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NX 9.0 Drafting Mode

Creating A Drawing
From a Solid Model

 Start

Open the solid model file

File > Open

Start the drawing mode application in NX

File > (look under Applications All) > Drafting
Select “Standard Size”
Select appropriate paper size (user must determine, can be changed)
Scale 1:1
Make the desired model is listed as selected and then > Finish

 To add a predefined titleblock

To do this you must have first downloaded the titleblock(s) files from the
NX files section of the course web page.

Menu > File > Import > Part

Scale: Create named Group
Layer: Work
Destination Coordinate System: WCS

Select appropriate title block (Drawingsheet A or B)

 Before inserting any views, make the following setting:

Menu > Preferences > Drafting > View > Border > Workflow
toggle “off “ Display Boundaries

Also see NX Preference Settings

 Adding Text to Titleblock

Double click on existing text

Change text in the Text Input Window
MMB to end

 To insert drawing views

Menu > Insert > View > Base View

Select “Front” (or desired view) from the drop-down menu
Place the view on screen
Drag and place the Top and Front views

Creating and Modifying Dimensions and Notes

 To create dimensions

Menu > Insert > Dimension

Select dimension type/orientation
Note: Rapid is an inferred format
Select reference locations on drawing view
(pick line, point, arc as required)
Drag and place dimension using the LMB

 To edit dimensions (most aspects)

Select Dimension (it should highlight)

Press RMB
Choose Settings
Select appropriate options (for example)
Use to Add Tolerances to specific dimensions
Use to turn off one or both extension lines when they coincide with
an object or a centerline

 To delete dimensions

Select Dimension (it should highlight)

Press RMB
Choose Delete

 To move dimension

Select dimension (pick and hold)

Drag to location (allows value location to be changed also)
 To create notes

Menu > Insert > Annotation > Note

Enter desired text in window. Add symbols as desired from the Symbols
drop down menu

Move text to desired screen location and pick

MMB to end

 To add a leader line to an existing note

Pick note to highlight

RMB > Edit
Under Leader, select Terminating Object
Pick what you want the note to point to
“Stub Side” is where horizontal line of leader attaches
“Close” to end

 To add text to hole dimensions

Select Dimension (it should highlight)

Press RMB
Choose Edit
Select Annotation Editor from menu bar that opens

 Plotting Files

File > Print

Select Source (typically Sheet for a drawing)

Select printer (for example, me1262_laser)

If B size (11x17) desired

Select Settings > Paper/Finishing tab, then
Paper Size: dropdown > Tabloid (11x17)

Page Layout > Orientation > Landscape

Output > B&W Wireframe

Image Resolution > Medium

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