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3580–3585 Nucleic Acids Research, 2003, Vol. 31, No.

DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkg608

Gibbs Recursive Sampler: finding transcription

factor binding sites
William Thompson1,*, Eric C. Rouchka2 and Charles E. Lawrence1,3
The Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of Health, Albany, NY 12201-0509, USA,
Department of Computer Engineering and Computer Science, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY 40292,
USA and 3Computer Science Department, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180, USA

Received February 14, 2003; Revised and Accepted April 9, 2003

ABSTRACT is a software package used to locate common elements in

collections of biopolymer sequences. It has been applied to
The Gibbs Motif Sampler is a software package for
the analysis of protein sequences (1,2). Gibbs sampling has
locating common elements in collections of biopoly- also been used extensively in the identification of TFBS

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mer sequences. In this paper we describe a new (3,4) and an earlier version of this software has been
variation of the Gibbs Motif Sampler, the Gibbs available at this web location for some time. In this paper we
Recursive Sampler, which has been developed describe a new variation, the Gibbs Recursive Sampler,
specifically for locating multiple transcription factor designed to search for multiple TFBS simultaneously. It
binding sites for multiple transcription factors includes several features that are designed specifically for
simultaneously in unaligned DNA sequences that locating TFBS in unaligned DNA sequences. These features
may be heterogeneous in DNA composition. Here we are based on characteristics of TF/DNA complexes or their
describe the basic operation of the web-based components.
version of this sampler. The sampler may be acces-
sed at
html and at
bayesian/gibbs/gibbs.html. An online user guide is THE GIBBS RECURSIVE SAMPLER
available at Gibbs sampling is a Markov Chain Monte Carlo procedure that
bernoulli.html and at has seen wide application in the statistical community. It was
applications/bayesian/gibbs/manual/bernoulli.html. first applied in bioinformatics as a tool for multiple sequence
Solaris, Solaris.x86 and Linux versions of the alignment in 1993 (1). Gibbs sampling techniques have
sampler are available as stand-alone programs for subsequently seen numerous enhancements and applications
academic and not-for-profit users. Commercial (2,5). A key feature of sequence-based Gibbs sampling algo-
licenses are also available. The Gibbs Recursive rithms and related expectation maximization algorithms (6,7)
is the use of motif models in the form of product multinomial
Sampler is distributed in accordance with the ISCB
models to capture sequence patterns common to the binding
level 0 guidelines and a requirement for citation of sites of each TF.
use in scientific publications. The recursive sampler, described here, was specifically
developed for the identification of TFBS in unaligned DNA
sequences. It includes several features that are unique to this
INTRODUCTION software: a rigorous Bayesian method for inferring the number
and the locations of the TFBS for multiple TF motifs
Transcription regulation is arguably the most important simultaneously; a background model of the heterogeneity in
foundation of cellular function, since it exerts the most the composition of non-coding nucleotide sequence and the
fundamental control over the abundance of virtually all of a ability to use prior information of binding motifs. In addition,
cell’s functional macromolecules. A predominant feature of it includes features to allow the use of palindromic, direct
transcription regulation is the binding of regulatory proteins, repeat and concentrated alphabet models, preferred binding
transcription factors (TFs), to cognate DNA binding sites site locations, and a rigorous test of the statistical significance
known as transcription factor binding sites (TFBS) in the of the results, the Wilcoxon signed-rank test.
genome. The computational identification of TFBS through In the following, we briefly describe how the algorithm
the analysis of DNA sequence data has emerged in the last incorporates these features and we provide instructions on
decade as a major new technology for the elucidation of the use of the algorithm and on the interpretation of its
transcription regulatory networks. The Gibbs Motif Sampler results.

*To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: þ1 5184867882; Fax: þ1 518 473 2900; Email:

Nucleic Acids Research, Vol. 31, No. 13 # Oxford University Press 2003; all rights reserved
Nucleic Acids Research, 2003, Vol. 31, No. 13 3581

process continues until a maximal number of iterations has

been executed or until a certain number of iterations, the
plateau period, has occurred without an increase in the
estimated MAP. As a default we report the MAP solution.
Alternatively, we provide a Bayesian inference of site
frequencies based on continued sampling after convergence.
These Bayesian inferences take the form of estimated
probabilities for each predicted site. Both types of solution
adjust inferences for the lengths of the input sequences and of
sites and motifs in a Bayesian manner analogous to Webb (8).

As in previous Gibbs sampling models, the probability that a
particular position in the sequence is sampled as a site is
calculated as the ratio of the probability of the site under motif
Figure 1. The compositional variation of a 500 bp region upstream of the trans- models to the probability under a background model that
lation start site of the YDR226W/ADK1 gene from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. describes the sequence in the absence of TFBS. In previous
The probability of each base at each position is calculated by the Bayesian seg- implementations, background models assumed homogeneity in

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mentation algorithm (10). This algorithm returns the probabilities of observing
each of the four bases at each position in the sequence. the composition of each sequence. However, variations in
sequence composition in non-coding DNA are often complex.
The most common approach to this complexity has been to
model the background sequence using Markov chains (9,10).
RECURSIVE DISCOVERY OF SITES Non-coding sequence is also often heterogeneous in
AND SITE COUNTS composition, particularly in eukaryotes (Fig. 1). This variation
Multiple TFs often bind in a combinatorial fashion to regulate in local base composition can adversely affect sequence
transcription. These collections of factors may contain multiple alignment (11,12). In addition, since TFBS are often A-T or
TFBS for any or all of the factors. Furthermore, some of the G-C rich, masking algorithms are often not useful for reducing
DNA sequences in a data set may contain no sites at all, or no the effect of background variation (13). To address this hetero-
sites for one or more of the factors involved in regulating the geneity, the recursive sampler uses the Bayesian segmentation
rest. While the total number of sites in a given input sequence algorithm (14) to produce a position-specific background
often spans a specifiable and relatively short range, the exact model. A two-step process is employed. First, the individual
number of sites and the number of sites corresponding to each input sequences are analyzed for heterogeneity in composition
motif in any input sequence are unknown and often vary among using the Bayesian segmentation algorithm. This algorithm
the input sequences. To address these unknowns, the sampler returns the probabilities of observing each of the four bases at
uses recursive sums over all possible alignments of 0  k  Kmax each position in a sequence, based only on that specific
sites in a sequence, to obtain Bayesian inferences on the number sequence’s compositional heterogeneity and on the uncertainty
of sites for each motif and the total number of sites in each in this heterogeneity. These probabilities are then used as
sequence. The recursion examines the placements of sites for k position-specific background models in the above ratio.
TFs, as represented by p different motifs, in each sequence. The
algorithm infers for each sequence the total number of sites, the
number of each of the p motifs and the alignments and orderings
of these sites in the sequence. In its back sampling step it Several TFs that bind as symmetric homodimers or homo-
simultaneously samples sites in each sequence according to multimeric protein complexes have palindromic DNA binding
these inferences. As in previous Gibbs sampling algorithms, the motifs (6). Other regulatory TFs such as Escherichia coli PhoB
widths of sites are inferred using a fragmentation algorithm (5). and certain zinc finger proteins bind in directly repeating
The sampling process iterates over the sequences one at a time, multimers and therefore have directly repeating binding
using currently sampled values in all other sequences, to guide patterns (15). Often, the spacing between the palindromic
the sampling process toward a converged result. half-sites is unknown. The algorithm makes inferences in these
After all of the sequences have been examined and a set of cases, using a modified version of the fragmentation algorithm
multiple motif positions has been determined, the log of the (5), by restricting fragmentation to the center positions. In a
posterior alignment probability is calculated (5). The max- number of cases, AT/TA and GC/CG base pairs may be
imum value of this probability, the MAP (maximum a indistinguishable to TF binding (16). For example, bases in the
posteriori probability), provides the optimal solution. The minor groove of DNA are less accessible to the protein, which
MAP value is measured relative to an empty or ‘null’ limits the ability to distinguish the bases. In addition, AT/TA
alignment, by taking the difference between the log of the pairs may allow the DNA greater flexibility to facilitate the
probability of the alignment and the log of the probability of an DNA bending often associated with TF binding (6). To address
empty alignment. A value greater than zero indicates that the all of these cases the recursive sampler includes motif models
alignment is more likely than unaligned background. The that use reduced alphabets.
3582 Nucleic Acids Research, 2003, Vol. 31, No. 13

Figure 3. The basic Gibbs Recursive Sampler data entry form, showing the
minimum amount of data required by the program.
Figure 2. The histogram shows the distribution of the distances of 182 reported
TFBS from start codons in E.coli regulatory sequences. The solid line is a mix-
ture of Gaussian functions fitted to the histogram data and represents the
default prokaryotic probability distribution for site locations.

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Liu and coworkers (5). Conceptually, this procedure formalizes
comparisons with negative controls to assess statistical
significance. Under the null hypothesis, sites will be no more
PREFERRED SITE LOCATIONS likely to occur in study sequences than in negative controls. In
this case, application of the Gibbs sampler or other site-finding
While at least in principle a TFBS may be located over the
algorithm to an extended set of sequences, the first half of
entire range of the input DNA sequences, there are often
which are study sequences and the second half of which are
preferred locations for binding. For example, in prokaryotes,
negative control sequences, will be equally likely to find a site
while TFBS may occur anywhere in an intergenic sequence as
in either half. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test, included in the
well as in the coding region, they are much more common in
recursive sampler, implements this concept in a manner that
and around the RNA polymerase binding site. In some cases,
uses not only the differences in the number of sites predicted in
an empirical distribution of the locations of the sites within the
study sequences versus the negative control sequences, but
sequences may be known. For example, Figure 2 shows the
also the ranks of the scores of each predicted site. Two
distribution of 182 experimentally reported intergenic TFBS
characteristics of this test contribute to its robustness: it is non-
relative to the start codons of the regulated genes in E.coli. The
parametric and there are no restrictions on the characteristics of
use of such a distribution will allow the algorithm to focus on
the negative controls that can be used with the procedure.
the most probable locations for sites (4). By default, the
algorithm uses a uniform distribution of site positions.
PRIOR INFORMATION ON CANDIDATE MOTIFS An effort was made to keep the web-based program interface
straightforward. At a minimum, to use the recursive sampler
Position weight matrices are now available for many TFs. When the user must supply a set of sequences in FASTA format, the
a sufficient number of sites from prior studies are available the maximum number of sites per sequence and an initial width
corresponding multiple alignments can be converted to position estimate for each motif. The sequence data may be pasted into
weight matrices that can be used to scan sequences for the entry window or loaded from a file. Sets of prokaryotic or
additional sites (2,17). However, it is often the case that limited eukaryotic default values for all parameters can be chosen.
data are available for the determination of a position weight Alternatively, the user can specify values for these parameters.
matrix. Fortunately, Bayesian statistics provides the means to Figure 3 illustrates the initial interface screen. Required entries
use such limited prior information through the specification of are marked with asterisks. Each entry field has an associated
prior motif models. These informed prior models provide clues hyperlink that gives details about the required data format.
to the expected patterns in DNA binding motifs that influence The sequence data is typically the non-coding sequences of
but do not control posterior inference of sites and motifs. The co-regulated genes from a single species (18) or the non-
recursive sampler permits incorporation of informed motif coding sequences of orthologous genes from several species
priors and gives the user control over the strength of the clue. (4,19). McCue and colleagues (19) describe a number of
By default, uninformed prior motif models are assumed. factors influencing the choice of species for use in the
identification of TFBS in prokaryotes.
The assessment of statistical significance of any multiple
sequence alignment is difficult. A general, robust and non- Clicking on the Show Advanced Options link brings up a new
parametric procedure for this assessment has been described by screen with more options (Fig. 4). While defaults have been set
Nucleic Acids Research, 2003, Vol. 31, No. 13 3583

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Figure 4. The Gibbs Recursive Sampler advanced entry page, showing
modifiable parameters.

for all advanced features, specification of alternative values on

this page allows the user greater control over how the sampler
searches for sites, and also allows adjustment of the program
runtime parameters. For example, in a particular prokaryotic
application, the user may decide to replace the default choice
of palindromic sites with a non-palindromic model. A number
of other parameters influence the operation of the program.
Several items have been mentioned above and further
information on formats and acceptable values can be obtained
by clicking on the associated hyperlinks.

Figure 5. Sample output from Gibbs Recursive Sampler.

By default, the algorithm returns the single best solution that it
has found as measured by the MAP value. However, no receiving the output online. Figure 5 illustrates typical program
prediction method is perfect, and not all of the predictions of output. These results are for a set of 18 sequences extracted
this or other algorithms are equally compelling. For examina- from E.coli regulatory regions. The sequences are known to
tion of the creditability of each prediction, a Bayesian sampling contain binding sites for the protein CRP (6). The results were
solution is also available as an option. For this solution, after generated using the recursive sampler with the following
the MAP solution has been determined, the algorithm parameters: a width of 16, a palindromic model, a maximum
continues to sample, in order to explore variations in the number of sites per sequence of two and heterogeneous
models. The frequencies with which sites are sampled are background composition. Since we used a palindromic model,
recorded and reported to the user. Variations in models may the search for sites in the reverse complement direction was
alter estimates of site frequencies from the values obtained turned off. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test was applied to test
with the single MAP solution. Our experience shows that some the statistical significance of the resulting alignment.
sites are strong and are sampled 100% of the time, while
others are weaker and are sampled with a lower frequency.
These sampling frequencies are an estimate of the probability INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS
that the cognate TF binds at each predicted site. By default,
The first portion of the results in Figure 5 is a list of the options
only sites that have a frequency of at least 50% are reported.
used for the current run. This is followed by a list of the FASTA
headings for the input sequences. Next are the results from the
MAP solution for each motif. The listing for each motif begins
with a table having a column for each of the bases and a row for
The web-based version of Gibbs Recursive Sampler produces each of the positions in the motif. The numbers in the table
the same output as does the stand-alone version. Normally, the indicate the estimated probability of occurrence of each base in
output is returned via email. The user also has the option of each position within the motif, throughout the alignment. The
3584 Nucleic Acids Research, 2003, Vol. 31, No. 13

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last column gives the information contribution to the model of
each position, with a maximum of two bits. Thus, this table
gives the estimated binding pattern of the motif and a measure
of the degree of conservation of each position in bits.
The next portion of the results is the alignment of the motif
sites, along with the probability that each site belongs to the
current motif model. Immediately below the listing of motif
sites is a row containing asterisks. The asterisks indicate the
conserved columns of the site. In the example in Figure 5, even
though the initial width of the site was entered as 16, the
program fragmented the sites to a total width of 22, 16
conserved columns and six non-conserved columns. Only the
conserved columns are used in the alignments. The fragmenta-
tion algorithm dynamically learns which columns are
conserved. The p-value of 0.000396 from the Wilcoxon
signed-rank test indicates that the solution is highly significant.
In addition, the predicted sites match well with the reported crp
binding sites for these sequences (6).
The MAP calculation includes terms for each component of
the model: the motif model, the fragmentation, the background
model and the alignment. The individual contributions of the two
motif-specific terms, the motif model term and the fragmentation Figure 5. Continued.
term are listed for each individual motif. The final full log MAP
minus the log of the null MAP (MAP of the sequence with no
Nucleic Acids Research, 2003, Vol. 31, No. 13 3585

sites) is returned at the bottom of the output, as are the 4. McCue,L.A., Thompson,W., Carmack,C.S., Ryan,M., Liu,J., Derbyshire,V.
background and null MAP terms. A full description of the and Lawrence,C.E. (2001) Phylogenetic footprinting of transcription factor
binding sites in proteobacterial genomes, Nucleic Acids Res., 39, 774–782.
output, along with other examples can be found at http:// 5. Liu,J., Neuwald,A. and Lawrence,C.E. (1995) Bayesian models for multiple local sequence alignment and Gibbs sampling strategies. J. Amer.
Stat. Assoc., 90, 1156–1170.
6. Lawrence,C.E. and Reilly,A. (1990) An expectation maximization (EM)
algorithm for the identification and characterization of common sites in
ADDITIONAL FEATURES unaligned biopolymer sequences. Proteins, 7, 41–51.
7. Bailey,T.L. and Elkin,C. (1994) Fitting a mixture model by expectation
The Gibbs Motif Sampler web page also allows for the analysis maximization to discover motifs in biopolymers. In Altman,R., Brutlag,D.,
of amino acid sequences. With the exception of nucleotide- Karp,P., Lathrop,R. and Searls,D. (eds), Proceedings of the Second
specific features described above, all of the sampling options International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology,
AAAI Press, Menlo Park, CA, pp. 28–36.
are applicable to proteins. Low complexity regions of amino 8. Webb,B.J., Liu,J.S. and Lawrence,C.E. (2002) BALSA: Bayesian algor-
acid sequences can be removed with an XNU process (20) ithm for local sequence alignment. Nucleic Acids Res., 30, 1268–1277.
using a BLOSSUM62 matrix. 9. Liu,X., Brutlag,DL. and Liu,J.S. (2001) BioProspector: discovering
conserved DNA motifs in upstream regulatory regions of co-expressed
genes. Proc. Pac. Symp. Biocomp., 6, 127–138.
10. Thijs,G., Lescot,M., Marchal,K., Rombauts,S., De Moor,B., Rouze,P. and
OTHER RESOURCES Moreau,Y. (2001). A higher order background model improves the detection
of regulatory elements by Gibbs Sampling. Bioinformatics, 17, 1113–1122.
A number of other web sites exist for the discovery of motifs in 11. Marchal,K., Thijs,G., De Keersmaecker,S., Monsieurs,P., De Moor,B. and

Downloaded from by guest on April 6, 2011

nucleotide sequences. Several of these are based on Gibbs Vanderleyden,J. (2003) Genome-specific higher-order background models
sampling methods (9,21–23). Others use expectation max- to improve motif detection, Trends Microbiol., 11, 61–66.
12. Altschul,S.F., Gish,W., Miller,W., Myers,E.W. and Lipman,D.J. (1990)
imization (7, Basic local alignment search tool. J. Mol. Biol., 215, 403–410.
html), neural nets (24) or suffix trees or similar enumerative 13. Wootton,J.C. and Federhen,S. (1996) Analysis of compositional biased
algorithms (25–27) to search for motifs in unaligned sequence regions in sequence databases. Methods Enzymol., 266, 554–571.
data. Workman and Stormo (24) provide a comparison of an 14. Liu,J. and Lawrence,C.E. (1999) Bayesian inference on biopolymer
earlier version of this software with neural network and models. Bioinformatics, 15, 38–52.
15. Warner,B.L. (1996) Phosphorous assimilation and control of the phosphate
expectation maximization algorithms. regulon. In Neihdhardt, F.C. (ed.), Escherichia coli and Salmonella: Cellular
and Molecular Biology. ASM Press, Washington, DC, pp. 1357–1381.
16. Twyman,R.M. (1998) Advanced Molecular Biology, A Concise Reference.
Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, pp. 246–247.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION 17. Staden,R. (1989) Methods for calculating the probabilities of finding
patterns in sequences. Comput. Appl. Biosci., 5, 89–96.
The Bayesian Bioinformatics web page at http://www. 18. Wasserman,W., Palumbo,M., Thompson,W., Fickett,J. and Lawrence,C.E. provides a number of other (2000) Human-mouse genome comparisons to locate regulatory sites.
web based applications for sequence analysis, a database of Nature Genet., 26, 225–228.
predicted E.coli TFBS, a tutorial on Bayesian bioinformatics 19. McCue,L.A., Thompson,W., Carmack,C.S. and Lawrence,C.E. (2002)
and references. Factors influencing the identification of transcription factor binding sites by
cross-species comparison. Genome Res., 12, 1523–1532.
20. Claverie,J.M. and States,D. (1993) Information enhancement methods for
large scale sequence analysis, Comp. Chem., 17, 191–201.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 21. Hughes,J.D., Estep,P.W., Tavazoie,S. and Church,G.M. (2000) Computational
identification of cis-regulatory elements associated with functionally coherent
We thank our colleagues at the Wadsworth Center for their groups of genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J. Mol. Biol., 296, 1205–1214.
22. Thijs,G., Marchal,K., Lescot,M., Rombauts,S., De Moor,B., Rouze,P. and
assistance, especially C. Steven Carmack and Clarence Chan Moreau,Y. (2002) A Gibbs sampling method to detect over-represented
for assistance with the web programming, and Lee Ann McCue motifs in upstream regions of coexpressed genes. J. Comp. Biol., 9,
and Michael Palumbo for critical readings of the manuscript. 447–464.
This work was supported by NIH grant R01HG01257 and 23. van Helden,J., André,B. and Collado-Vides,J. (2000) A web site for the
DOE grant DE-FG02-01ER63204. computational analysis of yeast regulatory sequences. Yeast, 16, 177–187.
24. Workman,C. and Stormo,G.D. (2000) ANN-Spec: a method for
discovering transcription factor binding sites with improved specificity.
Proc. Pac. Symp. Biocomp., 5, 464–475.
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