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Learning Episode’s Portfolio

What’s on your mind?

Janine Carcer Dime
Say something about this photo…




Janine C. Dime, 22 was born at

December 11 1999. Second to the three
siblings and raised by a single parent. Finished
primary education at Loyal Elementary School
and finished Secondary education Junior High
at Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary
Academy and Senior High at Good Shepherd
Academy. Currently, a fourth-year college
student at Mindoro State University taking
up the course of Bachelor of Secondary
Education majoring in English. Dreams to be
successful for her family and hopes for a
bright future. Has a motto of “No one can go
back and change a bad beginning but anyone
can start now and create a successful ending”.
Field Study 2

Field Study 2, Participation and

Teaching Assistantship, is aligned
with the Philippine Professional
Standards for Teachers and
Program Outcomes. The students
takes a more active role and gets
involve in the teaching-learning
process. The student continues to be
a keen observer but simultaneously
participates in the tasks involve in
the different aspects of the
instructional process. At the end of
each episode, the FS student is able
to do a synthesis and is scaffolded to
formulate an action research
working title related to the vital
topic of the episode.

I chose this five-learning episode

because for me these episodes
were the ones that I gave much
attention and details upon
answering. I answered it with
the best observation and
analysis and with enough
understanding of the topics
and/or learning episodes.

Learning Episode 4
Participate and Assist
The problems I identified are:

1. Gadget – knowing that we are now in a new normal wherein students’

learning environment are confined through gadget and online
platform, this become a huge problem because not everyone can
have their own gadget, and for those who have some of them are
becoming lazy and just focusing on mobile games than attending
2. Time – this became a problem because students’ time when the new
normal started became more difficult to manage since they were
at their home, some became more careless of their time and some
were really doesn’t have enough time to comprehend to the given
task for they also need to do house chores.
3. Home – being at home or home being the students’ learning
environment is a problem since there were many distractions and
most of the students doesn’t have specific room where they can
study quietly.
4. Comprehension – this is a problem because there is less interaction
with the teacher when the new normal started and it became more
difficult specifically for students who has low level of
understanding, and that difficulty can lead or result to learning
anxiety and/or failing.
5. Motivation – this is an essential part in learning and when the
learners didn’t meet this or the teacher failed to provide this it’ll
turn into a big problem, because a student who wasn’t motivated
at all will lead to failing or drop out. Moreover, since the students
are home based learning the motivation decreases and it is crucial
for teachers to find ways on how they can motivate their students
s well as how students can motivate their self.

What have you noticed of the problem identified

above? Can there be more than one solution to the
problem? Explain

I noticed that since a problem is inevitable in

teaching and learning process having two or more solution
is a best way to have multiple possibly of enhancing
learning development. And yes, there can be more than
one solution to a problem.

A creative and innovative teacher can find one or

more than one solution or answer to the same problem.
Each solution matches with the problem. The more
solutions identified to choose from, the better for an
action researcher.

Let us try to look into the following scenarios in the daily

life of a teacher. This scenario might also be similar to the class
you have observe and noticed.

Scenario A: Miss Fely is a grade four teacher in a typical

elementary school. She has forty learners in her class. One half
of them cannot classify animals into vertebrates and
invertebrates. She has been repeating the same science lesson
for two weeks, yet no progress was observed. This situation has
been bothering Miss Fely.

• Can you identify, Miss Fely’s problem? – among 40 students, half

of them are having difficulty in comprehension in classifying
animals into vertebrates and invertebrates.
• Can you find a solution to solve her problem? Give your two
a. Peer teaching
b. Video lessons
• What solution can solve Miss Fely’s problem? How?
Video lessons. Miss Felly must use video lessons in teaching her
science lesson because if the learners can see for themselves what
kind of animal is vertebrates and invertebrates it’ll be easy for
them to classify it. Since children or learners got more interested
in watching videos than just listening to a typical specific class
discussion, learners will be more attentive and become more curious
about the classification of animals and eventually understand it.
Are they matched with the problem? Yes.
Scenario B: Sir Ryan teaches in a disadvantage
urban community. Most of his learners come from
families that are disrupted, either with single
parents or with their guardians who stand only as
parents. They are deprived of the necessary food,
clothing and shelter.

• Can you identify the most probable teaching – learning

problem/s in the class of Sir Ryan?
a. Poor interest and motivation
b. Financial and learning resources

• Can you propose a solution to solve one of the problems

that you have identified?
Sir Ryan can boost the learner’s interest and motivation
by implementing lots of fun learning activities and video
lessons. Also, sir Ryan can make fun and exiting games and
give rewards to get the learners attention and be
motivated to go to school, and feel less problematic and
set aside their problems at home when at school.
Moreover, since the area sir Ryan teaches at a
disadvantage urban community, Sir Ryan if he can should
give at least notebooks/papers and pen as reward for
their games he can also solicit money from his co-teachers
and do a monthly feeding program for the students.

After reading the two scenarios given above, how would

identifying problematic situations and finding solutions to
these problems help you to become a better teacher?
Identifying problematic situations and finding
solutions to the problem given at two scenarios help me
become a better teacher in such a way that it develops
my critical and problem-solving thinking skills. Through
those two scenarios I was able to think carefully and
analyze the situation to have the most possible solution
that can solve the problem. With that I can be able to
spot a problematic situation and analyze it with
thorough observation when the time that I will practice
my profession, and be able to come up with the better
Write Action Research Prompts

What problematic situation prevails in the classroom?
As a future English educator, I think the problematic situation
prevails in the classroom is Difficulty in Comprehension of English

What changes do you want to achieve?
The changes I want to achieve is that, I want learners to be
proficient and be an effective speaker of the English Language with the
night use of grammar and vocabulary.

What strategies will you use to improve the situation?
I plan to use English songs and English literary books to widen the
vocabulary of the learners and for them to be familiarize with the sound
and right pronunciation of words.

What would be the title of your Action Research should you conduct the
The use of English songs and English Literary books in developing
and enhancing the students’ English-speaking skills.
Add: Solution/Action
a. Book reading and review
b. Literary writing and song writing
c. Song association and lyrics analyzation
Work on my Artifacts

I. Title of Action Research



II. Author/s

Terri Johnson, Mary Ann Wisniewski, Greg Kuhlemeyer, Gerald

Isaacs, and Jamie Krzykowski

III. Abstract

The reluctance to design and teach online courses in higher

education is often attributed to technology anxiety in faculty.
This article documents a faculty development model that has
successfully helped faculty overcome this obstacle. “Bootcamps,”
faculty development programs held at Carroll University in
Waukesha, WI, were specifically and intentionally designed to be
consistent with the principles of andragogy and transfer of
learning to assist faculty in technology adoption for teaching and
learning in an online environment. The faculty development
“Bootcamps” can be easily adapted for implementation at other
higher education institutions.

IV. Identify the Problems in the Study

Overcoming a difficult barrier in online teaching which is

technology anxiety which primarily arises from the design and
teaching of online courses. Faculty often lack self- confidence when
it comes to using technologies.
Work on my Artifacts

V. Identify the Action Taken in the Study

Through the encouragement of the Provost, “Bootcamps” were

specifically developed to assist faculty in technology adoption for
teaching and learning in an online environment. The Bootcamps
are three – day summer workshops in which faculty learn to
redesign a current face – to – face course to an online course.
Working in small groups of three or four, faculty members receive
one – on – one instruction with an instructional technologist for
their particular course and earning objectives, as well as learn
from their peers who maybe from very different disciplinary
backgrounds. Bootcamp adheres to Knowles principles of adult
learning: 1) faculty are involved in planning how they want to
redesign their course; 2) they learn through hands – on trial and
error of using technology for various learning objectives; 3)
faculty are very interested in learning how to create an online or
hybrid course because the course will be designed and taught by
them; and 4) the bootcamp itself is a problem – based activity.
By the end of the bootcamp, faculty members produce a
substantively – ready online course to be launched the following
academic year.
Learning Episode 5

Participate and Assist

What will you do to assist your mentor in setting up a

conducive learning environment in the following
1. Bulletin Board Display – I will assist my mentor
by helping her to cut and paste displays, also I’ll
be suggesting something that might/or will get
the attention of the learners such as clip arts,
artistic designs, and quotations. I’ll also be
observing the students to know their likes and
interest to know their likes and interest to have
an idea in designing the bulletin board.
2. Small Group Discussion – I’ll be assisting my
mentor by monitoring and guiding students as
they are having their small group discussion and
assist them if they have some questions.
3. Checking class attendance in a virtual classroom –
I’ll assist my mentor by listing down all the
students present in class and contacting or
messaging those who isn’t present to check why
they are still not in the class.

Learning Environment 1:
• What have you noticed of the display in the class bulletin board? What
message or theme it conveys?
- The bulletin board display were mostly announcements, reminders,
articles, and quotations.

• What makes it attractive to the learners?

- The bulletin board gains attraction from the learners because of
its aesthetic and on trend design, also the quotations were quite
attracting the leaners since its meaningful and relatable.

• Does it help in the learning process? How?

- Yes, it does help in the learning process because the articles posted
on it were connected to the lessons and were all worth reading. Also,
it gives motivation to the students because some of the
announcements were students achievements and also its aesthetic
appearance gives the classroom a good ambiance.

Learning Environment 2:
• If the teacher is using a distance delivery of learning through the
modules, where is most likely the learning space of the students?
- At their respective house.

• Can you describe?

- Students of course have different house built, some students have
their own room where they can accomplish their task free from
distraction, provided with all their needs (educational supplies,
laptop, printer, wi-fi). Some were just relying on the modules that
was given by the teachers and doesn’t have enough educational
supplies and uses cell phones rather than laptop that sometimes
were just barrowed or broken. Moreover, those students also don’t
have a conducive learning space at their house and most likely to
always be distracted by noises and their family members.

• How can you as a teacher help to make such environment conducive

for learning?
- Me as a teacher can help to make such environment conducive for
learning by having a monthly house visit assessment to assist and
help parents on how they can help their child on providing a
conducive learning environment.


As a teacher, in which of the two situations would you prefer

to manage for learning? Choose between Learning Environment 1 or
Learning Environment 2. Explain your choice: why?
As a teacher I prefer to manage learning environment 1
because, it is best if I can observe simultaneously my students in
one room. I can easily address their learning needs and improve my
strategy. In face – to – face learning I can have my thorough
observation on the students and with that I can know and
understand them more, I will be able to know their interests and
likes as well as their behaviour.


Based on my noticing and analysis, I realized that

a. Learning environment is very essential in the teaching and
learning process and having a conducive learning environment
whether inside the classroom or at students’ home must be
b. Bulletin board displays increases students’ interest and
motivation on learning as well as it makes a room more
conducive to learning.
c. Since natural phenomenon and/or pandemic is inevitable we as
a teacher must be prepared for a sudden change and be
flexible to accommodate the students learning needs.
Write Action Research Prompts


What probable problem may result from the two situations of the
learning environment?
Based on the situations of learning environment above a
problem that may arise is that poor motivation and interest of


What solutions I can think of to solve the problem?

I think, to solve that problem we as a teacher must be
prepared, be a keen observer and must think critically in order to
catch up with the students interests and to eventually come up
with strategic plans that will improve the teaching and learning


How should I do it?

I’ll be doing by monthly classroom assessment, wherein there
will going to have a different theme design of the classroom every
month so that the learners will not get bored of the decorations,
and it will motivate them more knowing that there’s always a new
ambiance of their room.
Work on my Artifacts

In not less than 300 words, write an essay on the topic: “My
Conducive Learning Environment”.

My Conducive Learning Environment

My conducive learning environment is an environment, that is
free from any form of distractions, comfortable, spacious, provided
with necessary learning needs, and has a great access of
information coming from peer and teachers’ interaction. A classroom
that is well – ventilated, well – lighted, organized, has enough
space, seats are arrange accordingly, and board displays are
interactive and interestingly giving aesthetic to the classroom.
Board displays are appropriate to the grade level and placed
respectively and organize, learning materials are available for the
students and teachers, that are all used for the development of
the learner’s wellbeing, intellect, and behaviour. There is enough
facilities and equipment for any students’ activity, students are not
deprived of any educational needs and gets motivation from both
their family and peers. Teachers who are considerate and knows
how to handle or deal with unexpected problems or situations,
understands students behavior and interest and not afraid to try
something new when it comes to facilitating, enhancement and
development of the classroom, students and teaching – learning
process. Parents are supportive and takes initiative to know their
child’s wellbeing at school and /or inside their classrooms, what kind
of environment they are getting at school, and what kind of
environment they can or should provide at home for their child.
Parents that provide everything they can and give the best they
can to make sure that their child is having the best conducive
learning environment at home. Lastly, students’ that are eager to
learn, takes initiative to help their peers and socialize with each
other. Students who aren’t afraid to fail and take risk for their
own betterment, students’ who knows to respect and understand
their peers, teachers and parents.
This is the kind of learning environment that for me is
conducive. A classroom, board display, facilities and equipment,
parents, teachers and students when perfectly manage for me is
the most crucial aspect to have the best conducive learning
Learning Episode 6
Participate and Assist

Given the concepts and the infographics, how can you participate and assist in a face –
to – face learning environment?
I can participate and assist in a face – to – face learning environment by first
arranging and organizing the classroom for it to become conducive to learning. Providing
and preparing learning and instructional materials, and designing board displays. I will be
facilitating an interactive and interesting lessons and guide students while they are doing
their group and individual tasks.


Having been exposed to the traditional classrooms in your basic

education, it seems that everything is familiar. However, as a teaching –
learning theories evolve over time there are changes that are taking place.
What changes have you noticed in the face – to – face classroom
Classroom Environment Before Classroom Environment Now
a. Classrooms before weren’t A Classrooms now are very much
that organize and arrange organized and has a lot of space for
because of the large number learning.
of students per room, it’s
really crowded.
b. Boards were mostly color B 21st century education made
green and uses manila paper classrooms more technology oriented
for visual aids and for now it uses white boards and
instructional/learning projectors for class discussion, each
materials. room also has its own audio visual for
viewing and video lessons.
c. It was not well ventilated and C. It is very well – ventilated all
most schools especially public rooms has their two – three electric
schools have their toilets fans, and for some school specially
inside their rooms. private schools rooms are
airconditioned, and toilets are clean
and wide separated from class
d. Board displays were not D. Board displays are given time to
necessarily given time to prepare and make, it is interesting
organize and most of the and has lots of educational articles
displays were reminders and posted.


What do you think brought the changes in the face – to – face learning
environment now?
I think what brought the changes in the face – to – face learning
environment now is the innovation on technology and teachers’ training on
their profession, and of course modernization.

From the changes that you identified, choose one that you can do. How will
you do it?
From the changes that I’ve identified I think I can do best in
designing and planning board displays. Since I have interest in arts and
crafts though I’m not that good I think it suit me best in designing board
displays. I’ll be doing it by observing and knowing the students’ interest and
merging it with the educational articles and posters that will gain students
attention. Also, I plan on posting their achievements and quotations from
famous persons where they can relate with.


Do you think making the learning environment conducive for a face – to

– face classroom will enable the learners to achieve better learning outcomes?
Explain your answer.
Yes, it will enable the learners to achieve better outcomes because it
is essential to have a conducive learning environment in student’s
development. Being in a distraction free, and comfortable room boosts
students good/positive energy that adds to their motivation and interest to
learn. Also, being surrounded by pleasant and aesthetic tings adds a positive
atmosphere that helps students mind to function well. Moreover, the use of
effective instructional materials helps students understanding of the lesson
that will result to a better learning outcome.

Write Action Research Prompts


What common problem have I noticed in a face – to face learning

The common problem I have noticed in a face – to – face learning
environment is that the focus of students on the lesson gets distracted due
to unnecessary noises or things.
Can I translate this problem into question?
How can teachers keep his/her student’s focus on lesson discussion?


How would I solve the problem?

I would solve the problem by making the room free from any
distraction, also I will plan their seating arrangements in a way that they
won’t chit-chat with their seatmates. Also, I will be preparing activities
wherein they can participate actively and provide an interactive and
interesting instructional material. Moreover, I will be giving rules and
regulations right before our lesson starts for them to follow like there is
always be an individual assessment right after every discussion.

Will it improve my teaching? How?

Yes, it will improve my teaching in a way that it will develop my skill in
effective facilitating as well as my flexibility to cope up with a sudden change
or disturbance.


What will I do to solve the problem? describe briefly how you will do it.
I will as I said organized and prepare a classroom free from
distraction, then provide interactive activities and interesting instructional
materials also, I will be giving rules and regulations to follow during our

Work on my Artifacts

Visit a school, where the learning environment is face – to – face.

Prepare a detailed report describing the face – to – face learning environment
in terms of three components:

Title: Face – to – Face Learning Environment

Describe the physical environment:

The room is quite spacious for the students to move around and
the room arrangement match the teaching – learning principle
which is having the chairs facing front and a desk/table in the
front for the teacher also, there were several room arrangements
in the school. The visual displays were not that much attractive
but stimulates learning for it has articles connected to their
subjects and lessons. The school premises were safe from hazards
and classrooms were also safe. The lights and ventilation were
comfortable enough for the students.

Describe the psychological environment:

There weren’t any sets of rules to follow aside from maintaining

the room clean. Expectations were not necessarily given aside from
tasks and requirements must be submitted and complied. Students
in terms of unity were quite obvious but they still maintain a small
group of friends, they have cooperation and teamwork. They show
understanding and empathy towards their classmate and there
were students who were spreading positive atmosphere and they
were most likely to be the class clown. They respect each other’s
opinion as well as gave respect to their fellow schoolmate and
teachers. They help each other academically and emotionally when
needed and not letting others feel down or out of place.

Describe the social environment:

There were lot of positive interaction between each student inside

and out of the classroom. There were lot of activities and
recreational tasks that fosters their teamwork and friendship and
also caters their differences through individual assessments and
recollection where students were given the chance to show the side
of their self that many of them didn’t know and even got surprise
for their personality that even the students didn’t know they have.
Learning Episode 7


Unlike the traditional face – to – face classroom environment, online or

virtual environment is a bit difficult to manage. It is because Virtual
Learning Environment (VLE) is imaginary and not in the physical sense. It
has no corners or walls and it can be set up with the support of technology.
As a teacher, what have you discovered to be easy to implement in your
virtual class?
As a teacher, I discovered that in order to have an easy
implementation of virtual class, I must first know/learn to use properly the
technology/application for virtual class to better assist the students. Second,
is that decide whether asynchronous or synchronous the class will be with
students votes and consideration of everyone’s situation. Lastly, is to create
one chatroom where I will send reminders and announcements as well as links
for my lessons.

How did the students show their active participation in the lesson?
The students show their active participation by answering questions
when asked and raise questions when they don’t understand something about
the lesson. Also, they are participating on their online activities by
accomplishing their tasks and actively reading and replying to their chatroom.


Which of the following is/are your analysis/analyses of on – line learning

environment? Check one or more.
_✓__ It was difficult to observe the physical behaviour of the students.
____ It takes time for students to learn how to use the platform.
_✓__ Students who are alone in their home space find difficulty to make
_✓__ Internet connectivity is a great factor to support a conducive


As a future teacher I feel that the on – line learning environment can be

safe if
Students are well knowledgeable in terms of using technology and well
guided by their teachers and parents as well as they know the proper
etiquettes and netiquettes of online or virtual class.

I think that teaching in a virtual learning environment is

Really difficult and needs a lot of preparation and patience both in using
technology, assisting and facilitating online/virtual class as well as students.
Addressing students learning needs despite being only virtually present is a
skill that teachers need in teaching in a virtual learning environment.

Write Action Research Prompts


Identify the problems brought about by the on – line learning environment.

Internet connectivity and conducive learning environment.

How would you solve this problem?
First by addressing student’s difficulty in having a stable internet
connection, I would solve this by switching the class into an asynchronous
type. Second, is to talk to the parents in order for them to be guided on how
are they will be able to give a more conducive learning environment.


What initial plan do you intend to do to solve the problem?

I plan on solving this problem by having a class assessment or meeting
with the students to know their difficulties in catching up with online
requirements and class and having a monthly assessment or visit with the
students respective home in order to know their learning environment, guide
their parents and know the students learning needs and difficulties.

Work on my Artifacts

Make a list of 10 websites where you can source references and instructional
materials for this episode. Place the list in the matrix like the one below.
Name of Website Topics/Title of Content
or Instructional
1. Teach from Anywhere:
Giving teachers and
families the tools and
tips they need to help
keep students learning.
2. Maintaining A Safe
Learning Environment
for Distance Learning
3. Creating a Supportive
Learning Environment
for Online Students
4. Creating a Safe
environment for online
5. What Do Safe,
Respectful and Inclusive
Virtual Classroom Look
6. How to Establish a Safe
Virtual Learning
7. 8 Steps to Create a
Positive and Healthy
Virtual Classroom
8. 8 Strategies to
Improve Participation in
Your Virtual Classroom
9. Teaching in the Online
Classroom: Ways
Instructors Can Build an
Engaging Virtual
10. Distance Learning: The
Role of the Teacher in a
Virtual Learning
Learning Episode 8

Participate and Assist

To ensure that I can carry out/ perform my tasks efficiently and

effectively in participating and assisting my cooperating teacher in
establishing routines and procedures, in the classroom or in remote learning,
I must be guided by the following questions:

1. How will I gain student attention in the classroom/ remote learning?

Since classroom are filled with diverse type of students that has
different learning needs and style it is a must that teachers are
ready to handle and facilitate this diversity. As a future teacher
I will gain students attention in the classroom by making the
class fun and interactive and in order to fulfil that I will design
a classroom setting that is very conducive to learning provided
with students learning needs and a classroom that is on trend
and suit students style and age. Next is that before every lesson
starts, I will be giving a motivational activity to boost their
energy and attention in learning and onto the whole lesson. I’ll
also make sure that in between the discussion there is always
an interaction with the students and allow them to share their
own thoughts and opinion to the lesson. Lastly, is to have an
activity after every lesson in order to develop their skills in group
discussion peer evaluating and self-evaluation.

2. What are the routines and procedures that I need to establish before,
during, and after my classes whether face – to – face or remote
The routines and procedures that I need to establish before my
class attendance checking, and student’s assessment of their
needs and difficulties in the subject and in the classroom and then
checking their mental, physical, and emotional health through
thought and opinion sharing. During the class I will be giving
short activities in between the discussion in order to make their
attention on the topic. And after the class will have another
activities and group/peer sharing of their learning and outcomes
of the lesson.

3. What verbal and non-verbal communication will I use to signal that

students need help/attention in the classroom/ remote learning?
In verbal communication I will just approach and talk nicely with
the students individually to prevent them for being pressure or
shy while explaining or helping them. In non- verbal
communication I will just show some facial expression and hand
gestures to politely address students and assess their needs.

4. How must students get/secure the needed work materials and books
and others in the classroom/ remote learning?
In classroom setting as a teacher I must provided a space
probably at the back of the classroom where they can put their
learning materials, and in a remote learning I must secure their
learning material in a single pdf file and give each students their
own copy.

5. How will students transition to group work and other cooperative

activities in the classroom/ remote learning?
In classroom students will be group accordingly by my choice may
it be by rows or numbering to prevent the discrimination or
scattered group members. In a remote learning I will group
them in consideration of their technological, and internet
availability in order to divide properly the ones who has better
access to technology and internet within each group.

6. What procedures must be followed by students who need to attend to

personal necessities in the classroom/ online classes?
First they need to submit a letter a week or three days before
their personal engagement for me to be notified early and make
sure that they have already submitted their task and doesn’t
have any requirements to finished before their prior
engagement, after attending their personal matters they
should take the initiative to approach their classmates for
notes and ask them what has been done when they weren’t
present in order for them to get into the track and easily follow
the lesson.

7. What rules must be set for students who finish task early/ and for
those who cannot complete work on time?
I will just simply deduct points for late submissions but still let
them submit, and for those early submission I will be giving
extra points.

8. What procedures must be observed for tardiness/ early dismissals?

In order to observe and address tardiness and early dismissal I
will individually approach them and let them rest and work on
their own pace without losing their interest in learning.

9. What procedures must be done when submitting homework /

performance tasks in the classroom/ remote learning?
When submitting in the classroom their homework/performance
tasks must be properly organize and legible if hand written and
if it is type written then I will be giving a format that they
need to follow in order for their work to be uniformed. In remote
learning their homework/performance task must follow the
format that I will be giving and must be submitted in a single
pdf file to prevent object overlapping.

10. What procedures must be employed in movements into and out of the
classroom / remote learning?
If students need to go out for a minute they can just politely
approach and ask me whether the class is in the actual
classroom or remote learning, and when going in they must avoid
distraction or noises that can cause the others distraction onto
the lesson.

Having these guide questions in mind, consult your Resource Teacher on

the possible assistance or participation that you can do to help her/ him
in doing the classroom routines. Complete the matrix for the routines that
you can employ before, during and after classes in the classroom / remote
learning to ensure order and discipline in your classes. List down the
problems which you have encountered while implementing these routines.
Students tends to forget and be distracted.
Students who seems to not understand easily and not


After doing your classroom routines and formulating your procedures,

state what you noticed by answering the following questions:
1. How do you feel after employing your classroom routines and
establishing your procedures in the classroom / remote learning?
I feel satisfied and contented since it turns out well.

2. How did your students respond to your classroom routines and

They just simply follow it and nicely ask question if there’s some

3. What was the feedback of your Resource Teacher on your classroom

routines and procedures?
Good and satisfied, just/still needs a lot of improvements.

4. Was there a change in the classroom environment/ teaching – learning

process after you have implemented your classroom routines and
Aside from it became more organize and well facilitated there
wasn’t much change happened.

5. What was the feedback of your Resource Teacher on your classroom

routines and procedures?
Good and satisfied, just/still needs a lot of improvements.


1. What factors/ conditions prompted you to establish those classroom

routines and procedures?
The only factor that prompted me to establish those classroom
routines and procedure was that the classroom wasn’t that
organize and students were not that focus.

2. Was there a marked improvement in classroom management after

employing your classroom routines?
I think the improvement is visible through class organization
and student focus and interest in lesson.

3. Did the teaching – learning process improve? Justify your answer.

I think the teaching – learning improve because in the previous
class students were not paying much attention to the class and
doesn’t have class rules so they were disoriented but after the
implementation of those routines and procedure they became
more focus and curios about their learning process and started
to be more responsible.


What insights have you gained while doing this learning episode?
After doing this episode I gained learning about the importance of
classroom routines and procedures. Establishing such routines and procedures
boost students participation and attention to class and also helps in better
facilitation of class.

Write Action Research Prompts

The problems/ challenges I encountered un establishing my classroom
Students tend to forget and be distracted.


I hope to achieve to address these problems and challenges by

By being more careful and more observant of their behavior.


Some strategies/ways which I can employ to improve my classroom routines

Make a daily observation plan.
Make/do an individual student personality/behavior assessment.


(Based on my answers in nos. 1 - 3), the possible title of my action research

on this episode is
Students individual assessment of behavior fro better classroom

To further enrich my knowledge on establishing classroom routines and

procedures, whether in the classroom or in remote learning, these are some
of the online resources which will help me in these activities. (include books,
websites, you tube videos and the like and share these to your peers.)
• How to improve your classroom management
• 6 ways to improve classroom management
• Teaching classroom routines

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