DL MGT 241

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DL MGT 241

Answers to Module (1) Test.

1. YES, because feasibility study assesses and identifies potential obstacles that may
impede the operations of the project. It also recognizes the practicality of the proposed
plan or a project. Feasibility study makes us understand thoroughly all aspects of a
project, concept, or plan . It makes us aware of any potential problems that could occur
during the implementation of the project and mostly, after considering all significant
factors, the feasibility study determines if the project is implementable.

2. Parts of project feasibility.

1. Executive summary-.An executive summary should summarize the key points of

the report. It should restate the purpose of the report, highlight the major points of
the report, and describe any results, conclusions, or recommendations from the
report. It should include enough information so the reader can understand what is
discussed in the full report, without having to read it.

2. Project Description – It is a formal document with deep explanation of the goals.,

objective and outline of the entire project. It is a recap of the project as it is defined
for the study that can help the stakeholders understand the questions asked and
the results generated, This document may address the clear and detailed
information about the entire worlds and activities in written form. Stating the
project description in very basic terms removes the uncertainty about the project
for stakeholders who might otherwise be unfamiliar with the ideas the project

Project Description includes;

Project Overview

The Project Overview provides a brief summary of the entire Project Description. It may
provide a brief history of the events that led to the project, an explanation of why the project
needs to be initiated, a description of project intent and identifies the original Project
Project Organization

The Project Organization identifies the roles and responsibilities needed to create a
meaningful and responsive structure that enables the project to be successful. This Project
Organization must identify the people who will play each assigned role.

Opportunity Statement

The Opportunity Statement identifies the most significant business reasons for performing a
project. This may include a vision for future project deliverables, a list of anticipated
features, a list of expected advantages.

Impact Statement

Impact Statement identifies the influence the project may have on the business, operations,
schedule, other projects, current technology and other applications.

Project Objectives

Project Objectives identify measurable criteria that must be satisfied before the project is
considered complete.

Project Scope

Project Scope identifies the boundaries for the project. Specific scope components are the
business areas or functions to be examined by the project (Domain of Study) and the work
that will be performed (Domain of Effort). The Project Scope should identify what is in scope
and what is not in scope.

Project Justification

Project Justifications provide a recap of known cost and benefits from performing the
project. These factors may be more fully defined in a Project Cost/Benefit Worksheet. The
project financials must be re-forecast during the life of the project and should be compared
to actual at the conclusion of the effort. Some of the listed items are tangible (priced) and
others intangible (un-priced).

Constraints and Assumptions

Constraints and Assumptions identify any deliberate or implied limitations or restrictions
placed on the project along with any current or future environment the project must
accommodate. These factors will influence many project decisions and strategies. The
potential impact of each constraint or assumptions should be identified here.

Project Manager

A project Manager is required for each project. This role must be filled by one or more
individuals who are the fiscal trustee for the project to the larger corporate organization.
This function considers the global impact of the project and deems it worthy of the required
expenditure of money and time.
The Project Manager communicates the vision for the effort and certifies the initial Project
Description. Should changes be required, the Project Manager confirms these changes and
their influence on the Project Charter and Project Plan.

3. Recommendation and Findings –  It is a conclusion and a suggestion reached

after conducting all of the feasibility study needed, all of the analysis, surveys,
computations, and interviews, the researchers had come up with the findings and
recommendations that will help the organization in deciding whether to deploy the project or
retain the current processes and systems.

3. MASA MASID or Mamamayang Ayaw sa Anomalya, Mamamayang Ayaw sa Illegal na

Droga.- barangay-base strategy to mobilize cimmunity-based volunteers in the fight
against anti-criminality, andti-corruption and anti-illegal drugs which encourages multi –
sectoral partnership to intensify the spirit of volunterism at the community. MASA
MASID’s main purpose is to heighten community involvement by mobilizing the support
of local stakeholders, volunteers, civic organizations, faith-based organizations, and the
private sectors in the fight against illegal drugs, criminality and corruption. The program
also adopts a multi-sectoral and mass-based approach to promote peace and safe

The Program Masa Masid aims to empower the barangay units in the government’s drive
against illegal drugs, corruption and criminality. The DILG’s strategy is to coordinate all
these agencies and tap all volunteers at the lowest expense from the government and at
the immediate action from the people in the barangays as its objective is to lift people in
the barangays out of poverty, becoming and a society, a self-sustaining, and a happy
community free of drugs, corruption and criminality.

There are different sides of the story to why Masa Masid Program was dissolved, One is
that it was said that there are programs already implemented such as ADAC or the Anti-
Drug Abuse Council whose main purpose is to set Barangays as the first of line of
defense, to lead the fight against illegal drugs through the campaign” Mamamayan,
Sugpuin ang illegal na droga, (MASID).

The other side of the story as per Commission On Audit (COA), “ The Department of
Interior and Local Government's community-based anti-corruption and anti-drug
program missed its objectives as seen in the non-implementation of programmed
activities and non-use of allocated funds, the Commission on Audit has said.

The DILG's Mamamayang Ayaw sa Anomalya, Mamayamang Ayaw sa Iligal na Droga or

MASA MASID program was given a budget of more than P500 million for 2017 but the
COA in its audit report said some of its programs were not implemented, causing the
funds to be realigned.

Other activities under the program had no physical and financial accomplishment
reports, state auditors added.

"Based on the foregoing, the non-implementation of programmed activities and non-

utilization of program funds were indicative that management had not prepared a
concrete plan for MASA MASID which resulted in the non-attainment of the program's
objective," COA”.
Answers to Module (2) Test

A program is defined as “a group of related projects managed in a coordinated way to obtain
benefits and control not available from managing them individually”.
The transformations require tailored applications of standard project and program
management approaches to meet the special challenges associated with managing the
human side of change as well as building ownership among key program stakeholders
Transformation identifies critical success factors for establishing transformation programs
that produce enduring results, particularly government transformation programs. 
Transformation programs are typically established to produce a step function increase in
organizational performance and to develop new capabilities that previously did not exist in
the organization. These programs are usually driven by a sense of urgency and have a
compelling case for action. They typically span a major portion of the organization and have
a significant impact. Examples of transformational efforts include major organizational
restructuring, significant changes in business processes, major technology or application
deployments, and consolidation or streamlining of facility infrastructure. Transformation
programs may address all of these efforts.
Most transformation efforts are classified as programs, in that they require centralized
coordinated management to achieve the strategic benefits and objectives. Transformation
programs typically involve multiple initiatives that require prioritization, sequencing and
coordination to deliver the desired benefits.
Though projects are designed as a temporary organizations within a short period of time, it
was also created for the purpose of delivering the intended goal, within a defined timeframe
and budget. These projects in due time as it progress will become a program through

2. Sources of financing a proposed project.

Project finance may come from a variety of sources. The main sources include equity, debt
and government grants. Financing from these alternative sources have important
implications on project's overall cost, cash flow, ultimate liability and claims to project
incomes and assets.
It is provided by project sponsors, government, third party private investors, and internally
generated cash. Equity providers require a rate of return target, which is higher than the
interest rate of debt financing. This is to compensate the higher risks taken by equity
investors as they have junior claim to income and assets of the project.

Commercial loans 
These are funds lent by commercial banks and other financial institutions and are usually the
main source of debt financing. Bridge financing is a short-term financing arrangement (e.g.,
for the construction period or for an initial period) which is generally used until a long-term
financing arrangement can be implemented. Bonds are long-term interest bearing debt
instruments purchased either through the capital markets or through private placement
(which means direct sale to the purchaser, generally an institutional investor - see
below). Subordinate loans are similar to commercial loans but they are secondary or
subordinate to commercial loans in their claim on income and assets of the project.

A grant is an award, usually financial, given by one entity (typically a company, foundation,
or government) to an individual, a company an organization to facilitate a goal or incentivize
performance. Grants are essentially gifts that do not have to be paid back, under most

Government grant
A financial award given by as, or local government authority for a beneficial project. It is
effectively a transfer payment. A grant does not include technical assistance or other
financial assistance, such as a loan or loan guarantee, an interest rate subsidy,
direct appropriation, or revenue sharing. The grantee is not expected to repay the money but
is expected to use the funds from the grant for their stated purpose, which typically serves
some larger good.

Private institution financing

Loans and guarantees may be made directly to private businesses without government
guarantees on the basis of market-based pricing, typically for infrastructure-- energy,
transportation, sanitation or communications-- and capital market development projects and
for export financing.
3. To determine of the project is implementable, this is where the project plan steps in.
The project plan defines project goals and objectives, specifies tasks and how goals will be
achieved, identifies what resources will be needed and associated budgets and timelines for

The project plan will also include a scope change plan, a process for issue escalation, a risk
management plan and most importantly a communications plan. Project managers spend a
lot of time developing clear project plans. A well thought out project plan leads to smooth
execution and successful completion.



Project Title: Project G.O.O.G.L.E (GO On Google for Learning Environment) An

Innovation in the NEW NORMAL

Project Time-Frame: June 2020 - June 2021


In the advent of the New Normal set up of Education due to the challenging COVID 19

Pandemic, delivery of learning became the priority on the paradigm shift that our school

addressed. How to deliver learning conducive for the learners was the main concern before the

start of the school year in the new normal. So that, the administration had conducted survey to all

learners and parents on what possible means to cater the learning before prior to the opening of the

academic year. The result was good enough to set the priority on what platform and modality that

the school should adopt in the Learning Continuity Plan for the school year 2020-2021. Online

Learning and Modular learning were the means identified in the result of the survey thus, the

school started from here. This is the reason PROJECT G.O.O.G.L.E was proposed. Google

classroom was adopted.

Google Classroom is an easy way to help students with this transition because it is

super user-friendly, making it a great introduction to technology. Google Classroom gives

students access to materials no matter where they are.

Compared to other LMS (Learning Management Systems) that have been

popular over the past decade, Google Classroom is amazingly simple. Setting up a

new classroom does not take much time or expertise.

Google Classroom is cloud-based and accessible from anywhere with a

connection. Students can share assignments and work from home together to

complete them. Collaboration isn’t just limited to working in a group with other

peers. A teacher can flip the classroom by sharing a video to go live in the

evening, requiring students to view it that night to prepare for a quiz on it  the next

day. The possibilities are endless.

Hence, this PROJECT was initiated and organized by the Proponent to address the

concern in online (synchronous/asynchronous) delivery of learning in this New Normal set

up of education.


Provide a friendly platform in the delivery of learning to all learners and teachers in

the convenience of the use of technology amidst this pandemic.

Thus, this project aims to provide the following:

a. To provide an accessible platform to learners and teachers in the online

distance learning set up.

b. To offer foster continuity of learning as viewed in the CLP in the NEW

NORMAL set up through platform convenient to all.

c. To offer smooth and simple means for the clear communication, delivery of

modules and easy way of assessments of learners.

d. To offer hands-on training on the use of google classroom purposely for the

modality of learning.


Project G.O.O.G.L.E (GO On Google for Learning Environment) An Innovation

in the NEW NORMAL provides a one-stop website where students can access their

assignments, resources, and grades for one class. This can also be used in conjunction

with students who are in the classroom. The teacher can share the same resources,

notes, videos, etc. that was used in class that day so the students who need these

resources at home still have access to them whenever they may need them. Thus,

Google Classroom does not have to be only used for online learning, but as a resource

for students and parents. Parents can also be invited into the classrooms.

Finally, one of the better items I think as a teacher and administrator, although

very simple, is the ability to create many different classes. With this feature a teacher

who might have two or three classes to teach can create a different class for each

section they have. This gives the teacher the flexibility to differentiate the

assignment based on class needs.

Project G.O.O.G.L.E aims to support the mantra # WALANG MAIIWAN (tuloy

ang edukasyon) of the Division of Isabela in the midst of this pandemic.


Objectives Activities Who: When: Outcomes:

What do you want to How are you Who is responsible When will the What are your desired result
accomplish going to in the activity activity begin
accomplish the and end

To conduct survey on On-line conduct All advisers April to may Clear Result of the survey to be used
the possible learning of survey 2020 in the preparation of modality
modality among

To conduct Teachers Face to face School head/ June 2020 Familiarized the CLP and the possible
orientation on the orientation Project coordinator platform
crafted CLP (following ITAF

To offer Google Face to face School head/ June 2020 Skilled teachers and students using
Classroom Training orientation Project coordinator google classroom
for teachers and (following ITAF
selected students guidelines)

To conduct online Virtual/ online All Advisers/subject June 2020 Students should have knowledge on
orientation on the use orientation teachers the use of Google classroom
of Google classroom
among learners

To conduct rehearsal Virtual/ online All Advisers/subject June - July 2020 Students should have knowledge on
using Google orientation teachers the use of Google classroom
classroom platform

To craft a classroom Virtual/ online School Head/ July 2020 Arranged modular and online
program with blended curriculum head/ schedule per class
learning project coordinator

To conduct a Virtual/ online All Advisers/subject August 2020 Conducted an online class and gather
simultaneous DRY teachers observations for feedback
RUN of online class
following the
classroom program

To undergo teachers Face to face School head/ August 2020 Discussed the observations, gave
evaluation on the orientation Project coordinator feedback and crafted new strategies
Online Class Dry Run (following ITAF All adviser and interventions

To implement the Virtual/ online All Advisers/subject October - June Conducted smooth online class
google Classrom in the teachers 2020
official opening of

To monitor and Virtual/ online All Advisers/subject October - June Conducted smooth online class
evaluate online class teachers 2020

Things to prepare No. of items Amount total
Upgraded internet 2 4000 8000
MBPS (faculty room
and Admin room
CD for lecture 100 20 2000
content (for
Meals and snacks 48 4800


To achieve the foreseen outcome, collaborative spirit is significant. The distribution of

work has been identified and assigned to important individuals to ensure the success of the
project. The project coordinator of this project shall be the overseer for the project. Any
report that comes from the in-charge will be relayed to the team. Continuous conduct of
meetings for updates is required to allow the organizers to check the important things to
prepare. Consistent Monitoring is mandated especially on the updates from their field. On
the training, proper time monitoring shall be done through the help of the officers

Evaluation shall be done to assess the impact and the result of the project.

Prepared by:



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