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(BMG2033/ UOB3362)





1. Candidates must read all questions carefully.

2. The examination script consists of the followings:

Part Types of Instruction Answer Sheets

Questions to be Used
ONE 5 Long Essay Answer FOUR (4) Answer booklet
questions ONLY


(100 marks)
Time: 120 minutes

This part consists of FIVE (5) questions. Answer FOUR (4) questions only in the
answer sheets provided.

1. Organizational behaviour is concerned with people’s thoughts, feelings,

emotions and actions in setting up work.

As a future leader, why do you think it is important to learn Organisational


(25 marks)

2. A survey has found that Malaysian employees are overworked and sleep-
deprived, with 51% suffering from at least one dimension of work-related stress
as 53% getting less than seven-hour sleep in a 24 hours period.

Illustrate FIVE (5) recommendations to your company to handle stress and

emotion among employees having work from home (WFH) during COVID-19

(25 marks)

3. As Training and Development Manager at Schlumberger, you are aware of

different type of personality does affect work performance. Based on the result
of performance appraisal, you are decided to promote only the Type A
employee for better career development. Whereas, the Type B which under
your supervision will give close supervision and training to improve the level of
their motivation.

Based on the above case study, analyze the relevant theory of personality that
affect work performance with relevant examples.

(25 marks)
4. Human judgment and decision making are distorted by an array of cognitive,
perceptual and motivational biases. Recent evidence suggests that people tend
to recognize (and even overestimate) the operation of bias in human judgment
- except when that bias is their own.

As an ethical citizen, how can you solve issues related to misperception and
bias among the positive COVID 19 patient? Provide FOUR (4) types of
misperception and bias to support your argument.

(25 marks)

5. As the CEO of the company, you believe in multiversity of workforce plays an

important role in your company success. Discuss FIVE (5) differences
dimensions in the Big Five model with relevant examples.

(25 marks)


Understanding significance of organisational behaviour provides the association with
heading. In today's corporate world, hierarchical conduct is greatly imperative.
Understanding and anticipating hierarchical life is supported by a think about of OB. It
moreover helps in comprehending the nature and activities of people interior an association.
It is basic to energize work force and support interrelationships interior the association.
Expertise Advancement: Learning approximately hierarchical conduct can assist you upgrade
your abilities. This includes employees' capacity to ended up more effective and their utilize
of data. It moreover upgrades the work aptitudes of administrators and other staff.
Employee Motivation: OB assists in understanding the foundations of motivation and the
many methods for appropriately motivating employees.
Employee Nature: It is critical to understand staff and employee nature in order to
appropriately manage them.
Predicting Organizational Events: The scientific study of behaviour aids in understanding and
forecasting organisational events.
Efficiency and Effectiveness: The study of organisational behaviour aids in increasing the
organization's efficiency and effectiveness.
Identify the causes of "antisocial" behaviours: Toxic behaviours that can infect a department
and spread throughout an organization may originate with individuals; they may come from
the top down; or they may even be the result of external or internal influences. A manager
with expertise in organizational behaviours will be able to find the root causes of negative
behaviours and develop plans to solve the identified problems.
These are the few things we can maintain to reduce the stress and keeping the covid19 in
First thing is encourage employees workplace wellness. Exercise and healthy living are two
of your best weapons against workplace stress. Exercise takes employees' minds off the stress
of their job to focus on the task at hand. It also improves moods by increasing the production
of endorphins, the brain's feel-good neurotransmitters.
• Encourage employees to go on a walk during lunch breaks
• Subsidize gym memberships
• Bring a yoga instructor into the office once a month
• Offer healthy snacks in the office
• Give them some time to expose themselves.

Allow for flexible hours and remote working:

You hired your employees because you have confidence in their ability to do their jobs well
and in a timely manner so let them prove it. Your office shouldn’t feel like a cell, but rather a
place that facilitates getting a job done. Let your employees know that their job is defined by
the quality and timeliness of their work, not when they punch the clock.Allow your
employees to work remotely, and give flexibility for start and end times. This freedom is
great for office morale, and the policy shows employees that you trust them enough not to
Encourage social activity:
Employees spend a lot of time together, and the more comfortable they are, the less stress
they will feel. As co-workers get to know each other, expectations and communication
barriers are broken down, greasing the wheels for easier future interactions.
Recognize your employees:
Employee’s love being praised for a job well done, and recognizing their success results in a
serious boost in engagement. Each employee has a different personality, so be mindful when
considering how and when to recognize. Some employees appreciate a call-out during a
meeting or praise in a company-wide email, while more reserved types might prefer a card on
their desk or a thank you in person. However, you choose to recognize, your employees will
appreciate that you are aware off their success and want to share it with others. This makes
them happier and more comfortable, in turn lowering stress levels.
Include employees in decision making: you have to include every worker in decision making
so that they feel responsible they will act accordingly to improve and help in the work
There are many things we can get in our mind when we get through the case study. And that
is very important when it is effecting work performance.
Performance appraisal is an evaluation process that is essential and critical for an
organization as well as employees. It is highly motivating for employees to deliver good
results. Generally, employees are evaluated and reviewed on their performance as and when
needed. Some organizations do weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually.
However, performance appraisal is not so frequent. Appraisal refers to uplifting the value.
Largely, appraisal happens along with some monetary changes in employee compensation.
Performance appraisal is a process that is cultivated by almost all organizations at their
capacity. However, it is not driven by law or a mandatory norm. Most companies perform
this once a year correlating to match with the minimum wages act, which is revised annually.
As employees look to use what they know about their personalities to grow in their careers,
the most important of the “big five” traits to focus on are conscientiousness and neuroticism.
Highly conscientious, emotionally stable people tend to see more success at work.
Some people have a larger challenge than others, but people can exhibit a remarkable ability
to change specific behaviors, especially when given insight into how their personality
patterns are perceived
His research also indicates that being adaptable and adjusting how one interacts with others to
fit certain situations – a concept known as “self-monitoring” – also helps fuel workplace
success. High self-monitors” are approached more often for friendship, information and
advice and are more likely to bridge gaps between disconnected friends. On the other hand,
those who are inflexible (“low selfmonitors”) may find it challenging to meet the different
standards that people expect in various social scenarios.
Not everyone may appreciate the one style that you present in every situation. You may have
to present yourself in a slightly different light, engage others in a slightly different way, if
that’s not your natural proclivity.
How can personality insights help employees succeed at work?
Taking a personality assessment can provide basic information that helps employees better
understand their own inclinations and their colleagues’ or managers’ personalities.
One insight is just getting a sense of how other people see you, the areas that you want to
focus on are when there is a discrepancy between how you see yourself and how other people
see you.
Some employees may misjudge their negative attributes, while others may underestimate
their positive qualities.
These misperceptions are very consequential for your reputation at work. If you see yourself
as assertive and others see you as overbearing, it can perpetuate a pattern of behaviour that
hurts your credibility. Similarly, if you see yourself as an insecure person whereas others see
you as quiet and humble, that discrepancy is also important to know.
The four perceptions we can include here based on the situation are hallo effect, selective
perception, contrast effect, similar-to-me effect.
Hallo effect: it is the tendency to draw a general impression based on a single characteristic
that implicates the character like appearance intelligence and so on
Selective perception:
It is the tendency to focus on a particular aspect and ignoring others when encountering
another situation. This perception may have both positive and negative impacts.
Contrast effect:
Making comparisons with other people who performed either better or very worse than the
one evaluating.
Similar to me effect :
It is the tendency to gravitate to those similar to us and see them in a more positive light
compared to people who are different.

Multiversity of workplace plays a major role in a company success is a true statement. That
reflects on the company growth indirectly.
A company is where people comes from different countries and they origin from different
cultures where they all need to work together to achieve a team goal. This requires the mindset,
mentality, commitment and so many things
Big five model and its dimensions are the perfect examples that what people should exactly
needed for the right goals in the company :
• Openness to experience : that person who has that curiosity and imagination of being
• Conscientiousness: That person who is responsible, dependable, persistent and
organized in the environment.
• Extroversion: that person who is sociable, gregarious and assertive at work place.
• Agreeableness: Someone who is good-natured, cooperative and trusting while working
with their colleagues.
• Neuroticism : that person Someone who is calm, self-confident, depressed and insecure.

These five dimensions play a major role on a individual person and the group goal because
the person who has that curiosity and imagination of being creative will be doing the work
with full energy and commitment. And The person who is responsible, dependable,
persistent and organized in the environment will be responsible for his individual work as
well as the team development. the person who is sociable, gregarious and assertive at work
place will ask the other team mates for a help or assistance and will help the other team
mate without hesitation. Someone who is good-natured, cooperative and trusting while
working with their colleagues will keep the work super confidential and trust worthy and
will have a good understanding with the other teams. And the person Someone who is calm,
self-confident, depressed and insecure can be expressing what he is exactly dealing with
when he has an issue.

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