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1. a.

Define microwave junction

b. Distinguish between E-plane Tee and H-plane Tee.

c. Explain the working of a directional coupler with a neat diagram and derive the expression for the
coupling and directivity of a directional coupler [10 marks]
2 a. Define the quality factor of a resonator.

b. List few applications of a cavity resonator.

Cavity resonators can be used in
1. tuned circuits
2. in uhf tubes, klystron amplifier
3. in duplexers of radars
4. cavity wavemeters
C. What are the different types of Attenuators? Explain them with neat diagrams.
D. Draw the structure diagram of E-plane Tee and explain its characteristics.
3. a. Write the scattering matrix for Isolator

0 0 
s 
1 0 
b. What are ferrites and give their properties?
c. Explain the principle of Faraday rotation.
d. Discuss the working of ferrite isolator with neat diagram
4a. Draw a neat diagram of Bethe –hole coupler

b. Distinguish between an isolator and a gyrator

c. What is the principle of Faraday rotation? Explain the working of gyrator.
5.a. Draw a neat sketch explain the applications of the magic tee as mixer

b. Define coupling factor and directivity

c. With a neat sketch explain the working of directional coupler and Derive the S - matrix for 4 port
directional coupler when the coupling factor is 3dB.
6.a. What is Q Factor?
b. How to use tuning screws and posts in microwaves?
c. What is Faraday rotation? Explain the working of a ferrite circulator with neat sketches. How can it be
used as an isolator?
7. Explain the principle of operation of an isolator. What is the significance of using isolator in
microwave circuits?
8. Explain the working of Rotary Vane type phase shifter with neat diagram
9.Write short notes on: (a)Wave guide Irises (b)Rat? Race hybrid (c)Dielectric phase shifters
10.Derive the expression for the coupling and directivity of a two hole directional coupler.

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