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Neural Network–Based Intelligent Compaction Analyzer for

Estimating Compaction Quality of Hot Asphalt Mixes

Sesh Commuri, Ph.D.1; Anh T. Mai2; and Musharraf Zaman, Ph.D., M.ASCE3
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Abstract: Continuous real-time estimating of compaction quality during the construction of a hot mix asphalt (HMA) pavement is addressed
in this paper. The densification of asphalt pavements during construction usually is accomplished by using vibratory compactors. During
compaction, the compactor and the asphalt mat form a coupled system whose dynamics are influenced by the changing stiffness of the mat.
The measured vibrations of the compactor along with process parameters such as lift thickness, mix type, mix temperature, and compaction
pressure can be used to predict the asphalt mat density. Contrary to existing techniques in the literature in which a model is developed to fit
experimental data and to predict mat density, a neural network-based approach is adopted that is model-free and uses pattern-recognition
techniques to estimate density. The neural network is designed to read the entire frequency spectrum of roller vibrations and to classify these
vibrations into different levels. The intelligent asphalt compaction analyzer (IACA) is then trained to convert these vibration levels into a
“number” indicative of the asphalt mat density at a given location. This two-step process eliminates the need for regression analysis and
produces more accurate density measurements than those reported elsewhere in the literature. Compaction studies of HMA mixes on a stiff
subgrade indicate that the changes in the vibration characteristics of the roller are attributable to an increased compaction of the HMA base.
The results also show that, with the neural network working as a classifier, the IACA can estimate the density continuously, and in real time,
with accuracy levels adequate for quality control in the field. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0000343. © 2011 American Society of
Civil Engineers.
CE Database subject headings: Asphalt pavements; Artificial intelligence; Compaction; Quality control; Vibration; Neural networks.
Author keywords: Asphalt pavements; Artificial intelligence; Compaction; Quality control; Vibration.

Introduction The importance of good construction practices and quality as-

surance in the field for achieving the desired levels of compaction is
The compaction of hot mix asphalt (HMA) with vibratory rollers is well understood [Hawaii Asphalt Paving Industry (HAPI) 2011].
a commonly accepted practice for increasing the density and the The improper compaction of asphalt pavements is one of the lead-
stiffness of an asphalt pavement. The rolling pattern adopted during ing contributors to the early degradation of pavements. The practice
construction depends on the desired “lift” thickness, the type of of extracting roadway cores to measure density also leads to an
roller used, and the properties of the HMA mix. During field com- early onset of potholes and moisture-induced damage in pavements
paction, the density achieved is usually verified by taking pointwise (Scherocman 1984). The ability to estimate compaction quality of
measurements with a nuclear density gauge (NDG) (Troxler an HMA pavement under construction has been pursued by many
Electronic Laboratories 2007b). Such readings are time-consuming researchers. For example, Yoo and Selig (1979) studied the dy-
namic characteristics of vibratory compactors and developed an
and rarely reflect the overall quality of the constructed pavement.
analytical model to predict the amount of energy transferred to
The viscosity of the asphalt binder in the mix changes with temper-
the asphalt mat during compaction. Machine parameters (i.e., fre-
ature, making it more difficult to compact an HMA layer after
quency and speed) were then altered to maximize the energy trans-
it cools below the cessation temperature (typically 132°C). This ferred, thereby increasing the level of compaction. However, this
makes it imperative to quickly determine the achieved density be- method did not yield directly the compacted density.
fore the mix cools to an extent that it cannot be compacted further. Researchers also have tried to study the performance of a com-
pactor by observing its vibratory response (Mooney et al. 2002,
Associate Professor, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
2005). Sandstrom [A. Sandstrom, “Control of a compacting ma-
Univ. of Oklahoma, 110 West Boyd St., Devon Energy Hall 432, Norman, chine with a measurement of the characteristics of the ground
OK 73019 (corresponding author). E-mail: material,” U.S. Patent No. 5,727,900 (1998)] used the frequency
Ph.D. Candidate, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and amplitude of roller vibration as it passed over the ground to
Univ. of Oklahoma, 110 West Boyd St., Devon Energy Hall 150, Norman, compute the shear modulus and a “plastic” parameter pertaining
OK 73019. E-mail: to subgrade soil. These values were then used to adjust the speed
Professor, Associate Dean for Research, College of Engineering, Univ. of the compactor and its frequency and amplitude. Minchin (1999),
of Oklahoma, 202 W. Boyd St., Room 107, Norman, OK 73019-1023. Minchin et al. (2001), and Minchin and Thomas (2003) estimated
the “degree of compaction” by comparing the amplitude of the vi-
Note. This manuscript was submitted on December 11, 2009; approved
on January 4, 2011; published online on January 6, 2011. Discussion period
bration fundamental frequency with the amplitudes of its harmon-
open until February 1, 2012; separate discussions must be submitted for ics. By relating the ratio of the second harmonic vibratory signal to
individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Construction En- the third harmonic amplitude, it was possible to predict a com-
gineering and Management, Vol. 137, No. 9, September 1, 2011. ©ASCE, pacted density with 80% accuracy, in some cases. To estimate den-
ISSN 0733-9364/2011/9-634–644/$25.00. sity, Swanson et. al. [D. C. Swanson, H. R. Thomas, and A. Olaufa,


J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 2011.137:634-644.

“Compacted material density measurement and compaction The “dynamic modulus” is defined as the absolute value of the
tracking system,” U.S. Patent No. 6,122,601 (2000)] attempted complex dynamic modulus, that is E ¼ jE  j ¼ σ0 =ε0 . This modu-
to account for some variations observed in the vibratory responses lus is useful for predicting the response of the pavement to com-
of compactors by considering HMA properties and site character- pactive loading (e.g., deflections, stresses, and strains within the
istics, in addition to the vibratory response of the compactor. The pavement structure, including HMA layers).
use of microwave signals for determining pavement density was The material model for the asphalt cement (AC) layer relates the
investigated by Jaselskis et al. (1998). In recent years, some of these dynamic modulus of the AC to parameters such as temperature,
techniques have been used by equipment manufacturers to develop asphalt content, and air voids content. The “Witczak” model (Ayres
commercial prototypes. The Compactometer (GEODYNAMIK and Witczak 1998) is a common empirical relationship used to pre-
2007), Bomag VarioControl (BVC) (BOMAG 2007), and dict the dynamic modulus on the basis of the individual compo-
AMMANN Compaction Expert (ACE) (Ammann Schweiz AG nents of the HMA. In this model, the dynamic modulus at a
2007) are some of the intelligent compaction tools validated by given loading time and temperature is assumed to be the elastic
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the asphalt community. modulus and depends on a number of design factors such as the
Intelligent compaction techniques gradually have been accepted viscosity of the asphalt, η, and the effective asphalt content %
by the construction industry; however, existing techniques are not by volume, V beff , and construction parameters such as the percent-
yet commercially available largely because of their inability to age air void. The dynamic modulus, E in 689,475.728 kPA
account for factors in the field such as the characteristics of the (105 psi), can be expressed by using the Witczak equation as fol-
compactor, subgrade characteristics, and mix properties that cause lows (Ayers and Witczak 1998):
inaccuracies in the estimated density. These unaccounted for
parameters make the practical application of the techniques diffi-
cult. In research conducted at the University of Oklahoma log E ¼ 1:249937 þ 0:02923ρ200  0:001767ðρ200 Þ2
(Commuri and Zaman 2008), a neural network-based strategy
was implemented to estimate the level of compaction. The intelli-  0:002841ρ4  0:005809V a  0:82208V beff =ðV beff þ V a Þ
gent asphalt compaction analyzer (IACA) developed in that study þ ½3:871977  0:0021ρ4 þ 0:003958ρ38  0:000017ðρ38 Þ2
was shown to be capable of estimating compaction density by using
an asphalt vibratory compactor in a laboratory setting. The neural þ 0:00547ρ34 =f1 þ e½0:6033130:313351 logðf Þ0:393532 logðηÞ g
network was shown to have the ability to classify the features ð2Þ
extracted from the vibration signals as those corresponding to
the densities of the asphalt specimen. Further, the generalization where f = loading frequency (Hz); η = binder viscosity at the
capabilities of the neural network enabled it to provide reasonable temperature of interest [100,000 kg=ðm · sÞ (106 poise)]; V a =
density estimates when presented with data different from the set air void content (% by volume); V beff = effective asphalt content
used to train the network. (% by volume); ρ34 = cumulative amount retained on the
In this paper, the validation of the IACA during compaction 19 mm sieve (% by mass); ρ38 = cumulative amount retained on
under controlled field conditions is presented. The hypothesis that the 9.5 mm sieve (% by mass); ρ4 = cumulative amount retained
a vibratory compactor and the HMA form a coupled system with on the 4.76 mm sieve (% by mass); and ρ200 = cumulative amount
characteristic vibrations during compaction formed the basis of the retained on the 0.075 mm sieve (% by mass).
IACA. To minimize the effect of the subgrade on compactor vibra- Even when the design parameters are fixed, the dynamic modu-
tions, a test strip with a rigid subgrade was first constructed, and the lus is influenced by the amount of air voids in the HMA specimen
functioning of the IACA was studied. Calibration procedures were compacted, as shown in Eq. (2). Because the vibration of the as-
developed by using vibration data and measured density from phalt compactor during the pavement construction is a function of
roadway cores. The performance of the IACA was then verified the dynamic modulus of the pavement, these vibrations can be
against the density measured with a nonnuclear density gauge monitored to estimate the amount of air voids in the compacted
(NNDG) (TransTech Systems 2005; Troxler Electronic Laboratories HMA. However, such estimates of the density assume that the
2007a), and the densities measured from the extracted cores of underlying subgrade does not have any influence on the nature
compacted pavement. of the compactor vibrations. If this were not the case, changing
subgrade properties causes variations in roller vibrations and such
variations cannot be accounted for correctly during construction.
Theoretical Background for Intelligent Compaction The neural network is designed to read the entire frequency
spectrum of roller vibrations and to classify these vibrations into
The behavior on an HMA pavement under traffic and environmen-
different levels. The IACA is then trained to convert these vibration
tal conditions is dependent on the properties of the individual com-
levels into a “number” indicative of the asphalt mat density at a
ponents and those of the volumetric composition of the mix. In
given location. This two step process eliminates the need for regres-
mechanistic-empirical modeling of HMA pavements, the stress-
sion analysis (Minchin et al. 2001) and produces more accurate
strain relationship under a continuous sinusoidal loading is defined
density measurements than those reported elsewhere in the
by the complex dynamic modulus, E . The complex modulus is
defined as the ratio of the sinusoidal stresses amplitude, σ, and
In the research presented in this paper, a test site with a rigid
the sinusoidal strain amplitude, ε. Thus, the complex dynamic
subgrade was constructed. This rigid subgrade did not cause any
modulus is mathematically expressed by the following equation
appreciable change in roller vibrations during the compaction.
(Clyne et al. 2003):
Thus, any variations in roller vibrations would be the result of
E ¼ σ=ε ¼ σ0 sinðαtÞ=ε0 sinðαt  ϕÞ ð1Þ the densification of the underlying HMA layer. The design and con-
struction of the reinforced concrete slab that functioned as a rigid
where σ0 = peak (i.e., maximum) stress; ε0 = peak (i.e., maximum) subgrade for the validation of the IACA hypothesis is presented in
strain; ϕ = phase angle (rad); α = angular velocity (rad=s); and the next section. The compaction of HMA mixes was then per-
t = time (s). formed on the top of this concrete pad in a controlled manner.


J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 2011.137:634-644.

Design and Construction of a Test Site for the frequency content of the vibration signal and the analysis per-
Controlled Field Testing formed by the IACA.

To minimize the effect of the subgrade on compactor vibrations, a Fast Fourier Transform
test pad consisting of a continuously reinforced concrete pavement
The frequency content of a continuous time signal xðtÞ can be an-
(CRCP) was designed to provide a stiff uniform subgrade over
alyzed by using the well-known Fourier transform. In the case of
which the HMA overlays could be constructed. It was anticipated
sampled signals, the discrete time Fourier transform (DTFT)
that the properties of such a subgrade would not alter during the
operates on a periodic discrete signal and relates it to a periodic
course of compaction. Thus, any changes observed in the vibration
continuous frequency spectrum. If x½n, n ¼ 0; …; N  1, is a col-
spectrum of the compactor during construction would be a result of
lection of “N” samples of xðtÞ obtained by sampling xðtÞ at a rate
the changing properties of the asphalt mat.
of f s Hz, then the DTFT Xðejω Þ decomposes the sequence x½n
The test site selected was a stretch of unused road on Mendel
into sine and cosine waves, with frequencies equally spaced
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Plaza near Max Westheimer Airport in Norman, Oklahoma. The

between zero and one-half of the sampling rate. The frequency
center line of the street was located and a section 7.62 m (25 ft)
spectrum of x½n is represented by Re XðωÞ and Im XðωÞ, with
wide by 106.7 m (350 ft) long was divided into five stations. A
0 ≤ ω ≤ π, where
total of 24 boreholes were selected to give better soil properties
distribution throughout the project. Dynamic cone penetration X
(DCP) tests were performed at each hole to a depth of approxi- Re XðωÞ ¼ x½n cosðωnÞ
mately 0.76 m (30 in.). Bulk samples were then collected at every n¼∞
15 cm (6 in.) down to 91.4 cm (36 in.), and the moisture content X
was analyzed. Standard proctor tests were performed on the col- ImXðωÞ ¼  x½n sinðωnÞ ð3Þ
lected bulk samples according to the AASHTO T 99 test method n¼∞
(AASHTO 2004). The maximum dry density (MDD) was found to
be approximately 1;675 kg=m3 (104:4 lb=ft3 ), and the optimum such that
moisture content (OMC) was approximately 19%. This information X

was used in the design of the concrete slab for the test site. Xðejω Þ ¼ Re XðωÞ þ jImXðωÞ ¼ x½nejωn ð4Þ
The existing subgrade was stabilized with cement kiln dust and
compacted to 1;675 kg=m3 (104:4 lb=ft3 ). The subgrade moisture
The discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of the sequence x½n,
content was also determined to be within 2% of the optimum mois-
n ¼ 0; …; N  1 is a finite length sequence:
ture content (i.e., 19%). A concrete CRCP slab 4.27 m (14 ft) wide,
106.7 m (350 ft) long, and 15.25 cm (6 in.) thick was then con- X
N 1
structed on top of the compacted subgrade. The completed test strip X½k ¼ Xðejω Þjω¼2πk=N ¼ x½nej2πkn=N ; 0≤k ≤N1
is shown in Fig. 1. n¼0

Experimental Setup for Use in Simulated Field Tests The fast Fourier transform (FFT) (Ingle and Proakis 2007) is a
practical approach to the numerical computation of the DTFT for a
The IACA functions on the hypothesis that the vibratory roller and finite length sequence and provided the power contained at each
the underlying HMA pavement form a coupled system whose re- frequency in the spectrum of the signal.
sponse is determined by the excitation frequency and the natural
vibration modes of the coupled system. To analyze the roller vibra- Experimental Setup
tions, triaxial accelerometers were fixed on the axle of the roller
drum, and roller vibrations were captured by using a data acquis- The experimental setup used to examine the changes in the fre-
ition system. The following discussion relates to the extraction of quency content of vibrations during the compaction process is
shown in Fig. 2. This experimental setup consisted of an Ingersoll-
Rand DD138HF dual-drum vibratory compactor (Volvo Construc-
tion Equipment 2011) instrumented with accelerometers, and a
real-time data acquisition system to analyze the vibration character-
istics and predict density. Vibrations of the roller during compac-
tion were translated into voltages with a triaxial accelerometer
capable of measuring accelerations along three orthogonal axes.
An accelerometer model CXL10HF3 from Crossbow (Moog
Crossbow 2007), capable of measuring 10 g acceleration up to
10 kHz, was mounted on the axle of the roller drum to measure
drum vibrations during compaction tests. The signal produced
by this accelerometer was then read by the data acquisition system.
The data acquisition system used, in this case, the xPC Target, a
rapid prototyping tool that can convert graphical models of data
acquisition circuitry into software that can be executed in real time.
The xPC Target is an Intel Pentium processor-based embedded
computer and is configured with Simulink. The Simulink software
is widely used for graphical programming and has capabilities that
allow for designing and testing systems with real data. Further-
Fig. 1. Completed test strip with CRCP subgrade (Image by S. Commuri,
more, models created in Simulink can be compiled to run in real
A. Mai, and M. Zaman)
time on different hardware platforms.


J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 2011.137:634-644.

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Fig. 2. Experimental setup: (a) compactor instrumentation; (b) functional schematic of analyzer

Fig. 3. Spectrograms of compaction vibrations for different process parameters: (a) Interstate I35—50.8 mm (2 in.) (S3–PG 64-22OK); (b) test strip
shown in Fig. 1—76.2 mm (3 in.) (S3–PG 64-22OK) on 152.4 mm (6 in.) concrete base; (c) Will Rogers Airport, Oklahoma City—76.2 mm (4 in.)
(S3–PG 64-22OK) on compacted subgrade; (d) Will Rogers Airport, Oklahoma City—50.8 mm (2 in.) (S4–PG70-28OK) on 203.2 mm (8 in.) S3


J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 2011.137:634-644.

The features extracted from the vibration signal of a compactor In the experimental setup described in this paper, a window of
are sufficient and reliable to determine the level of densification 256 contiguous samples was used to compute the FFT at each in-
achieved during the compaction process is the hypothesis on which stant in time. The window had an overlap of 128 past values. The
the IACA is based [S. Commuri and M. Zaman, “Method and size of the window and the overlap were fixed to provide equal
apparatus for predicting density of asphalt,” U.S. Patent No. resolution to the time and frequency content of the signal. The out-
7,669,458 (2010); Commuri and Zaman 2008]. The following steps put of the FFT was a vector with 256 elements in which each
were used to achieve this goal: element corresponded to the signal power at the corresponding
• The signals from the instrumented compactor were read and frequency. Because the original signal was sampled at 1 kHz,
filtered to eliminate noise. the frequency spectrum was uniformly distributed from 0 and
• An FFT was performed on the data from the accelerometer and 500 Hz. The upper frequency limit, 500 Hz, in this case, is called
the power in decibels of the signal at different frequencies was the Nyquist frequency and is equal to half of the sampling rate. This
determined. frequency indicateed the highest frequency content in the input sig-
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• The key features of the signals (i.e., frequencies and the corre- nal that could be reconstructed back by using the sampled signal.
sponding power) were extracted. To classify these vibrations, the 200 elements corresponding to
• The extracted features were compared with the features corre- the response above the excitation frequency of the compactor were
sponding to a set of known densities. used as input to the classifier. The NN classifier implemented was a
• The predicted density was calculated from the results of the pre- three-layer NN with 200 inputs, 10 nodes in the input layer, four
vious step and knowledge of the process parameters (e.g., mix nodes in the hidden layer, and one node in the output layer. The
type, mat temperature, and type of compactor). inputs of the NN corresponded to the outputs of the feature extrac-
The sensor module consisted of accelerometers for measuring tion module; that is, in this case, 200 features of the frequency
the compactor vibrations during operation, infrared temperature spectrum were considered. The output corresponded to a signal
sensors for measuring the temperature of the mix, a means for se- indicative of the level of compaction reached. The method to
lecting the amplitude and frequency of the vibration motors, and a extract the training data and validate the performance of the com-
means for recording the mix type and lift thickness. The vibration paction analyzer is discussed in the next section.
signals were sampled at 1,000 samples per second with xPC Target
running on an Intel Pentium 4 processor and an IO301 embedded
data acquisition system. The sampled input was presented to the Table 1. Gradation for Mix S3 (PG64-22OK)
feature extractor (FE) module. The FE module implemented an Sieve number Job formula (% passing sieve)
FFT of the input signal to extract the features corresponding to
vibrations at different salient frequencies. Preprocessing the data 25.4 mm (1 in.) 100
to extract the features reduced the amount of data to be considered 19 mm (0.75 in.) 98
in the classification process and therefore, reduced the algorithmic 12.7 mm (0.5 in.) 88
complexity of the classifier. The neural network classifier was a 9.52 mm (0.375 in.) 72
multilayer neural network (NN) trained to classify the extracted Number 4; 4.75 mm (0.187 in.) 40
features into different classes. The compaction analyzer then Number 8; 2.36 mm (0.0929 in.) 30
postprocessesd the output of the NN and predicted the degree of Number 16; 1.18 mm (0.464 in.) 21
compaction in real time. Number 30; 0.6 mm (0.0236 in.) 16
Number 50; 0.3 mm (0.0118 in.) 11
Number 100; 0.15 mm (0.0059 in.) 8
Number 200; 0.075 mm (0.0029 in.) 4.2

Fig. 4. Output of compaction analyzer and actual density measure- Fig. 5. Output prediction error of neural network after each training
ments from NDG cycle


J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 2011.137:634-644.

Experimental Results collected and studied to determine the effect of the process param-
eters (e.g., lift thickness, mix type, and subgrade) on the compactor
Verification of IACA Hypothesis in the Field vibrations during compaction of the asphalt pavement. The spectro-
To verify the suitability for application in real-life conditions, vi- grams for some typical parameters are shown in Fig. 3. The study
bration data from several construction sites across Oklahoma were indicated that the roller vibrations depend on the construction

Table 2. Pass by Pass Density Reading from Nonnuclear Density Gauge

Left Center Right
Moisture Density Relative Moisture Density Relative Moisture Density Relative
Pass Point content (%) [pcf (kg=m3 )] density (%) content (%) [pcf (kg=m3 )] density (%) content (%) [pcf (kg=m3 )] density (%)
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1 1 4.6 143.2 (2,293.8) 92.2 — — — 4.0 142.8 (2,287.4) 91.9

2 5.0 144.1 (2,308.3) 92.8 — — — 4.6 143.6 (2,300.3) 92.5
3 4.9 144.0 (2,306.7) 92.7 — — — — — 91.9
4 4.0 142.5 (2,282.6) 91.8 — — — — — —
5 — — — — — — — — —
2 1 4.4 143.8 (2,303.5) 93.1 — — — 4.8 147.5 (2,362.7) 93.1
2 4.9 144.8 (2,319.5) 93.4 4.8 144.4 (2,323.1) 93.0 4.7 144.9 (2,321.1) 93.4
3 5.0 144.7 (2,317.9) 93.2 5.0 144.2 (2,309.9) 92.9 4.8 144.7 (2,317.9) 93.3
4 4.8 144.3 (2,311.5) 93.3 5.4 145.3 (2,327.5) 93.6 4.8 145.1 (2,324.3) 93.5
5 5.1 145.3 (2,327.5) 93.6 5.3 143.5 (2,298.6) 92.5 6.7 147.0 (2,354.7) 94.1
3 1 4.3 144.8 (2,319.5) 93.3 4.3 144.2 (2,309.9) 92.9 — — —
2 4.9 145.1 (2,324.3) 93.5 4.1 143.9 (2,305.1) 92.7 — — —
3 5.0 145.4 (2,329.1) 93.7 4.7 144.3 (2,311.5) 92.8 — — —
4 4.9 145.3 (2,327.5) 93.4 5.1 145.2 (2,325.9) 93.6 — — —
5 5.4 146.6 (2,348.3) 94.4 5.4 143.4 (2,297.0) 92.4 — — —
4 1 3.9 143.6 (2,300.3) 92.5 3.5 142.9 (2,289.0) 92.1 4.2 145.8 (2,335.5) 93.5
2 4.9 144.8 (2,319.5) 93.2 4.1 143.8 (2,303.5) 92.7 4.4 144.9 (2,321.1) 93.4
3 4.7 145.0 (2,322.7) 93.1 4.6 145.4 (2,329.1) 93.4 4.2 144.5 (2,314.7) 93.1
4 4.3 144.7 (2,317.9) 93.2 6.3 146.4 (2,345.1) 93.3 4.6 145.5 (2,330.7) 93.5
5 4.9 144.5 (2,314.7) 93.1 5.3 144.1 (2,308.3) 93.8 7.7 145.6 (2,332.3) 94.1
5 1 4.4 144.6 (2,316.3) 92.9 3.4 143.1 (2,292.2) 92.1 — — —
2 5.1 145.7 (2,333.9) 92.8 4.1 144.1 (2,308.3) 92.9 — — —
3 4.6 142.8 (2,287.4) 93.1 4.9 146.3 (2,343.5) 94.2 — — —
4 4.4 144.8 (2,319.5) 93.3 4.5 145.3 (2,327.5) 93.1 — — —
5 5.0 145.8 (2,335.5) 92.1 5.6 — 93.0 — — —
Note: — data not available.

Fig. 6. Changes in density of asphalt mat over successive roller passes


J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 2011.137:634-644.

parameters namely, lift thickness and compactor vibration settings. of the GMM or in the maximum permissible air voids in the mix.
Within a given project, the changes in vibration can be attributed to The position of the drum is represented by a line in a two dimen-
changes in the density of the asphalt mat. Furthermore, the intensity sional space, and the gray intensity of the line represents the inten-
of the shades of gray in the spectrogram indicates the power density sity of the roller vibrations at that location. Because the power
associated with the vibrations. Regions with the maximum power content of the vibrations corresponds to the level of compaction
intensity, shown in dark gray in the spectrograms, were visually achieved, the color-coded chart can be used to represent the posi-
located and their locations correlated with global positioning sys- tion of the roller and the level of compaction achieved at the stated
tem (GPS) measurements. Fig. 4 shows the power spectral density location. In Fig. 4, the shade of dark gray corresponds to the
of the measured vibrations and the density of the roadway in the maximum power intensity of measured vibrations. The observed
center of the roller path measured by using an NDG (Troxler spectral densities correspond with the measured densities.
Electronic Laboratories 2007b). In this figure, the theoretical maxi-
Testing of IACA Under Controlled Field Conditions
mum specific gravity (GMM) of an HMA is the specific gravity
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excluding air voids, and “D” represents the width of the roller The performance of the IACA prototype was analyzed during the
drum. The target compaction in the field is specified as a percentage compaction of asphalt mixes on the controlled test strip described

Fig. 7. Spectrogram of effect of changes in density between first and second pass

Fig. 8. Comparison of predicted and measured density: (a) density predicted by the IACA; (b) density measured with NNDG


J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 2011.137:634-644.

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Fig. 9. As-built density of test pavement estimated by IACA

in Fig. 1. The pavement was 91.44 m (300 ft) long, 3.6576 m The measured core densities were used to calibrate the NNDG. The
(12 ft) wide, 7.63 cm (3 in.) thick and was constructed from an calibration data was used to adjust the raw density readings obtained
S3 (PG64-22OK) mix (see Table 1). Initially, several overlays were by the NNDG to compare the readings with those of the cores.
constructed with the S3 mix, the vibrations of the machine were The vibration data from the spectrogram was correlated with the
collected, and the corresponding spectrograms were computed. density measurements to extract the data for training the neural net-
Several readings with an NNDG were also recorded during each work. Locations on the mat with densities of 90, 92, and 94% were
roller pass. On the completion of the overlay, several cores were identified, and the FFT output corresponding to these locations
extracted from the compacted pavement and their density was mea- were identified by using the GPS measurements. Eight columns
of FFT data, corresponding to a linear travel of 0.3048 m (1 ft),
sured in the laboratory in accordance with the AASHTO T 166
were selected at each of these locations to constitute the training
(AASHTO 2003) and OHD L-45 (Oklahoma DOT 2008) standards.
data for the neural network. The training error for each epoch
of the training is shown in Fig. 5. The training was stopped once
the required precision (106 , corresponding to 1 prediction error in
106 trials when using the training data) was obtained.
The performance of the trained IACA was verified during the
construction of asphalt pavement on the test strip. The output of
the accelerometer and the GPS measurements of the compactor lo-
cation were collected, and the spectrogram was plotted against the
distance traveled by the compactor for each roller pass. After each
roller pass, the density was measured with the NNDG at specific
points on the asphalt mat (Table 2). The densities measured after
each pass are shown in Fig. 6. In the first three passes, the density
mostly increases after each pass. However, “roll over” occurs after
the third pass, and subsequent roller passes cause a reduction in the
density of the compacted pavement. Such observed roll over just
describes the compaction process and is independent of the IACA
readings. The spectrogram of the compactor vibrations over the
first two passes is shown in Fig. 7, for which the effect of increased
density on the compactor vibration is observed easily.
The data from Table 2 were used to train the IACA to extract the
relevant features from the vibration signal and to estimate the level
of compaction. The estimated density during the final pass of the
first stretch is shown in Fig. 8. The predicted density correlates very
well with the densities measured with the NNDG. Fig. 9 shows the
final compacted density of the entire test strip, as predicted by the
IACA. The systematic scatter shown in Fig. 9 can be attributed to
the “double bounce” typically observed when compaction is per-
formed on a highly compacted or rigid subgrade. Usually, this con-
dition is detected by the roller operator, and the amplitude setting of
the eccentrics is adjusted to minimize the double bounce. The effect
Fig. 10. Comparison of measured density and extracted core density:
of double bounce on the crushing of aggregates or the compaction
(a) NNDG; (b) IACA
quality was not investigated in this research. A comparison of the


J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 2011.137:634-644.

Table 3. Gradation for Mix S3 (PG64-22OK) densities measured from the cores extracted from the completed
Sieve number Job formula (% passing sieve) pavement shows a very good correlation between the measured
and predicted densities (Fig. 10).
25.4 mm (1 in.) 100
19 mm (0.75 in.) 98 Testing of IACA During Normal Construction
12.7 mm (0.5 in.) 89 The ability of the IACA to predict density by using compaction
9.52 mm (0.375 in.) 81 operations in the field was investigated at Will Rogers International
Number 4; 4.75 mm (0.187 in.) 64 Airport, in Oklahoma City. Fig. 11 shows the construction area
Number 8; 2.36 mm (0.0929 in.) 48 with different overlay regions. The project involved the stabiliza-
Number 16; 1.18 mm (0.0464 in.) 35 tion of the subgrade with cement kiln dust (CKD) and the construc-
Number 30; 0.6 mm (0.0236 in.) 27 tion of 10.668 m (35 ft) asphalt shoulders on either side of the
taxiway for dust abatement. The shoulder was constructed in three
Downloaded from by IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON on 05/15/13. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

Number 50; 0.3 mm (0.0118 in.) 18

separate lifts, with two 7.62 cm (3 in.) lifts of S3 (PG 64-22OK)
Number 100; 0.15 mm (0.0059 in.) 7
mix followed by a surface layer of 5.08 cm (2 in.) S4 (PG64-22OK)
Number 200; 0.075 mm (0.0029 in.) 3.7
mix. The data and analysis presented in this paper refer to the
construction of the base layer of the 457.2 m (1,500 ft) section
(Section A) in Fig. 11. An Oklahoma DOT (ODOT) S3 (PG 64-
22OK) recycle mix was placed at a thickness of approximately
76.2 mm (3.0 in.) on top of the compacted aggregate base. The
mix contained approximately 23% rock, 21% manufactured sand,
11% natural sand, 25% recycled asphalt pavement, and 4.0% PG
64-22OK binder. The gradations of the mix used at the construction
site are shown in Table 3.
The training and calibration procedure described was evaluated
during the compaction of the base layer. During each pass, several
density readings of the test strip were measured by using a cali-
brated NNDG. Five roller passes were performed to compact
the test strip before roll over was observed.
After calibration was completed, the performance of the IACA
was evaluated during the construction of a 304.8 m (1,000 ft) sec-
tion of the base layer. Fig. 12 shows the spectrogram and the pre-
dicted density during one of the roller passes. The roller begins to
move from 396.24 m (1,300 ft) to 405.384 m (1,330 ft), at which
point the vibration motors are turned on. The density of the stretch
Fig. 11. Test location for field validation of IACA
from 405.384 m (1,330 ft) to 445.008 m (1,460 ft) was predicted to

Fig. 12. Spectrogram of roller vibration and predicted density of roller pass during construction


J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 2011.137:634-644.

Furthermore, the IACA output was continuously available to the
operator in real time and can serve as a useful guide during the
compaction process.


The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial assistance of the

Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology
(OCAST) through Grant No. AR032-011. The assistance of
Haskell Lemon Construction Company, Broce Construction
Inc., Oklahoma Department of Transportation, and the Oklahoma
Downloaded from by IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON on 05/15/13. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

Department of Environmental Quality is also gratefully


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