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J. Dairy Sci.

© 2022, The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. and Fass Inc. on behalf of the American Dairy Science Association®.
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Microbial and chemical composition of Cheddar cheese supplemented

with prebiotics from pasteurized milk to aging
Melanie Hanlon,* Jungmin Choi,* Lisbeth Goddik, and Si Hong Park†
Department of Food Science and Technology, Oregon State University, Corvallis 97331

ABSTRACT study demonstrates that prebiotic supplementation

of Cheddar cheese results in differing microbial and
Microbial and chemical properties of cheese is cru- chemical characteristics.
cial in the dairy industry to understand their effects Key words: prebiotics, Cheddar cheese, microbiome,
on cheese quality. Microorganisms within this fat, chemical composition
protein, and water matrix are largely responsible for
physiochemical characteristics and associated quality.
Prebiotics can be used as an energy source for lactic
acid bacteria in cheese by altering the microbial com- The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) re-
munity and provide the potential for value-added foods, ports that cheese consumption worldwide has increased
with a more stable probiotic population. This research by 5% last 4 years, and global cheese market revenue
focuses on the addition of fructooligosaccharides (FOS) is anticipated to escalate to $124 billion by 2022 (Gos-
or inulin to the Cheddar cheese-making process to alvitr et al., 2019). This FAO report attributes the
evaluate the effects on microbial and physicochemical majority of global cheese consumption to the European
composition changes. Laboratory-scale Cheddar cheese Union and North America, with per capita consump-
produced in 2 replicates was supplemented with 0 (con- tion expected to increase through 2028 (OECD-FAO,
trol), 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0% (wt/wt) of FOS or inulin using 2021). Of the many types of cheese, Cheddar and Moz-
18 L of commercially pasteurized milk. A total of 210 zarella are the 2 most-consumed varieties per capita in
samples (15 samples per replicate of each treatment) the United States with a broad use in fast food settings,
were collected from cheese-making procedure and ag- including for pasta, pizza, and sandwiches (Tejeda and
ing period. Analysis for each sample were performed Kim, 2021).
for quantitative analysis of chemical and microbial Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are part of numerous
composition. The prevalence of lactic acid bacteria genus under the family of Lactobacillaceae and other
(log cfu/g) in Cheddar cheese supplemented with FOS families that utilize lactose to produce lactic acids. Lac-
(6.34 ± 0.11 and 8.99 ± 0.46; ± standard deviation) or tic acid bacteria have a variety of applications in the
inulin (6.02 ± 0.79 and 9.08 ± 1.00) was significantly fermented food industry for products such as yogurt,
higher than the control (5.84 ± 0.27 and 8.48 ± 0.06) cheese, and sausage due to their status as generally
in whey and curd, respectively. Fructooligosaccharides recognized as safe (Widyastuti et al., 2014). Different
supplemented cheeses showed similar chemical proper- selections of starter LAB (SLAB) allow for production
ties to the control cheese, whereas inulin-supplemented of fermented dairy products with desired sensory prop-
cheeses exhibited a significantly higher moisture con- erties, enhanced preservation, and nutritional benefits
tent than FOS and the control groups. Streptococcus for health (Vinderola et al., 2002).
and Lactococcus were predominant in all cheeses and Although prebiotics are not broken down by human
2% inulin and 2% FOS-supplemented cheeses possessed digestive enzymes, certain groups of beneficial bacteria
significant amounts of nonstarter lactic acid bacteria in gastrointestinal tracts consume prebiotics for con-
found to be an unidentified group of Lactobacillaceae, tributing selective growth and activity of microbes (Al-
which emerged after 90 d of aging. In conclusion, this Sheraji et al., 2013). Prebiotics are primarily composed
of carbohydrates and fibers, such as resistant starch,
inulin, or oligosaccharides. Among them, fructooligosac-
charides (FOS), or galactooligosaccharides, has been
Received August 16, 2021.
Accepted November 16, 2021.
proven to selectively increase prevalence of lactobacilli
*These authors contributed equally to this work. and bifidobacteria, which are beneficial probiotics of
†Corresponding author: sihong.park@​oregonstate​.edu the gastrointestinal microbiota (Gibson, 1998). Inulin is

an indigestible carbohydrate, of a group known as fruc- Cheddar Cheese Making and Sampling
tans that contain glycosidic bonds composed mostly of
fructosyl-fructose bonds. Inulin is popular in asparagus The overall Cheddar cheese-making process is shown
root, garlic, or chicory root as a form of carbohydrate in Figure 1. Eighteen liters of pasteurized milk (sample
storage (Rocha et al., 2006). An emerging approach is milk) purchased at the local grocery store was mixed
the combination of probiotics and prebiotics together with 0.5, 1, and 2% (wt/vol) FOS or inulin. The SLAB
as synbiotics in an effort to maximize synergistic effects mesophilic commercial starter series Choozit RA21
of the two compounds through enhancing the probiotic and MD88 (Danisco) containing Streptococcus spp.
colonization or metabolic effects (Roberfroid, 1998). and Lactococcus spp. which were both included in the
Additionally, synbiotics have been proven to be more mesophilic starter cultures consisting of L. lactis ssp.
potent over probiotics or prebiotics alone toward posi- lactis biovar diacetylactis, L. lactis ssp. lactis, L. lactis
tive regulation in the gut microbiota (Saulnier et al., ssp. cremoris, and S. thermophilus were added at 1.6 ×
2008). 106 cfu/mL and 2.0 × 106 cfu/mL into the pasteurized
Understanding the chemical and microbial composi- milk, respectively. One hour after SLAB inoculation
tions of cheese is essential in the dairy industry, as specific into milk, samples were collected (sample 1-h culture),
microorganisms or chemical components in the product 0.01% rennet (vol/wt) was added and milk was allowed
contribute to beneficial sensory aspects, whereas others to coagulate for 45 min. The coagulum was then cut
may inversely contribute to off flavors or reduce quality into 1.0 × 1.0-inch cube-shaped curds, and then were
via spoilage; this is of particular relevance in fermented simultaneously stirred and heated from 32 to 37°C for
and aged foods (Mayo et al., 2014). Development and 45 min. After this cook step, whey was slowly drained
optimization of high throughput sequencing (HTS) from curds ensuring the pH 6.3 before allowing all whey
technology allows the acquisition of extensive genomic to drain off, collecting a sample of the discarded whey
information at a low cost with high efficiency, having (sample whey). The curd was then cut into propor-
the potential to improve understanding of microbial tional loaves with a knife and rest for 5 min. Then
properties of the specified matrix (Yeluri Jonnala et al. cheddaring was performed until the pH of the curds
2018). The advent of next-generation sequencing has reached a value within the range of 5.3 to 5.4. After the
allowed for a deeper understanding and exploration of addition of clarified salt (3.5% wt/wt NaCl/total curd
microbial communities, or microbiomes, the combined weight), a sample was collected (sample curd), and the
genetic material of microorganisms within a particular curds were transferred to a mold and pressed for 16 h
environment. Next-generation sequencing serves as a at room temperature (sample fresh). The pressed fresh
reliable alternative to culture-dependent approaches for cheese loaves were vacuum sealed and stored at 4°C for
understanding the composition of cheese microorgan- 3 mo of aging. The cheese samples were collected for
isms (Choi et al., 2020a,b; Nam et al., 2021) and pro- analysis directly during production, and 10, 20, 30, 60,
vides further detail about specific genus present in ad- and 90 d (sample aging), after the initial processing
dition to organoleptic properties (Yeluri Jonnala et al. day. Each concentration of prebiotic and the control
2018). The HTS technique can indicate how microbes were produced in duplicate.
respond to cheese-making process, providing cheese-
makers with enhanced control of microbial growth in Chemical Composition Analysis
their products based on assessments of parameters af-
fecting the growth of beneficial and spoilage organisms Samples of FOS or inulin-supplemented Cheddar
(Solieri et al., 2013). cheese were collected after 90 d of aging for macro-
nutrient component analysis of moisture, ash, fat, and
protein content. All chemical composition samples were
performed for d 90 of aging only. Each cheese sample
In this study, we added commercial FOS or inulin (50 g) was homogenized in a stainless-steel blender
to Cheddar cheese and analyzed the microbial and (model 51BL32, Waring Commercial) until a uniform
chemical properties during the manufacturing process particle size was reached. Fat content was measured fol-
starting with commercially pasteurized milk through lowing to the Gerber Van Gulick method (ISO, 2008).
the final product, aged for 3 mo. Samples collected at Protein content was estimated using a combustion
each stage were analyzed to evaluate the changes of analyzer (vario MACRO cube, Elementar Analysen-
the microbial community, chemical composition, and systeme GmbH), and nitrogen analysis was performed
functional properties between Cheddar cheeses supple- according to the Dumas combustion method (Dumas,
mented with different concentrations of FOS or inulin. 1831). Crude protein was calculated by multiplying

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 105 No. 3, 2022


total nitrogen by a conversion factor of 6.38. Moisture sample preparation, 10 g of cheese with 90 mL of 2%
content of cheese was determined from 5 g of ground tri-citric acid buffer (C6H7Na3O8) was homogenized
cheese sample by oven drying at 120°C for 3 h under with a stomacher (Seward) and incubated at 55 to 60°C
vacuum. Dried cheese samples (approximately 2 g) until melted completely. The cheese solution (1.8 mL)
were transferred to dry oven and heated at 550°C until was centrifuged at 4°C, 13,000 × g for 2 min, and the
completely ashed for 12 h. Measurements were taken supernatant was discarded. The DNA from all cheese
after ashing and subtracted from the initial dry weight samples were isolated using a DNeasy PowerFood
to determine final ash content. Microbial Kit (Qiagen), according to manufacturer’s
instruction. The extracted DNA concentration was
LAB and Aerobic Plate Count measured using a Qubit 4 Fluorometer (Thermo Fisher
Scientific) and subsequently diluted to 10 ng/ul.
For microbial composition analysis, pasteurized milk,
milk 1 h after inoculation with SLAB, whey, curd, fresh 16S rRNA Library Preparation
cheese, and aged cheeses (10, 20, 30, 60, and 90 d)
were collected. Ten grams of Cheddar cheese and curd The sequencing library was constructed to target the
samples were homogenized with 90 mL of 2% tri-citric V4 region of 16S rRNA based on the previous report
acid buffer (C6H7Na3O8) and placed in sterile Stomach- (Kozich et al., 2013). The DNA fragments were ampli-
er 400 filter bags (Seward) to homogenize at 230 rpm fied using a high-fidelity polymerase (AccuPrimeT Pfx
for 5 min using a stomacher (Seward). For viable cell SuperMix, Thermo Fisher Scientific) and normalized
counts within the cheese solution, samples were plated using a SequalPrep Normalization Kit (Thermo Fisher
on de Man, Rogosa, and Sharpe (MRS) agar (Hardy Scientific) according to the manufacturer’s recommen-
Diagnostics) and incubated at 37°C anaerobically, and dations. Following normalization, 5 µL of each nor-
3M Petrifilm Aerobic Count (3M Corp.) plates were malized aliquot were combined to construct 1 pooled
incubated at 37°C aerobically. library, and then performed for quantification using a
KAPA Library Quantification Kit (Kapa Biosystems).
DNA Extraction Finally, the pooled library was diluted to 20 nM before
sequencing via a MiSeq (Illumina).
To prepare a homogeneous solution for DNA extrac-
tion, 30 mL of pasteurized milk, milk one hour after Microbiome Sequencing via Illumina MiSeq Platform
culture inoculation and whey samples were centrifuged
at 4°C, 13,000 × g for 5 min, the lipid layer was removed Each of the 20 nM of pooled library and 20 nM of
with a loop, and the supernatant was discarded. The PhiX control v3 (Illumina) were diluted with 0.2 N of
milk pellet was resuspended with 1.8 mL of water and fresh NaOH and HT1 buffer (Illumina) to produce the
centrifuged at 4°C, 13,000 × g for 2 min. The scraped final concentration at 7.8 pM. The diluted library was
lipid layer and supernatant were discarded. For cheese mixed with the PhiX control v3 (10%, vol/vol, Illu-

Figure 1. Flowchart for manufacturing and sampling stages during Cheddar cheese production.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 105 No. 3, 2022


Figure 2. Chemical composition of the control and each Cheddar cheese supplemented with the prebiotics fructooligosaccharide (FOS) or
inulin at 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0% (wt/wt). Samples for chemical analysis were collected after 90 d of aging. Treatments: C = control; 0.5 F = 0.5%
FOS; 1 F = 1% FOS; 2 F = 2.0% FOS; 0.5 IN = 0.5% inulin; 1 IN = 1.0% inulin; 2 IN = 2.0% inulin.

mina) and 600 µL was loaded on a MiSeq v2 (2 × 250 RESULTS

bp, 500 cycle) reagent cartridge for sequencing.
Chemical Composition
Data Analyses Moisture, ash, fat, protein, and carbohydrate con-
tents were analyzed for all concentrations of FOS,
Both demultiplexed R1 and R2 raw sequences were
inulin, and control groups (Figure 2). The amount of
acquired directly from the Illumina BaseSpace (https:​/​
carbohydrate was less than 5% of total composition in
/​basespace​.illumina​.com/​dashboard) and analyzed us-
all groups, as the majority of carbohydrates present in
ing a Quantitative Insights into Microbial Ecology 2
milk was removed during the process of draining off
(QIIME 2, version 2020.06) open source pipeline (Boly-
whey (ANOVA, Tukey P < 0.05). The moisture con-
en et al., 2019). Demultiplexed sequences were joined
tent of inulin-supplemented Cheddar cheeses (45.10 ±
together and denoized for quality control via DADA2
2.61%) showed significant increase than (P < 0.05) the
scripts available in QIIME 2 to make a feature table. To
control (40.59 ± 0.38%) and FOS-supplemented Ched-
perform further statistical analysis and visualization,
dar cheese (40.25 ± 1.82%). However, there were no
an operational taxonomic unit (OTU) table and meta-
significant differences between the ash, fat, or protein
data files were uploaded to the MicrobiomeAnalyst,
contents among all groups.
available at http:​/​/​www​.microbiomeanalyst​.ca (Dhari-
wal et al., 2017). Additionally, the functional contents
of microbiome data from different types of cheese Viable Bacteria
samples was predicted using phylogenetic investigation
Lactic acid bacteria counts and aerobic plate counts
of communities by reconstruction of unobserved states
(APC) were measured throughout the cheese-making
2 (PICRUSt 2) based on the Kyoto Encyclopedia of
procedure: pasteurized milk, milk from 1 h after addi-
Genes and Genomes (KEGG; https:​/​/​www​.genome​.jp/​
tion of SLAB, whey, curd, fresh cheese, and after 90
kegg/​) database (Langille et al., 2013). The STAMP
d of aging. The prevalence of LAB was analyzed on
software package (https:​/​/​beikolab​.cs​.dal​.ca/​software/​
MRS medium and increased throughout the processing
STAMP) was used to identify microbial relevant func-
of cheese but decreased from the sample of fresh cheese
tions between 7 different type of cheese, and it also
to aged cheese (Figure 3A). The quantity of LAB (log
can be used to generate principal components analysis
cfu/g) in Cheddar cheese supplemented with FOS (6.34
based on the KEGG orthology from PICRUSt2 analy-
± 0.11 and 8.99 ± 0.46) and inulin (6.02 ± 0.79 and
sis (Parks et al., 2014). The 16S rRNA sequences are
9.08 ± 1.00) was significantly increased (P < 0.05) from
available at the BioProject of the National Center for
the control (5.84 ± 0.27 and 8.48 ± 0.06) in whey and
Biotechnology Information (https:​/​/​www​.ncbi​.nlm​.nih​
curd samples collected during processing, respectively.
.gov/​bioproject/​; PRJNA753827).

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 105 No. 3, 2022


The presence of LAB in inulin-supplemented Cheddar

cheese after 90 d aging decreased significantly com-
pared with the control and FOS-supplemented Cheddar
cheeses (P < 0.05). There were no significant changes in
APC between the samples of fresh cheese and aged 90
d. Inulin-supplemented cheese (2%) showed the highest
level of APC after collection of the curd sample to fresh
cheese but then decreased during aging, following the
trend of the other analyzed samples. The final number
of APC is a higher quantity than LAB as 3M Petri
films allow the growth of a broader range of organisms
as opposed to selectivity for LAB on MRS medium.

Taxonomic Analysis

Genus level analysis of taxonomy in FOS-supple-

mented cheese illustrated that relative abundance of
Lactococcus spp. decreased throughout cheese-making
procedure, whereas Streptococcus spp. increased
(Figure 4B). The SLAB used for making all cheeses
included Lactococcus and Streptococcus. The 2% FOS-
supplemented cheese (Figure 4B) exhibited a signifi- Figure 3. Viable counts of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) on de Man,
Rogosa, and Sharpe medium (A) and aerobic bacteria (APC) on APC
cantly higher relative abundance of Lactobacillaceae, Petrifilm (3M) (B). Cheese samples were supplemented with the pre-
nonstarter LAB (NSLAB), on the 90 d (ANOVA, biotics fructooligosaccharide (FOS) or inulin at 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0% (wt/
Tukey P < 0.05). In analysis of the inulin-supplemented wt). C = control; 0.5 F = 0.5% FOS, 1 F = 1% FOS; 2 F = 2.0% FOS;
0.5 IN: 0.5% inulin, 1 IN: 1.0% inulin, 2 IN: 2.0% inulin.
cheese (Figure 4C), the same trend was observed with
higher abundance of Lactococcus spp. at the beginning
of cheese-making procedure followed by an increase in whereas prebiotic treatment and cheese-making step
Streptococcus. The 2% inulin-supplemented cheese also showed significant difference (Figure 6B and 6C). In
exhibited a significantly higher relative abundance of cheese-making steps, microbial community similarities
NSLAB on the ample aged 90 d (ANOVA, Tukey P < changed chronologically, and milk had a significantly
0.05). different microbial community compared with other
steps (Figure 6C).
Microbial Diversity
Bacterial Functional Analyses
Two different types of alpha diversity (Chao1 and
Shannon) were analyzed (Figure 5). Based on the Bacterial functional properties and their changes
Chao 1 index which indicates the estimated number throughout the cheese production process were predict-
of species in a community, the sample of milk was rich ed using 16S rRNA marker genes based on PICRUSt2.
in microbial diversity, however no significant differ- Of all batches, 2% inulin-supplemented cheese showed
ences were observed in other samples from 1 h after the only significantly different functional properties
addition of starter cultures through 90 d aged cheese (Figure 7). There was no significant difference between
(Figure 5A). Using the Shannon index to account for fresh and aged cheese until 20 d after aging (Figure 8A
both abundance and evenness of the species present in and 8B), whereas 2% inulin or 2% FOS-supplemented
a community, no significant differences were observed cheeses showed distinctively different functional prop-
between the control, FOS, and inulin treatments. In erties after 60 d aging (Figure 8D and 8E).
the cheese-making process, 1 h after SLAB was added,
whey showed the lowest index, whereas milk demon- DISCUSSION
strated the highest index (Figure 5B).
Beta diversity was quantified using the Bray-Curtis Cheddar cheeses produced with added prebiotics were
model to identify any compositional dissimilarity analyzed from the start of manufacturing with pasteur-
between cheese batch, prebiotic treatment, and the ized milk through the end of 90-d aging period. Chemi-
steps of cheese production (Figure 6). No difference cal compositions of all Cheddar cheeses are in line with
in beta diversity was found within batch (Figure 6A), previous findings of a study analyzing Cheddar style of
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 105 No. 3, 2022

Figure 4. Taxonomic analysis for control and each prebiotic-supplemented cheese: control (A), fructooligosaccharides (FOS)-supplemented
cheeses (B), and inulin-supplemented cheeses (C). Cheese samples were categorized as M (pasteurized milk), C (milk 1 h after addition of starter
lactic acid bacteria, SLAB), W (whey), CD (curd), F (fresh cheese), 10C (10-d aged core), 10R (10-d aged rind), 20C (20-d aged core), 20R
(20-d aged rind), 30C (30-d aged core), 30R (30-d aged rind), 60C (60-d aged core), 60C (60-d aged rind), 90C (90-d aged core), and 90R (90-d
aged rind).

cheese supplemented with buttermilk powder (Hickey diacetylactis, L. lactis ssp. lactis, L. lactis ssp. cremoris,
et al., 2017). The inulin-supplemented cheeses showed and Strep. thermophilus. Relative abundance of Lacto-
the highest moisture content across all concentrations coccus was initially higher in the aged cheeses but de-
compared with FOS-supplemented and control cheeses. creased as Streptococcus inversely increased throughout
This can be attributed to the capacity of inulin for the 90-d aging period. This initial low level of Strep-
gel formation, for which many food manufacturers have tococcus is largely responsible for acid production and
included inulin in gummy products or shelf stabilized formation of galactose during the cooking step of cheese
beverages (Delgado and Bañón, 2018). In this study, making, and these strains then persist through aging
inulin was added to the milk and heated to 32°C, which as Lactococcus strains decrease due to higher salt sen-
activates the temperature gelling properties of the sitivity and extensive autolysis in cheese (Michel and
starch and allowed a tri-dimensional network to form Martley, 2001). The microbiota of Cheddar, a relatively
with immobilized water suspending among insoluble firm and cooked cheese, is affected by moisture level;
crystalline particles. This property of inulin retaining as more moisture is excluded out of the fat and protein
water has allowed its addition as a fat substitution into matrix during aging, certain microorganisms such as
mozzarella cheeses and fermented sausages up to a 10 Lactococcus decrease in the less desirable environment
g/100 g (wt/wt) concentration without affecting aroma (Yeluri Jonnala et al. 2018). However, this higher mois-
characteristics of the cheese (Hennelly et al., 2006). ture does have potential to allow for survival of undesir-
However, the Cheddar cheeses produced in this study able organisms not typically found in Cheddar cheese,
was not standardized in protein-to-fat levels, which has such as Salmonella either introduced in production or
been previously shown to affect final product moisture aging (Shrestha et al., 2011).
content (Guinee et al., 2007). Nonstarter LAB was also detected in cheese samples,
The predominant organisms present in all Cheddar with significantly higher levels in the 2% FOS and 2%
cheeses in this study were Streptococcus spp. and Lacto- inulin-supplemented cheeses after 90 d of aging. Lac-
coccus spp., which were both included in the mesophilic tobacillaceae, the NSLAB identified in the 2% FOS-
starter cultures consisting of L. lactis ssp. lactis biovar supplemented cheese, can often be used as an adjunct

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 105 No. 3, 2022


Figure 5. Alpha diversity analysis with Chao1 (A) and Shannon (B) indices. Prebiotic treatments: C = control; 0.5 F = 0.5% fructooligosac-
charides (FOS); 1 F = 1% FOS; 2 F = 2.0% FOS; 0.5 IN = 0.5% inulin; 1 IN = 1.0% inulin; 2 IN = 2.0% inulin. Cheese-making samples were
categorized as M (milk), C (milk 1 h after addition of starter lactic acid bacteria, SLAB), W (whey), CD (curd), F (fresh cheese), 10C (10-d
aged core), 10R (10-d aged rind), 20C (20-d aged core), 20R (20-d aged rind), 30C (30-d aged core), 30R (30-d aged rind), 60C (60-d aged core),
60C (60-d aged rind), 90C (90-d aged core), and 90R (90-d aged rind). Batch replication denotes the duplicated production of each cheese group.

culture in cheeses to accelerate and improve texture in an adjunct starter can prevent variability between
and more desirable flavor during the cheese ripening batches, as seen in this study, and has the potential to
process (Awad et al., 2007). Raw milk often is a pre- accelerate cheese aging time (Gobbetti et al., 2015).
dominant source of NSLAB in aged cheese, however With increased moisture retention observed in inulin-
as all samples in this study started with commercially supplemented cheeses and availability of a hexose
pasteurized milk. These Lactobacillaceae likely entered substrate from FOS, these NSLAB would be able to
the milk through environmental contamination as sug- persist longer throughout aging. Selected NSLAB may
gested by Choi et al. (2020b), may have been present also have a competitive inhibition ability to pathogens
environmentally, and persisted during the aging process. potentially present in cheese, such as Listeria monocyto-
Although NSLAB can be responsible for undesirable genes, through production of bacteriocins (Panebianco
flavor and physical defects in cheese such as abnormal et al., 2021).
flavor or lactate crystal formation, the presence of these According to alpha diversity analyses with the Shan-
organisms is also important for distinct desirable flavor non index, no significant difference was found between
development and maturation in different cheese types prebiotic supplemented groups or batch replication
(Gobbetti et al., 2015). Commercial use of NSLAB of cheese. However, a significant difference was found

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 105 No. 3, 2022


Figure 6. Beta diversity between production batch (A), prebiotic treatment (B), and cheese-making step (C) using the Bray-Curtis model.
For panel B, treatments were C = control; 0.5 F = 0.5% FOS; 1 F = 1% FOS; 2 F = 2.0% FOS; 0.5 IN = 0.5% inulin; 1 IN = 1.0% inulin; 2
IN = 2.0% inulin. For panel C, cheese samples were categorized as M (milk), C (milk 1 h after addition of starter lactic acid bacteria, SLAB),
W (whey), and CD (curd), F (fresh cheese), 10C (10-d aged core), 10R (10-d aged rind), 20C (20-d aged core), 20R (20-d aged rind), 30C (30-d
aged core), 30R (30-d aged rind), 60C (60-d aged core), 60C (60-d aged rind), 90C (90-d aged core), 90R (90-d aged rind). Batch replication
denotes the duplicated production of each cheese group.

throughout the production process, with 3 different strains during storage of fermented products (Karimi
groups of pasteurized milk, cultured milk and whey, et al., 2015). Inulin source, degree of polymerization,
and curds through 90 d of aging. This shift is consistent and length has an impact on the activity of starter
with the taxonomic analysis and viable plate counts and probiotic cultures, as well as the pH of the cheese
performed and analyzed. (Karimi et al., 2015). Cheese supplemented with 2.0%
Using the Bray-Curtis model, beta diversity was inulin had a significantly higher level of alpha and beta
found to be similar between the control and 0.5% FOS- diversity, supporting both abundance and variety of
supplemented cheeses and between 2% inulin and 2% microorganisms.
FOS-supplemented cheeses (Figure 6B). Inulin has Differences in bacterial functional properties among
demonstrated a protective effect toward LAB, with groups of cheese (Figure 8) and any shifts occurring
the ability to maintain a higher viability of probiotic throughout the aging process were analyzed using 16S

Figure 7. Plot of functional properties for control and 2% inulin-supplemented cheese throughout aging. Plot was generated based on 16S
rRNA marker genes, using PICRUSt2 (Parks et al., 2014). PC = principal component.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 105 No. 3, 2022


Figure 8. Functional properties plot for sampling at 10, 20, 30, 60, and 90 d of aging. Treatments: C = control, milk 1 h after addition of
starter lactic acid bacteria, SLAB; 0.5 F = 0.5% fructooligosaccharides (FOS); 1 F = 1% FOS; 2 F = 2.0% FOS; 0.5 IN = 0.5% inulin; 1 IN =
1.0% inulin; 2 IN = 2.0% inulin. Plots were generated based on 16S rRNA marker genes, using PICRUSt2 (Parks et al., 2014). PC = principal

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 105 No. 3, 2022


rRNA marker genes using PICRUSt2. Throughout the ed by Oregon State University start-up funds awarded
aging process significant differences in functional prop- to Si Hong Park and BUILD (Building University-
erties emerged after 30 d and specifically a difference Industry linkages through Learning and Discovery)
between the 2% inulin or 2% FOS-supplemented cheese Dairy Undergraduate Research Program to Melanie
groups. However, no significant difference was found Hanlon. MH, JC, and SP designed research, conducted
in carbohydrate or amino acid metabolism between experiments, and analyzed the data and drafted the
cheeses. manuscript. MH, JC, LG, and SP wrote and critically
Nutritionally, inulin possesses several functions and reviewed the manuscript. All authors read and ap-
health-enhancing effects in foods that include reduced proved the manuscript. The authors have not stated
caloric value as well as prebiotic effects (Saulnier et any conflicts of interest.
al., 2008) and can be used for various applications, in-
cluding fat replacement, sugar, and texturizing agents REFERENCES
(Rodríguez-García et al., 2014). Due to the inclusion
of probiotic microorganisms in cheese this addition of Al-Sheraji, S. H., A. Ismail, M. Y. Manap, S. Mustafa, R. M. Yusof,
and F. A. Hassan. 2013. Prebiotics as functional foods: A review.
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its synbiotic properties, providing a product that may .009.
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Creamery Manager (Corvallis) for providing us equip- nar/​gkx295.
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Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 105 No. 3, 2022

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