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2. TAMA ADI LUSIONO (STI202102142)
3. SOLEHAN (STI202102148)
4. SULISTIYO (STI202102161)
MATA KULIAH : English Conversation
DOSEN PENGAMPU : Rianti Yunita K, S.Pd,M.Kom


Make a conversation using of these topic Vacation:

Solehan : "Hi.. how are you guys?"
Hasan : "I'm fine as always."
Tiyo : "I'm fine too, How about you Han?"
Solehan : " Good. Thanks."
Tama : "How was your holiday? I bet it was fun."
Hasan : "last holiday I want to the menganti beach with my family."
Solehan : " where is the menganti Beach?"
Hasan : " The menganti beach located in kebumen,the trip from my home is about three
Tiyo : "what are you doing there?"
Hasan : " There I played sand with my sister picnic with my family and enjoyed the beach
Tiyo :" That was great.Are there other intrecting places on the beach."
Hasan : "of course there is an intersting places in my opinion the Red Bridge. Because this
bridge is most often visited by tourists after from the beach."
Tama :"how about the air temperatur in there?"
Hasan : "The air temperature on the red bridge is very fresh, different from the
temperature conditions on the menganti beach."
Tiyo : "Next time you have to let me know, when you go the beach again,I want to join."
Hasan : "Yes, of course.Where you vocation yesterday?"
Tiyo : "I want to jogja on the holiday."
Tama. : "Really? I went there too on holiday. How come we didn’t come across each
Tiyo : " I don’t know. It’s strange, right?"
Solehan : "Perhaps you stayed in the different part of Jogja?"
Tama : "Solehan might be right. I stayed in Bantul during my visit in Jogja. What about
Tiyo : " It is no wonder, then. I stayed in Sleman."
Hasan : " But from Sleman to Bantul is not that far. You both could have still met each
other by chance."
Tiyo : "Yeah, I know. I think we weren’t meant to meet there"
Tama : "It also didn’t happen because Tiyo and I didn’t contact each other during the
Solehan : "That’s right. Communication is important. Next time we should inform each other
on holidays."
Hasan : "True! So, Dimas, Beni, would you like to share your adventure in Jogja? What did
you do in Jogja? Did you visit interesting places?"
Tiyo : "I just visited some of my relatives’ places. I’m from Jogja, so I have many relatives
there. What about you, Tama?"
Tama : "I visited the tourist attractions of lintang sewu hill and parangtritis beach."
Solehan : "Really? which of the two places do you think is the most interenting?"
Tama :" I think Lintang sewo fill it's more interesting. because the scenery and the air is
so cool, it makes me feel at home."
Hasan :"What activitis do you do at lintang sewu?"
Tama : "at Lintang sewu Hill I took many photos
whith unique and beatiful spots."
Solehan : "Can you show me the photos?"
Tama : "I will show it to you guys later."
Solehan :" okay!"
Tama : "how about your Vacation han?"
Solehan : "yesterday I was invited by a friend to climb the mountain."
Tama : " Very interesting. what kind of mountain. chimbing is that?"
Solehan :"I think climbing to slamet mountain but is near."
Tiyo :" Really? Instead yesterday it was till rainy season. There how did you get rained
on the street?"
Solehan :"Luckily I left early in the morning. so when i arrived at the new location it was
Tiyo : "ya.. btw how is the atmosphere in the
Solehan : " heh... I can not describe in words in detail, the point is very beautiful. Especially
at the top of the mountain, one city can be seen all."
Hasan. : "wah... I want to climb a mountain too,
but how does it feet when climbing?"
Solehan : " I feel like giving up at begining.but when I saw natural beauty around me and
was encouraged by my friends I excited again."
Hasan. : "Next time, please invite we."
Solehan : "Yes of cours."
Tiyo. : "mybe later we can schedule it. But my recommendation that we hold a camp
event is first to get to know the natural conditions and prepare physicall"
Tama : "Yes, it is true."
Solehan :"Okay .Next time we will discuss more!"
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