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Days Subject Content Performance Skills Activity/ Assessment Rubrics Reference

matter Standard Standard strategy

Introduction Understan The learner is 1.Understa 1. Make a list 1.Check for 1.10/10 “Intro to World
to World d how able to apply nding if ten things completion of 9/10 Religions.” Retrieved from
Religions Religion is the concept of 2.Creating that you answer 8/10
a religion and 3.Collobor believe in your 7/10 cument/d/1czzngDXftEe6
significant system to a ation notebook. Start 6/10 AwUHiOAl8WhV4irn_m
influence fictional and 4. Problem it with the YNjC0EpNqG0vY/edit#
on human hypothetical Solving words “I
social, country believe
political in____.
and 1a.How do 1a. Question 1a.100% are
cultural you think Essay Rubric exemplary
systems religion affect 90% are
the social, exemplary
cultural, 80% are
political and exemplary
economic 70% are
aspects of exemplary
human society
yourselves into
4 persons per
group and
share your
2&3.In your 2,3&4.Rubric for 2,3&4. 100%
own group, Group Work are exemplary
design your 90 are
own religion exemplary
and country. 80 are
The following exemplary
should be 70% are
present in your exemplary
fictional 60%are
country: exemplary
-Name your
Religion or
Belief system
-Give it a
How is it
-Describe it
housing, food)
-Tell about its
young, what
roles do they
play in
-Taboos and
social norms
-what role
does religion
play in your
The The learner
learner prepares
demonstra character
tes sketches of a
understand person who is
ing of spiritual but
1.Belief not religious 1. Begin by
system or and a person asking
worldview who is students to
2.Religion religious but define the term
3.Spiritual not spiritual. "Belief system
ity or
4.Philosop Worldview."
hy of 1a. Record
Religion students'
5.Theolog responses on
y. their notebook
or have them
share their
ideas verbally
with the class.


No Answer (0 pts) Needs Improvement Adequate (6 pts.) Quality (8 pts) Exemplary (10 pts)
(4 pts)
Content (10 pts) Did not answer Answers are partial or Answers are not Answers are Answers are
the question incomplete. Key comprehensive or accurate and comprehensive,
points are not clear. completely stated. complete. Key accurate and
Question not Key points are points are stated and complete. Key ideas
adequately answered. addressed, but not supported. are clearly stated,
well supported. explained, and well
organization or
Structure of the
answer is not easy
to follow.
organization or
Structure of the
answer is not easy
to follow.
Organization (10 pts) Did not answer Organization and Inadequate Organization is Well organized,
the question structure detract from organization or mostly clear and coherently
the answer. development. easy to follow. developed, and easy
Structure of the to follow.
answer is not easy
to follow.


Exemplary Proficient Developing Needs Development

10 pts 7 pts 4 pts 1 pt
Brain The group frequently sees The group often The group occasionally The group is unable to
Storming links between seemingly produces novel and produces novel and produce novel and/or
unrelated ideas. Able to unique ideas and unique ideas and unique ideas and results
produce results that are novel produces results with produces results but only without significant
and well developed. little or no support with guidance. guidance and
Realization The group actively seeks out The group is willing to The group considers The group will not
and follows through on consider and follow untested ideas or consider untested ideas.
untested ideas or approaches through on untested approaches to a problem Stays strictly within the
to a problem. The risk of ideas or approaches to a only with strong constraints of the
failure is a real possibility, but problem. The risk of encouragement. problem which ensures
does not constrain the group. failure is a possibility, The risk of failure that there is little risk of
and puts some constraint constrains the group. failure.
on the group.
Define Problem The group identifies the key The group identifies The group identifies The group is unable to
elements of the problem and the key elements of the the key elements of the identify the key elements
clearly outlines the objectives problem and clearly problem and clearly of the problem and/or
in an effective manner with no outlines the objectives in outlines the objectives the objectives without a
assistance. an effective manner with in an effective manner great deal
little assistance with assistance of assistance.
Process The group develops strategies The group develops The group develops The group is unable to
that are insightful and use strategies that are strategies that are develop strategies that
logical reasoning to reach insightful and use insightful and use are insightful and logical
accurate results with no logical reasoning to logical reasoning to without a great deal of
assistance. reach accurate results reach accurate results assistance.
with little assistance. with assistance
Communication Everyone is fully engaged Everyone is engaged The group is engagedThe group is only
with effective exchange most of the time. The but can be distracted.
engaged with
of ideas exchange of ideas is Ideas are exchanged encouragement or not all
effective most of the with encouragement. members are engaged.
time Ideas are not exchanged
Interpersonal Members of the group share There is a general There is a general The group atmosphere is
Engagement respect for each other. All atmosphere of respect atmosphere of respect competitive and/or
members of the group feel free for all group members. for group members, but individualistic. Conflicts
to ask questions and The majority of group some members of the that arise are not dealt
contribute. Conflicts are members feel free to ask group do not feel free to with or cannot be
resolved with open dialogue questions and contribute. ask questions and resolved and/or there are
and compromise Members are generally contribute. Members are no effective group
able to resolve conflicts generally able to resolve interactions.
through open discussion conflicts through open
discussion with outside

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