Closing of Cross

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In the Court of Metropolitan Magistrate

33rd Court, Ballard Pier, Mumbai

C.C. No. 10924/SS/2008

M/s. Anand Rathi Financial Services Ltd .... Complainant

Mr. Mohd. Iqbal Abbassi .... Accused



1) The above matter listed for further cross examination today but the accused &
advocate both are absent.
2) That the complainant company has filed affidavit of its authorized representative
on 25/04/2013.

3) That the advocate of accused done cross examination on

23/11/2015,02/12/2015, 19/07/2016 & 06/09/2017. On the hearing date
06/09/2017 accused advocate given undertaking that matter should be kept on
afternoon so that he must completed cross examination.

4) However, on hearing date i. e. on 09/10/2017, the advocate of the accused has

again taken adjournment. The Hon’ble Court has allowed the request for
adjournment by putting cost on the accused.

5) That complainant company already submitted documents u/s. 91 of C.R.P.C on

23/02/2016 but advocate not appears last several dates before this Hon’ble
court. Hence we are requested to Hon’ble Court to close cross examination &
adjourn for further procedure.

6) That the Accused despite of having knowledge of further cross examination of

the complainant has ignored to appear before the Hon’ble Court and is
intentionally trying to delay the court proceedings.

In light of the aforesaid, it is most humbly prayed that this Hon’ble Court be
closed further cross examination & pleased to issue Non-Bailable Warrant
against the accused above named to secure presence of the accused & hum
dust may be allowed to the complainant.

For this act of kindness, the complainant shall forever pray.

Dated this ___ day of _______, 2017

Chetan Nagda

Farkhanda Sayed
Advocate for Complainant

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