Light Gauge Steel Frame

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Constrofacilitator JANUARY 2022

Knowledge and b2b portal for
construction and infrastructure
Volume-04 eM-01

Light Gauge
Steel Frame

þ LGSF technology in India
þ LGSF - Advantages and Applications FOLLOW
þ LGSF structure in earthquake-prone areas
þ Components of LGSF Structure
þ Fire resistance of LGSF Structures
Light Gauge Steel Frame (LGSF)

Times are changing in construction with the evolution of newer

technology. Rapid construction and the huge demand for energy
e cient construction materials are on the rise. One such technology is
LGSF, which requires a shorter construction period compared to that
for a conventional building system. The use of LGSF technology
provides ease of installation along with a reduction in the cumulative
project completion period owing to prefabricated steel structures.
Light Gauge Steel Frame (LGSF) is an innovative and reliable
construction material in the world that is strong and allows design
flexibility enabling it to be the right choice for construction. This
method of construction allows having an increased span, custom
openings, curved walls and a variety of external architectural façade
treatments, making it a versatile choice of construction material.

The use of technology in this method of construction has allowed it to

o er benefits to the architect, contractor, society, developer and what
not. Given below are a few advantages and applications of LGSF. In
this edition of eMag we have focused on The adoption of LGSF
technology in India, LGSF - Adaptability, Advantages and
Applications, The advantages of LGSF structure in earthquake-prone
areas, Components of LGSF Structure, and Fire resistance of LGSF

January 2022 • Constrofacilitator 2

LGSF - Adaptability, Advantages
and Applications

The advantages of LGSF structure in

earthquake-prone areas

10 Fire resistance of LGSF Structures

The Adoption of LGSF Technology

in India

16 Components of LGSF Structure

New Ministry of Defence complexes

designed to be eco-friendly: architects

04 08
10 12

3 Constrofacilitator • January 2022


LGSF - Adaptability, Advantages

and Applications

teel is a construction look out for ways that serve both time not only last longer but also more prone
material with many bene- and quality, what better than the LGSF to natural disasters. The high resis-
fits, including system. The biggest advantage of this tance, flexibility, and lightness of steel
sustainability. The proven system is the ability by 1/3 reduction in make it ideally the most earthquake
performance and quality construction time. This reduction in resistant material. Generally speaking,
of steel have also caused time incurs benefits such as a reduc- since bigger the mass of the building,
it to dominate commercial interior wall tion of cost and more timely deliveries stronger would be the force of an earth-
framing applications for many years of projects. quake imposed on it, steel performs
now. With the growing innovation the better in earthquake-prone zones. The
light gauge steel has continued to be In the case of lighter structures, the light material can resist impact, without
used as an infill structure on multi- technology saves on foundation cost breaking apart. Since on average steel
storey buildings built from hot rolled as less material is required for con- buildings are about 5 times lighter than
steel or concrete frames. Commercial struction. Locations that are affected their concrete counterparts, the earth-
and retail buildings continued to bene- by bad weather and difficult terrain can quake force imposed on the buildings
fit from its diverse capabilities, using it rely on this technology as unlike con- too is about 5 times lesser.
as a cladding system that can be crete, steel is less affected by bad
formed into many different shapes. weather. LGSF is perhaps the best The technology uses galvanized steel
method for seismic stability. These which is rust proof, mold resistant and
Prefabricated buildings may sound structures also perform better in seis- waterproof and the steel offers resis-
complex and intensive, but this inven- mic conditions due to its relative tance against any form of corrosion.
tion is changing the course of tradi- strength and much lighter overall build- Moreover, it is environment-friendly. As
tional construction methods one modu- ing structure weight making buildings compared to concrete buildings, build-
lar building at a time. The technology
that prefabrication buildings use is
known as Light Gauge Steel Frame
(LGSF) which is a steel-framed wall sys-
tem made of cold-rolled load bearing.
Light Gauge Steel Frame (LGSF) is an
innovative and reliable construction
material in the world that is strong and
allows design flexibility enabling it to be
the right choice for construction. This
method of construction allows having
an increased span, custom openings,
curved walls and a variety of external
architectural façade treatments, mak-
ing it a versatile choice of construction


Embracing innovation is the need of

the hour. Lesser deadlines and eco-
nomical hindrances have forced us to Light gauge Steel framing

04 January 2022 • Constrofacilitator


ings with this new technology will offer

various environmental benefits such as
less energy is required to produce steel
against concrete materials, cropping
down of CO2 emissions against con-
crete structures and the ability to recy-
cle the steel used to build the structure
at the end of its life cycle.

Application of Light gauge steel struc-

tures ranges from Multi-storey build-
ings stories, affordable housing, gov-
ernment housing projects, hotels &
resorts, apartment Buildings, repetitive
office buildings, mixed-use retail pro-
jects, student accommodation,
assisted living communities, large
affordable villa projects and relief &
rebuilding after disasters.

The advantage LGSF in a span are: Light gauge Steel framing

Ÿ Build ability: The usage of light construction. Moreover, it can be without heavy tools or equipment.
gauge steel structures lessens on easily handled and moved from one Every component can easily be car-
field works, decreases material place to another. ried by hand - a house is like a car-
wastage and enhances the quality Ÿ Safety: LGS possess huge safety pentry job on a larger scale. The
of the structure. for inhabitants. It is fire resistant and main tool is a light, handheld screw
Ÿ Speed: LGS takes less construc- noncombustible. Cold-formed gun.
tion time with comparison to bricks steel buildings perform better dur- Ÿ Design Flexibility: LGS offers flexi-
or concrete blocks construction. It ing natural disasters. Due to its light bility in design as larger span
overall saves up to 30% time for a weight, buildings are designed for lengths are available due to less
project. higher seismic and wind load. weight of structure and space utili-
Ÿ Strong but Lightweight: LGS pos- Ÿ Easy to Remodel: Remodeling of zation is increased. It is able to
sess the high strength to weight light gauge steel component can shape itself into any form and can
ratio than any other material used be easily attained especially parti- be clad and insulated with a wide
for constructing buildings. Due to tion walls can be easily shuffled, range of materials.
this, a large amount of reinforce- detached or even changed. They Ÿ Consistent Material Costs: Light
ment is saved during foundation are light and allow quick building gauge steel members are continu-
ously available due to which price
fluctuations are minimum. More-
over, LGS costs lesser as com-
pared to other construction materi-
als. Reduced construction dura-
tion, reduced labor costs, reduced
scrap and reduced construction
waste makes it efficient and cost-

System flexibility and Aesthetic


Steel is beautiful stuff to build with.

Watching a building come together,
whether it’s a residential dwelling or a
Light gauge Steel framing commercial structure, is thrilling, and

January 2022 • Constrofacilitator 05


while there are a plethora of elements

that go into the process, structural steel
plays a most important role in shaping
aesthetics. When it comes to aesthet-
ics, steel is incredibly versatile. From
the most basic structures to complex
and ornate designs, steel is lauded by
architects for its unsurpassed flexibility.
Not only can steel be fabricated into
custom, non-linear shapes to adhere
to the creative flair of designers and
architects, but its impressive strength
to weight ratio means it is able to span
large distances while still maintaining
its structural integrity.

Light gauge Steel framing

Light gauge steel construction is find-
ing an increasing number of takers is within the building by simply moving Ÿ Hybrid Construction
because of its flexibility. Contrary to interior walls which do not require
popular perception steel does lend demolition as opposed to other meth- The market potential
itself to a myriad of architectural possi- ods. They can also be disassembled
bilities. Steel is also flexible enough to and reused or recycled unlike, for exam- The use of these framing products pro-
be adaptable to rapidly changing life- ple, insulated concrete formwork walls. vides ease of installation along with a
styles. For example, partition walls in Whilst there are benefits to using light reduction in the cumulative project
residencies or commercial buildings gauge steel there are also disadvan- completion period owing to prefabri-
could be changed or removed in order tages including the metals thermal con- cated structures, which is anticipated
to meet changing requirements, some- ductivity. to drive product demand significantly
thing that is not possible with concrete. over the next few years. The need to
Additionally, steel is also long lasting, LGSF’s Application: lower the production costs involved in
being highly resistant to corrosion. the construction of buildings is also esti-
Moreover, since steel is not hidden Ÿ Residential Projects mated to be one of the key factors
inside the concrete, in the case of steel Ÿ Light Commercial Construction responsible for market growth. The ris-
buildings, it can always be checked Ÿ Healthcare & Medical Facilities ing need to reduce the cost is pro-
too. Ÿ Bathroom Pods jected to result in the development of
Ÿ Drywall refined materials and manufacturing
Light gauge steel long roof and floor Ÿ Solar Panel Mounting processes, ultimately increasing prod-
span capabilities also add to its diver- Ÿ Educational Buildings uct adoption across the globe. Over
sity. Rooms can be changed around Ÿ Hospitality the coming years, the product is esti-
mated to have an increased scope of
application in commercial buildings
owing to improved strength of framing
material, facilitating its use in the con-
struction of buildings with more than
three floors. Many factors drive this mar-
ket. One of the prime factors is market-
ing the technology, not the company.
People have been appreciative of this
approach. Secondly, there is a
demand owing to the Pradhan Mantri
Awas Yojana project.

Other factors such as lack of natural ele-

ments like sand, labour shortage, lack
of technical people on the project site
Light gauge Steel framing are also driving the demand for LGSF

06 January 2022 • Constrofacilitator


Light gauge Steel framing

technology. Transportation is also an designs too. No wonder steel buildings prices. Not only this, steel also helps in
important factor. Another important are in demand nowadays. The steel rev- shortening the construction period to a
driver includes the demand for high- olution has started in India. There is a great extent. Another major advantage
quality construction, since LGSF com- strong case for the authorities con- is the increase in usable space. Since
ponents are manufactured in a factory- cerned to propagate the goodness of the load bearing elements are much
controlled environment there are no steel buildings in such disaster-prone smaller in the case of steel buildings,
chances of low construction at all. zones. Light gauge steel construction as compared to those of concrete
has come as a boon to the contractor ones, the usable space in steel build-
Contractors these days want a combi- of today, who have had to deal with an ings is much larger. This way it is more
nation of economy, strength, and increasingly fluctuating economy, with efficient for the use of building space is
speed. Light gauge steel construction tightening purse strings. The prefabri- possible, leading to the overall econ-
provides all this, apart from enabling cated load bearing elements in steel omy of construction.
the creation of aesthetically pleasing provide for high quality, at reasonable

Etex acquires Horizon Offsite

uilding solutions innovator Etex UK markets successfully since 2016,
has announced the acquisition with continuous top line growth.
of Horizon Offsite, headquar-
Horizon Offsite specialises in light-
tered in Tipperary. This acquisition fol-
weight steel framing for buildings up to
lows closely on the group’s purchase of
five storeys, including residential struc-
Cork-based technical consultancy com-
tures, schools and hospitals. Its verti-
pany Evolusion Innovation, and boosts
cally integrated teams cover sales,
Etex’s ability to deliver offsite building
lightweight steel framing and framing
solutions in Ireland and the UK, helping With this acquisition, Etex’s New Ways
production and installation, with design
the company’s European modular ambi- division – which is composed of busi-
and engineering work performed in col-
tions. nesses and joint ventures active in the
laboration with technical consultancy
Based in Cahir, County Tipperary, light company Evolusion Innovation, in domains of offsite construction – is ex-
gauge steel frame (LGSF) player Hori- which Etex acquired a majority stake in panding its footprint in the European
zon Offsite has been serving Irish and April. markets.

January 2022 • Constrofacilitator 07


The advantages of LGSF structure in

earthquake-prone areas

he damage we associate with You might think that a skyscraper would be also determine its strength, and again, flexi-
earthquakes involves human- more dangerous than a smaller office build- bility is important. Wood and steel have
built structures: people ing, but in fact, the opposite is often true. more give than stucco, unreinforced con-
trapped by collapsed build- Here's why: The taller a structure, the more crete, or masonry, and they are favoured ma-
ings or cut off from vital water flexible it is. The more flexible it is, the less terials for building in fault zones. Engineers
or energy supplies. How a energy is required to keep it from toppling must design structures that can absorb the
quake will affect the people of or collapsing when the earth's shaking energy of the waves throughout the height
a city has a lot to do with how the city, its res- makes it sway. You can feel this same phe- of the building. Floors and walls can be con-
idents, and nearby governments have engi- nomenon while you're riding a bus or sub- structed to transfer the shaking energy
neered structures and pipelines. It might way. It requires less effort to remain stand- downward through the building and back to
seem obvious to say that earthquakes do ing if you flex your body and flow with the the ground. The joints between supportive
most of their damage by shaking the bumps and jolts than if you stiffly try to defy parts of a building can be reinforced to tol-
ground. Engineering the seismic safety of a them. When planning the seismic safety of a erate being bent or misshapen by earth-
structure involves the same considerations building, structural engineers must design quake forces.
as any real estate venture - design, con- the support elements of shorter buildings
struction, and location, location, location. to withstand greater forces than those of Earthquake-Resistant Structures
When the ground beneath a building taller buildings.
shakes, it makes the building sway as the en- Earthquake-resistant structures are de-
ergy of a quake's waves moves through it. The materials a building is constructed from signed to prevent total collapse, preserve

08 January 2022 • Constrofacilitator


life, and minimize damage in case of an stronger, durable and easier to build. It has Ÿ As steel is proved much lighter than
earthquake or tremor. Earthquakes exert lat- several advantages in earth prone areas as wood, earthquake waves are en-
eral as well as vertical forces, and a struc- discussed below; grossed through the application of the
ture's response to their random, often sud- LGSF system. Mass of the building is di-
den motions is a complex task that is just be- Ÿ For a building material to resist stress rectly linked to its high chances of be-
ginning to be understood. Earthquake- and vibration, it must have high ductil- ing vulnerable to earthquake waves.
resistant structures absorb and dissipate ity and the ability to undergo large de- The greater the mass the sturdier the
seismically induced motion through a com- formations and tension. LGSF buildings potency of the earthquake levied on
bination of means: damping decreases the are constructed with structural steel the building.
amplitude of oscillations of a vibrating that comes in a variety of shapes that al- Ÿ LGSF is lighter than that of concrete
structure, while ductile materials (e.g., steel) low buildings to bend without break- buildings which means that the earth-
can withstand considerable inelastic defor- ing. quake potency executed on the build-
mation. Care must be taken to provide built- Ÿ The sustainability of light gauge steel ings is five times lighter.
in tolerance for some structural damage, re- frames suggests that the steel struc- Ÿ Due to its extraordinary strength to
sist lateral loading through stiffeners (diag- tures made from cold bearings are suit- weight ratio, LGSF is highly apt for add-
onal sway bracing), and allow areas of the able for earthquake-prone areas. LGSF ing supplementary floors to prevailing
building to move somewhat independently. structures are fabricated using cold- buildings.
To design an earthquake-proof building, en- formed steel frames which have a Ÿ LGSF buildings are strong which indi-
gineers need to reinforce the structure and higher tensile strength. cates that they are undeniably more re-
counteract an earthquake's forces. Since Ÿ LGSF system enables manufacturers to sistant to seismic waves than conven-
earthquakes release energy that pushes on produce lightweight but high tensile tion-built buildings as it does meet In-
a building from one direction, the strategy is steel sheets. The sheet surface is ternational Standards. As each assem-
to have the building push the opposite way. coated with alloys that completely bly constructed through LGSF is as-
cover the steel surface and seal it from sisted by accurate design and analysis,
LGSF advantage in earthquake-prone area the corrosive action of its environment. all seismic waves and zones are re-
This results in buildings that are more flected while designing.
The light gauge steel frame is developed solid, rigid, stronger, durable and easier
through a cold-formed process without the to build. Conclusion
use of heat. This process enables steel man- Ÿ Light Gauge Steel Framing is one of the
ufacturers to produce lightweight but high ideal choices of material for construc- Light Gauge Steel Framing is amongst the
tensile steel sheets. The sheet surface is tion for its physical attributes, light- ideal choice of material for construction in
coated with a zinc alloy that completely cov- weight, strong, durable, high damage earthquake-prone areas for its physical at-
ers the steel surface and seals it from the tolerant and construction-friendly tributes, light-weight, strong, durable, high
corrosive action of its environment. This re- metal. It is possible to design several damage tolerant and construction-friendly
sults in buildings that are more solid, rigid, earthquake-resistant features. metal.

January 2022 • Constrofacilitator 09


Fire resistance of LGSF Structures

ight gauge steel framing uses high wall panels and pre-fabricated story buildings up to 10 stories, car park-
cold-formed steel for the wall floor cassettes that are supported by ing buildings, and commercial spaces
frames to build a skeleton and the load-bearing walls. Volumetric or with a lower level with residential build-
covered with cement fiber- modular units are also manufactured ings, etc. The use of light gauge steel is
board with insulation in using light steel walls, floors and ceil- high at all these locations for its fire-
between the frames. It can be used for ing. resistance property.
both residential and commercial build-
Fire resistance of Light Gauge Steel Light steel construction is used for many
ings purposes. It can be designed with a
Frame Structures types of building from low-rise residen-
combined structure including PEB ( as a
tial buildings to multi-storey mixed use
primary structure) and LGSF frames as The light gauge steel frames are
developments. The use of modular con-
secondary structure or LGSF as primary designed through a cold-formed pro-
struction almost totally eliminates the
and secondary depending upon clients cess, without the use of heat. In con-
risk of fire associated with temporary
requirements. Light steel construction struction, the light gauge structures are
storage of materials. Modules do not
uses cold-formed steel sections for formed by lightweight but highly tensile
require temporary storage because they
load-bearing walls and floors. Light steel sheets. Light gauge steel frames
are craned directly into position, thus
steel framed buildings are typically con- can be used to make a load-bearing
eliminating the risk of fire during the con-
structed using prefabricated storey- wall, non-load bearing wall, roof, multi-

10 January 2022 • Constrofacilitator


struction phase. Also, the insulation and external) of a non-combustible or lim- and external exposure. The benefits of
internal fire protection is installed off- ited combustible nature. light steel construction in relation to fire
site, so there is no temporary storage of safety are:
How to estimate fire resistance?
insulation materials or unprotected steel
Ÿ Steel is non-combustible; it does
during construction. A structural element or product's 'fire not add to the fire load of the
resistance period' is dependent on the building.
The cold-formed sections used in load-
time (measured in minutes) it takes for Ÿ Fire protection for light steel fram-
bearing walls are typically C sections.
any of the below criteria to be compro- ing is typically provided by the
Floor joists can also be C sections but
mised. boards used for internal lining, e.g.
other solutions for floors, such as sigma
sections, light steel lattice trusses and Ÿ Load-bearing capacity - whether or gypsum-based boards.
composite slabs supported by light steel not the steel can support a Ÿ Fire resistance periods of up to 120
framing are also common. Light steel required load without collapsing minutes are readily achievable.
sections and prefabricated light steel Ÿ Integrity - the steel's ability to pre- Ÿ The amount of combustible mate-
panels are also used as non-load bearing vent the passage of heat, flames rial in a light steel framed building
infill walls in concrete or steel framed and smoke is much lower than in some other
buildings. The wide range of infill wall Ÿ Insulation - the steel's capability to forms of construction.
applications includes multi-storey withstand exposure to rising tem- Ÿ Modules and pre-boarded light
offices, educational, health and residen- perature steel panels are fire protected
tial buildings. Steel is resistant to fire as it before delivery to site.
Fire resistance benefit of LGSF Ÿ Light steel floors, walls and mod-
does not burn or support combustion,
so the finished building will be a much LGSF components are designed to be ules are easily repairable after small
lower fire risk. In the unlikely event of a resistant to a potential fire inside the fires.
fire, the spread would be much slower building; in some situations it is also Ÿ The fire risk during construction is
in a steel frame construction. Special necessary to consider protection from much lower for light steel framing
fire external to the building. The fire than for some forms of construc-
flame retardant coatings can be used to
resistance period of a given wall con- tion.
increase this property too as well as uti-
lising building boards (internal and struction will be different for internal In the event of a fire, the material prop-
erties of steel change, and it undergoes
a process known as thermal expansion.
During this process, its colour changes
according to its temperature. After the
fire has been extinguished or naturally
comes to an end, the steel will
endeavour to contract back to its origi-
nal shape, presuming the deformations
are elastic. Otherwise, a permanent set
may occur, which is another factor that
threatens its integrity, along with its
original and residual loads. LGSF proves
to be better in a way it performs as a
better fire resistant.
Steel structures often behave better in
fire because of the development of
alternative load paths. On the other
hand, complex and unusual steel struc-
tures might behave worse than stan-
dard fire tests suggest, owing to ther-
mal expansion of the surrounding mate-
rials. LGSF has been validated to be
extensively safer than conventional sys-
tems of construction because of more
restricted operations and eminence of
being fire resistant.

January 2022 • Constrofacilitator 11


The Adoption of
LGSF Technology
in India
Vidur Chandra,
Managing Director
Stratus Steel
LGSF division of MGI India

he LGSF technology LGSF comes with various advan- aging Director, Stratus Steel, LGSF
has seen a rapid rise tages and can be used in an array of division of MGI India. He believes
in the demand for applications. One of the renowned that LGSF has far better scope in the
mass affordable organisation providing LGSF tech- contemporary world and it mustn't
housing projects. nology in India is Stratus Steel. be limited to one company keeping
There is a need for it within closed doors. This is when
The organisation is a pioneer in mod-
rapid construction with precision, he got Stratus Steel in as another
ular operation theatre manufactur-
LGSF provides just that. Its ease of brand to expand his canvas and fur-
ers with over 35 years of experience
installation along with a reduction in ther the scope of work. During the
and expertise in light gauge steel
the cumulative project completion conversation, he shared insights on
framing, cold-rolled sections, dry-
period owing to prefabricated struc- the adoption of LGSF technology,
wall construction, roofing solutions,
tures is anticipated to drive product the benefits of cold-formed steel,
etc. in India. The organisation also
demand significantly over the next market drivers for LGSF solutions in
provides LGSF design support and
few years. The need to lower the pro- India and much more.
an array of comprehensive back-
duction costs involved in the con-
end support for all LGSF projects. Here are the excerpts of the inter-
struction of buildings is also esti-
mated to be one of the key factors Constrofacilitator had a one-to-one
responsible for market growth. discussion with Vidur Chandra, Man- How LGSF technology is growing

12 January 2022 • Constrofacilitator


and getting adopted in India? Hence, there is an immediate need strates can last hundreds of years
to create more awareness among without any deterioration.
According to a recent study, prefab-
the common people, popularise the
ricated steel construction covers Stability.
concept and extensively adopt pre-
only 25% of the overall Indian real
fabricated structures to increase Due to its consistent chemistry,
estate market and sums up to about
efficiency. quality, and speed of con- steel behaves in a highly predictable
$150 billion. However, industry
struction, while reducing cost and manner when subjected to the
experts claim that the boom is yet to
additional efforts. structural loads and stresses
come for the prefabrication con-
imposed by high wind and seismic
struction method in India and sev- What are the benefits of cold-
forces. Because steel cannot absorb
eral other neighbouring countries. formed steel (CFS) construction?
moisture, its use also eliminates
LGSF is amongst the latest construc- Cold-formed steel (CFS) construc- most of the expansion and contrac-
tion concepts that have taken the tion provides cost-effective benefits tion of construction materials that
market by storm, but yet there are over the entire construction cycle produce cracks, warps, and other
various misconceptions about pre- due to lower insurance rates, defects in both internal and exter-
fab structures. Many builders feel shorter project cycles, predictability nal finishes.
that these are still relying on tradi- and accuracy of steel components,
tional building structures, but as the and improved design efficiency.
market is evolving, the market is get- There are many benefits of cold- Steel does not burn and will not con-
ting ready to accept this methodol- formed steel (CFS) construction. tribute to the spread or intensity of
ogy, and the scenario is changing. a fire. Because of this, cold-formed
steel projects can easily be designed
Currently, the primary users of the
Steel is inorganic, and thus impervi- to meet code fire rating require-
LGSF structures are corporations,
ous to termites, rot, and mold. A pro- ments. Non-combustible struc-
but with time these prefab struc-
tective layer of zinc and other metal- tures, like those built with cold-
tures are slowly and steadily finding
lic coating steel provides long-term formed steel framing, have a better
their way into residential real
durability that research demon- loss history than combustible wood

LGSF projects executed by Stratus steel using cold-formed steel

January 2022 • Constrofacilitator 13


framing. This often translates into ing reduces the entire weight of the
lower costs and broader coverages building as finishing is quite supe-
SFIA and other organisations con-
for many types of construction rior.
tinue to work to encourage the
insurance. Read more in this white
development of industry standards, Light Gauge Steel has given way to
building codes, and construction faster, affordable and quality
Sustainability. methods that maximize these homes thereby serving the PMAY
unique qualities of cold-formed purpose.
Steel is the only building material
steel framing.
that is infinitely recyclable. As a rec- What are the market drivers for
ognized green building material, How has the PMAY Awas Yojana LGSF solutions in India?
cold-formed steel framing projects project of the Government of
LGSF has stepped in as an innova-
can earn credits for green building India given impetus to the adop- tive and revolutionary technology
ratings such as LEED and similar pro- tion of LGSF technology? when older technologies were fail-
grams. ing in various aspects of construc-
Abiding by Pradhan Mantri Awas
Cost-effectiveness. Yojana's vision of 'Housing For All', tion.
the LGSF technology has been Light Gauge Steel paved the way for
Cold-formed steel offers cost sav-
developed around this ideology for faster, durable, affordable, and has-
ings on several fronts. By helping to
producing faster mass housing in sle-free solutions. Its unmatched
minimize fire risk, the use of cold-
India. The focus is on the 'double- design flexibility, as well as reloca-
formed steel results in lower insur-
the-speed' concept compared to tion & expansion abilities, have
ance costs for builders and owners.
the traditional mode of construc- proven game-changers for the con-
Additionally, panelized cold-formed
tion. LGSF frames are flexible, light- struction industry.
steel construction methods pro-
weight, and manufactured and dis-
duce shorter construction cycles, assembled off-site, they can be Light gauges steel framing systems
allowing builders to complete steel- quickly assembled and installed on- have advantages like adaptability,
framed projects months faster than site, making them ideal for mass off-site manufacturing, reusability,
with other framing materials. housing. This form of dry construc- recyclability, cost efficiency, and
Finally, framing with cold-formed tion also requires minimal man- resource efficiency making it one of
steel generates far less material power. For high-rise buildings in the most sustainable building meth-
waste than traditional wood fram- mass housing light gauge steel ods available today. Light gauge
framing systems can fulfill the
requirements of small buildings
with cost-effectiveness and envi-
ronmental friendliness making
light-gauge steel construction, a
technology with huge growth
potential and applicability.

Share insights on the advantages

of Houseable modular homes.

Houseable is an architecture, engi-

neering, and design firm focused on
building spacious, sustainable
homes best suited for you. We
Houseable Homes aspire to be one of the leading mod-

14 January 2022 • Constrofacilitator


effort in achieving your home are


Prefabricated homes are gaining

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from affordable living to adding
flexibility, what added advan-
tages are being provided by
Houseable prefab homes?

Our prefab homes comes with fol-

lowing advantages;

Ÿ One-stop solution provider

right from architectural services
to finishing
Ÿ Factory controlled manufactur-
Ÿ One of its kind Home Builder in
Ÿ Working with some innovative
cladding solution providers to
achieve the best results

Discuss a few challenging pro-

jects undertaken by the com-

Stratus has always developed and

supported new clads. For our latest
project, a 6000 sq ft bungalow in
Delhi, we used ferrocement panels.
Since this was our first time using
these panels on a project of this
scale, it was quite the challenge but
we powered through and built the
beautiful home for our clients. We
built a G+13 Bungalow, a residential
tower in Jammu, the first of its kind
as a hybrid structure. We used hot
roll for support and LGSF for infill
walls. We, with our partner in Kerala,
LGSF projects executed by Stratus Steel have been constructing 3 to 5 storey
homes under the PMAY. This has
ular homes firms in India. fully designed plans. been challenging in its own way due
We build using superior Light Gauge While our main purpose is to deliver to the fixed design and PMC guide-
Steel Framing (LGSF) technology a home that is built around you, we lines one has to consider.
and offer well-thought-out and care- also ensure your time, money, and

January 2022 • Constrofacilitator 15


Components of LGSF Structure

ight Gauge Framing System ings look similar to traditional RCC build- spot without loss, allowing for the dis-
(LGFS) or Light gauge Steel ings after completion. tance of construction site and transporta-
framing (LGSF) is a construc- tion circumstances. All anchors, hangers,
Different components of LGSF Struc-
tion technology using cold- tie-downs, bearing ledgers, etc., that are
formed steel as the construc- a fraction of the partisan structure are suit-
tion material. It can be used The LGSF components fabrication takes ably sited and attached.
for roof systems, floor systems, wall sys- place in factories as floor apparatus of
Wall System in LGSF:
tems, roof panels, decks, or the entire buildings are manufactured as galvanised
buildings. They can also be used as indi- steel profiles in accurate sizes. These pro- Wall system has provided an alternative
vidual framing members such as studs, files are consigned to the construction solution for regions requiring a higher
joists, headers, and truss members. Light
Steel Frame members can also serve as
both primary structures and secondary
structures. An example of the Light Steel
Framing used as primary structures is the
webbed steel trusses. Steel studs act as
secondary structures by providing lateral
support to exterior wall finish since they
rely on the primary structure for support.
Light Gauge Framing System (LGFS) build-
ings can be used as substitutes for
RCC/traditional buildings. It is used to cre-
ate frames for external walls, floor, inter-
nal walls etc. These are used as the base
on which suitable boards and materials
are used to cover the framing. LGSF build- Wall System in LGSF

16 January 2022 • Constrofacilitator


thermal solution and thicker walls. The Ÿ Wall Openings - Consists of internal which can be screwed directly into the
steel sections in the prefabricated build- and external doors. wall frame. To put that together, the roof
ings are cold-formed, which means they system typically consists of C75 and C100
Wall system preserves all of the advan-
are bent or brought in shape at room tem- sections.
tages of LGSF, including its lightweight,
perature. Wall system structures used in
perfect geometry, convenient and hidden The roof system in LGSF can be used in
light gauge steel framing are:
location of electrical and plumbing sock- industrial, residential and also the airport
Ÿ Load Bearing Walls: These structures ets, fast production and assembly, seismic terminals, as these structures are making
hold the upright loads of construc- capability, and moisture resistance. an exceptional dent in the construction
tion above or oblique roads safe- industry with its usage capabilities.
Roof System In LGSF:
guarding from the wind. Sometimes
There is minimum or no wastage involved
racking resistance is required, and it LGSF's roofing structure is exceptionally
in LGSF construction methods, and if we
can be in the form of bracing straps admired and adequate in today's era.
look at it from the environmental aspect,
or sheets. They are used in more or less all industrial
these structures have the least impact on
Ÿ Non-Load Bearing Walls: These wall and airport terminal building. Steel frame
the environment.
structures do not have to bear any structure can also be used in residential
truss loads as they are internal, and and educational buildings. High strength In LGSF, the roof is prepared of ozone
wall frame angle lintels are not marks in safer configuration, low uphold- friendly materials that have the least
important for openings. ing and gradual aging of formation. Add- impact on the environment. As the roofs
Ÿ Wall Cladding and Partitions- Joined ing to this less weight causes less move- are constructed by steel they could easily
to the peripheral flange of the steel ment. Steel roofing sheets need to be shel- be recycled in future which in turn
studs along self drilling screws. tered from corrosion, and are usually gal- reduces the requirement for developing
Ÿ Wall details and Connections- vanized or coated with other defensive lay- more construction material encouraging
Secures to the floor frame during the ers. a greener earth.
bottom plate following all panels
C75 and C100: Steel roof framing systems Another advantage of having an LGSF
that have been accurately aligned
are appropriate for all sorts of roof roof is that it can be transported easily
and plumbed.
designs such as gable, hip, dable, dutch and then assembled on site. These struc-
tures are fire-resistant and durable.
Flooring System in LGSF:
LGSF structure is specifically crafted to sup-
ply fire compartment boundaries and also
afford adequate fire resistance. Fire per-
formance data can be used in numerical
modelling in LGSF floor systems to build
up appropriate fire design rules. That is
why light gauge steel framing floors are
far and wide accepted in industrial and
commercial building construction.
With an LGSF floor system, site owners
can stay protected from all sorts of dam-
age while creating a strong base for the
building to stand tall on. The cold-formed
steel structures also offer cost efficiency,
construction proficiency and also protect
the building from any damage. The floor-
ing system can be shaped from C sections
as truss allied to C section bearers. The
floor truss can be crafted from a variety of
C section sizes.
LGSF confers a sturdy and stiffer support
for the floor board to be fitted on. This
helps to get rid of whiny sounds produced
Roof System In LGSF when floor boards are not accurately

December 2021 • Constrofacilitator 17


fixed firmly. It offers enhanced sound insu-

lation between the ground and the upper
floor. LGSF flooring can be more specifi-
cally used in the circumstances where the
ground is not even or split levelled.
LGSF components are manufactured to
precision, designed to withstand the most
severe climates of wind, seismic loads and
snow loads. Transportable to remote loca-
tions, these are an excellent replacement
to conventional RCC masonry work.
These are assembled from Cold formed
galvanised Steel “C” Profiles with a dry
construction style building technology.

Flooring System In LGSF

New Ministry of Defence complexes designed to be

eco-friendly: architects

he two new office complexes of
the Ministry of Defence (MoD)
that were inaugurated recently as
part of the Central Vista redevelopment
are state-of-the-art and energy-
efficient, with comprehensive security
management measures, according to
the construction firm GPM Architects &
Planners, which executed the project.
“One of the defining features is the use
of new and sustainable construction
technology called LGSF [Light gauge
steel frame] which reduced construc-
tion time to 10 months in comparison to
conventional Reinforced Cement Con-
crete [RCC] construction,” GPM said,
elaborating on the series of environ-
ment-friendly measures incorporated hutments and old buildings around GPM further said: “The terracotta
into the buildings. “A non-polluting, dry South Block and North Block. façade reduces solar heat gain, reduc-
construction method is used to make its ing air conditioning load and saving en-
To reduce the construction time, pre-
execution environmentally friendly,” it ergy by 30%. The main grid is con-
engineered structural members such
stated. nected to solar panels of 520 KWp ca-
as structural steel columns and beams
pacity and the solar energy generated
The two complexes at Kasturba Gandhi were used, GPM said and the building
is used for solar-supported street
Marg and Africa Avenue constructed at facade has been designed to be dy-
lights.” Additionally, the use of occu-
a combined cost of `775 crore have a namic with the use of ventilated
pancy sensor-based lighting systems
built up area of 93,000 sqm and were terracotta tiles to provide thermal com-
and air conditioning systems saves un-
inaugurated by Prime Minister fort. “Being a low maintenance material,
wanted wastage of electricity, reducing
Narendra Modi last month. Over 7,000 it provides acoustic insulation from out-
energy consumption, it said.
employees of the MoD will soon move side which reduces noise levels up to
to the new complexes from existing 15%,” it stated.

18 January 2022 • Constrofacilitator

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