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Maharlika Highway, San Jose City N.E

A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
a. Identify the characters of the story
b. give the moral lesson of the story
c. write the summary of the story including the characters, settings, plot and ending

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Footenote to Youth by Jose Garcia Villa
Materials: Visual Aids, hand outs and pictures
III. Teaching Procedure

Teachers Activity Students Activity

A. Routinary activity

Good morning class!
Good morning Ma’am!
2. Prayer

Before we start, let us pray first. Irish

can you please lead the prayer.
(The students will pray)
3. Checking of attendance

Who's absent today?

4. Assignment Nobody's absent today Ma'am

We have an assignment yesterday

right? Okay pass it forward.
(The students will pass their assignments)

B. Review

Before we start our new lesson, who still

remember our last topic?

Yes, Aceneth
It is about what is Literature Maam.
Okay, And what is literature? Yes, Gillen
Ma'am Literature is a term used to describe
Thank you! Very good! written and sometimes spoken material.

C. Motivation
Class, before we start our
lesson today, I have here a pictures and you
need to identify what is it and what they
usually do. Okay? Yes Ma'am.

Yes, Dianna.
Ma’am that is baby, and they love milk.
Very good!

Ma'am I think that is a Father, and they work

Yes Janine. for their family.

Very good!

Okay last picture, Yes Irish.

Ma'am that is a teenager, he studying.
Very good!
D. Presentation

Based on the pictures what did you think our

topic today? Yes Kathleen.

Ma'am I think our topic for today is about the

Thank you! Very good! story that has a connection with the role of
Our topic today has a connection with the role of
person especially to the role of a teenager. And it
entitled "Footnote to youth" by Jose Garcia Villa.

But before we read the story here are the Guide

Questions that you need to answer after reading
the story.

Edylyn can you please read the guide questions.

Guide Questions:

1. Who are the characters in the story?

2. What is the story all about?

3. What is the moral lesson of the story?

4. How does the story make you feel?

5. If you were given a chance to change the ending

of the story, what would it be?
Thank you!

And here are the Vocabulary words that can help

you to understand more our topic today.

Stature- a person’s natural height

Gazing- look steadily and intently

Querulous- complaining in a petulant

Descended- move or fall downward

Wistfully- feeling of regretful

E. Statement of objectives

Today you need to identify the characters of

the story, give the moral lesson of the story and
write the summary of the
story including the
characters, settings,
plot and ending of the

F. Discussion

Before we start, I give a short description who

is Jose Garcia Villa.

He is a poet, a critic, a short story writer and a


Jose Garcia Villa was born in Singalong,

Manila on August 05, 1908.

Graduated from UP High School in 1925 and

enrolled in the pre-med course. And one of his
best work is Footnote to Youth.

I will give you a copy of the story.

Would you believe in the saying "Like Father

like Son" why?

Yes Edylyn?

Okay, thank you!

Yes Maam, because you came from him and
Dodong thought to himself he would tell his father also to your Mother.
about Teang when he got home, after he had
unhitched the carabao from the plow, and led it to
its shed and fed it. He was hesitant about saying it.
Dodong finally decided to tell it, but a thought
came to him that his father might refuse to
consider it. His father was a silent hardworking
farmer, who chewed areca nut, which he had
learned to do from his mother. Dodong did not
bother to look where into the air, but thought of
his age, seventeen, and he said to himself he was
not young anymore. He was seventeen, he had
pimples on his face, then down on his upper lip
was dark-these meant he was no longer a boy. He
was growing into a man – he was a man. Dodong
felt insolent and big at the thought of it, although
he was by nature low in stature. Thinking himself
man grown, Dodong felt he could do anything.

So in this part of the story, it describes the main

character namely Dodong and he is 17 years old
when he decided to marry his love ones namely
Teang. But he hesitated to say it to his father but
he wants to convince his father because he thinks
that he can do anything because he is already

Can you please continue reading, Yes Aceneth?

Dodong’s mother removed the dishes when they
were through, and went with slow careful steps
and Dodong wanted to help her carry the dishes
out. But he was tired and now, feld lazy. He wished
as he looked at her that he had a sister who could
help his mother in the housework.

Thank you!

What did you observed about Dodong's attitude?

Ma'am he is lazy and he doesn't want to help his
Yes, Irish. mother.

Very good! Yes he is lazy. He felt tiredness but if he

wants to help his mother it doesn't matter right?

Would you think his father refusing his decision or

letting him to marry Teang?

Yes Khayzelle.

Ma'am, I think his father refusing his decision

because he still young and because he doesn't
Okay, thank you Khayzelle! Let see! know the responsibility of being in marriage.
Please continue reading, Janine.

You are very young, Dodong.” “I’m seventeen.”

“That’s very young to get married at.”

“I… I want to marry… Teang’s a good girl… “All

right, Dodong.” “All right, Dodong.”

“Son, if that is your wish… of course…” There was a

strange helpless light in his father’s eyes. Dodong
did not read it. Too absorbed was he in himself....
In this part of the story, his father let him
marry Teang even if he's still young because he
doesn't do anything but to accept his son's

Next paragraph will you please read


“Dodong,” his mother called again. “Dodong.” “It is

a boy.” “Dodong, you come up. You come up,” his
So after several months they got a child. And
mother said. “Dodong… Dodong.” And they give it
Teang realized how hard being a young parent.
name "BLAS".....
And thinking what if she marry other suitor, is
she have the same life?

Last paragraph please, Yes Shekinah.

When their son grow, he follows the footsteps When Blas was eighteen, he came home one night,
of his parents, he wants to marry also. And very flustered and happy. Dodong heard Blas’
Dodong have nothing to do but explain how steps for he could not sleep well at night. He
hard to be in "marriage" but like Dodong, his watched Blass undress in the dark and lie down
son pursue what he wants. softly. Blas was restless on his mat and could not
sleep. Dodong called his name and asked why he
did not sleep......
If you were Dodong would you let Blas to
marry even if he still young?

Yes, Joan.

Yes, Very good!

Do you have any questions?

No Ma'am, because I don't want to make him
experience what I experienced already.

Who are the characters in the story? Yes, (Nothing Ma'am)


Very good!
Ma'am the characters in the story are Dodong,
What is the story all about? Yes Arianne Teang and his son Blas.

How does the story make you feel? The story was all about Dodong who decides to
marry at the age of 17 and it repeats when his
child Blas wants also to marry.

Very Good! I felt sad because Dodong have nothing to do to

convince his child Blas to change what he wants.
What is the moral lesson of the story? Yes

Very good! Before entering to a married life, we must not

only think twice but a hundred times.
If you were given a chance to change the ending of
the story, what would it be?

I will not allowed my son Blas to marry Tona and I

will convince him to focus on his study and other
Thank you! Very Good!

G. Application
To know if you really understood our topic
today, bring out ½ sheet of paper. This is good (The students will do their task)
for 5 minutes only.

Make a summary of the story including the

characters, settings, plot, and ending of the
Student will pass their paper finish or not

(Student will pass their papers)

Class, again what is the title of the story and
who is the author? Yes, Dianna.

Very good!

And who is the characters in the story? The title of the story is Footnote to Youth by
Jose Garcia Villa.

Very good!
Ma'am the characters in the story are Dodong,
And what is the story all about? Yes Joan.
Teang and their son.

Very good!
The story was all about Dodoong who decides
Do you have any questions about our lesson to marry Teang at their young age and it
today? repeats when they got a child.

( Nothing Ma'am)
IV. Evaluation

Directions: Your class will be divided into 2. You are a group of artist, you are going to make a
poster that shows your advice to the teenagers today, expected that today is a program that
advocate prevention of early marriage, the students will serve as audience. And you will be
graded through the Cooperation, Attractiveness, and Performance.

Category 10 5 3

Cooperation All members Some of the members Students are did not
participated and did not participated participated and do
share their idea and some of students other things
did not share their

Performance The message of the The message of the The message of the
poster is clearly poster is quite poster was mess and
expressed expressed not clearly expressed
the message

Attractiveness The poster is very The poster is The poster is messy

attractive in terms of acceptably attractive and its not creative
layout, design, and and quite creative interms of layout, and
neatness interms of layout, and design

V. Assignment

For your assignment, make an advance reading about the story of the My Father goes to court
by Carlos Bulosan.

Prepared by: Shenly Anne V. Mendoza


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