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Writing Part 1 Function language

11) Giving Advice:

Suggested prompts:

1. I would suggest that you+ (verb).

2. I suggest that you+ (verb).
3. You should+ (verb 1).

You have a PET exam next Monday. Write an email to your classmate Ali. In the
email you should:

- Advise him to study hard for the exam.

correct answer:
1. I would suggest that (you study- study- studying) hard for the PET exam.
2. I suggest that (you study- study- studying) hard for the PET exam.
3. You should (you study-study-studying) hard for the PET exam.

Unscramble the following sentences to make a meaningful advice:

1. suggest would slowly. that I you drive

2. every day. suggest you your I that do homework
3. would that see I suggest you the doctor.
4. suggest healthy you I that eat food.
5. smoking. Would that I suggest you stop
6. should You English. study well

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Writing Part 1 Function language

Find out two mistakes in each advice:

1. I would suggesting that you eating a lot of fruit and vegetables.

2. I suggest that visit your family?
3. Would suggest that you to finish your project.
4. I had suggest that do a lot of exercises.
5. Should eating a lot of vegetables.

Use the fragments below to write a complete advice:

1. Would/suggest/drink/milk.
2. Suggest/not drink/coffee.
3. Would/suggest/do/sports.
4. Suggest/go/school/every day.
5. Should/drive/ carefully.
Write a short message:
1. Advise your friend to save his money.
2. Your little brother has an exam tomorrow. Advise him to study hard.
3. Your classmate is sick. Advise him to see the doctor after school.
4. Advise your cousin to learn English.
5. Your English pen friend, Alex, is visiting Jeddah. Advise him what clothes to bring.

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