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What marked the end of world war II is the founding of United Nations to foster talk

between states to achieve global goals like saving succeeding generations from the
scourge of war. It is divided into six:

General Assembly debating issues on security and diplomacy with its 193 members

like climate change.

Economic and Social council improves living and human rights, focused on developing
countries. Works with agencies like WHO and High Commission for refugees

International court of justice debating and prosecuting international law violations.

Trusteeship Council helping developing territories and dependencies to be

independent countries but has stopped 1994.

Secretariat carries out internal administrative works, communication between

councils, and report compilation headed by UN secretary General.

Security Council preventing conflict through diplomacy. Its members are the five

permanent and winning powers of WW2 called p5 (USA, UK, France, China, Russia)
and ten members of different regions, five for Africa and Asia, two for Latin America,

two for Western Europe, and one for Eastern Europe, and countries campaigning to
be elected every 2 years, despite its little and diminishing power. Resolutions are

carried out by UN’s peacekeeping force of 100,000 soldiers if 9 of 15 members votes

in favor of it. But even on in p5 can veto it out. UN is criticized as this has been

abused hundreds of times often on accusations of own political interests in the face
of global crises. Now, the p5 are sharper and are less likely to agree on anything and

has become Russia and China versus the rest. Human rights group are pressuring p5
for “the responsibility not to veto” in situations where mass atrocities are being

committed. Some say veto is necessary to act as checking balance of foreign

intervention. Other solutions are expanding veto power to Germany, Brazil, Japan,

and India, the g4 nations. UK and France are open to that but others are opposed.
Still, it is generally agreed upon the UN creates a vital space for diplomacy.
Suzdalstev, Jules. “How Does the UN Work?” Youtube, NowThis World, 1 Dec. 2015,

Adam, Aalia. “Why the UN Security Council Matters.” Youtube, Global News, 3 Mar. 2020,

Janin, Alex. “The Problem with the UN Veto Power.” Youtube, NowThisWorld, 30 Sept. 2018,
Will UN prevent another war? The fact that despite hard recent years, reformation of
security council is yet to happen, I think UN will not be able to prevent another war.
They will stick to their rules, their vetoes, p5 have tried inch by inch to see what’s the
limits. It’s great that human rights and nations are calling it out but what about the
economic war that’s been going on? In the book Confessions of Economic Hitman (2004)
by John Perkins, where the US loans weaker states billions of dollars and projects like
dams to “help” their GDP but the catch is they can only hire an American company so
the money leaves the US and comes back within two seconds. If they don’t agree, they
could start a war. Everyone is getting more unhinged by the day, how close are we to
another world war? I bet there would be one without us noticing because the winners
gets to write history. The video The Problem With the UN Veto Power by NowThisWorld,
Salil Shetty saying “if it [UN] didn’t exist, we’d be trying to figure out how to invent it.”
Struck a chord to me as I think that’s the end goal of global diplomacy: A union of states.

Why do you think the League of Nations failed to prevent World War II? I think

there was a lot of room to grow in politics and military power. If there is a chance
and reason for global domination, for new idealism, why wouldn’t capable people try

it? The ceiling of destruction haven’t been reached and so people dared to see it. It’s
still not reached but we’ve seen the apocalyptic ability of atomic bomb and the

failures of socialism. During that time too, tensions easily arise as global diplomacy is
still young and many states are still under tyrants and emperors. The failure to stop

invasions of Japan, Italy, and Germany, US not joining, and slowness and weakness of
union are major impacts, but I think at that very uncertain times, it was bound to fail.

Is the UN running to commit the same mistakes again? No, they’ve been here for
half a century, times have greatly changed, they will inevitably make mistakes and fail

but not the same ones. Still, past few decades its already a success waiting to dry out.

Suzdalstev, Jules. “How Does the UN Work?” Youtube, NowThis World, 1 Dec. 2015,

Adam, Aalia. “Why the UN Security Council Matters.” Youtube, Global News, 3 Mar. 2020,

Janin, Alex. “The Problem with the UN Veto Power.” Youtube, NowThisWorld, 30 Sept. 2018,

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