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Five Animal Movements as Dynamic Healing Sounds by Michael Winn There are many different versions of the animal movements, since many chi kung movements are inspired by the graceful, effortless way animals move in nature. These can be done walking in a circle, reversing direction periodically for balance. Traditionally there are up to five movements for each animal; these are some that work well with the healing sounds. TIGER (metal/lungs) feel Courage, Integrity, Release Grief 1. Hisses as it prowls. Gather chi in palms as they rise up to chest on inhale, extend finger/claws out on exhale. Step left and right, eyes fierce, hissing lung sound, Clears lungs of trapped emotion, chi stagnation, depression. 2. Scares off the enemy. Standing, squat and rise 3 or 4 times as fingers claw the air in front, hissing “Hehhhch". Cross arms, count to three, exhale sharp "Ho!" as arms chop to sides. Clears lungs, strengthen spleen and kidneys. BEAR (water/kidneys) Feel Deep Wisdom Stir, Release Fear 1. Shakes the earth. Arms loose at sides, step forward, weight on ball of rear foot. Shake from the kidneys 3x. Take another step, repeat. Warms kidney yang (adrenals), loosens low back. Silent. 2. Tosses fear aside with ease. Step right foot forward, stretch forward with both arms on inhale, claw to left side and behind you, exhaling "Chuuu". Then left foot steps, release right. Clears fear. DEER (wood/liver) Feel Kindness, Release Anger 1. Prances thru the Green forest. Put hands to side of head like deer antlers. Step forward, whole body springs up as arms arc up and away, hissing "Shhhhh". Feel all tendons and joints open and close. CRANE (fire/heart) Feel Joyful & Serene, Release Self-Judgement 1. Crane Stands. Arms flap up and down. Silently focus on outside of arms. 2. Crane prepares to fly. Walk & flap arms. Inhale, feel chi on inside of arms, exhale Hahhh. 3. Crane flies. Lift knee and arms together. Feel chi up center of body to heart. Inhale Chuuu, exhale Hahhh, MONKEY (earth/spleen) Feel Balanced & Playful, Release Worry 1. Eats the Banana. Step forward, Draw all 10 fingers at navel level together and pull them up to mouth, lifting shoulders as inhale "Huu". Exhale "Hoooh" as hands & shoulders drop down. Other foot steps. Suck guts up to mouth with each movement to exercise digestive tract. 2. Looks Left and Right. Same movement up to mouth, then hands separate, one palm opens at side of face, other palm pushes down to side of waist. Activates yin and yang function of spleen/pancreas/stomach. The Six Healing & Organizing Sounds Of Life Balancing The Noise Within When in balance the human mind, [body and emotions are like a finely tuned instrument with each Pan seuonating in harmony ‘Sometimes however our bodies fall oot of tune creating an inner ‘noise This inner noise causes Suess. fension pain and sickness ‘The Stx lealing And Organisiog Sounds ‘ice television und radio waves that can be adjusted from static to a clear clean signal the human body mind and emotions can also be Six Healing Sounds #1 Lung Sound: #3 Liver Sound: #2 Kidney Sound: Hissssssss SShhhhh Chooooo ies ‘Arms circle onside of body Sil into the lungs. Pelms up. Smile ino the Kidnys. Arms sat and Siento the iver, Stretch ingrs ‘Thumbs up and ebows back. ‘squeeze the kidneys as you exhale. back. Press up more with right palm. ##4 Heart Sound: #5 Spleen Soune: #6 Triple Warmer Sound Hu He [v4 . Haaahh 48 Push hands down front side of torso from mouth i feet A Smile into the Spleen. Backs of fngers Smile into the sexual center, tha Hand cel pnt of body on nile together and press in deap under the Cigostve centr and the heat ceier. ‘mule nto the heart, Stretch fingers ‘eft rib cage toward the spleen, Feel an energy wave rolling through you back and press up aa left hand more ‘Need fesale, fing ingens away fom body ‘on exhal Six Healing Sounds Ph Hal; vel watee wool Fike earth CORE Organ Lungs Kidneys liver Heart Spleen Triple Warmer Sound “Sssssss" ——“Choooooo* “ssh "Hhaawn” "Wuhhooo™ "Heeeee" we Wako Position of Teethalmast — Lipsround ite Lips puckered, Mouthreaxed, Ups round, open Lips thi, tongue mouth, tongue touching tongue blowingouta —soundrrises from softs rom throat sight almost touches and teeth behind teeth candle Liver Heart lke “aahh’ — tense, gutteral palete, sound vibrates palate Weather Cool and dry Cold and Warm and moist Hot and Perfect Comfortable comfortable ‘Autumn day Balanced gual : : Color Bright shiny Royal blue! it green Bright red Bright yellow Ntcolors Cleak vile Black blended taivbrs) Distorted Sadness grief Fear Anger Cruety, Wory, ansiely Lite warmth, no Emotion impatience Pastand futwe ——armany wr passion alartant Yin Balanced doy, courage Gentleness Kindness Love, patience Fairness, oneness posing Emotion / vase eling Araseat Yang Balanced Strength, Ambition, Control, Warmth, vitality Abiity tobe present, Sense of Emotion substantalty willpower decisiveness balanced, — direction, to stabilize, 9*>™" lize, ode integration Direction West Noth East South Center-Earh — Empty Spate tietor — tetraner MEA lett i ae Animal le Tiger Be Dee reen dragor nese pheasant fen phoenix, py Planet White snow lua snow - Green snow- Red snow- Yelow snow - Venus Mercury Jupiter Mars Saturn fol sae L gel Related Sensa © Nose-smeling Ears-hearing -Eyes-seeing Tongue tasting Mouth - swallowing ruth -hust - Ave Time Sam Sam 5pm 7pm, Jam dam ‘Yam - 1pm Sam- {tam Spm t1pm ActiveSeason Fall Winter =” Spring ‘Summer Indian summer Sep7toDec7? Dec 7-Mar6 = Mar6-Jun6 Jun 6-Sep6 Aug? Aug 25 Ene Convacing ——

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