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 What is digital marketing?

In a layman’s term Digital Marketing is all about “Getting Found Online”

Digital marketing encompasses all marketing efforts that use an electronic device or the internet. Businesses
leverage digital channels such as search engines, social media, email, and their websites to connect with current
and prospective customers. There are several other modes of connecting with your buyers online too such as
blogs, cross forums and so on.

At a high level, digital marketing refers to advertising delivered through digital channels such as search engines,
Optimisation, social media, email, and mobile apps.

 Why do we go online?
o For more information on competing products, services or locations
o For small business trading
o Brand building
o Consumer insights
o B2B sales
o Relationship marketing
 Why do companies go or should go online?
Primary reasons are the rise of a new economy due to the internet, internet is a perfect venue for doing
business 24 hours and seven days a week, for enhancing and maintaining the company image, providing
better customer support, make information available more easily, not only cut costs but also to start at a
low cost from anywhere around the world. Most importantly, it gives the opportunity to go global.


 Benefits of digital marketing

Digital marketing has several benefits given briefly as below.

o Puts the consumer as well as the business in control

o Provides convenience
o Drives brand loyalty
o Reduces the selling cycle
o Builds the brand
o It is measurable
o Its cost effective
o For more info on advantages and disadvantages read:

Teaching Note prepared by Dr. Bijal Mehta - Associate Professor / course faculty for the course on Digital Marketing. This document is meant for use by students
of Digital Marketing course at AMSOM, Ahmedabad University Year 2021

 Traditional Vs Digital: The table below provides a simple comparison of the traditional vs. the digital
form of marketing.

Traditional Digital
Communication is unidirectional Communication is bidirectional
Medium of communication is generally phone Medium of communication is mostly through
calls, letters and emails social media, websites, chats, email and videos etc.
Campaigning takes more time for designing, There is always a fast way to develop an online
preparing and launching. campaign and carry out changes along its
It is carried out for a specific audience throughout The content is available for general public. It is
from generating campaign ideas up to selling a then made to reach the specific audience by
product or a service. employing search engine techniques.
It is a conventional way of marketing and is best It is best for reaching a global audience.
for reaching local audience.
It is difficult to measure the effectiveness of a It is easier to measure the effectiveness of a
campaign. campaign through analytics.

 What does digital marketing consist of?

o Web design (user experience) – of your website

o Search Engine Optimization: Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing a
website to increase traffic from organic search through search engines like Google, Yahoo, and
Bing. When content is optimized for keyword search, your website will rank higher in the search
engine results pages. The higher your search engine rank is, the more likely it is that a customer
will click on your link. Ultimately, driving more traffic to your site.
o CPM: Cost per thousand impressions also known as Cost Per Mille.
 The total price paid in a CPM deal is calculated by multiplying the CPM rate by the number
of CPM units. For example, one million impressions at $10 CPM equals a $10,000 total
 1,000,000 / 1,000 impressions = 1,000 units
1,000 units X $10 CPM = $10,000 total price
o CPC : Cost per click / The cost or cost-equivalent paid per click-through
 The terms pay-per-click (PPC) and cost-per-click (CPC) are sometimes used
interchangeably, sometimes as distinct terms. When used as distinct terms, PPC indicates
payment based on click-through, while CPC indicates measurement of cost on a per-click
basis for contracts not based on click-through.
o CPL : Cost per leads
 Online advertising payment model in which payment is based on the number of qualifying
leads generated.

Teaching Note prepared by Dr. Bijal Mehta - Associate Professor / course faculty for the course on Digital Marketing. This document is meant for use by students
of Digital Marketing course at AMSOM, Ahmedabad University Year 2021

o CPA : Cost per action

 Online advertising payment model in which payment is based solely on qualifying actions
such as sales or registrations.
o Social Media Marketing: Social media marketing refers to the process of gaining traffic or
attention through social media sites.
o Email marketing: Email marketing is the act of sending a commercial message, typically to a
group of people, using email. In its broadest sense, every email sent to a potential or current
customer could be considered email marketing.
o Display advertisement: Display advertising is a form of digital advertising that uses photos,
videos, logos or other graphics and rich media to entice users to click and be taken to a landing
page. The idea is that using more than just text will get your ad noticed among the competition,
engage the potential buyer and get them to your site to take an action (either fill in a form or make
a purchase).
o Content marketing: A type of marketing that involves the creation and sharing of online material
(such as videos, blogs, and social media posts) that does not explicitly promote a brand but is
intended to stimulate interest in its products or services. Content marketing is the heart of any
digital activity that a firm may indulge in.
o Influencer Marketing:

 Digital Marketing objectives

o Reach the right audience
o Engage with your audience
o Motivate them to take action
o Ensure efficient spending on your campaign
o Maximize ROI
 How did Digital Marketing evolve over the years?
Did you know that the first search engine was called Archie and was introduced in the 90s? The first
clickable web ad banner was introduced in 1993. Yahoo came in 1994 and in the next two years came
smaller search engines such as HotBot, LookSmart and Alexa. Yes Alexa is as old as that ! The first social
media site was launched in 1997 and was called in 1998, Google was born and Microsoft
gave birth to MSN and Yahoo launched Yahoo! Web Search. The year 2000 saw a burst of the internet
and a lot of small search engines were shut and so did LinkedIn came in 2002 and
WordPress was introduced in 2003. Our very favourite gmail was introuduced in 2004 as Google went
public. Facebook went live in the same year as well. YouTube came in 2005 and 2006 saw Twitter come
in (along with Amazons e-commerce). 2010 brought with it WhatsApp and the story continued.
But how does the digital marketing journey of a business begin?
o It usually starts with building a website
o Then Building links, more links and backlinks
o Moving on to participating in various campaigns as we will see in this course.
 Digital India

Teaching Note prepared by Dr. Bijal Mehta - Associate Professor / course faculty for the course on Digital Marketing. This document is meant for use by students
of Digital Marketing course at AMSOM, Ahmedabad University Year 2021

o With a mighty 241 million monthly users in July 2017, India claimed the first spot among the
leading countries ranked according to the Facebook users leaving behind USA and Brazil.
o In 2021, Indian internet traffic will be 291 times the entire Indian internet in 2005.
o From 2016 to 2021, internet traffic will grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 32
o 2.0 billion networked devices will be available in 2021. In 2015 and 2016, the number was 1.4
billion and 1.3 billion respectively.
o For more information read:


Teaching Note prepared by Dr. Bijal Mehta - Associate Professor / course faculty for the course on Digital Marketing. This document is meant for use by students
of Digital Marketing course at AMSOM, Ahmedabad University Year 2021

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