Group Life Funeral Scheme

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Purple Group Funeral Scheme

This policy is designed to provide financial support to members of a group or association. An agreed
benefit sum will be paid to an individual by the association to provide support to a member who is
affected by the covered contingencies.
This is a plan designed to offer protection for members and their dependents (spouses/partner, children
and parents) in the event of death and can be extended to cover total and permanent disability for main
members of the group.

A group means a collection of individuals/members, no less than 50, that has a tangible and recognisable
commonality. All members SHALL receive the same benefits/package once selected by the group.

Membership shall be opened to all recognized members in the GROUP.

Scope of Cover
Cover is limited to:
• Death due to
o Natural causes
o Unnatural/accidental causes
• Valid group members, their spouses and parents. The policy includes coverage for a member’s two
(2) children below 18 years.
• Cover can be extended to cover members for Total and Permanent disability and critical illness at
additional premiums and age limits.

Payment of premiums
• Premiums should be paid for all group members as an annual premium
• Premiums should be paid by new members to be added for cover

Failure on the part of the GROUP to pay any premium on or before its due date shall constitute default
under the policy. Upon default, this policy and cover shall lapse and all cover hereon ceases.

This means the life cover benefit under the policy will be forfeited.

Termination of Coverage
Your insurance coverage will end automatically on the earliest of the following dates:
• The date a GROUP fails to make the required premium payment.
• The date a member’s Death Benefit is due and payable.
Claims Procedure
Hollard ensures that claims are paid promptly once the following procedure is followed. It is important
to Hollard that valid claims are paid within five (5) working days provided necessary documentation are
• Notify Hollard Ghana Life Company Limited of the death of the assured or other nominated insured(s)
in writing as soon as possible;
• Get the required documents as
• Proof of death
• Death certificate,
• Medical history/Doctors report
• Medical cause of death certificate;
• Total Permanent Disablement
• Completed Permanent Total Disability Claim Form
• Medical Report
• Clinical Evidence
• Critical Illness
• Completed Critical Illness Claim Form
• Medical Report
• Clinical Evidence
• The GROUP coordinator would then submit the above documents to Hollard Office.
• Please contact the Coordinator for the necessary assistance in case of having difficulties with the
acquisition of the documents.

No payment of benefit shall be made for death of an assured member directly or indirectly from or
consequent upon or traceable to:
• Any insured engaging in aviation other than as a fare paying passenger on a regular recognized air
• War (whether war be declared or not) mutiny, civil war, riot, civil commotion or insurrection, invasion,
hostilities, act of foreign enemy, revolution, conspiracy or state of siege. This exclusion shall not apply
to military training and mock exercises, peace missions home and abroad and any other military
exercise activity not specifically stated herein.
• The execution of a judicial sentence of death;
• Suicide or attempt thereat or intentionally self-inflicted injury whether sane, insane; unless such
death occurred after the policy had been in force for a minimum of twenty-four (24) months.

Cover Details
Death of Main Member, Spouse, Parents and Parent in-laws
• Natural, and
• Unnatural/Accidental.
• Policy can be extended to cover Total and Permanent disability and critical illness of Main Member
Life Insured Minimum Entry Age Maximum Entry Age
Member 18 65
Spouse/Partner 18 65
Parent 18 65
Age refers to Age Last Birthday. Where extensions are provided for Critical illness and Total and permanent
disability, cover cease ages will be provided.

Data Requirement
Minimum data requirements per insured life:
• Name & Surname
• ID Number
• Date of Birth
• Date of joining the scheme
• Date cover started
• GROUP Name
• GROUP membership count
Kindly provide; average age of main life, as well as additional lives to aid in premium quotation

The Contract
A Memorandum of Understanding will be signed by both parties; that is Hollard Life Assurance Ghana
Limited and the organisation. Thereby all correspondences shall be between both parties.

TEL: +233 30 279 9788 FAX: +233 30 223 7872

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