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Dual energy CT in practice: Basic

principles and applications

Joseph R. Grajo, MD; Manuel Patino, MD; Andrea Prochowski, MD; Dushyant V. Sahani, MD

omputed tomography (CT) is
the workhorse of modern medi-
cal imaging, accounting for ap-
proximately 65 million adult scans in
the United States each year.1 Techni-
cal advances such as faster scan times,
thinner slices, multiplanar reformatting,
and 3D rendering have revolutionized
the scope of CT. An exciting develop-
ment that offers great promise to fur-
ther increase the modality’s potential is
dual energy CT (DECT). Also known
as “spectral imaging,” DECT was first
conceptualized in the 1970s.2-5 How-
ever, the clinical application of DECT
has only recently been realized as a re- of the image dataset generated by this (dsDECT) [Somatom Definition Flash,
sult of robust improvements in perfor- process depends on differences in pho- Siemens Medical Solutions, Forchheim,
mance and post-processing capabilities. ton attenuation of the various materials Germany] utilizes two X-ray tubes and
Conventional or single energy CT that constitute the human body (ie, soft two detectors to obtain simultaneous
(SECT) utilizes a single polychromatic tissue, air, calcium, fat). The degree that dual energy acquisition and data pro-
X-ray beam (ranging from 70 to 140 a material will attenuate the X-ray beam cessing. Single source DECT (ssDECT)
kVp with a standard of 120 kVp) emit- is dependent on (1) tissue composition [Discovery 750HD, GE Healthcare,
ted from a single source and received by and (2) photon energy level and how Milwaukee, WI] uses a single X-ray
a single detector. The inherent contrast closely it exceeds the k-edge (ie, inner tube that rapidly alternates between
electron shell binding energy) of the low and high energies (fast-switching)
Dr. Grajo is an Assistant Professor of material. Therefore, tissue attenuation and a single detector that quickly regis-
Radiology and an Abdominal Radiolo- can be manipulated by changing pho- ters information from both energies. In
gist at the University of Florida College
of Medicine, Gainesville, FL; while Dr.
ton energy levels. In DECT, two energy detector based spectral CT [IQon spec-
Patino, Dr. Prochowski, and Dr. Sahani levels (typically 80 and 140 kVp) are tral CT, Philips Healthcare, Eindhoven,
are all radiologists with the Division of used to acquire images that can be pro- The Netherlands], a single X-ray tube
Abdominal Imaging in the Department cessed to generate additional datasets. with full dose modulation capabilities is
of Radiology at Massachusetts General There are currently three DECT paired with a detector made of two lay-
Hospital, Harvard Medical School,
Boston, MA.
platforms marketed by three of the ers (sandwich detector) that simultane-
major CT vendors. Dual source DECT ously detects two energy levels.

6 July 2016




FIGURE 1. A 73-year-old woman who presented to the Emergency Department after a recent laparoscopic resection of a pelvic mass. (A) Dual
source DECT arterial phase 60 keV virtual monochromatic image (Siemens) demonstrates a focus of active contrast extravasation (arrow). (B)
Color overlay iodine material decomposition image nicely demonstrates the blush (arrow) with increased conspicuity. (C) A virtual unenhanced
dataset can be generated to confirm high-density hemorrhage (arrow) without the need for a separate true unenhanced acquisition.

with high contrast between lesions and

A B adjacent tissues (eg, CT angiography;
45-55 keV). Intermediate-energy VMC
images (60-75keV) are ideal for evalu-
ation of soft tissues due to the balance
between adequate contrast and reduced
image noise. High-energy VMC images
(95-140keV) reduce artifacts from metal
The algorithms for material de-
composition are unique for each CT
manufacturer. ssDECT algorithms
mathematically transform material at-
FIGURE 2. A 55-year-old man with hematuria. (A) Conventional CT image demonstrates tenuation information into the amount
a solid enhancing left renal mass (arrow) with ill-defined margins. (B) Single source DECT (or concentration) of two-material pairs
iodine material decomposition image (GE) better defines the margins of the tumor (arrow) due
to different concentrations of iodine within the mass and surrounding parenchyma.
that would be necessary to produce the
measured attenuation level within each
Material separation decomposition (also known as material- image voxel based on the difference of
Dual energy CT offers the poten- specific or material density) images. atomic numbers of the materials present
tial to analyze material composition Routine diagnostic images are intended within the voxel. The two-material de-
through image acquisition at two differ- to mirror the standard images produced composition algorithm creates material-
ent energy levels. Since materials have by SECT. Blended images (Siemens) specific image pairs, such as water and
unique attenuation profiles at different are created through a combination of iodine images. dsDECT utilizes a three
energy levels according to their linear the acquired low-energy (80 kVp) and material decomposition algorithm to cre-
attenuation coefficient, DECT can uti- high-energy (140 kVp) data to simulate a ate soft tissue, fat, and iodine material-
lize mathematical algorithms to exam- standard 120 kVp dataset. Virtual mono- specific images.
ine tissues when exposed to both low chromatic (VMC) or monoenergetic Of all the possible material-specific
and high-energy polychromatic X-ray (VME) [GE/Siemens] images are gen- images, iodine and water (or virtual
beams. Materials with low atomic num- erated to simulate a scan obtained at a unenhanced) images offer the most
bers (eg, water) demonstrate small dif- single energy level. VMC/VME images practical datasets for everyday clini-
ferences in attenuation between high with specific energies (40 to 140 keV) cal imaging (Figure 1). Iodine images
and low X-ray energies while materials provide more reliable attenuation mea- demonstrate the amount of iodine (mg/
with high atomic numbers (eg, iodine) surements compared to polychromatic ml) within an image voxel and its dis-
show large differences in attenuation at SECT. VMC images can be custom- tribution in tissues. Because iodine im-
different photon energies. ized to a specific energy level for vari- ages are independent of inherent tissue
DECT scanners can process both ous clinical applications. Low-energy attenuation, they are a more reliable
routine diagnostic images and material VMC images are suggested for studies measure of enhancement compared to

July 2016 7




FIGURE 3. A 65-year-old man with history of colon cancer. Contrast-enhanced portal venous phase single energy CT images show two small
rounded hypodense lesions in hepatic segments IV (arrow in A) and VII (arrow in B), which are very similar in appearance. Iodine material
decomposition images reveal the different nature of the two lesions. the segment IV lesion demonstrates no uptake of iodine and is therefore a
cyst (arrow in C), while the segment VII lesion demonstrates iodine uptake (arrow in D) and is therefore a metastasis.

conventional contrast-enhanced studies. The lower energy level of DECT ac- Iodine images play a critical role
Water (ssDECT) or virtual unenhanced quisition (typically 80 kVp) improves in DECT’s ability to improve lesion
(dsDECT) images can be used to simu- CNR because the average photon en- conspicuity. They can be displayed as
late true unenhanced images, therefore, ergy is closer to the k-edge of iodine quantitative gray-scale images or color
possibly eliminating the need for an un- (33.2 keV) compared to a single energy overlay maps, both of which improve
enhanced acquisition altogether. This polychromatic beam of 120 kVp. This lesion conspicuity due to differences
would reduce both radiation dose and results in higher X-ray absorption with in iodine content between lesions and
exam time. improved contrast between hypervas- normal parenchyma (Figure 2). Io-
cular lesions, hypovascular lesions, dine images detect and quantify iodine
Tissue characterization and normally enhancing parenchyma.6 within each image voxel, allowing for
Dual energy applications add value VMC images (60-75 keV) can be used detection of even a small amount of en-
to CT imaging due to superior lesion de- not only to increase CNR but also to hancement within a lesion. To illustrate
tection and characterization. The single improve overall image quality due to improved tissue characterization, liver
most important property that governs reduced beam hardening artifact (as lesion, renal mass, and renal stone char-
the interpreter’s ability to detect a le- a result of the elimination of very low acterization will be briefly discussed.
sion in the background of normal tis- energy photons that contribute only to The role of DECT in oncologic imaging
sue is contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR). image noise).7 will also be outlined.

8 July 2016




FIGURE 5. A 57-year-old woman with a cal-

C D cium renal stone. With dual source DECT
(Siemens), calcium stones appear blue
(arrow) while uric acid stones appear red.

challenge through the generation of vir-

tual unenhanced (or water) and iodine
images.8-16 Hyperdense cysts will dem-
onstrate increased attenuation on virtual
unenhanced images but show no iodine
content on iodine images. Conversely,
renal cell carcinomas will show iodine
uptake on iodine images. These two le-
sions with vastly different prognoses
E F and management can easily be differen-
tiated at DECT in a single acquisition,
which offers substantially less radiation
than a multiphase renal mass protocol.
Virtual unenhanced images can also
provide supplementary information
of fat, hemorrhage, and calcification
within the lesion in the same fashion as
true unenhanced images.

FIGURE 4. 45-year-old man (top row) and 60-year-old man (bottom row) with nephrolithia- Renal stone characterization
sis. Conventional true unenhanced image (A), water material decomposition image (B), and
iodine material decomposition image (C) demonstrate a non-uric acid stone, which is hyper-
In addition to symptoms, size, and
dense on both water and iodine images (arrows) in single source DECT (GE). In the second location, the composition of renal
patient, conventional true unenhanced image (D), water image (E), and iodine image (F) dem- stones is critical for appropriate clini-
onstrate a mixed stone that is predominantly uric acid in composition (arrows). The stone is cal management. It is important for
not hyperdense on iodine images except for its peripheral rim (F). Our experience has shown the urologist to differentiate uric acid
that uric acid stones often demonstrate a rim of calcium deposition.
stones (treated medically) from non-
Liver lesion characterization and characterization by DECT could uric acid stones (treated with invasive
Evaluation of small liver lesions on potentially reduce the need for short methods like extracorporeal shockwave
conventional CT can be a diagnostic di- interval follow-up studies, decrease the lithotripsy or percutaneous nephrolitho-
lemma. Subcentimeter lesions are often number of unnecessary biopsies, and tripsy). Although uric acid stones tend
“too small to characterize,” leading to improve screening for hypervascular to have lower attenuation values than
further workup with MRI or biopsy. liver tumors in cirrhotic patients. non-uric acid stones (ie, struvite, cys-
However, cysts can be differentiated tine, and calcium) on SECT, they may
from small hypodense masses (ie, me- Renal mass characterization be difficult to distinguish due to overlap
tastases) on iodine images in a DECT Differentiation of a hyperdense cyst in attenuation values.17
acquisition because a metastasis will from an enhancing renal mass is a com- DECT can help differentiation via
show iodine uptake while a cyst will not mon diagnostic challenge at single- analysis of underlying material compo-
(Figure 3). Improved lesion detection phase CT. DECT can facilitate this sition, as uric acid stones are composed

July 2016 9



FIGURE 6. A. 72-year-old man with history of jaundice treated with biliary stent placement. (A) Single-energy CT images, which rely on differ-
ences in Hounsfield units, show an ill-defined area of heterogeneous enhancement in the uncinate process of the pancreas (arrow). (B) Iodine
material decomposition images (GE), which demonstrate the actual uptake or concentration of iodine in tissues, help to better characterize and
define the extent of this hypoenhancing mass (arrow), compatible with ductal adenocarcinoma. Also note how artifact reduction in dual energy
CT results in better visualization of the metal stent containing refluxed oral contrast.



FIGURE 7. A 62-year-old woman with history of liposarcoma and a solitary liver metastasis. (A) Single energy CT image acquired at 140 kVp,
(B) material decomposition iodine image, and (C) color overlay iodine image demonstrate the solitary heterogeneous liver lesion in segment V.
Material decomposition iodine images (B, C) demonstrate moderate uptake of iodine (arrows), suspicious for metastasis, which was later con-
firmed at biopsy. Following radiofrequency ablation, the 140kVp images (D) still show heterogeneous attenuation within the metastasis, raising
suspicion for incomplete ablation or recurrence. However, iodine images (E, F) show no uptake of iodine (arrowheads), excluding recurrence/
incomplete ablation; the heterogeneous appearance of the lesion is likely due to post-treatment bleeding.

10 July 2016




FIGURE 8. A 77-year-old man with endoleak following stent graft repair of an abdominal aortic aneurysm. (A) Single energy CT at 140 kVp
shows the endoleak within the aneurysm sac (arrow). (B) Follow up dual energy CT virtual monochromatic image at 65 keV with 30% reduction
of IV contrast load demonstrates no loss of image quality and a more conspicuous appearance of the endoleak (arrow). Also note reduction in
the degree of streak artifact from the stent graft. (C) In addition to reducing contrast load and artifact, dual energy CT also allows acquisition of
virtual unenhanced images, negating the need for a separate true unenhanced acquisition.

of lighter elements (hydrogen, carbon, Oncologic imaging gional targeted therapies, such as
oxygen, and nitrogen) while non-uric DECT has several applications in both ablation (eg, radiofrequency, micro-
acid stones are composed of heavier initial and post-treatment oncologic im- wave, cryo), targeted radiation therapy
elements (calcium, phosphorus, and aging. By increasing lesion conspicuity, (eg, protons), and intra-arterial therapy
sulfur). Uric acids stones demonstrate tumor margins are better delineated, al- (eg, selective internal radiation therapy
increased photon attenuation at 140 lowing for more accurate size measure- [SIRT] and transarterial chemoemboli-
kVp because the attenuation is driven ments (Figure 6). Accurate measurement zation [TACE]). Iodine maps obtained
primarily by Compton scatter (due to on restaging examinations is important immediately after radiofrequency abla-
lighter element chemical composition). for guiding management, especially for tion have shown better lesion conspi-
Conversely, non-uric acid stones dem- patients in clinical trials in which tumor cuity and internal homogeneity of the
onstrate increased attenuation at 80 kVp response is reliant on serial measure- ablation zone, providing an additional
due to increased photoelectric effect ments according to Response Evalua- benefit for assessing the safety margin
contribution from the heavier elements tion Criteria in Solid Tumors (RECIST) after radiofrequency ablation.21 In our
nearing the k-edge of calcium (Z=20). or World Health Organization (WHO) practice, we have observed that iodine
Using the two-material (basis pair) criteria, for example. DECT offers yet images are helpful not only immediately
decomposition approach on ssDECT, more potential for assessing treatment after the procedure but also for follow up
water and iodine image datasets are response due to the potential ability of of patients undergoing hepatic micro-
generated. Stone visualization on water quantitative iodine maps to evaluate and wave/radiofrequency ablation and renal
images only suggests uric acid calculi, quantify tumor viability. Although this cryo/radiofrequency ablation (Figure 7).
whereas visualization on both water technique requires validation and stan-
and iodine images implies non-uric acid dardization, it is an exciting develop- Vascular imaging
stones (Figure 4). Effective Z (Zeff) im- ment that may allow for characterization CT angiography (CTA) typically
ages are an alternative approach for of tumor at a functional level that pre- involves a multiphasic protocol with
renal stone characterization and can be dates any change in size. 18-19 potential for higher contrast loads and
generated in an offline workstation. Zeff In addition to increasing lesion con- radiation doses. DECT can play an im-
weights both the attenuation and atomic spicuity, low keV and material density portant role in vascular imaging by im-
number of certain materials, thereby fa- images can also provide accurate delin- proving image quality with less contrast
cilitating the identification of predomi- eation of locoregional extent of disease and lower radiation dose compared to
nant materials within mixed stones. and relationships to adjacent vascula- conventional CTA (Figure 8). Since tis-
Low Zeff is commonly seen in uric acid ture that is useful to guide treatment sues will attenuate more of the X-ray
stones, whereas high Zeff is seen in non- planning.18, 20 Of particular interest, io- beam at photon energies closer to their
uric acid stones. dine maps can help differentiate tumor k-edge, low energy DECT with custom-
The algorithm for kidney stones in from bland thrombus through qualita- ized VMC images can increase the at-
dsDECT assumes that all voxels are tive and quantitative demonstration of tenuation of intravascular iodine while
a mixture of calcium, uric acid, and iodine within the clot. This differen- decreasing the administered contrast
water. Stones with X-ray attenuation tiation is critical in hepatocellular and bolus. In addition, radiation dose can
profiles similar to calcium appear blue renal cell carcinoma staging. be significantly decreased through the
while stones with profiles similar to uric Finally, DECT can help assess re- utilization of virtual unenhanced im-
acid appear red (Figure 5). sponse to treatment related to locore- ages, which may eliminate the need for

July 2016 11


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12 July 2016


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