .NET Framework 2.0

services.msc compmgmt.msc
02. Prerequisites of SQL Server Installation
.NET Framework Version History
02. Prerequisites of SQL Server Installation
.NET Framework current version

We can verify registry to get current version of Dotnet framework(s) installed in the


02. Prerequisites of SQL Server Installation
Windows Installer
Windows Installer (previously known as Microsoft Installer) is a software or in other
words API (Application Programming Interface) of Microsoft Windows used for the
installation, maintenance, and removal of software..

Windows installer is used in every software installation/removal/maintenance in

windows platform.

To find windows installer in windows, we can fire below command, which will
display version of windows.
Command: msiexec
02. Prerequisites of SQL Server Installation
Windows Powershell
Windows PowerShell is a task automation and configuration management
framework from Microsoft, consisting of a command-line shell and associated
scripting language built on the .NET Framework.
02. Prerequisites of SQL Server Installation
Windows Powershell
Powershell Versions range from Version 1.0 to 5.0 (most recent version).
02. Prerequisites of SQL Server Installation
Windows Powershell
Advantages of Powershell is Automation.
02. Prerequisites of SQL Server Installation
IIS (Internet Information Services)
Internet Information Services (IIS, formerly Internet Information Server) is an
extensible WEB SERVER created by Microsoft for use with Windows NT family.

Web Servers delivers web content through

internet. Ex: Apache, Tomcat, IIS,
Application Servers hosts the Application
depending on the application business
logic. Ex: Weblogic, Websphere,
Webmethods, JBoss.

Database Servers will host databases.

Ex: SQL Server, Oracle or MySQL.
02. Prerequisites of SQL Server Installation
IIS (Internet Information Services)
IIS versions started from 1.0 and now is at recent 8.0 version.
02. Prerequisites of SQL Server Installation
IIS (Internet Information Services) Installation
IIS is a feature that comes along with Operating System. To enable the feature, go
to Add/Remove Programs (appwiz.cpl)
03. SQL Server 2005 Installation
Hardware and Software Requirements
Hardware and Software requirements are listed below.

§ Decide on x86 (or) x64 (or) IA64

§ 1GB RAM recommended; 512MB Minimum
§ Processor Speed 1GHz or more; 600MHz Minimum
§ Windows Installer should be minimum 3.1
§ .NET Framework 2.0
§ OS Requirements
If Win2008, No Service Pack Needed.
If Win2003 minimum SP1.
If Win2000 minimum SP4.
03. SQL Server 2005 Installation
SQL Server 2005 Media Explained
SQL Server 2005 Media supports x86(32-bit), x64 (64-bit) and IA64 (Itanium 64-
bit) platforms. Choose platform before performing the installation.

Servers and Tools are two directories. Using “Servers” instance installation can be
performed, using “Tools” the toolset (like client components, SSMS) can be
03. SQL Server 2005 Installation
SQL Server 2005 Media Explained
Servers and Tools are two directories. Using “Servers” instance installation can be
performed, using “Tools” the toolset (like client components, SSMS) can be
03. SQL Server 2005 Installation
SQL Server 2005 Media Explained
1033, redist and Setup are the three directories in media.
03. SQL Server 2005 Installation
SQL Server 2005 Media Explained

1033 is help directory (1033 is Language Code for English-United States in

Microsoft terms.

redist contains redistributable media like .Net Framework, Upgrade Advisor and
Windows Installer
03. SQL Server 2005 Installation
SQL Server 2005 Media Explained
Setup directory contains all the MSI/MSP and media related DLL files that needs
to be copied during instance installation.
03. SQL Server 2005 Installation
SQL Server 2005 Media Explained
Media contains below listed files.

DLL - Dynamic Link Library

INI - Initialization File
RLL - Resource Link Library
HTA - HTML Application
ICO - Icon File
EXE - Executable
HTM - HTML files
MANIFEST - Manifest packager files
TXT - Text File
INF - Setup Information file
MSI - Microsoft Installer Package
MSP - Microsoft Installer Patch
XML - Extended Markup Language
CAB - Cabinet Files
03. SQL Server 2005 Installation
SQL Server 2005 Media Explained

DLL Files: Dynamic Link Library. DLL is a reusable code.

RLL Files: Resource library contains program resource information, such as

program data and global parameters that are related to DLL. RLL files may be
used for application extensions. For example, an RLL file can store localization
information for a program, such as foreign language support.

INI Files: Initialization Files. It contains initialization parameters which can make
an Unattended installation possible. It contains parameters to install.

EXE Files: Executable Program Files.

XML Files: Extended Markup Language

XML files stores relative data as per requirement.

CAB Files: Cabinet Files

Cabinet files are compressed files

Manifest File: Its a Configuration File.

It contains contents of distribution (files to be distributed into the system). In
software packing it is common to list contents of distribution in a manifest file.
03. SQL Server 2005 Installation
SQL Server 2005 Media Explained
MSP Files: Microsoft Installer Patch files.
MSP is a file extension for a Windows Installer patch file used for bug fixes,
security updates and hotfixes. File used to update the Windows operating system
and other Microsoft programs; typically included with security updates or Microsoft

This is a Windows installer package (a .MSI file) which is used for

installation/repair of software on Windows OS.

MSI Files: Microsoft Installer Package

MSI is an installer package file format used by Windows. MSI files are used for
installation, storage, and removal of programs. Contains installation information for
a particular installer, such as files to be installed and installation locations.

In a nutshell (MSP = MST + .CAB). A patch file (.MSP) contains MST (Transforms)
and CAB (Cabinet) files. The files in the patch could be patching existing files
which are part of the base installation.
03. SQL Server 2005 Installation
Installation Step-by-Step
Initiate SQL Server 2005 installation by invoking “setup.exe” file.
03. SQL Server 2005 Installation
Installation Step-by-Step
Accept license agreement (EULA – End Users License Agreement)
03. SQL Server 2005 Installation
Installation Step-by-Step
Click “Install” to install .NET Framework 2.0, Native Client & Setup Support Files.
These are supporting software for installation to complete successfully.
03. SQL Server 2005 Installation
Installation Step-by-Step
Click “Next” to progress to next screens.
03. SQL Server 2005 Installation
Installation Step-by-Step
Click “Next” to initiate progress to “System Configuration Checks” screen.
03. SQL Server 2005 Installation
Installation Step-by-Step
Click “Next” to initiate progress to “System Configuration Checks” screen.
03. SQL Server 2005 Installation
Installation Step-by-Step
If any configuration checks fail, then install the respective missing components.
For example if we get IIS warning, install IIS. Instructions are mentioned on how to
install IIS in IIS section of the document. All checks are successful after installing
03. SQL Server 2005 Installation
Installation Step-by-Step
License screen, where we need to provide License Key, Name and Name of
organization and Name.
03. SQL Server 2005 Installation
Installation Step-by-Step
Select components “SQL Server Database Services” and “Workstation
components, Books Online and development tools”. Selection of components
would depend on the requirement of Application team.
Click “Advanced Tab”.
03. SQL Server 2005 Installation
Installation Step-by-Step
Database Services can be configured further to change path of “Shared Tools”.
Shared Tools contain tool specifics for all instances (sqlcmd, bcp, osql etc). Once
Shared Tools are configured the path cannot be changed.
Documentation can be skipped and sample databases can be excluded.Click Next
03. SQL Server 2005 Installation
Installation Step-by-Step
Default Instance or Named Instance can be selected.
03. SQL Server 2005 Installation
Installation Step-by-Step
Instance is a collection of Memory Structures and Background Processes.(Oracle)

Instance is a combination of background processes and memory structures (Buffer

Instance is a independent SQL Server software copy installed in a specific

Multiple copies of instance can reside in a machine max limit being 50.
03. SQL Server 2005 Installation
Installation Step-by-Step
An instance is either default(unnamed instance) or it is a named instance.

Default Instance doesn't need client to specify name of the instance when making
connection, instance name is referred by just computer name. There can be only
one default instance in a server.
Example: ComputerName
Where KDSSG is computer name and in turn the instance name.

Named Instance is identified by the network name of the computer plus the
instance name that we specify. When client makes a connection to named
instance they have to specify Server Name and the Instance Name.
Example: ComputerName\InstanceName
Where SQL2005 is name of instance and KDSSG is computer name.
03. SQL Server 2005 Installation
Installation Step-by-Step
Limitation for Instance Name:
Unattended Installations
SQL Server 2005 can be installed in unattended mode from command prompt, we can specify
SETUP parameters at the command prompt, or we can use the /SETTINGS switch to load
Setup parameters from an .INI file.

Unattended Installations can be performed using Parameters in SETUP command (or) using
.INI file in /SETTINGS switch, but we cannot use both.
Unattended Installation in SQL Server 2005
SQL Server 2005 Installation Command with Inbuilt Service Accounts:
SQL Server databases have three types of files:

Assuming media is present in D: Drive.

Open Command Prompt -> Start -> Run -> cmd

cd D:\MyMedia\SQLServers\SQLServer2005\SQL Server x64\Servers

start /wait setup.exe /qb INSTANCENAME=KDSSG_SILENT2K5

Unattended Installation in SQL Server 2005
SQL Server 2005 Installation Command with Custom created Service Accounts:

Assuming media is present in D: Drive.

Open Command Prompt -> Start -> Run -> cmd

--Create the Service Accounts before proceeding with Installation in lusrmgr.msc or dsa.msc
depending on Local System/Domain.

cd D:\MyMedia\SQLServers\SQLServer2005\SQL Server x64\Servers

start /wait setup.exe /qb INSTANCENAME=KDSSG_SILENT2K5

Unattended Installation in SQL Server 2005
SQL Server 2005 Installation Command with .INI File (Initialization File) with /SETTINGS:

Assuming media is present in D: Drive.

Open Command Prompt -> Start -> Run -> cmd

--Create setup.ini file correctly with all parameters in it in C:\Install directory.

cd D:\MyMedia\SQLServers\SQLServer2005\SQL Server x64\Servers

setup.exe /start /wait /SETTINGS c:\install\default.ini

Default.ini File:-
Unattended Installation in SQL Server 2005
SQL Server 2005 Service Packs Unattended Installation:
Assuming media is present in D: Drive.
Open Command Prompt -> Start -> Run -> cmd

cd D:\MyMedia\SQLServers\SQL Service Packs\SQL2K5

SQLServer2005SP4-KB2463332-x64-ENU.exe /qb /allinstances

SQLServer2005SP4-KB2463332-x64-ENU.exe /qb /instancename=MSSQLSERVER

SQLServer2005SP4-KB2463332-x64-ENU.exe /qb /instancename=KDP-

Unattended Installation in SQL Server 2008 R2
SQL Server 2008 R2 Installation Command with Inbuilt Service Accounts:
Thank You

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