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Golden CO; USA “Reliable Mine Water Technology” IMWA 2013

Hydrogeochemistry of the Mine Water from “Rudna” mine

(Lubin Region, South Poland)
Bernadetta Stochel¹, Mariusz Czop², Zenon Krzywański³, Magdalena Worsa-Kozak¹

¹KGHM Cuprum R&D Centre, ul. Gen. Wl. Sikorskiego 2–8, 53–659 Wroclaw, Poland,,
²AGH University of Science and Technology, al. Mickiewicza 30, 30–059 Krakow, Poland,
³KGHM Polska Miedź S.A., “Rudna” Mine, ul. Henryka Dąbrowskiego50, 59–100 Polkowice, Poland,

Abstract “Rudna” is one of the mines in Legnica-Głogów Copper Basin (LGOM) – which is the
main copper industry center in Poland and one of the world biggest copper extraction sites.
“Rudna” is known as a mine with relatively small inflow of groundwater into the dewatering sys-
tem which ranges from 1.8 to 2.0 m³/min. TDS of water from Basalkalk ranges from 17.6 g/dm³
to 328 g/dm³. Mineralization of Rotliegendes groundwater varies between the minimum value
equal to 92.4 g/dm³ and the maximum one equal to 186.5 g/dm³. The hydrochemical type of Na-
Cl dominates in the mine water samples and Na-Ca-Cl type also occurs sometimes.

Keywords hydrogeochemistry, mine water, copper mine, Rudna mine, Lubin region, Poland

Introduction also an important factor for determination of

“Rudna” is one of the mines in Legnica-Głogów the origin of particular inflows and also for
Copper Basin (LGOM) – the main copper indus- identification of processes responsible for the
try center in Poland and one of world biggest formation of the specific water type.
copper extraction sites. It is located in south-
west part of Poland in Lower Silesia Province,
about 100 km north–west from Wrocław (fig. 1).
Mining activity in “Rudna” copper mine
has been carried out since 1970. The deposits
occur at the depth from 690 m in south part
of the mine to 1090 m in its north part.
Groundwater inflowing to the mine workings
located in a deeper part of ground is generally
highly mineralized with TDS ranging from
17.6 – 328.8 g/L. Chemistry of mine water is an
important factor of the environmental impact
induced by mining activity. Mine water from
all mines in LGOM area (Rudna, Polkowice-
Sieroszowice and Lubin) is mixed and used in
the copper ore treatment process. Water ex-
cess is drained to the Odra river, near Głogów
and is responsible for soluble constituent load
to surface water environment. Hydrogeo- Fig. 1 Map of the copper deposit occurrence in
chemistry of mine water in “Rudna” mine is the Legnica-Głogów Copper Basin (LGOM)

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IMWA 2013 “Reliable Mine Water Technology” Golden CO; USA

Geology and Hydrogeology kalk recorded since the beginning of the cop-
Copper deposit extracted in “Rudna” mine oc- per deposit exploitation (fig. 3).
curs in Permian limestones and Zechstein
dolomites as well as in Rotliegendes sand- Mine Water Chemistry
stones (fig. 1). Permian formation with cover- Most of groundwater both from the Basalkalk
ing Triassic rocks occurs within the Fore- and the Rotliegendes formations are brines.
sudetic Monocline, dipping north-west at Average mineralization of water from the
small angle, from 3 to 6˚(Bochenska et al. 2003; Basalkalk is about 126 g/dm³, ranging from
fig. 2). 17.6 – 328 g/dm³. The average mineralization of
“Rudna” mine has a relatively low inflow the Rotliegendes water is 147 g/dm³ with the
of groundwater water into the mine workings minimum value 92.4 g/dm³ and the maxi-
ranging from 1.8 to 2.0 m³/min. This inflow mum one equal to 186.5 g/dm³ (Worsa-Kozak
comes from two aquifers occurring within the and Stochel 2013).
Permian formation i.e. from carbonate rocks of Descriptive statistics of the all measured
Basalkalk and sandstones of Rotliegendes. The constituents has indicated similarity of the
carbonate Basalkalk aquifer is connected with groundwater samples from both Permian
the Permian dolomite and limestone of aver- aquifer. Average and median values of all pa-
age thickness about 52.7 m (7–106 m), with rel- rameters have practically the same values with
atively low conductivity range from only small difference. Due to the highest
1×10⁻⁹ – 1×10⁻⁶ m/s (geometric mean amount of analysis of groundwater from the
1×10⁻⁷ m/s). The Rotliegendes aquifer is built Basalkalk aquifer the observed range of partic-
of Permian sandstones with summary thick- ular constituents of the data is wider then for
ness of about 300 m. Conductivity of this for- Rotliegendes (Table 1).
mation is very low from 1×10⁻⁹ – 1×10⁻⁶ m/s The main fraction in total dissolved solid
(geometric mean 1×10⁻⁸ m/s; Worsa-Kozak and is forming by concentration of chlorides (Cl)
Stochel 2013). and sodium (Na) ions which is connected with
During the “Rudna” mine history the dominance of Na-Cl type groundwater. Aver-
main source of water inflows was the Basalkalk age concentrations of other main ions e.g. sul-
aquifer. Since 2003 the inflow from Rotliegen- fate (SO₄), calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg)
des has increased to 1 m³/min and thus, it is are much more lesser, only about 1–5 g/L. Es-
equal to the value of inflows from the Basal- pecially calcium is observed with concentra-
tion values between 0.2–9.4 g/L, and in a few
cases forming the groundwater with Na-Ca-Cl
Increase of the depth of the mining ex-
ploitation in the “Rudna” mine is also con-
nected with the increase of the groundwater
sample mineralization (TDS) in both Muschel-
kal and Rotliegendes aquifers. Chloride con-
centration in groundwater sample on the co-
ordinate about -700 m a.s.l reached the value
of about 50–60 g/L. Successive deepening of
the “Rudna” mine exploitation level influ-
enced strongly the groundwater TDS. Below
the co-ordinate -1000 m a.s.l the groundwater
Fig. 2 Geological cross-section of the “Rudna” TDS has increased twice to value of about 110–
mine 140 g/L (fig. 4). It’s obvious that future deepen-

1140 Wolkersdorfer, Brown & Figueroa (Editors)

Golden CO; USA “Reliable Mine Water Technology” IMWA 2013

Fig. 3 Groundwater inflows

to the “Rudna” mine from
Basalkalk and Rotliegendes

ing of the mining workings will be connected concentrations (As, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, Rb, Se, V
with continuation of this evident trend. and Zn) usually range from 0.1 mg/L to a few
Trace elements, connected with the sul- mg/L. The amount of accessible analysis in-
fide copper ore, are also occurring in the cluding trace elements concentration and
groundwater inflows to the “Rudna” mine. Un- measurements of mine water pH and redox
fortunately the significant number of chemi- potential (Eh) is not sufficient to obtain repre-
cal analysis of mine water is without any infor- sentative characteristics of the concentration
mation concerning concentration of the trace range, speciation and mobility. The research
elements. Single analysis of mine water in- project aiming to investigate trace elements
flows from both Basalkalk and Rotliegendes occurrence in the mine water from LGOM cop-
aquifers have indicated that trace elements per mines is currently at the initial stage. Pre-

ParameterMinimumMaximum Average 25thquantile Median 75thquantile n

pH ͵Ǥ͹͹ ͺǤͲͳ ͸Ǥ͹͹ ͲǤͷ͵ ͸ǤͶʹ ͸Ǥ͹ͷ ͹ǤͳʹͳͳͶͻ
TDS ͳ͹͸ͲͲǤͲ ͵ʹͺͺͲͲǤͲ ͳʹͷ͹ͶͲǤͳ ͶʹͶ͵ͷǤͷ ͳͳ͹ͻͶʹǤͷ ͳ͵ʹͳͶͲǤͲ ͳͶ͸ͲͶ͹ǤͷͳʹͲͶ
Na ͵ͺͷͲǤͲ ͳͳͻͺͲͲ ͶͲͲͶͶǤͳ ͳ͵͵͵ͳǤͷ ͵͸ͷͲͲǤͲ ͶͲ͹ͲͲǤͲ Ͷ͸͸ͷͲǤͲͳͳͷ͵
Ca ʹ͸ͺǤͲ ͻ͵ͻͺǤͲ Ͷ͸ͲͺǤ͵ ͻ͵ͳǤͻ ͶͷͲͳǤͶ Ͷ͹ͳͳǤͶ ͷͲͲʹǤͳͳͳͷͶ
Mg ͳʹʹǤͶ ʹͳ͵ͺǤͲ ͻͲ͵ǤͶ ʹʹ͵Ǥ͵ ͺ͵ͺǤͻ ͻͳʹǤͺ ͳͲͲͳǤͳͳͳͷ͵
HCOΒ ͳǤʹ ͵͹ʹǤͳ ͳͶʹǤͶ ͵ͷǤͷ ͳʹͺǤͳ ͳͶͲǤ͵ ͳͷͷǤ͸ͳͳ͹͹
SOΓ ͹ͷͺǤͲ ͵ͶͺͳǤ͹ ʹͶʹ͵Ǥͻ ʹͷͷǤͶ ʹ͵͵ͶǤͲ ʹͶͷͲǤͳ ʹͷ͵ͷǤͳͳʹͲͶ
Cl ͺ͵͹͸ǤͲ ͳͻͶ͵ͲͶǤͲ ͸ͻ͹ͲͷǤ͵ ʹͶͷʹ͹Ǥ͹ ͸ͷͶ͹ͻǤͻ ͹ʹʹͺͶǤͶ ͺʹͲͲͲǤͲͳʹͲ͹
NHΓ ͲǤͲ ͵ʹͲǤͲ ͵Ǥͳ ͻǤͺ ʹǤͳ ʹǤ͹ ͵ǤͶͳͳͲͷ
Fe²Ί ͲǤͲ ͻͺǤ͵ ͳǤͻ ͸Ǥͳ ͲǤʹ ͲǤͶ ͳǤͳͳͳͳ͹ Table 1 Descriptive statistics
pH ͷǤʹ͵ ͹Ǥ͵Ͳ ͸Ǥ͵ͺ ͲǤͶ͸ ͸Ǥͳʹ ͸Ǥ͵ͳ ͸Ǥ͸Ͳ ͶͶ of mine water chemistry for
TDS ͻʹͶͲͲǤͲ ͳͺ͸ͶͺͲǤͲ ͳͶ͹Ͳ͹͵ǤͲ ʹ͵ʹ͵ͲǤͲ ͳ͵ʹ͹͸ͷǤͲ ͳͶͺʹ͸ͲǤͲ ͳ͸͵ͳͷͳǤͲ ͶͶ the Permian aquifers in the
Na ʹʹ͸ͲͲǤͲ ͷʹ͸ͲͲǤͲ Ͷ͸ͺ͵ʹǤ͹ ͹͵ͷͺǤͺ ͶͶͷͶͲǤͲ Ͷ͹ͺͲͲǤͲ ͷͲʹͷͲǤͲ Ͷ͵
K ʹʹͷǤͲ ͺͷͷǤͲ Ͷ͹͹ǤͶ ͳ͹ͲǤͺ ͵͵ʹǤͷ ͶͶͲǤͲ ͸ͲʹǤͷ Ͷ͵ “Rudna” mine (concentra-
Ca ͵͹ͳ͸ǤͶ ͸ͷ͹ʹǤͲ Ͷ͹ͻͳǤͳ ͸ͶͳǤͳ Ͷ͵ͳͶǤ͸ Ͷ͹͵ͺǤʹ ͷʹͷʹǤͻ ͶͶ
tions of chemical con-
Mg ͷͷͶǤͷ ʹͶͻ͹Ǥ͸ ͳͲͲͳǤͶ ͶͲ͸Ǥ͵ ͺͳ͹Ǥʹ ͻͲ͸Ǥ͹ ͻ͹ͲǤ͹ ͶͶ
HCOΒ ͸ͳǤͲ ͳͺͻǤͳ ͻ͸Ǥͺ ʹͶǤͷ ͺʹǤͶ ͻͳǤͷ ͳͳͷǤͻ Ͷ͵ stituents in mg/L); n: num-
SOΓ ͳͻͷʹǤͶ ͵Ͳͻ͹Ǥʹ ʹͷͶͶǤͻ ͵ͳͶǤͷ ʹ͵ͲͷǤ͸ ʹͷͺ͹Ǥͷ ʹ͹ͶͺǤͳ ͶͶ ber of samples
Cl ͶͺͲ͵ͲǤͷ ͳͲ͸͹͵ͶǤͶ ͺͳʹʹ͵ǤͲ ͳ͵ͷͷͳǤͲ ͹ͷͺ͹ͷǤͲ ͺ͵Ͷͳ͸ǤͲ ͺͻʹͲͺǤͶ Ͷ͸
NHΓ ͲǤͷ ͳͲǤͻͷ ͵Ǥͳ ͳǤͻ ʹǤͲ ʹǤ͹ ͶǤͲ ͵ͻ
Fe²Ί ͲǤͲ͵ ͳ͸ͺǤͲ ͹Ǥͷ ʹͷǤͺ ͲǤʹ ͳǤͳ ͵Ǥ͵ Ͷͷ

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Fig. 4 Chlorides increasing

trend with depth of mining
exploitation for both Per-
mian aquifers

liminary results of this research indicate that tion with the increasing distance from the Per-
in the water inflows to the mine workings both mian formation outcrops, the brines with rel-
aerobic and anaerobic conditions occurs. atively very high mineralization are observed
now. With the deeper and deeper extraction,
Conclusions also in the neighboring area of “Głogów-
Chemical composition of groundwater in the Głęboki Przemysłowy”, the further increase of
Basalkalk and the Rotliegendes aquifers is mine waters mineralization, towards the fully
formed mainly by the processes of halite saturated brines, is predicted.
(NaCl) and anhydrite (CaSO₄) dissolving. The
salts occur in great amounts in the profile of Acknowledgements
Permian evaporates formation of Zechstein, This work was supported by research program
and their dissolving decides the level of chlo- no. 501-02-0006-0-08-B/07/0657.001 of the
ride (Cl) and sulfate(SO₄) ions content found in KGHM Cuprum R&D Centre. We thank an
the mine waters. Additionally the process of anonymous reviewer for useful suggestions
ion exchange is of basic importance in regard and editorial changes, which improved the
to the concentration of main cations (Na, K, Ca manuscript.
and Mg) in the water under examination.
Copper ore extraction development to- References
wards the north is connected with the evident Bochenska T, Downorowicz S, Kalisz M (2003) Fore-
increase of total dissolved solids in the sudetic Monocline. Hydrogeological conditions. In:
groundwater inflows into the “Rudna” mine Wilk Z, Bochenska T, (ed) (2003) Hydrogeology of
workings. It is reason for both much bigger the mineral ores of Poland and water hazards in
depth of rocks being drained, due to dip of mining. Vol. 2 – Hydrogeology of metallic elements
monocline orientation of Permian formation, ores. AGH Krakow (in Polish).
and with the larger distance from the outcrop Worsa-Kozak M, Stochel B et al. (2013) Hydrogeological
zone. The outcrop zone of the Permian forma- conditions documentation of the “Rudna” Copper
tion is covered by a rock mantle and it is the Mine. Report (in Polish).
supply area for the Permian (Basalkalk and
Rotliegendes) aquifers. In the past, the water
inflowing there had the lowest mineralization
of all water samples being tested. In connec-

1142 Wolkersdorfer, Brown & Figueroa (Editors)

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