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PET 16- Monthly Reading Test (December)

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Respondent details

Full Burmese Name Hsu Lae Hmue Paing

English Name Amelia


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Test ended

Descriptive grade
Acceptable 37/69 p.


Total time

01:08:26 / 02:00:00

Start time 16:55 Date 2021-12-21

End time 18:05

Q. 1 1/1P

Complete the text with the correct form of the phrasal verbs in the box.
1.When I was a child I used to ________ stories all the time and I want to become a famous writer.

bring up

found out

make up

got on

took up

grew up

ran out of

set up

Score 1/1P

Q. 2 1/1P

2. They _______ my brother and me without any electronics or TV,

got on

brought up

make up

found out

grew up
ran out of

took up

set up

Score 1/1P

Q. 3 1/1P
3. so we _______ with books and games.

got on

make up

brought up

found out

took up

grew up

ran out of

set up

Score 1/1P

Q. 4 1/1P
4. Sometimes we _____ time, so we continued playing on Sunday.

ran out of

set up
took up

grew up

found out

brought up

make up

got on

Score 1/1P

Q. 5 1/1P
5.My brother and I generally _____  well each other

found out

brought up

ran out of

grew up

make up

set up

took up

got on

Score 1/1P

Q. 6 0/1P
6. except when one of us _______ that the other had moved a chess piece in secret.

make up

got on

brought up

found out

grew up

ran out of

took up

set up

Score 0/1P

Q. 7 0/1P
7. I even ______  electronic chess,

ran out of

set up

found out 

brought up

got on

make up

grew up

took up
Score 0/1P

Q. 8 0/1P
8.  This year I'm planning to ______  a chess club in the village where I live.

set up

took up

found out

got on

make up

brought up

grew up

ran out of

Score 0/1P

Q. 9 0/1P

2. Correct the adjective in the bold with an adjective that means the opposite. You are given the
first letter.
1. Our football coach is very easy-going and make us train for six hours every week.   s________

Provided answers


Score 0/1P

Possible answers strict (1P) Strict (1P)

Q. 10 1/1P
2.  John is very hard-working and spends a lot of time on the sofa watching TV. l_____

Provided answer

lazy 1P

Score 1/1P

Possible answers lazy (1P) Lazy (1P)

Q. 11 1/1P
3. Tamara's so stupid , I'm sure she'll get a good job in the future . c_____

Provided answer

clever 1P

Score 1/1P

Possible answers clever (1P) Clever (1P)

Q. 12 1/1P
4. The street was noisy because there was no traffic. q______

Provided answer

quiet 1P

Score 1/1P

Possible answers quiet (1P) Quiet (1P)

Q. 13 1/1P
5. My uncle gave me a new phone for my birthday. He's so mean. g_____

Provided answer

generous 1P

Score 1/1P

Possible answers generous (1P) Generous (1P)

Q. 14 1/1P
6. Don't push in front of other people, Jack! It's polite. r_______

Provided answer

rude 1P

Score 1/1P

Possible answers rude (1P) Rude (1P)

Q. 15 0/1P
7.  They felt calm as they were waiting for news of the election. a_____

Provided answer


Score 0/1P

Possible answers anxious (1P) Anxious (1P)

Q. 16 1/1P
8.  She's very shy and loves talking in public. c______

Provided answer

confident 1P

Score 1/1P

Possible answers confident (1P) Confident (1P)

Q. 17 0/1P

3. Complete the sentences with adjective formed from the word in the brackets.
1.My best friend always seems _______ even when things aren't going well. (cheer).

Provided answer


Score 0/1P

Possible answers cheerful (1P) Cheerful (1P)

Q. 18 1/1P
2. The train service here is _____ . The trains are always late. (reliable)

Provided answer

unreliable 1P

Score 1/1P

Possible answers unreliable (1P) Unreliable (1P)

Q. 19 0/1P
3. Human babies are _____ for much longer than most animals. (help)

Provided answer


Score 0/1P

Possible answers helpless (1P) Helpless (1P)

Q. 20 1/1P
4. She looks _____ in that long dress. (beauty)

Provided answer

beautiful 1P

Score 1/1P

Possible answers beautiful (1P) Beautiful (1P)

Q. 21 1/1P
5. The weather was so ______ that we had to cancel the barbecue. (pleasant)

Provided answer

unpleasant 1P

Score 1/1P

Possible answers unpleasant (1P) Unpleasant (1P)

Q. 22 1/1P
6.  He's always telling lies. He's completely _______ . (honest)

Provided answer

dishonest 1P

Score 1/1P

Possible answers dishonest (1P) Dishonest (1P)

Q. 23 1/1P
7. The book became a _______ film and it won an Oscar. (success)

Provided answer

successful 1P

Score 1/1P

Possible answers successful (1P) Successful (1P)

Q. 24 0/1P
8.  I found your instructions very _______ and managed to set up the computer by myself. (help)

Provided answer


Score 0/1P

Possible answers helpful (1P) Helpful (1P)

Q. 25 1/1P
9.  Marc gets angry quickly if he has to wait. He's so ______. (patient)

Provided answer

impatient 1P

Score 1/1P

Possible answers impatient (1P) Impatient (1P)

Q. 26 1/1P
10. Lizzie won't talk to me. I don't know why she's so _______. (friendly)

Provided answer

unfriendly 1P

Score 1/1P

Possible answers unfriendly (1P) Unfriendly (1P)

Q. 27 3/3P
4. Complete the sentences with a word form the box.
1. She's got _________, ________, _______ hair.

Provided answers

long 1P

dark 1P

straight 1P

Score 3/3P

Possible answers long (1P) Long (1P) dark (1P) Dark (1P) straight (1P)

Straight (1P)

Q. 28 3/3P
2. He's got _______, ______, brown hair and _______ shoulders.

Provided answers

short 1P

curly 1P

broad 1P
Score 3/3P

Possible answers short (1P) Curly (1P) Short (1P) curly (1P) Broad (1P)

broad (1P)

Q. 29 2/2P
3. She's got long _______ hair and _______ skin

Provided answers

blonde 1P

pale 1P

Score 2/2P

Possible answers blonde (1P) pale (1P) Blonde (1P) Pale (1P)

Q. 30 3/3P
4. He's got long, ________ , ______ hair and a ________.

Provided answers

wavy 1P
grey 1P

beard 1P

Score 3/3P

Possible answers wavy (1P) grey (1P) beard (1P) Wavy (1P) Grey (1P) Beard (1P)

Q. 31 2/2P
5. He's ________ and he's got a black ______.

Provided answers

bald 1P

moustache 1P

Score 2/2P

Possible answers bald (1P) moustache (1P) Bald (1P) Moustache (1P)

Q. 32 0/1P

1. For each question, write the correct answer. Write one word in each gap.
Provided answer

Score 0/1P

Possible answers how (1P) How (1P)

Q. 33 1/1P
Provided answer

If 1P

Score 1/1P

Possible answers If (1P) if (1P)

Q. 34 0/1P
Provided answer


Score 0/1P

Possible answers has (1P) Has (1P)

Q. 35 0/1P
Provided answers


Score 0/1P

Possible answers them (1P) Them (1P)

Q. 36 0/1P
Provided answer


Score 0/1P

Possible answers than (1P) Than (1P)

Q. 37 0/1P
Provided answer


Score 0/1P

Possible answers at (1P) At (1P)

Q. 38 0/1P
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets to make zero, first and
second conditionals. Write 0, 1 or 2 next to the sentence.

No. 1

Provided answer

get (1)

Score 0/1P

Possible answers gets (1) (1P) gets(1) (1P) Gets (1) (1P) Gets(1) (1P)

Q. 39 0/1P

No. 2

Provided answer

will tell (2)

Score 0/1P
Possible answers would tell (2) (1P) Would tell (2) (1P) would tell(2) (1P) Would tell(2) (1P)

Q. 40 0/1P

No. 3

Provided answer

going (2)

Score 0/1P

Possible answers go (1) (1P) go(1) (1P) Go (1) (1P) G0(1) (1P)

Q. 41 0/1P

No. 4

Provided answers

Score 0/1P

Possible answers Would you travel (2) (1P) would you travel (2) (1P) Would you travel(2) (1P)

would you travel(2) (1P)

Q. 42 0/1P

No. 5

Provided answers


Score 0/1P

Possible answers will give (1) (1P) Will give (1) (1P) will give(1) (1P) Will give(1) (1P)

Q. 43 0/1P

No. 6
Provided answers


Score 0/1P

Possible answers wakes up (0) (1P) Wakes up (0) (1P) wakes up(0) (1P) Wakes up(0) (1P)

Q. 44 0/1P

No. 7

Provided answers


Score 0/1P

Possible answers wouldn't do (2) (1P) Wouldn't do (2) (1P) wouldn't do(2) (1P)

Wouldn't do(2) (1P) would not do (2) (1P) Would not do (2) (1P) would not do(2) (1P)

Would not do(2) (1P)

Q. 45 0/1P
No. 8

Provided answers


Score 0/1P

Possible answers find (0) (1P) Find (0) (1P) find(0) (1P) Find(0) (1P)

Q. 46 1/1P

2. Complete the sentences with when, if or unless.




Score 1/1P
Q. 47 1/1P




Score 1/1P

Q. 48 0/1P



Score 0/1P

Q. 49 1/1P




Score 1/1P

Q. 50 1/1P



Score 1/1P

Q. 51 0/1P




Score 0/1P

Q. 52 0/1P



Score 0/1P

Q. 53 1/1P




Score 1/1P
Q. 54 0/1P

3. Match the beginnings and endings of the sentences and complete them with if, when or unless.

Write your answer as shown in example.

For example- b. if


Provided answers


Score 0/1P

Possible answers g. if (1P) g.if (1P) g, if (1P) g,if (1P)

Q. 55 0/1P


Provided answers

Score 0/1P

Possible answers f. unless (1P) f.unless (1P) f, unless (1P) f,unless (1P)

Q. 56 0/1P


Provided answers


Score 0/1P

Possible answers d. unless (1P) d.unless (1P) d, unless (1P) d,unless (1P)

Q. 57 0/1P


Provided answers

Score 0/1P

Possible answers c. if (1P) c. when (1P) c.if (1P) c, if (1P) c,if (1P) c.when (1P)

c, when (1P) c,when (1P)

Q. 58 0/1P


Provided answers


Score 0/1P

Possible answers b. when (1P) b.when (1P) b, when (1P) b,when (1P)

Q. 59 0/1P

Provided answers


Score 0/1P

Possible answers h. unless (1P) h.unless (1P) h, unless (1P) h,unless (1P)

Q. 60 0/1P


Provided answers


Score 0/1P

Possible answers a. unless (1P) a.unless (1P) a, unless (1P) a,unless (1P)

Q. 61 0/1P

Provided answers


Score 0/1P

Possible answers e. if (1P) e. when (1P) e.if (1P) e, if (1P) e,if (1P) e.when (1P)

e, when (1P) e,when (1P)

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