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Extension Education and Agricultural Extension – Meaning, Definition,

Scope and Importance

 The term Extension stems from Latin root

ex means ‘Out’ and tensio means ‘Stretching’

Extension means : Stretching out

 Extension is Out- of- school education system

 Extension is a type of education which is stretched out to the people in the rural

 Extension is education and its purpose is to change the attitude and behaviour of

to whom the work is done.

 Extension is an integral part of Education.

 The term extension originated in England in 1866

(James Stuart – Father of University extension, in India Paul Leagns is considered as Father of
Extension Education)

 The extension system was first adopted 1873 by Cambridge university.

Education :

Education is the process of bringing desirable change into the behavior of human beings.

Behaviour is a product of = Knowledge +Attitude + Skill

Types of Education

1. Informal Education :

2. Formal Education

3. Non-formal Education

Extension Education

Extension Education is an applied science, consisting of contents derived from researches, accumulated
field experiences and relevant principles drawn from behavioural sciences, synthesized with useful
technology in a body of philosophy, principles, content and methods focused on the problems of out-of-
school education for adults and youths. By J.Paul Leagans
Agricultural Extension

Agricultural Extension” is a special branch of extension which deals with the economic and social aspects
of people engaged in or associated with agriculture.

Need for Extension

 To ensure Agrl. Development

 To teach New technologies

 To implement development schemes

 To Understand Farmers’ ability to enhance adoption.

 To Link Research and farmers

Scope of Extension Education

It includes all activities of rural development. So extension programmes should be dynamic and
flexible. The areas indicating scope of Extension are listed below:

1. Increasing efficiency in agricultural production.

2. Increasing  efficiency  in marketing, distribution and  utilization of agricultural inputs and outputs

3. Conservation, development and use of natural resources.

4. Proper farm and home management

5. Better family living.

6. Youth development.

7. Leadership development.

8. Community and rural development.

9. Improving public affairs for all round development.

Importance of Extension Education

Technology involvement- Due to extension, people know ‘how to teach’ and ‘what is teach’ so
that the people can be encouraged to adopt new research techniques easily.

Rural development- This education is primarily for the rural development. It means that to bring
necessary changes in the beliefs or views of people.

Building capacity- The basic important of this education is to empower all rural people so that
farmers can increase farm yields and improve their standard level.
Learning network- These networks can take many forms, from communities of practice to
arrangements that bring together farmers, extension workers and others involved in the
production of agricultural goods and services. So extension makes good developing

National development-  Extension helps to develop the nation. This development occur
according to peoples natures which given below in these four points:

i. Change in what people know – the knowledge of themselves, their society and the

ii. Change in what people can do – skills, mental and physical.

iii. Changes in what people think and feel – their attitudes towards themselves, toward their
society and toward their physical environment.

iv. Changes in what people actually do – their actions related to factors determining their own

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