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Pahilga, Christianne Marie H. Prof.

Pamela Grace Muhi

BABR 1-2D COMM 20023

Lesson 2: Effective Business Communication

With the given situation below, identify the most appropriate communication channel to be
used and indicate the type (10pts).

1. The supervisor wants to talk to Mario about his tardiness.

 The best communication channel that can be used in this conversation is a face-to-face
interaction because both parties can address their concerns and give reasons.
Interpersonal communication is best for situations like this.
2. A foreign investor wants to discuss possible partnership with your company.
 In today’s time, it is best to use video conferences for virtual meetings between
companies. Having the fact that the possible investor came from other country, it
hassles both company if the foreign investor will go here in our country or vice versa.
During the meeting, they can just share screen their presentations and all. Electronic
and computer-based communication is best to use to situations like this.
3. Your Japan headquarters wants to schedule a meeting with the Philippine office
 Since face-to-face meeting is not allowed, they can schedule a meeting using online
platforms and set the date, time, and other important details they need for the meeting.
Using online platforms means it is under the electronic and computer-based
4. As the head engineer, you need to get the project inputs of the planning
department for your report.
 As for this, the planning department may give their project inputs to their head in
hardcopy or as a printed material so that it will not be hard for the head engineer to
check and compile them all. Therefore, it is a written or print-based communication.
5. It is time for this annual publication of your company.
 During this kind of event, people gather to celebrate this occasion. So, this calls for a
face-to-face interaction between the employees and their bosses. This event is under
the face-to-face or interpersonal communication.
6. During company buy-in how to inform the employees about the changes.
 The secretary of the boss may post the memo on the bulletin board so that the other
staffs and employees will see it and will be informed about the changes. Using printed
materials to inform the public is under the written or print-based way of
7. The CEO asked you about your new project proposal.
 Presenting new project proposal requires me to do my own presentation, showing it to
the bosses of my company. Powerpoint presentations can be shared to the people in
the meeting through the use of projectors. This also requires me to speak and explain
the content of my presentation. It is a face-to-face or interpersonal communication but
it uses electronic and computer-based way of communication.
8. Your director is asking you about the status of your project.
 This doesn’t require emails and other electronic means as well as letters, memos, and
other printed materials because the director just asked you on the spot so you just have
to answer his question making this interaction fall under face-to-face or interpersonal
9. HR will conduct the annual family day.
 Family day means people or the employees of the company will invite their families or
people they want to invite to attend the party. Considering this, people will interact with
each other and will get to talk personally. This situation falls under face-to-face or
interpersonal communication.
10. You requested information from regional office by sending them a
correspondence but no response to date and you need to make a follow up.
 Sending the regional office an e-mail regarding your requested information made you
use online platforms which falls under electronic and computer-based communication
but the moment you decided to follow up it immediately, it means you are going to
physically go there to say your concern. It falls under the face-to-face or interpersonal

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