Blue Book Manual

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Online logbook for Air Traffic Controllers

Software Manual

V 1.0
Version 1.0

Dated : Monday, 23 August 2021

Name Date Signature

Prepared By K. K. Chetia

Checked By

Approved By

pg. 2 22nd August 2021

Table of Contents
1. Introduction ................................................................................................ 5
2. Components ................................................................................................ 5
2.1 Central database......................................................................................... 5
2.2 Software layer............................................................................................. 5
3. Requirements for user................................................................................. 6
4. URL ............................................................................................................. 6
5. Interaction with software............................................................................. 6
5.1 Menu system .............................................................................................. 7
5.2 Input to the system, ................................................................................... 7
a. Date ..................................................................................................... 8
b. Time: .................................................................................................... 8
c. Text/ Remark ....................................................................................... 8
d. Select option:....................................................................................... 9
6. Implantation of online log book in a ATS Station ..................................... 10
7. Working with atc module ( 11
7.1 Registration .............................................................................................. 11
7.2 APPENDIX II .......................................................................................... 12
7.3 DATA entry form .................................................................................... 12
7.4 Adding a record: ...................................................................................... 13
7.5 Editing a record ....................................................................................... 13
7.6 Deleting a record...................................................................................... 14
7.7 GRID ADD .............................................................................................. 14
7.8 Recency Page:........................................................................................... 14
7.9 Stress DATA View ................................................................................... 15
7.10 My Log Book: ......................................................................................... 15
7.11 Exporting data........................................................................................ 15
7.12 Upload Documents ................................................................................ 16
7.13 Log Out Menu........................................................................................ 16
7.14 Reset Password....................................................................................... 17
7.15 Conflict detection................................................................................... 17
7.16 Time frame restriction for edit and deleting data. ................................. 18
7.17 Alteration of verified Duty ..................................................................... 18

22nd August 2021 pg. 3

8. Working with CHQ Module ....................................................................... 19
8.1 Creating other account for CHQ module ......................................... 19
8.2 Creating account for incharge module.............................................. 20
8.3 VSP .................................................................................................... 20
8.4 View ATCO ...................................................................................... 21
8.5 View Recency .................................................................................... 21
8.6 View Competency ............................................................................. 22
8.7 Search and filter ................................................................................ 22
8.8 Stress DATA ..................................................................................... 23
8.9 Posting History ................................................................................. 23
8.10 Logout Menu ................................................................................. 24
9. Working with Station In-Charge module ................................................. 25
9.1 Functions of In-charge module ......................................................... 25
9.2 ATCO data ......................................................................................... 26
9.3 Check and verify data........................................................................ 26
9.4 Recency of controllers...................................................................... 27
9.5 Competency ...................................................................................... 28
9.6 Proficiency Check .............................................................................. 28
9.7 Manage Sector .................................................................................. 29
9.8 Training Module ................................................................................ 30
9.9 Category of Trainee........................................................................... 30
9.10 Trainee List .................................................................................... 31
9.11 Instructor List ................................................................................ 31
9.12 Examination Record ...................................................................... 31
9.13 Training status ............................................................................... 32
10. Working with WSO Module .................................................................. 33
10.1 Welcome Page .............................................................................. 33
11. Working with Training cell Module. ...................................................... 34
Quick Start......................................................................................................... 35
ATC Module................................................................................................... 35
CHQ Module.................................................................................................. 35
Incharge Module ........................................................................................... 36
WSO Module ................................................................................................. 36
Training Cell Module ..................................................................................... 36

pg. 4 22nd August 2021

1. Introduction

The bluebook /Online logbook for Air Traffic Controllers (software) is

designed and developed for use in Air Traffic Services in India, which is
provided by Airports Authority of India. This software enables Air
Traffic Controller to digitally record, calculate and retrieve various data
for service and regulatory requirements.

This software also helps personal with supervisory and administrative

responsibility, by providing monitoring capability as well as with alert

Software is designed in a modular way so that most of the components

can be upgraded without disturbing other modules performance.

2. Components

2.1 Central database

MySQL v 5.7 or Maria database 10.4

2.2 Software layer

a. Primary/Base layer - i) ATC module

b. Station level - i) Incharge module ii) WSO module iii) Training

cell module.

c. Top level i) CHQ Module

22nd August 2021 pg. 5

3. Requirements for user
User can use any internet enabled devices with respectable
internet speed.

Grid add mode is not available in mobile devices.

CHQ level and Station level (for stations having ATCO more
than 20) may feel comfortable in devices having at least 22-inch screen.

All modern browsers are supported but safari may sometime

display inconsistent layout.

4. URL

atc module -

incharge module -

wso module -

training cell module

chq module

5. Interaction with software

pg. 6 22nd August 2021

5.1 Menu system
Software have three menus

1. Vertical menu: Most commonly used options are available in

vertical menu which placed in left side of the screen.

2. Horizontal menus: Less used optioned are placed in horizontal

menu on top of the screen.

In mobile due to space constraints horizontal menu is not

available and all items in horizontal menu is placed in vertical menu.

3. Logout popup menus: It pop up on top- right side of the screen

on click/tap on username or user icon. It is used for logout, password
change or for message system (only in atc module)

5.2 Input to the system,

A form for data entry can have different types of input-

a. Date

b. Time

c. Text/Remarks

d. Select option

22nd August 2021 pg. 7

a. Date: - System uses dd/mm/YYYY format for date. Date can be
directly typed in date field (/ is optional) or can be choose from the
calendar which appears on clicking calendar button.

b. Time: -System uses UTC timing without seconds i.e. HH:MM 24-
hour format. It accepts time from 00:00 to 23:59. for Midnight i.e. 00:00
UTC or 05:30 IST. if one enters 24:00 system converts it to 00:00 and
system can decide itself whether 00:00 is of current date or for next date.

Time can be typed directly (colon: is optional) or

can be choose from drop down menu by c

licking/tapping clock button.

c. Text/ Remark: To be typed

pg. 8 22nd August 2021

d. Select option: There is two type of Select option

i) Drop down list: - To be clicked on appropriate option

ii) Multiple Option button: - To be clicked for tick mark on

one or more option.

iii) Radio Button: When to choose true / false OR yes /No

(Above example is for YES)

22nd August 2021 pg. 9

6. Implantation of online log book in a ATS Station

ATC module can be use right after self-registration. But some

station specific data like SECTOR in ATS UNITS can be mapped
using Incharge module only.
As duty verification which is a mandatory regulatory
requirement, can be done from either incharge module or WSO
module, creation of incharge account in necessary.

Incharge account is to create by CHQ module.

Incharge can create WSO and training cell account.
WSO and/or Training cell account is not mandatory and all
functions of these two modules can be done from Incharge

pg. 10 22nd August 2021

7. Working with atc module (

7.1 Registration

in atc module ATC shall register him/herself.

USER ID: - can be a choice of user.

Password: - Combination of letter and alphabet and special character.

AAI Employee ID:

STATION: Choose from drop down list.

REGION: Choose from drop down list

Email: a working email. Once registered user id and email id is not

changeable. email id is very important as it used for Password resetting as
well as to give alert.

Upon successful registration user will receive a confirmation email.

22nd August 2021 pg. 11


After registration one can login in the atc module with his/her user name
and password. after first login user have to provide some essential
information by clicking on My Profile menu

It will open APPENDIX II (equivalent to physical logbook)

Click on Plus sign and make the necessary entry.

7.3 DATA entry form

There are three main data entry table/form in this module

i. Controlling for controlling duty.

ii. OJTI Instruction for OJTI

iii. Training for Trainee

In addition

iv. In other duty table/form one can enter duty of supervisor /

examiner which are countable for stress calculation

The menu Item in the horizontal menu License and Rating &
Competency are drop down menu

pg. 12 22nd August 2021

7.4 Adding a record:
Click on big plus sign.

It will open an Add form-

After making entry click ADD button. A

confirmation message will appear.

7.5 Editing a record

Some records are

editable for a time window.
Click on Pencil button to

22nd August 2021 pg. 13

7.6 Deleting a record

Deleting a record may be possible within a VSP time frame. Choose

record by clicking square box to the left side of the record. After selecting
click on BIN button.


In Windows mode (Desktop or Laptop) With add button one more

button is visible with a small plus in a box which can be use to enter more
than one record in the same time.

7.8 Recency Page:

This page will calculate and present ATCO recency of the rated units (as
mentioned in the APPENDIX II). It will also suggest minimum hours
required to extend recency.

pg. 14 22nd August 2021

7.9 Stress DATA View

It consists of

1. Block wise with data

in current block and Last block

2. Month wise data form 1st

July 2019.

7.10 My Log Book:

It is exact replica of Physical log book

With all the calculation

7.11 Exporting data

: All tables are printable in addition to that most of the tables can be
exported as EXCEL, WORD of PDF

22nd August 2021 pg. 15

7.12 Upload Documents

User can upload various certificate (License, endorsement etc)

7.13 Log Out Menu

On top right corner of the screen there will be User Name and total alert
(for recency and others) and number of unread messages.

Clicking on user name Logout menu will appear.

It can be used to

1. Go to message box

2. Recency page

3. Change Password

And of course

4. Log out

Log out from current session is always advisable.

pg. 16 22nd August 2021

7.14 Reset Password

If one lost his/her Password.

Use reset Password option in login screen. A link

to reset password will be provided in the email if it is

7.15 Conflict detection

System will calculate two type of conflict

1. Conflict with own duty. It will

prevent entry for duties in an overlapping time

2. Conflict with other controller’s duty. It will not allow duty in

same or overlapping time in same unit (or Sector if the unit is
sectorized). It will give error message with conflicting controllers
employee ID

22nd August 2021 pg. 17

7.16 Time frame restriction for edit and deleting data.

This variable system parameter as decided by appropriate authority will

restrict add/edit or delete .

7.17 Alteration of verified Duty

Once data is verified by Incharge or WSO module it locked for edit and

pg. 18 22nd August 2021

8. Working with CHQ Module
CHQ module is top level module. User of this module can interact with
all other user in this software system. Though the interaction is mainly
limited to viewing data and creating report and chart.

This module is coming with a build in admin account. From admin

account other account for ‘chq’ module can be created. From all account
it is possible to create account for station incharge to be used in
‘incharge’ module.

8.1 Creating other account for CHQ module

Using our login option in horizontal menu accounts can be created,

deleted or modified. These new accounts have some restrictive
permission and they cannot modify or delete other ‘chq’ account. All
passwords an encrypted and.

22nd August 2021 pg. 19

8.2 Creating account for incharge module
Incharge account for station level incharge for incharge module can be
created using ‘Add Station Incharge’ menu from horizontal menu bar.

It is desirable to make user id as xxxx_inc . Care shall be taken to use

proper and correct email id of incharge so that incharge can reset
password whenever require.

Password is encrypted and it is not possible to directly view.

8.3 VSP
Variable system parameter (VSP) are used for

i) Restrict user (atc module) for adding, editing or deleting a

record beyond a limited day
ii) Create alert.

pg. 20 22nd August 2021

8.4 View ATCO
All ATCO’s basic data can be viewed /filtered /searched and can
be export to various format.

8.5 View Recency

All ATCO’s recency can be viewed /filtered /searched and can be
export to various format.

22nd August 2021 pg. 21

8.6 View Competency
All ATCO’s competency data can be viewed /filtered /searched
and can be export to various format

8.7 Search and filter

All reports in CHQ module can be searched and filtered with various
After choosing required filter, need to press Search button.

pg. 22 22nd August 2021

If any filter is active in a page a extra button will appear. This ‘Show all’
button can be used to cancel filter.

8.8 Stress DATA

This table displays total duty hours of an ATCO in last block for
stress calculations

8.9 Posting History

This is a report of ATCO’s posting history.

22nd August 2021 pg. 23

8.10 Logout Menu

pg. 24 22nd August 2021

9. Working with Station In-Charge module

User name and Password for station in-charge is created in CHQ module

9.1 Functions of In-charge module

1. Monitoring ATCO’s recency and competency data

2. Verifying ATCO duty.

3. Creation of Sector if applicable.

4. Creation of WSO and Training cell account.

5. If different training cell not available – create list of trainees,


And trainee category, training module and data of examination.

22nd August 2021 pg. 25

9.2 ATCO data

In this default page all recency and competency data of an ATCO can be
found in compact form which can be expanded and have a master detail

9.3 Check and verify data

Data can be sorted name wise or UNIT wise.

To verify click on the pen icon.

(Latest 7 days data will not appear in Verify tables , to provide

opportunity to ATCOs to make correction if required)

pg. 26 22nd August 2021

9.4 Recency of controllers
On this page recency data of all controllers of the particular station can
be monitored. The displayed date [recency validity] is colour coded. 7
days and below are Red. From 8 days to 30 days are Blue.

22nd August 2021 pg. 27

9.5 Competency

ATCO competency record can be filtered /searched and exported to

various format for analysis.

9.6 Proficiency Check

pg. 28 22nd August 2021

9.7 Manage Sector

#sector shall be unique. Procedural and Surveillance sector shall be

differently marked. Where as in SECTOR NAME it can be same

For example, for sector UGT



22nd August 2021 pg. 29

9.8 Training Module

Different Station have different name and different number of training

module. Two different column one for short name another full name
shall be recorded

9.9 Category of Trainee

Like module stations have defined different category for trainee with
different duration of training.

pg. 30 22nd August 2021

9.10 Trainee List
Current list of Trainee with unit, and category of trainee

9.11 Instructor List

9.12 Examination Record

22nd August 2021 pg. 31

9.13 Training status
Displays trainees training status

pg. 32 22nd August 2021

10. Working with WSO Module

WSO module is subset of Incharge module: Incharge can create account

of WSO and delegate some responsibility.

10.1 Welcome Page

On log-in first page will display list of ATCO have one or More Rating
Expired for ready reference

All other menu option will perform as per in charge module

22nd August 2021 pg. 33

11. Working with Training cell Module.

This module is also subset of in charge module. Incharge can create

account of training cell.

All menu option will perform as per in charge module.

After Implementation of this software in all India basis. Other options

and functions will be added as per requirements.

pg. 34 22nd August 2021

Quick Start

ATC Module

Self Recency/Log
My Profile Data Entry
Registration book/Stress

CHQ Module Admin



Add station


22nd August 2021 pg. 35

Incharge Module

Monitor ATCO Recency Create WSO and /or

Account made by Chq
/Competency/Training Training cell account

WSO Module

Account created Monitor ATCO

Verify Duty
by Incharge duty

Training Cell Module

Account created by Training module, Monitor trainee

Incharge Trainee category progress

pg. 36 22nd August 2021

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