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What happened to Saddam Hussein after the Gulf War?

Answer and Explanation:

After the Gulf War ended, Saddam Hussein remained in power. President Bush chose not to go
after him because he felt that this regime change was not in the U.N. mandate that authorized
the war. Many people believe that this was a serious mistake.
Saddam Hussein was forcibly removed from power in 2003 by U.S. forces in an event known as
the Iraq War.
Why did the U.S. get involved in the Gulf War?

Who was the U.S. president during the Gulf War?

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What capital cities lie on the Persian Gulf?

What is the importance of the Persian Gulf?

How did the Clinton administration view Iraq during the 1990s?

Why did the Bush administration want to invade Iraq?

When did Persian Gulf War start?

When did the Persian Gulf War end?

Where did the Persian Gulf War take place?

Who started the Persian Gulf War?

Why did the U.S enter the Persian Gulf War?

What year did the Persian Gulf War begin?

How did the Persian Gulf War end?

How long did the Persian Gulf War last?

How many Americans died in the Persian Gulf War?

How many casualties were there in the Persian Gulf War?

How much did the Persian Gulf War cost?

What countries were involved in the Persian Gulf War?

Why was Saddam Hussein able to come to power in iraq?

Saddam Hussein rose to power because he was a ruthless strongman who did not hesitate
to remove any opposition to his rule.
In 1979, when al-Bakr attempted to unite Iraq and Syria, in a move that would have left
Saddam effectively powerless, Saddam forced al-Bakr to resign, and on July 16, 1979,
Saddam became president of Iraq. Less than a week later, he called an assembly of the
Ba'ath Party.

What was the nature of Saddam Hussein’s rule in Iraq?

Saddam Hussein Ruled as a totalitarian dictator – not only was he the President, but he was also the
Chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council (RCC), Prime Minister, and Commander-in-Chief of
the Army. He modelled his regime on that of Stalin (loved to read Stalin’s biographies and carefully
studied his techniques of government).


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