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DL MGT 241

MODULE 1 (67)

1. YES, because feasibility study assesses and identifies potential obstacles that may impede
the operations of the project. It also recognizes the practicality of the proposed plan or a
project. Feasibility study makes us understand thoroughly all aspects of a project, concept,
or plan . It makes us aware of any potential problems that could occur during the
implementation of the project and mostly, after considering all significant factors, the
feasibility study determines if the project is implementable..

2. Parts of the project feasibility.

Executive summary- An executive summary provides an overview of the
main points of a larger report. It is often written to share with individuals
who may not have time to review the entire report. The reader should be
able to make a decision based only on reading the executive summary.

An executive summary should summarize the key points of the report. It

should restate the purpose of the report, highlight the major points of the
report, and describe any results, conclusions, or recommendations from
the report. It should include enough information so the reader can
understand what is discussed in the full report, without having to read it.

3. Flood Control Project.

Module 2 (93)

1.Yes, because projects

A program is defined as “a group of related projects managed in a coordinated way to obtain
benefits and control not available from managing them individually”.
The transformations require tailored applications of standard project and program management
approaches to meet the special challenges associated with managing the human side of change as
well as building ownership among key program stakeholders

Transformation identifies critical success factors for establishing

transformation programs that produce enduring results, particularly
government transformation programs. 
Transformation programs are typically established to produce a step function
increase in organizational performance and to develop new capabilities that
previously did not exist in the organization. These programs are usually driven
by a sense of urgency and have a compelling case for action. They typically
span a major portion of the organization and have a significant impact.
Examples of transformational efforts include major organizational
restructuring, significant changes in business processes, major technology or
application deployments, and consolidation or streamlining of facility
infrastructure. Transformation programs may address all of these efforts.
Most transformation efforts are classified as programs, in that they require
centralized coordinated management to achieve the strategic benefits and
objectives. Transformation programs typically involve multiple initiatives that
require prioritization, sequencing and coordination to deliver the desired

Though projects are designed as a temporary organizations within a short period of time, it was
also  created for the purpose of delivering the intended goal, within a defined timeframe and
budget. These projects in due time as it progress will become a program through transition.

as programs are composed of set of projects. But to be able to meet the

One must consider the

2.What are the sources of financing a proposed project.

Project finance may come from a variety of sources. The main sources include equity, debt and government
grants. Financing from these alternative sources have important implications on project's overall cost, cash
flow, ultimate liability and claims to project incomes and assets.

Equity is provided by project sponsors, government, third party private investors, and internally generated
cash. Equity providers require a rate of return target, which is higher than the interest rate of debt financing.
This is to compensate the higher risks taken by equity investors as they have junior claim to income and assets
of the project.

Commercial loans are funds lent by commercial banks and other financial institutions and are usually the main
source of debt financing. Bridge financing is a short-term financing arrangement (e.g., for the construction
period or for an initial period) which is generally used until a long-term financing arrangement can be
implemented. Bonds are long-term interest bearing debt instruments purchased either through the capital
markets or through private placement (which means direct sale to the purchaser, generally an institutional
investor - see below). Subordinate loans are similar to commercial loans but they are secondary or
subordinate to commercial loans in their claim on income and assets of the project.

grants A grant is an award, usually financial, given by one entity (typically a company,

foundation, or government) to an individual or a company to facilitate a goal or incentivize
performance. Grants are essentially gifts that do not have to be paid back, under most condition
A grant is an amount of money that a government or other institution gives to an individual or to
an organization for a particular purpose such as education or home improvements.
A government grant is a financial award given by a s, or local government authority for a beneficial
project. It is effectively a transfer payment. A grant does not include technical assistance or other
financial assistance, such as a loan or loan guarantee, an interest rate subsidy, direct appropriation,
or revenue sharing. The grantee is not expected to repay the money but is expected to use the funds
from the grant for their stated purpose, which typically serves some larger good.

Private institution financing Loans and guarantees may be made directly to private
businesses without government guarantees on the basis of market-based pricing,
typically for infrastructure-- energy, transportation, sanitation or communications--
and capital market development projects and for export financing.
4. To determine of the project is implementable, this is where the project plan steps in.
The project plan defines project goals and objectives, specifies tasks and how goals will
be achieved, identifies what resources will be needed and associated budgets and
timelines for completion.
The project plan will also include a scope change plan, a process for issue escalation, a
risk management plan and most importantly a communications plan. Project managers
spend a lot of time developing clear project plans. A well thought out project plan leads
to smooth execution and successful completion.

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