Indian Art Culture Script

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Talk show

Famke is going to ask the questions

Femke is going to answer them.

Lotte does the editing

Marin is filming

The questions are going to be:


1. Do you know something about the earliest paintings?

2. Yes, I do! It was the rock shelters. The paintings of Ajanta caves are the most popular
ones of the painting that survived.
3. How did the Indian painting styles change.
4. It changed when company paintings were made for British clients under the British
raj. But the Indian styles are increasingly returning to its Indians roots

5. How can Indian paintings be classified?

6. They can broadly be classified as murals, miniatures and paintings on cloth.

7. What is a sculpture?
8. Sculpture was the most favoured medium of artistic expression on the Indian

9. Do you know why the sculpture hindu divinities has multiple arms and heads?
10. Yes, I do. It was to display the manifold attributes of these god's power.

The script
Hello and welcome to The Hobby Show today's guest is Femke
Good evening Femke how are you doing?
I’m good thanks for asking
So, You know a lot about the Indian art culture, right?
Yes, I once saw the painting of the Ajanta caves and I really liked it. I decided at
that moment that I wanted to know more about the Indian art culture. So, I
looked information up and it was interesting! I found more information about
the cave paintings, sculpture, pottery and a lot of other things!
Okay, so could you tell us something about the Ajanta caves?
Yes! The paintings of the Ajanta caves are one of the earliest paintings. The
earliest paintings were on the rock shelters. The Ajanta caves are the most
popular paintings that survived. The Indian art style from then is different from
the modern style you can see now like in the paintings of Jiten Thukral and
Sumir Tagra. So, we did a little bit of research and found a painting of them.

you say that the art style has changed a lot with the time, and that the modern
style started in the 19th century, could you tell us more about it? Like how it
exactly changed, what is something you can really see that's different from the
past. Well, around 30,000 years ago one of the first paintings was made, it was
a cave painting. Through the years they also started with sculpting and
portraits. The enormous variety in style, technique, media and themes is a
pointer to the richness of Indian art and its evolution.
Okay interesting, but is there also a way how you can like classify the Indian
paintings? Yes, Indian paintings can be classified as murals, miniatures and
paintings on cloth.
Can you maybe explain what a sculpture is? And where it comes from?
Because I think some of our viewers don't really know what a sculpture is.
Of course, I can explain that. Sculpture is one of my favourite art forms. So, I
can tell you all about it! Well, the sculpture was the favoured medium of
artistic expression on the Indian subcontinent. Indian buildings were covered
with it and indeed are often inseparable from it. Can you maybe also explain
what a medium is? OH yes, I am sorry. In art "medium" refers to the substance
that the artist is using. So, for example, people also used other substances like
stone or marble. And sculpture is also an art substance. So, it's called a
medium. Thank you, now I understand it!
When we were looking at information of the Indian art, we also saw that the
hindu sculpture had multiple arms and heads. Can you tell us why this is?
Well, the hindu sculpture was made in representative to the Indian gods also
called the Hindu gods. The Hindu gods have multiple arms and heads to show
they have great power and power over the humans. It was told that the
multiple arms and heads would show up when they were battling with cosmic
forces. A cosmic force is a very powerfull force and mostly it's owner is
Well than that’s it.
Femke, thank you for coming!
And for the people at home thank you for watching!

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